Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Arrangements by Lan Fei, Hisoka Arrives 【Seeking Flower Evaluation】

As the news of winning the challenge to the landlord on the 250th floor spread, Lan Fei, the party involved, was hiding in his room on the 200th floor.

“These people are really crazy!”

“Everyone wants to know the battle on the 250th floor, and also wants to know the mysterious identity of the owner of the 250th floor…”

Lan Fei was lying on the bed, and now he has become the new owner of the 250th floor. The purpose of this trip to the sky arena is achieved.

The owner of the 250th floor is the most prestigious existence in the sky arena.

Moreover, he also has more than 200 million rewards, and he can be regarded as a small billionaire.

“After today, I will be able to move into the 250th floor. I wonder if Gon will be frightened by his current identity when he comes to the Sky Arena.”

Lan Fei secretly said.

After becoming the owner of the 250th floor, Lan Fei can go back to Whale Island and hand over all the winnings she won to Aunt Mito. More than 200 million yuan is enough for her to spend her whole life.

It’s just that Lan Fei doesn’t want to go back for the time being.

Because, before leaving Whale Island, Lan Fei promised Aunt Mito to take good care of Gon, but after the third Hunter exam, he went to the sky arena first and left Gon alone in the cruel Hunter during the exam.

Of course, with Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika around, Lan Fei didn’t worry about Gon’s safety. With Gon’s strength, he could pass the exam and get the Hunter qualification certificate.

Moreover, the reason why Lan Fei left was because he got the privilege of President Netero and became a Hunter first, so Lan Fei couldn’t follow Gon’s ass and wait for him to complete the Hunter exam, right?

“No matter how much, I already made an agreement with Gon to meet in Youkexin City.”

“After moving into the 250th floor tomorrow, it’s time to go to Youkexin City.”

Lan Fei rolled over and slowly sat up from the bed.

bang bang bang~~~! ! !

Just as Lan Fei got up, there was a knock at the door of the room.

Lan Fei knew that another player on the 200th floor wanted to find him to find out the mysterious identity and strength of the previous owner of the 250th floor.

“Lan Fei…’s me!!!”

At this time, the voice of Zooci, the little Zhengtai, came from outside the door.

“This little Zhengtai… is really persevering!”

Lan Fei was startled, shook his head and smiled bitterly, got up and slowly opened the door.

Others Lan Fei didn’t want to talk about it, but Zooci and Wing, Lan Fei still regarded them as friends, after all, after Gon came to the sky arena, they taught Gon how to cultivate mind.

“Lan Fei!!!”

“You…really defeated the owner of the 250th floor?”

“By the way, what does the owner of the 250th floor look like? What is his identity?”

“Lan Fei, what is the strength of the owner of the 250th floor?”

As soon as Lan Fei opened the door, Zooci, the little Zhengtai, couldn’t wait to ask.

“The broadcast has spread to all floors of the Sky Arena, is this still fake?”

Lan Fei glared at Zooci.

“Lan Fei, congratulations, starting today, you are the new owner of the 250th floor.”

“I didn’t expect that my Wing would have the opportunity to meet the new owner of the 250th floor.”

Behind Zooci, Wing adjusted the frame of his glasses and stared at Lan Fei with a smile on his face.

“Would you like to come in and sit down?”

Lan Fei nodded.

“no need.”

“If it wasn’t for Zooci clamoring to come to you, I wouldn’t talk too much.”

“Of course, this time should be the last time we meet. Now that you are the owner of the 250th floor, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to see you in the future.”

“Lan Fei, the former owner of the 250th floor, what is his identity? What is his strength?”

Wing said seriously, his face became serious.

“You really want to know?”

Lan Fei frowned.

Logically, the Sky Arena kept the identity and strength of the 21st floor owner very secret. If he hadn’t challenged the 250th floor himself, he probably wouldn’t have known the true identity of the 250th floor owner.

However, now that he has defeated the owner of the 250th floor, his identity should not be a secret.


Wing nodded slightly.

“Do you know the twelve Earthly Branches in the Hunter Association?”

Lan Fei looked at Wing and couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

“Twelve Earthly Branches?”

Wing’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“The previous owner of the 250th floor was a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches.”

Lan Fei nodded and didn’t reveal much.

“Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect it to be so big, the twelve Earthly Branches, that is the most mysterious organization in the Hunter Association.”

“Lan Fei, the fact that you can defeat this kind of opponent is indeed the most perverted one in the history of the Sky Arena.”

Wing couldn’t help smacking his lips.

The Twelve Earthly Branches, he has heard of, is the most mysterious organization in the Hunter Association. The members of this organization are all abnormal in strength, and at least they are all two-star Hunters. They are the highest in the Hunter Association except for the president of Netero. .

“Okay Zooci, let’s go.”

After getting the answer that he had always doubted in his heart, Wing touched Zooci’s little head, ready to turn around and leave.

“By the way, I have an unkind request.”

Suddenly, Lan Fei stopped Wing.

“With your current reputation and status, do you still need to invite me?”

Wing shook his head with a wry smile.

“Soon, my brother Gon will come to the sky arena. When that time comes, please take care of you.”

“Especially the cultivation of mindfulness, you still need to teach it with your heart.”

“Gon’s talent and personality, I believe you will like him when you meet him.”

Lan Fei exhorted.

“younger brother?”


Wing nodded and turned to leave the 200th floor with Zooci.

For Lan Fei’s request, he immediately agreed. After all, not everyone can get the favor of the owner of the 250th floor.

As everyone knows, it is such a favor that will make Wing embark on an unexpected peak in the future.

“Acting master, what are the twelve earthly branches?”

“Is it great?”

Zooci followed Wing and kept asking like a curious baby.


“This kid actually defeated the landlord of the 250th floor and became the new landlord.”

“It’s really not easy. If such strength is placed in the brigade, even the head of the group will feel pressure.”

“It’s a pity that this kid is not interested in the brigade, otherwise, his joining will definitely make the brigade look brand new.”

On the first floor of the Sky Arena, in the lobby, there are still people queuing up to register, and Machi, a member of the Phantom Troupe, also got the news of the success of Lan Fei’s challenge as soon as possible.

While she was shocked, a familiar figure slowly walked into the Sky Arena building and walked towards her.

This person is Hisoka. *

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