Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 162

[162] God must not be real (2)

Even in a land that has become a desert of ashes, life still grows. The seeds that were alive in the ground sprouted. Over time, it will become a lush meadow again, and it will become a forest again.

Time is a story of a distant future in this land that covers everything blue, but was once destroyed. Life rising out of the black ashes mysteriously reaches Leona, and Gene comes as a terrible plague.

And on that land, the Bundies still rise and roam the desert screaming for their identity. They fought and ate each other because all they had left was hatred.

Monsters sometimes fight monsters. Monsters sometimes eat monsters. However, no one could enjoy the sight of black monsters with their fleshy flesh crushing, crushing and trampling on each other.

Jin’s party can see the occasional battle between the Divine Constabulary led by Templar WOH and Bundead.

“You’re obviously skilled. ”

Lamfil skillfully lures Bundead and nods, looking at the hunter worshippers who hunt Bundead with guns and explosives.

In Ramfil’s eyes, it was like watching a squadron battle in tumult under the command of a squadron commander. There may be little difference in equipment, but even if there was little difference in training, they were able to hunt efficiently and efficiently.

They were familiar with their roles and were taking the necessary action depending on the situation. I got the information I needed anyway, so I didn’t have to contact the other synagogues, and Jean’s group moves diligently.

Leona was getting tired of walking, and in fact, she was quite fit. Since the forest did not prevent me from walking, it actually made me a little more comfortable.

In the places that have been incinerated for quite some time, there are many wooden pillars that have been burned, but the ashes have been washed away in the rain or the ground has been slightly black, but the ashes have not been blown away. The closer I got to Kuala Lumpur, the less Bundeads showed up.

Almost all the monsters that will flee because of the incineration have fled, and there are no other monsters except Bundead. Therefore, it was inevitably difficult to get food, but there was plenty of food from the Twilight Cult, so there was no need to find other Nodes for the Hunting Worshippers.

Twenty days after leaving the Twilight Bridge, Jin’s group was able to arrive in the former Kuala Lumpur and current capital of WOH.

“This is a mess.”

A huge rubbish wall erected in a ruined city is the capital of a large group of fishbowls.

“Sanctum of Hunt (SOH), the capital of the WOH in India, was at Wargrave Fortress level. I would’ve had to build it like that by now, but now I wouldn’t have had time to, so I can’t help but make things worse. ”

“Fortress level? ”

Leona opens her mouth to think about the fortified walls and automatic turrets of that giant Wargrave Fortress.

“Of course, I’m not talking about the facility, I’m talking about the weapons level. ”

A cult that worshiped hunting and ruled all of India. It is a sanctuary just like theirs, so it is no wonder that Wargrave Fortress is equipped with the highest standards of weaponry.

Right now, the garbage wall in front of you was the only shield guarding SOH. Ramfil mutters, looking at the wall in front of him to see if he’s thinking of something else.

“You said BH’s monster size was enough to run away from Fortress. ”

Even though the White Witch wiped out all the monsters on the Korean Peninsula, not even a single wall of the Seoul Fortress could climb.

Autoturrets, turrets, gas sprays, and defensive forces have all been neutralized. After all, there was only one white witch who could climb over that wall.

Fortress’ power is not that simple. If Jean is right, it means that the Hunting Worshippers abandoned a defensive node at that level and fled.

With high walls and overwhelming firepower, they had to flee. BH’s power may be at a level the world has never experienced. Leaving why their aggression began, the threat it poses was real to Leona and Ramfil.

“Probably had to leave most of the high-powered weapons behind. So it’s definitely off the charts. ”

The hunter worshippers rejoice. To reclaim the glory of the past, they are setting fire to the forest and expanding their territory. The Christians know how to handle firearms, but not all of them are hunters. In the pioneered fields, there were many farmers, Kim Hawk, and everyone was doing their job.

Even though it’s a rubbish wall, there’s a machine gun sack up there, and the shooters are watching the perimeter. The gate was guarded by one squad. Carrying a firearm on the field was enough, but SOH certainly could not enter it randomly. When you go inside from the outside, you have to send out your ID card, and those who go in and out are always doing so.

Gene thought it was strange that there had been no such behavior in the past.

As Jean’s group approaches, the gatekeeper stares at you. It was an order for you to give me your identity card.

“An outsider.”

The gatekeeper understands that there is no identification card.

“An outsider. What brings you here?” ”

Gene pointed at the gun in his shoulder and said,

“There’s only one thing a hunter can do. ”

Jeans were wearing AKMs with 5.56mm rounds.

“As a hunter, can you prove it? ”

In the past, the land of the hunter worshippers was open to humans. That’s why the demand for new proof was also strange.

‘You’re scared. ’

The former hunter worshippers were not afraid of anything, but were cautious as they migrated here. Their vigilance is not unusual as there are dusk bridges nearby. Maybe an impurity molecule or a spy mixed in. Fortunately, Gene had plenty of tools to prove he was a hunter.

Gene shows me taking the empties out of his arms and taking things out of there. When I put my hand in the black fog, I saw a gun protrude from there. The others didn’t know, but the hunters knew what it was.


He was able to recognize some of the rare, but obvious, hunters who handle amulets, and worshippers’ priests who use amulets.

“No doubt about it. Follow me.”

He’s a hunter who even uses amulets, but I can’t doubt his intentions. They treated hunters with respect, though not as much as a priest.

The squad leader leaves instructions to continue with the guard, then leads the group inside the wall. He issued a temporary identification card under his own warranty. Three identity cards were created in the name of Jean, Leona and Ramfil.

“I thought it was a lie to be a hunter to carry a child around. ”

Jin shrugs at the squad leader’s words.

“There must be many things about a man. ”

“I see. The Temporary ID card can’t be used for long, so please issue a formal ID card. There’s a secretariat in the middle. Welcome to a difficult time. ”

In many ways, just like the crisis and opportunity of the WOH, even if I had a child, I should have welcomed the hunter with an extra pair of hands.

After speaking officially, the squad leader handed out three identity cards and painted a sign. It was subtly different from the Twilight Brigade, but essentially the same sign.

“Good luck with your hunt. ”

“Bless you. ”

After leaving the checkpoint, they were able to enter Kuala Lumpur properly. Whether the weeds were finished or the gray city collapsed, people were busy commuting back and forth.

Land, land! Ground!

There was a lot of noise, including the sound of hammers and the sound of metal shearing. The workers were moving the construction materials around diligently, and they were constantly building something.

Build buildings, build factories, and carve guns into the ground.

“Oh, the smell of gunpowder! ”

Leona bursts into tears, wrapped around the scent of chipperst all over the city. You make a gun, you make gunpowder, you make bullets. Of course, most of the bullets here were recycled ammunition, because they don’t have Wargrave resources.

“This is a new sight. ”

SOH was like a whole giant factory. They are building munitions for the war against the Twilight Bridges, so there should be no time to rest. He was making food on the outside and weapons on the inside. At the very least, the single-story buildings were repeating whether it was used as a place for people to live or for children to go in and out.

“Die, bitch! Land!”

Children playing with wooden model guns looked like children, but at the same time they felt frightened.

“Where do we go now? ”

“Go to Sanctuary. Meet the Huntmaster.”

Jean walked steadily as if she was going to take care of the important part rather than trying to save the inn or do the little work of solving the meal. The smelly SOH of iron and gunpowder was also strongly colored by religious groups.

“We shall prevail! We will take it back! We will destroy our enemies! This is a test from the God of Hunt on us! This trial will make us stronger! ”

It was also common for the propaganda to gather and shout. Children, as well as adults, were holding their will in front of him.

“Our enemies are still alive and well across the sea! This land is inhabited by cult cultists who dared to worship the monster, our mortal enemy and everlasting enemy! I will not lie at your feet and kiss the claws of monsters, but will tell you that standing on their dead bodies is the only way to great glory! ”

If the dusk sermons were calm and gently dampened the hearts of the people, the sermons of WOH were both provocative and provocative. They were mixed into a category called Religion, but they had completely different characteristics.

The hatred for the Twilight Bridge, along with the monsters, is deeply rooted in their hearts.

“That’s creepy. Everyone’s so angry. ”

Leona has come to the Twilight Bridge and is terrified of their intimidating and inciting tone. I also felt a strange disgust when I first encountered the twilight bridge. The dusk bridge still revealed a pathological refusal to act in violation of its doctrine, but they had already been engulfed in some madness. I felt a glimmering anger, hostility, and a desire for violence in real time.

“By the way, most of them lost their friends and family, as well as their place of life, because of the BH attack. It’s weird not to be mad. ”

It was not long before the baptism of time gave them the blessing of forgetting.

Since it is a sin to forget their anger, they are willing to hear preaching from preachers and remind them of their forgotten anger again.

And most of all, there were a lot of people going back and forth armed. Even simple workers, who did not appear to be the Pantheon’s Esquire, carried guns at all times.

In spite of the occasional firearm killing, Hunting Worshippers were always advised to carry more than a considerable amount of generosity with them.

“The Sanctuary…. I think that’s it. ”

Gene walked for a long time and pointed to a five-story school building in the distance. When SOH was rebuilt, the Sanctuary was able to rebuild a temple. The shrine of concrete that rises above the ground was not beautiful, but was firmly showing what the hunter worshippers’ pursuit was like.

But now I’ve only fortified an abandoned building by choosing a perfectly healthy school.

It seemed healthy because of the appearance of eternal life, but the misery they felt could not be fulfilled. Once used as a playground, the area was entirely leveled and built as a training facility.

“This place is weird in many ways, but it’s ruined in a different way than the Twilight Cult. ”

“What’s that? ”

Leona said briefly.

Ta-da! Bang, bang! Boom!

Near the training ground, there was a constant buzzing of gunfire and projectile training. Leona squeals, covering her ears.

“Shut the fuck up! ”

SOH was an enormous noise that ignited the battlefield.

Everyone who is trained is a Cadet candidate, and after completing the combat training process, after a period of practical training as an Escquire of the current Cadet, he is formally a Cadet and becomes a Cadet.

It is similar to training officers in large military facilities, but they are trained not only in combat but also in monsters, as well as in teaching doctrines on WOH.

It was a crucial institution for fanatics and hunters devoted solely to the hunger of the WOH. Unlike the Twilight Cult, everyone was able to enter the renal teachings process because they didn’t have to be sympathetic to become a synagogue.

In the past, the training ground was separated from the Sanctuary, but now it is due to the confines of space.

As you try to enter the surrounding wall of the Sanctuary, past the thunder and gunfire, the gatekeeper again stands in front of you. Just as there are sentries on the outer garbage wall, there are more sentries in the outpost. It is the home of the Church’s main cult, the Huntmaster.

Therefore, it is natural that you cannot enter without a priest or official. Of course, no ordinary hunter can enter here.

No matter how noble a hunter may be, it is natural that an ordinary hunter may not enter the Most Holy Place.

Unfortunately, the current visitor could never be called a common hunter.

Once, it was called another word of fear.

Once, it was called another word of slaughter.

Once, it was called another word of frenzy.

Now, it has become a forgotten name.

Jin says before the gatekeeper speaks.

“Tell the Huntmaster the Demon Hunter is here. ”

But to them, it’s another word of faith.

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