Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 I will let you feel the strength of the eight doors and armors [Subscribe]

Just when Feitan and others were shocked.

The battle between Kurapika and Uvogin has also entered a white-hot stage.

“Who the hell are you? There are not many people in this world who can take a punch from me and do nothing at all. Your strength is worthy of my affirmation. 39

“I can feel a special will from your thoughts, your chains should be infused with some kind of contract thoughts, right?

Uvogin had no spare time to focus on Feitan and the others fighting Lan Fei, and at the moment, he only had Kurapika in his eyes.

Because, Kurapika has aroused his strongest desire to fight.

“Before answering your question, I have to ask you a question, do you remember the person you killed?

Kurapika swung his left hand, although he received a heavy punch from Uvogin, but with his Nen trait, the healing chain of his thumb can completely heal his injured left hand in an instant.

“A little bit.”

“As long as I am impressed by the person, I will not forget.

Uvogin twisted his neck and made a bone-shaking sound, “So, you are here for revenge, right? Tell me, who are you avenging for?”


Kurapika stared coldly at Uvogin.

“Sorry, never heard of it.”

Uvogin shook his head.

“What about my red eyes? 99

“Don’t you remember too? 33

Kurapika slowly walked towards Uvogin, her jet-black eyes instantly turned fiery red.

“Huh? Your eyes…I remembered, those guys who lived secretly in the mainland, but the head of the regiment liked them very much, those guys are very strong, you shouldn’t be a survivor of that clan Bar?

In an instant, Uvogin bared his teeth and grinned, his eyes bursting, and his emotions became even more excited and violent.

“Damn scum, pay for your life!! 99


A terrifying aura erupted from Kurapika instantly, he raised his right hand, the chain clicked, and pointed at Uvogin.


Seeing Kurapika earnestly, Uvogin’s body also burst out with a terrifying and violent aura, and even the state of entanglement turned crimson, “Because of a guy like you, killing makes me even more excited and happy, and I can’t stop.


As soon as he finished speaking, Uvogin slammed his fist on the ground, and saw a huge crack in the ground, spreading towards Kurapika, setting off sand and rocks.

Seeing this, Kurapika jumped up, flicked the chain in his hand, and chased after Uvogin.

However, Uvogin is not the type to sit still, he is very fast, and with the powerful explosion of his feet, he avoids the attack of the chain again and again.

“Damn it, avoiding it all the time is not the way to go.

“This chain is so annoying.”

“Also, he didn’t have anything to do with the punch just now, it should be the Enhancer.

“However, being able to inject such a powerful thought into the chain is either an Emitter or a Manipulator who materializes Qi…

“Damn, who the hell is this guy…

Uvogin clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, he couldn’t figure out what kind of system Kurapika had cultivated, nor could he find Kurapika’s flaws and weaknesses.

He cultivates Enhancer Nen himself, and he can only exert his maximum attack power when he is close. However, Kurapika has a chain in his hand, so it is impossible to give him another chance to get close.

“That punch just now…is your full strength?”

Kurapika stared at Uvogin calmly, with a hint of contempt in her fiery red eyes.


“Very well, for the first time in so many years, I have been underestimated by my opponents.

“Next, I’ll let you feel my full power!!

“with full force!!”


In an instant, Uvogin’s body, in a state of entanglement, released the training, the breath skyrocketed again, the red color was like a flame, and the powerful aura pressed the air into chaos.

“Super Destruction Punch!!!’

Uvogin laughed wildly and charged towards Kurapika again.

“Nobunaga, be careful!!!”

On the other side, when Lan Fei’s lower body reconnected and returned to normal, Shalnark, who had recovered from the shock, shouted at Nobunaga.

“Light Speed Kick!!!”


Nobunaga was about to draw his sword, but was kicked by Lan Fei, and hit the rock wall of the canyon heavily, smashing the rock wall into a huge deep pit, and the whole person fell deeply into it, a trace of The cracks spread from the bottom of the valley to the peak of the valley.


Nobunaga wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his figure struggled directly out of the deep pit.

Obviously, Nobunaga was injured at this step.

Of course, it’s just that the internal organs were injured. After all, when Nobunaga was an Enhancer Nen, his strength was much stronger than that of the Yin Beast.

“” “As expected of an Enhancer’s samurai, he can resist my light-speed kick, which is comparable to a clown like a non-yin beast.

“Next, it’s my turn to exert force, you have to be ready. 99

“So far, I haven’t fought seriously!

“The six of you, let’s go together, I will let you feel the strength of the eight doors and armors!!

Lan Fei grinned.

For the six Phantom Troupe members, the glittering fruit alone is not enough, only with all eight dungeons fully open can they be beaten down one by one.

“Eight-door Dunjia?”

Hearing this, Shalnark frowned.

“Does this kid still have a hidden hole card? 39

Feitan took a deep breath and stared at Lan Fei with a wary face.

“Be careful, this kid is going to fight back.”

Machi reminded that the whole person also entered a state of battle.

“Could it be that the full strength of this kid wasn’t exposed before?”

Franklin was taken aback.

“To fight against the six members of our Phantom Troupe by himself, so far (Li Li’s), this kid is still the first.”

Shizuku straightened the frame of his glasses, and the bulge was summoned by her.

In fact, the six of them can be swarmed together, but Lan Fei’s ability to elementalize makes them feel a headache, and even has no solution!

“Eight-door Dunjia, open the door!!


In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from Lan Fei’s body.

“This kid…the gas is soaring!! Copy!”

“Is this the practice he released?”

“What? The breath is still rising sharply

“It’s… too scary, isn’t it?””

“Eight Gates of Dunjia, start to open the door!!! 99

“Eight Gates Dunjia, the door to death is open!!!””


As Lan Fei’s voice fell, the aura on his body changed from green to blue, then from blue to red, and the terrifying aura pressed the surrounding space to distort.

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