Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 The old man bullies the new man, Lan Fei is planted with a tracking card 【Subscription】

“Mr. Lan Fei, the next step is to explain the game, do you want to continue listening?”

NPC intelligent life reminded.


Lan Fei shrugged. Although he knew a little about the plot, he was a newcomer after all. If he listened to it, he might be able to retrieve some memories.

“When you enter this game, you will get a ring. As long as you wear the wonder ring, you can use two kinds of magic in this world, one is GAIN.”

The NPC intelligent life said patiently.


Lan Fei nodded, took out a ring from his arms and put it in his hand.

The rings, memory cards, and game consoles were all obtained from Chrollo. When Chrollo stole the game of Greed Island, he also stole the ring that opened the game.

Rings and memory cards, both are indispensable in this game!

“Please stretch out your ring finger and shout out”

NPC intelligent life reminded.

Lan Fei raised his right hand and tapped forward with his ringed index finger.


In an instant, a magic book floated directly in front of him.

“The purpose of this game is to ask all players to collect the designated cards, and the magic book just called out is the card book used to collect 597 cards.

“Each pocket in the card booklet will be marked with a different number, and such numbered pockets can only hold cards of the specified number.

“Of course, there are also pockets that are not marked with numbers. Any card can be put in them. Those are called free pockets.”

“Designated pockets range from 0 to 99, one has 100, and there are only 45 free pockets. As long as the player can collect all 100 cards in the designated pocket, it will be considered a challenge clearance.”

NPC intelligent life explained.

“It’s not difficult to collect 100 cards.

“It’s just that the most troublesome thing in this game is the magic of various cards.

Lan Fei nodded.

“Of course, these cards are obtained from various props cards.”

NPC intelligent life reminded.

“I know this.

Lan Fei waved his hand, indicating that the NPC intelligent life in front of him doesn’t need to explain more.

The so-called card transformation is that when the props are touched, the props will turn into cards, so that they can be put into the card book.

However, once the (cgbc) card is turned into an item, the magic of GAIN is needed, and after the card is turned back into an item, it cannot be turned into a card again; and if you want to get this card again, you need to find a card that can be turned into a card again. props.

“Finally, two more notes…35

The NPC sapients tried to continue, but was interrupted by Lan Fei soon after.

“Alright, alright.”

“I understand the rest.”

Lan Fei didn’t want to let this NPC’s intelligent life delay any longer, and she said the same rules of the game as she told Gon, Killua, and Kurapika.


The NPC intelligent life still responded politely.


Soon, a ladder appeared in the console, and the ladder extended to the dark passage.

“Please go down the stairs over there, I wish you a good time and clear the customs as soon as possible. 35

The NPC intelligent life reminded one last time.


Lan Fei nodded and slowly walked down the stairs.

It didn’t take long for Lan Fei to reach the end of the stairs, and what appeared in front of him was an endless grassland, which was exactly the same as the real world, with blue sky and white clouds, the breeze was just right, the mountains and the thatched cottages were still standing in the distance.

Just as Lan Fei looked around curiously, several newcomers came out of the stairs behind him.

Although different memory cards are used, the starting point is the same.

“Wow! What an amazing game, it’s exactly like the real world here.

“Boundless prairie!!!”

“The breeze is just right and the air is so fresh…”

Behind Lan Fei, there were exclamations.

Almost all of these players came in together. After all, for ordinary people, it is still very difficult for a person to collect all the cards.

“Forget it, just entered the game world, let’s take a look first.

“However, these four weeks have been monitored. Perhaps, this is the treatment of newcomers.”

Lan Fei shrugged.


Suddenly, at this moment, a golden light descended from the sky, like a falling meteor, directly smashing the grass out of a deep pit, and in the deep pit, a burly man with purple curly hair appeared.

“Little devil, is this your first time playing this game?”

The purple curly-haired man smiled.

“Bullying newbies?

Lan Fei crossed his arms around his chest and stared at the purple curly-haired man calmly.

“Um…. sort of. 99

The purple curly-haired man grinned, only to see a voyeur card appearing in his hand, and then put it on his card reader.

Soon, a line of words was displayed on the card reader: Use the voyeur spell, please select the target player.

After a simple operation, the information about Lan Fei was displayed on the card reader of the purple curly-haired man.

“Lan Fei?”

“Thirteen? Free pocket doesn’t have any cards.””

After the peeping card disappeared, the purple curly-haired man raised his head and stared at Lan Fei with a half-smile.

“and then?”

Lan Fei said lightly.

“Huh? It seems that you are not at all curious about the means I use?”

“As a novice, there are really not many people who have the mentality like yours.”

The purple curly-haired man was a little surprised.

He couldn’t see the slightest nervousness and shock in Lan Fei’s eyes. You know, I used a peeping card to investigate and learned Lan Fei’s identity information and the number of cards. Any newcomer would feel uneasy?

Lan Fei was fine, just like a nobody.

When did rookie players have such a mentality?

In fact, if Lan Fei hadn’t known about the existence of the spell card, he would have been frightened by the purple curly-haired man’s sudden move.

“Hmph, what if you’re in a good mood?”

“There is not a single card in the free pocket, indicating that this kid is a newcomer.”

“Since it’s a newcomer, it’s enough to use this tracking card.”

The purple curly-haired man pinched his chin, quickly made a decision, and shouted: “Use tracking to attack Lan Fei!!!!”


In an instant, the purple curly-haired man’s voice just fell, and the tracking card in his hand turned into a golden light with the direction of an arrow, blasting towards Lan Fei.

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