Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 229: The Survivors

Chapter 229: The Survivors

In the blink of an eye, the trio of monks was afflicted by all types of negative status effects. The standout among all of the skill cards in Adam's possession was an advanced card by the name of "Thousand Year", and it was an aging cyberhex that was having a particularly pronounced effect.

After falling under the effects of the Thousand Year cyberhex, the Buddha statue really did look as if it had been forced to endure the elements for 1,000 years. All of its arms became shriveled and withered, and its skin had become so brittle with age that it looked as if it would tear apart with just the slightest movement.

The other cyberhexes were also taking effect to further compound their woes.

These cyberhexes had been implanted into these cards by the director himself, so it was impossible for the three monks to ward off the cyberhexes' effects through their own powers. As such, they had no choice but to pull out their own counter-cyberhex cards in an attempt to counteract all of these negative status effects.


However, it was already too late.

Mole flew out of the ground at an incredible speed, smashing straight through the Buddha statue's card-holding arm, then bound it with a set of lightning chains.

Immediately thereafter, Rabbit and Armadillo also joined in on the action. Armadillo conjured up a wall of yellow sand, which was propelled forward by Rabbit through the use of his soul power. The wall of sand quickly crashed into the Buddha statue, following which Mole also joined in on the effort to push the wall forward, and as a result, the Buddha statue was forced to stumble back incessantly.

"What are they trying to do?"

"This attack isn't hurting us at all!"

"Hold on, I know what they're doing! They're trying to push us out of the zone!"

The three monks quickly identified the psychic mutant trio's plan, but they were powerless to resist due to the debilitating effects of all of the cyberhexes acting upon them, and they had no choice but to temporarily split back up again.

However, even after splitting back up, the effects of the cyberhexes still remained, leaving them in an extremely feeble state. As soon as the Buddha statue reverted back into the trio of monks, dozens of Clown clones instantly rushed onto the scene.

The horde of clones grabbed onto all parts of the three monks' bodies, picking them up from the ground before quickly carrying them to the edge of the zone.


The Clown clones swung the three monks back and forth before hurling them dozens of meters out of the zone.

The artificial anomalies and zombies outside had been starving this entire time, and they immediately pounced onto the offering of live flesh and blood, quickly tearing the three monks to shreds before devouring them.

"Is it over now?"

After witnessing the demise of the three monks, Adam began to search for Yamata no Orochi and Eyeless. At this point, the final zone had shrunk down to a tiny area that clearly wasn't large enough to hold Yamata no Orochi.

Having been underground with the psychic mutant trio earlier, Adam had no idea what had been happening on the surface. However, at this point, Yamata no Orochi was nowhere to be seen, and it seemed that it had finally exhausted all of its power.

However, Eyeless was too small for Adam to spot, so he had no idea if Eyeless was still alive.

"Everyone's dead now, right?" Armadillo made his way over to Adam. "You should be crowned the champion once we use the exit card now, right?"

"Is Eyeless dead?"

Adam was still a little concerned.

"Surely he is! The zone has already shrunk to this point, and there's no way that he would've been able to beat that big snake."

"Wait for a while longer, just in case."


Thus, the four of them waited for about two more minutes. The zone continued to shrink during this time, and at this point, it had shrunk down to only around three meters in diameter barely enough to fit all four of them at once.

"We gotta get outta here! If we stay any longer, we'll get eaten by those anomalies and zombies!"

Mole was unwilling to stay any longer, and he finally activated the exit card. The psychic passageway slowly opened, and as the zone shrank down to only two meters in diameter, the passageway finally reached a sufficient size for them to pass through, which they did so without any hesitation.

Standing in the final safe zone, Adam raised his hands high above his head, waiting to be showered with the accolades of victory.

However, even as the zone shrank down to the point that the green barrier was touching his body on all sides, he still wasn't teleported out of the battle royale, nor was there any announcement declaring his victory.

"What's going on?" he yelled loudly at the director outside the zone. "Why is it still not over yet?"

"That means that there are still people from other teams remaining in the game."

"You're saying someone else is still alive? Are they in the zone?" Adam asked.

"I can't tell you that."

"Fuck! I shouldn't have let those three leave!" Adam didn't even have to think to know that it had to be Eyeless who was still alive. "He's still alive, but he's not in the safe zone, either... Could it be that he's stuck somewhere?"

As it turned out, Adam was correct.

At this moment, Eyeless was stuck in a rift in the ground, using the terrain to his advantage to ward off the hordes of zombies and artificial anomalies.

He was unable to come out on top in his final battle against Yamata no Orochi, and he was even forced into this rift by the serpent, but thankfully, he managed to survive as the serpent ran out of energy and dissipated at the last moment.

However, that wasn't the end of his troubles.

Right after Yamata no Orochi vanished, the green barrier swept over his body, and he found himself outside the safe zone.

As a result, his psychic power was constantly being whittled down by the effects of the debilitating cyberhex permeating throughout the area, making him extremely weak and feeble. He wanted to return to the safe zone, but he was quickly overwhelmed by the hordes of zombies outside, and any attempt to venture out of the rift would've spelled certain death.

Inside the rift, it was impossible for the zombies and anomalies to surround him, so he was able to tenaciously hold on for now.

It had to be said that Eyeless was truly a man of fearsome power. At this point, the safe zone had almost completely disappeared, yet he was still able to ward off his impending doom.

Looking at the ever-approaching green barrier, Adam knew that he had to make a decision.

If I just stand here and do nothing, I'm going to get surrounded. Once these zombies and anomalies completely close in on me, I'll be dead for sure, so I have to rush out in advance!

With that in mind, Adam pulled a bunch of explosives out of the pockets of his clown costume before hurling them all in the same direction, creating a string of explosions that blasted a hole into the zombies' ranks, then rushed out without any hesitation.

As soon as he emerged from the zone, Adam was struck by a crippling sense of debilitation. It was as if there were a massive pump outside the zone that was constantly sucking away at his psychic power.

I'm not gonna be able to last long out here at all!

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, an artificial anomaly slashed a massive wound onto his back with its claws, following which half of his head was flattened by a vicious punch from another anomaly.

"Fuck! These anomalies have become even more powerful as well!"

Having been almost killed by a single punch, Adam came to the realization that these artificial anomalies had become even more powerful than before. That punch was almost as powerful as an all-out attack from Diamond in peak condition.

The explosives that he had used were able to force back some zombies and some of the less defensively adept artificial anomalies, but they were completely ineffective against the artificial anomalies with more potent defenses.

I have to run!

All Adam could do was run for his life, and he was instantly pursued by a vast horde of enemies.

He turned to find a virtually all-encompassing wave of zombies and anomalies sweeping toward him, and he knew that his fate would be sealed if he allowed this wave to catch up to him.

While Adam was fleeing for his life, he was also conjuring up clones to try and divert the anomalies away.

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