Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 158: Super Explosion

Chapter 158: Super Explosion

The child anomaly was a level two anomaly with very lackluster defenses, and it was easily felled by an all-out attack from a level three anomaly.

Adam's giant carving knife slashed all the way down the length of the child anomaly's entire body, splitting it into two.

In order to ensure that it didn't somehow manage to survive due to certain special abilities, Adam picked up the two halves of its body and tossed them both at Hellhound.

In the instant that the two halves of the body were thrown up into the air, they were immediately struck by a pair of Explosive Fireballs, instantly incinerating them to ashes.

That's one down!

Anomalic power rose up from the ashes, and Hellhound was situated closest to the charred remains of the child anomaly, so it was able to enjoy the feast before any of Adam's other anomalies.

Of course, the vortex also reappeared.

The child anomaly was only a level two anomaly, so it released far less anomalic power than the gargoyle anomaly did, but the suction force released by the vortex didn't weaken in the slightest. Furthermore, it had only a single anomaly contending with it this time, and all of the anomalic power was sucked away in just a few seconds. Hellhound was only able to enjoy a few mouthfuls of its feast before it was taken away, and all it could do was howl in fury at the vortex.


"Focus on the battle first!"

This was a battle of life and death against extremely formidable opponents, so they couldn't afford to waste time crying over spilled milk.

After killing the child anomaly, Adam and his anomalies switched their target to the prostitute anomaly.

"Hellhound, Nun, use long-range attacks!"

The prostitute anomaly wasn't very powerful, either, but it had two trump cards up its sleeve, one of which was the all-devouring ability of its genitalia, while the other was the mucus within its body.

Anyone who came into contact with the mucus would temporarily enter a frenzied state, where they would attack blindly, unable to discern between friend and foe. Even adapters weren't immune to this effect, so it was naturally no surprise that anomalies, which were the embodiment of chaos, were also unable to resist those effects.

Thankfully, the prostitute anomaly's defenses were also quite mediocre, and it began to howl in agony as its body was severely ravaged by a combination of corrosive sewage and exploding fireballs.

Its agonized cries attracted the attention of the other enemy anomalies, and several tentacles immediately shot out before wrapping themselves around Hellhound, Nun, and the screaming prostitute anomaly.

The alien anomaly was one of the anomalies that were ganging up on Fighter Li, but they weren't making much progress there, so it had decided to rescue the prostitute anomaly.

However, its intervention had come too late.

After being wrapped up by the alien anomaly's tentacles, Hellhound and Nun instinctively began to retaliate and struggle. Hellhound was able to tear the tentacle apart with its fangs, while Nun severed the other tentacle with its sharp claws.

Thus, the only one that was dragged over to the alien anomaly's side was the prostitute anomaly.

"Damn... You're already like this..." the alien anomaly said in a disappointed voice as it inspected the prostitute anomaly's already severely ravaged body. "You're already too wounded to continue... I may as well... get you to make one final contribution!"

The alien anomaly plunged its tentacles into the prostitute anomaly's body as it spoke, then began to inject gray energy into it. Before long, the prostitute anomaly's body had swelled up to resemble a giant balloon from the influx of energy.

The energy was very strange in that it was somehow able to prevent itself from leaking out, despite all of the holes in the prostitute anomaly's body.

After the injection of energy was complete, the tentacle anomaly hurled the prostitute anomaly onto the battlefield.

"No... Help me..."

The balloon-like prostitute anomaly was howling in agony and horror, but to no avail.

As it flew through the air, its body continued to expand further and further until it exploded violently, sending an eruption of blinding light sweeping over the entire battlefield.

First came the light, flames, and shockwaves, then came the resounding explosion.

The explosion was so powerful that the entire slaughterhouse was blown apart, and all of the combatants on the battlefield were also swept up in the swirling maelstrom of energy with no exceptions.

Adam was like a small raft on a turbulent sea as he was thrown from side to side by the shockwaves, and his body crashed into the machinery and carcasses in the slaughterhouse on countless occasions. The only thing that he could do as he was tossed around like a ragdoll was to hurriedly withdraw all of his anomalies back into his body.

Even so, the vast majority of them still sustained such severe injuries that they were on the brink of death, and they certainly weren't fit for further battle.

The explosion lasted close to 20 seconds before finally subsiding, and the entire slaughterhouse had already been razed to the ground.

Adam slowly clambered to his feet amid the rubble. At this point, there wasn't a single bandage on his body that was left intact, leaving his severely injured body completely exposed.

The explosion had been so violent that even Adam had sustained horrific wounds, so it was no surprise that the entire battlefield had been wiped clean of combatants.

After struggling to his feet, he immediately turned to the direction that Fighter Li was in. As an adapter who relied heavily on technique, the bane of Fighter Li's existence were these indiscriminate and extremely powerful attacks that encompassed huge areas.

"Li, are you still alive?"

Adam was not very optimistic about Li's chances of survival, but to his surprise and elation, he received a feeble response.

He immediately hurried over to find that Li was already on the brink of death.

His clothes had all been torn shreds, as had his conical hat. His body was completely broken by the heavy objects and debris hurled at him by the shockwaves of the explosion, and every single bone in his body was broken, making him resemble a human bean bag as he laid sprawled out amid the rubble.

Thankfully, there was a glowing golden bell projection that was protecting him, allowing him to just barely cling onto life.

"I'm so glad you're alive! I'll get you out of here right away..."

Not only had Adam and Fighter Li been injured by the explosion, all of the enemy anomalies had been wiped out as well.

"They're not all dead..."

Li was only able to muster up a feeble warning before falling unconscious.

Adam had no time to process what Li had just told him. If he couldn't get Li out of the psychic world right away, there was a very good chance that he would end up as a braindead vegetable in the real world.

Li had been recruited to help him, so he had to do everything in his power to save Li.

With that in mind, Adam immediately set about breaking the psychic boundaries in this psychic world. At the same time, he invoked Camera to keep a lookout while he worked.

Camera had been withdrawn into his body earlier, so it had been spared from the explosion.

While he was doing all this, a series of vortexes appeared in mid-air, and Adam counted four of them in total.

The four vortexes were rapidly sucking in anomalic power, and it didn't take long before there was no anomalic power left on the battlefield. This time, Adam didn't try to compete with the vortexes. They were too far away for him to reach, and he had more important things to do.

There were four vortexes, and the child anomaly was killed earlier, so there are still two surviving enemy anomalies.

Adam was quite surprised as he ran a brief calculation in his mind.

The enemy anomalies clearly had the overall advantage in power, so why had they resorted to creating such a massive explosion that had proven to be far more detrimental to them than to Adam and Fighter Li?

Could it be that the alien anomaly is just not very smart?

Different anomalies had different levels of intelligence. This type of variance was only to be expected, considering anomalies could arise from all types of negative emotions.

For example, an anomaly that had arisen from the emotion of anger naturally couldn't be expected to be very rational or cunning, and it made sense that on such a chaotic battlefield, they could've been overwhelmed by their impulsive urge to destroy everything.

However, all of this still felt quite suspicious to Adam.

Adam had witnessed many strange things in Sithu's psychic world. Aside from his schizophrenia, all of his anomalies seemed to possess some type of psychic connection. In addition to that, the anomalic-power-devouring vortexes and the psychic boundaries were things that shouldn't have existed in the psychic world of a normal person suffering from mental illness.

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