Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 76 Draw the sword? Nobunaga, die! 【Subscription】

“This is this

“How can it be?”

Seeing this scene, Nobunaga couldn’t believe it.

“Uvogin he… was ~ seconds??”

Machi’s eyes widened, unable to believe that this was all real.

A powerful Enhancer Nen like Uvogin, just got punched?

You must know that Uvogin’s strength can definitely be ranked in the top five in the brigade, and even he was instantly killed by one punch, how can these people stop?

Machi knew that Lan Fei was very strong, after all, she defeated the owner of the 250th floor of the Sky Arena, but she never thought that Lan Fei would be perverted to such an extent that Uvogin was killed with one punch.

With such strength, it is no wonder that they can defeat the twelve Earthly Branch members of the Hunter Association, which is probably comparable to the five largest Nen in the world.

“Damn, this kid…”

“We… let’s find a way to escape.

Shizuku swallowed her saliva, and even when Uvogin’s firepower was on, she was instantly killed by a punch. She didn’t think she could take this punch in Lan Fei’s hands.

Because, in terms of strength and defense, Uvogin is the strongest among them, and such Enhancer Nen are all smashed in seconds, how could they be able to stop them?

“This kid definitely has the strength to rival the top five Nen in the world.”

“Nobunaga, Franklin, prepare yourself to cover the others from leaving.”

“Uvogin is dead, we can’t be wiped out by this little ghost group, at least one must go back alive and bring this news back to the group leader.”

Shalnark was shocked when he saw Uvogin being killed by a single punch, but he quickly recovered his calmness. As a rare think tank in the brigade, he was usually responsible for processing and analyzing intelligence, and he conveyed his thoughts immediately.

“It can’t be delayed any longer, at this rate, we may be wiped out by this little ghost group.

“This kid is too strong, beyond our imagination.

Feitan stared at Lan Fei stubbornly, and felt a blow in his heart.

As a member of Phantom Troupe, which one is not arrogant, but now there is no self-confidence in the past, and everyone feels despair.

“You run away, I will stay to cover you, even if I die, I will fight until the last moment.

Franklin took a step forward, his eyes firm.

“I’ll stay too, you guys can go. 35

Nobunaga is armed with a long sword, and in this time of crisis, his mission is to cover the other members from leaving.

“Come on!!!”

Franklin roared loudly, his hands slowly popped out, ten knuckles fell off, and he used his Nen “two-handed machine gun” again.

“Lan Fei, kill them, don’t let them escape.”

Hearing Franklin’s roar, Kurapika’s fiery red eyes flashed with terrifying murderous intent.

Although he was also shocked by Lan Fei’s strength, he couldn’t care less at this time. Since he had the strength to crush spiders, he wouldn’t give them a chance to escape.

In the beginning, how desperate the Kuluta people were, and how desperate the spider people are now, that’s what Kurapika wanted.

Since they want revenge, they must let the spider members feel despair, feel pain, and feel the unwillingness and resentment of being hunted.

“Right now, separate and run away!!!!”

“If you can survive, see you at the base!! 99

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, Shalnark no longer hesitated, and the first one rushed out of the canyon.

Behind him, Feitan and others also exerted their full speed and rushed out of the canyon in different directions.

“Want to escape?”

Kurapika’s figure flickered, and the chain in his hand was entangled, chasing after Shalnark.

da da da ~~~~~

However, Franklin didn’t give him a chance, and the dense array of thought bullets drowned towards Kurapika as soon as possible.

“damn it!”

Seeing this, Kurapika didn’t dare to neglect, the chain in his hand was wound directly into a circle, and he tried his best to block Franklin’s bullets.


The sound of the bullet and the chain colliding was extremely harsh, and it directly blocked Kurapika’s pursuit.

Franklin’s bullets are powerful, but Kurapika’s chains were originally created to catch spiders, and their power is also abnormal.


・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

At the same time, Nobunaga started again. He clenched his long sword tightly, and his body was in a half-squatting posture. The qi in his body expanded outward with himself as the center, covering half of the canyon, with a maximum radius of four meters.

Strengthening the blade with the application technique “Zhou” of “Nian” and integrating “Circle” into his Iai sword drawing technique, this is Nobunaga’s strongest method, and it is also Nobunaga’s last madness.

Just like Uvogin, as the death squad of the brigade, he has long put his life and death aside. If one day, he can exchange his life for the vitality of his companions, he will not turn back.

And this day has finally come.


In an instant, Nobunaga rushed towards Lan Fei, and when Lan Fei entered his circle, Nobunaga flashed and drew his sword at Lan Fei!


However, Nobunaga’s instant flash was half a beat slower than Lan Fei’s. With Lan Fei’s speed of light, and the fact that he has now opened the dead door among the eight dungeons, with the blessing of five-speed, Nobunaga has no chance to meet Lan Fei at all. Even the Iai sword-drawing technique he is most proud of.


Lan Fei’s figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the next second appeared directly above Nobunaga’s head.


Lan Fei directly condescended and threw a powerful punch at Nobunaga below, and the void began to distort.


In an instant, the power of this punch directly compresses the air, rolling it towards Nobunaga in the form of an air cannon.


Nobunaga coughed up blood directly. He was horrified to find that he was compressed by the air cannon and couldn’t move, and even the long sword in his hand could not be unsheathed.



Lan Fei threw another punch, and the powerful qi pressed the air, fortunately, in the form of an air cannon, it crushed Nobunaga again.

“Three legs! 99


“Five feet!!!

Lan Fei didn’t give Nobunaga a chance at all. After five punches, Nobunaga’s eyes widened. Blood poured out of his nose, ears, and mouth. Even the blood coughed up from his mouth was mixed with broken internal organs. Slowly falling down, the long sword in his hand also fell to the ground, and there was no more vitality.

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