Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 261: Two-faced Anomaly

Chapter 261: Two-faced Anomaly

Adam was going all-out from the get-go, not giving his opponent any chance to react.

In his mind, he was dealing with an anomaly on the same level as himself, and his extensive battle experience told him that the best way to approach a powerful opponent comparable in power to oneself was to go all out from the very beginning.

If he could seize the initiative and injure his opponent, that would definitely be great news for him, and it would level the playing field, seeing as he was already injured.

However, in the face of Adam's brutal assault, the creature before him wasn't able to pose any resistance before it was torn to shreds.

That wasn't an anomaly, it was just an aberration on its way to becoming an anomaly!

Adam was a little disappointed as he looked at the faint traces of anomalic power in the room, but he certainly wasn't going to waste it, and he immediately invoked Sludge to absorb the anomalic power.

I thought things were going really smoothly, but it looks like I really can't catch a break!

The commotion ringing out inside the room naturally attracted Shaun's attention, and the sound of shattering plates rang out, following which Shaun rushed into the room to see what was happening, then immediately turned to run with a terrified scream.

Right as Adam was about to set off in pursuit, he suddenly felt a gust of wind sweep toward him from behind, and before he could react, a noose had wound itself around his neck.

All of a sudden, the hunter had become the prey.

Adam struggled vigorously to free himself from the noose. His assailant was just as strong as he was, and if he weren't injured, perhaps he would've been able to free himself, but in his current state, that was proving to be an impossible task.

Thankfully, Sludge was there to save the day. It barreled into Adam's assailant with all its might, and even though its strength was far inferior to its opponent's, it was able to knock Adam's assailant off balance with its massive body. Adam immediately pounced on this opportunity to unleash Clown's clone ability.

A pair of clones appeared on either side of his assailant, then plunged their daggers viciously into its body.

The pair of clones stabbed their opponent over and over again, and the first stab felt completely normal, but all of their subsequent attacks felt as if they had struck nothing but empty air. Immediately thereafter, Adam's assailant retaliated to send both of the clones flying back through the air.

However, Adam was able to take advantage of this opportunity to grab onto the noose around his neck, then used it to throw the anomaly behind him over his shoulder.

As a result, he was greeted by the sight of a two-faced anomaly with two sets of facial features, one on the back of its head, and one on the front. Having just been thrown onto the ground, it was currently laying on its side, so Adam was able to see a side profile of both of its faces.

One of the faces appeared to be extremely vicious and brutal, while the other one resembled the face of a coward that was begging for their life. The juxtaposition of these two completely contrasting faces on the same anomaly presented a very bizarre sight to behold.

I've seen anomalies with two heads before, but it's the first time I've seen an anomaly with two faces on one head!

After throwing the two-faced anomaly to the ground, Adam picked up his gatling gun before firing another ferocious barrage of bullets at it.

Initially, the bullets were effective. They weren't able to tear the anomaly's body apart as they had done with Shaun's father, but they were able to punch some holes into the anomaly. However, as soon as it turned to face Adam with its cowardly face, it immediately became immune to all damage from the bullets.

In that instant, the anomaly's entire body had become as insubstantial as a cloud of mist, and all of the bullets passed harmlessly through its body before blasting their way into the ground.

What the hell is this?

Adam drove a foot through the anomaly's face, but even that passed through its body, and his foot stomped down onto the severely ravaged floorboards, shattering them in an instant.

Even its face has no substance?

Adam was just about to withdraw his leg when the anomaly turned around 180 degrees to reveal its cruel and malicious face.

As a result, its body instantly took on a substantial form, and it threw its arms around Adam's leg before twisting its body in one forceful motion, instantly snapping Adam's ankle.


Cunning bastard!

Having sustained more than his fair share of injuries, this was well within Adam's tolerance threshold. While the anomaly was in its substantial form, Adam opened fire with his gatling gun again, and sure enough, the bullets were having an effect again. However, in the next instant, the anomaly turned around once again, and all of the subsequent bullets passed through its body.

After this initial sequence, Adam had already made sense of the properties of this two-faced anomaly.

Its cruel side possessed a substantial form and was quite adept in both offense and defense, able to withstand attacks from Clown and sustain only minor injuries, while its cowardly side made its body completely insubstantial, thereby granting it immunity from all physical damage.

As it switched back and forth between its faces, not only was it able to avoid most of the attacks thrown its way, it was also able to launch unexpected counterattacks, such as this retaliative grab that had just snapped Adam's ankle.

This was a rather troublesome opponent, and as soon as it returned to its insubstantial form, Adam immediately withdrew his leg before hobbling away in retreat.

He decided that it was time to truly go all-out and bring down this anomaly once and for all. Having made up his mind, he expended a great deal of psychic power to conjure up his full quota of clones, and several dozen Clowns instantly appeared, completely toppling the house around them. Immediately thereafter, all of the clones pulled out powerful firearms and aimed them directly at the two-faced anomaly, waiting for it to adopt a substantial form again.

However, the anomaly was no idiot. All high-level anomalies seemed to possess a certain level of intelligence, and the two-faced anomaly was no exception. It could see that Adam was going all-out, and it chose not to fight fire with fire, immediately fleeing the scene in its insubstantial form instead.

Adam was rather taken aback to see this. The anomaly was approximately on the same level of power as him, and it had gained the upper hand in their battle, but it had chosen to flee the scene without any hesitation, and this was the first time that Adam had encountered such a situation.

In the past, anomalies had only run away from him when they realized that they were no match for him, yet this one had gone completely against the norm.

Adam wanted to set off in pursuit, but having just sustained a new injury to further exacerbate his already terrible physical state, he was in no condition to be giving chase.

Thus, he had no choice but to watch as the anomaly fled into the distance.

However, through this battle, he was able to ascertain some things, most importantly of which was that the anomaly was a manifestation of Shaun himself. This was something that Adam should’ve anticipated.

Shaun and Li Qi were fundamentally different in that the latter was kind at heart, and even though his psychic world was plagued with an anomaly, it had done nothing but try and coax him into committing suicide so that he would no longer be a burden to others.

In contrast, Shaun was a far more sinister individual in real life. He took joy in killing others, and theoretically speaking, he was the same type of person as Sithu, where their anomalies were simply manifestations of their own consciousness.

This was a very important piece of information.

After conducting a search for Shaun to no avail, Adam thought back to the memories that he had seen in Alan's psychic world, specifically the lake where Alan had killed that little girl.

That was perhaps not the place where Shaun had committed his first murder, but it was the place where he had recruited Alan, and it was also the site where he frequently disposed of bodies.

Hence, it had to be a place that was deeply rooted in his memory.

Even if he couldn't find Shaun in this psychic module, Shaun had to be present in other similar psychic modules.

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