Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 259: Big Shot

Chapter 259: Big Shot

Right now, Adam had to take full advantage of all resources available to him if he wanted to have any chance at surviving this ordeal.

Just because Sadou was unwilling to directly help him didn't mean that he was also unwilling to provide indirect assistance.

"I want... to train... and get stronger..."

Diana's fighting spirit was instantly ignited by Adam's words.

"Alright, hold on a second, I'm gonna make a call." Adam dialed Cowboy's number as he spoke, and Cowboy was woken up by the call, so he was feeling quite grumpy as he answered.

"Why the hell are you calling me so late at night? If you don't have anything important to say, then I'm gonna hang up!"

"Of course I have something important to say! I was attacked by Hebi no Miko just now."


"Holy shit, and you didn't die?"

Cowboy immediately sprang out of bed upon hearing this.

"Did you think I was screwed for sure?"

"No shit! I'm not the only one who thinks that, everyone in both congresses thought you were completely screwed!"

Cowboy was making no effort to hide his shock.

This came as no surprise to Adam.

He didn't know much about Hebi no Miko at all, but those sly old foxes from the northern and southern congresses were definitely aware of just how powerful Hebi no Miko was.

This also explained many things, including why the northern congress had only provided him with such limited assistance despite how useful he could be to them, and why the southern congress was in such a hurry to smear his reputation, even though this clearly wasn't the best time to be launching a smear campaign against him.

It was all because Hebi no Miko was far too powerful, and everyone was of the opinion that he didn't have much longer to live.

Having just cleared his own name, any attempt made to smear Adam's reputation right now would seem like a conspiracy in the eyes of the general public, but the southern congress had no choice but to launch a premature smear campaign.

In their eyes, Adam was already dead.

"How did you manage to survive? Hebi no Miko has never failed to kill a target! I'm gonna be honest with you here. As a fellow adapter, I thought your chances of survival were basically zero."

"I can satisfy your curiosity, but I need you to do me a favor."

"What do you want?"

"I want Taoist Bean Army's help."

"There's no way he'll fight Hebi no Miko for you."

"Not that, I want him to train someone for me."

"That should be doable," Cowboy replied. "Now that you've survived an attack from Hebi no Miko, both of the congresses will begin to take you far more seriously. If you can survive to the end, you'll become a true big shot."

"I don't care if I become a big shot or not. This world doesn't need that many big shots, all I want is to be able to survive. When can you contact Taoist Bean Army for me?"

"I should be able to get in touch with him tomorrow."

"Good." Adam ended the call before turning to Diana. "Go to this address tomorrow morning."

After memorizing the address, Diana immediately turned to depart.

"Where are you going?"

"To the address... you gave me..."

She didn't want to wait even a second longer, and Adam didn't stop her.

Following Diana's departure, Adam packed up the psychic world projection recorder, then got into a driverless taxi before entering an address.

Shaun was also living in Area 45, but he was about half an hour's drive away from where Alan was living. They were ensuring that they didn't live too far or too close to one another so that they could continue to collude with each other, but avoid arousing suspicion.

Half an hour later, Adam emerged from the taxi and discovered that he had arrived in front of a school. There were many art academies in Area 45, and many parents in the area were eager to immerse their children in the arts from a young age.

Is he living so close to this school so that he has easy access to more victims?

Adam had already learned Shaun's exact address from Alan's memories, and he made his way around the school, where several convenience stores were located. Thanks to his exoskeleton, Adam was able to easily force open the locked door of one of those shops, then made his way inside.

It was very late at night at the moment, and Shaun was sound asleep, so soundly asleep, in fact, that he failed to wake up even after Adam had already made his way over to his bedside.

Adam took a glance at him, then tore up a bedsheet before tying him up.

Only during this process did Shaun finally wake up, and an alarmed look immediately appeared on his face.

"Who are you?"

Shaun was a short and stubby man who appeared to be completely harmless, almost a little cowardly, if one were to judge by his physical appearance alone.

However, having encountered so many heinous criminals and mentally disturbed individuals, Adam could see the darkness that was lurking deep within Shuan's eyes.

After waking up, Shaun immediately began to struggle, but he was no match for Adam's prosthetic, and he was pressed down before being tightly bound.

"I'm the one who's going to deliver you the retribution that you deserve."

After tying up Shaun, Adam began to set up the psychic world projection recorder, while Shaun begged for his life.

"Please let me go! I'm just a convenience store owner! All my money is in that cabinet over there, and I also have some cryptocurrency in my account. I can transfer it all to you if you let me go!"

"You're just a convenience store owner? Have you forgotten about all of the people that you've killed?" Adam mocked while continuing to set up the recorder. "I must say, you look like a completely different person when you're carrying out your murders."

"Who are you?" Shaun asked once again, and this time, he was well and truly spooked.

"I already told you, I'm the one who's going to give you the retribution that you deserve."

After setting up the recorder, Adam began to adjust some settings.

"Are you from the dark web? I earned a total of 70,000 from those videos, all in cryptocurrency. I can give it all to you! I also have some unreleased custom videos, and you can get a lot more money if you deliver those videos to the people who requested them!"

"I'm not interested in your money. What I do want to know is why you killed all those children."

"I... I..."

Shaun was so scared that he was about to wet himself, and he was blubbering in a completely incoherent manner.

Adam slapped him across the face with a disdainful expression.

"Shut your trap! I'll take a look for myself!"

After slapping Shaun unconscious, Adam invaded his psychic world, and the first thing that he felt upon entering the psychic world was immense pain.

Shit! I still haven't fully recovered.

Adam's scorched eyeballs and skin had already healed, but his shattered organs still hadn't recovered yet, and his broken bones were also only half healed.

It then occurred to him to examine Sludge and Nun's conditions.

I hope they're not dead,?Adam thought to himself as he attempted to invoke the pair of anomalies.

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