Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 240

[240] Tower of Pride (1)

“The guard of the tower will be used to protect the citizens, and to hunt down alleys, underground, and abundant monsters. ”

The quest for monster hunting disappears.

“If the guards patrol the alleyways more often, the crime will be reduced. ”

With crime gone, criminals are reduced and current bounty hunting quests disappear.

“With fewer crimes, fewer unsanctioned cases. ”

That’s why the investigation quest also disappears.

A good world is a world where, ironically, hunters have no place to live.

“If you think this system is good for the nobles, you’re an idiot. ”

“ ……. ”

“The patronage and indifference of the nobles has allowed the White Tiger Nest to maintain such a huge scale. ”

Therefore, even if you can hate nobles, you should not deny the need itself.

If you’re a hunter.

“I have lived as a hunter, and I am still a hunter, and I will die as a hunter. ”

“ ……. ”

“Only hunting?” Survival is my only concern. “”

Technically, Saladin is neither with Shudha nor with the nobles.

Just a hunter’s side.

To do so, the system does not need to be stable. He allies with the nobleman because this is the optimal environment for the hunter to survive.

“Therefore, Shudhan is the enemy of the hunter. ”

That’s why, in the hunter’s way, he’s hunting Shudha. It’s only natural that hunters can survive if people live a dangerous and difficult life. But it had nothing to do with Leona.

Leona is a Wandering Hunter, so if you solve the case somewhere, you can leave for the next city.

But big city hunters are settled hunters. In the same position, the Pokémon moves with the Node to solve the event.

Therefore, unlike Leona, it is preferable for them to walk outside the wire while the entire city is not a gap in security but a close, unstable state.

Saladin does not ask you to understand.

Leona and I aren’t exactly friends after all.

Now that I think about it, he didn’t have to keep an eye on Leona.

He didn’t have to watch anyone in the first place.

I go to him first, I talk to him, I ask him what’s going on. Saladin was like that in the nest. Likewise, it was natural for Leona to come over from time to time and talk and talk.

That’s why Leona couldn’t get close enough to the thought that he was watching over her, even if he was watching over Saladin. It would have been the same for anyone but Leona.

“You said you’d stand with the nobles anyway, and no further harm would come to you.” ”

That’s why Salahadin was also telling Leona this long story.

“There will be great chaos in Shudhan, the nest. That’s where they tell you to stay put and talk about yourself. And in the process, it would be nice to know who Schrader’s leader is. ”

“ ……. ”

“The only chance is tonight. ”

Saladin points to the tower, on the roof of the building.

“Go to the tower. Go and ask the Windell family for help. Thanks to you, I’ll be able to be an executive of Nest Shuhada, and your work will be well appreciated. Tonight should cover your escape in the middle of the night. If you stay here until tomorrow, I’ll have to keep you here as long as I’m wearing a mask called Schutzdahar. ”

So it was only tonight that I was able to let her go. As Shudha, there’s no reason to leave Leona alone, and even though she was a traitor, three people died.

Saladin should hold on to Leona. That’s why, today, Leona flees the nest and enters the tower.

Leona knew she had no choice. In the beginning, three of Shudha’s executives appeared, and the choice to take the nobles’ side was no longer enough to remain in the nest.

“What if I choose to stand by Shudha’s side? ”

“Do I need an answer? ”

Salahadin would have just broken in, killed everyone, and even Leona. That’s why Salahadin told Leona it was a great choice.

Saladin’s marksmanship was unusual. The revolver panning shot hits where you want it, one shot at a time.

Even with a single target added to it, nothing would have changed that much.

Salahadin lied to Leona quite a bit, but what he said about his marksmanship was true.

“Go out quietly without opening your eyes. I don’t want to hear you say I missed you. ”

“Got it.”

Saladin was a fearsome man. But right now, it’s a good thing that Saladin isn’t the enemy. Finally, Saladin smiles at Leona.

“You made a wise choice. Like I said, I liked you quite a bit. ”

“I quite like you, too. In a different way. ”

Saladin is a liar and a deceiver. Leona doesn’t like that. Even I was overcome by it.

But just like Leona told Rachael, Leona was quite fond of Saladin’s behavior.

In a hunter’s nest in this vast city, only Saladin is fighting for the hunter.

There are so many hunters here.Only Saladin fights for them.

Salahadin has told many lies. But it was as true as the marksmanship.

Leona realized one more thing.

Salahadin introduced himself to Leona as a spokesman for the hunters.

He is also the truth.

After all, it was a test for both Leona and Saladin.

Shimach Windil did not reveal the existence of Saladin as a facilitator. Saladin was instructed to monitor Leona’s choice and issue a disposal order as a result.

As Leona was under Saladin’s watch, Saladin also had to prove to Shimach Windill whether he was a traitor or not.

A double spa is a place where you can finally choose between two.

With this, Saladin will gain the trust of Shimach Windil, and will infiltrate Schuhada even deeper. And as soon as Saladin figures out all of Shuhadi’s organizational systems, he disappears from the city of the tower.

Leona felt bad that she played a role in it. He ended up playing at the hands of Shimach Windil and Saladin.

Leona leaves the nest with her luggage. You enter the tower and choose the option to wait for Jin and Ramfil to arrive here.

I don’t know what else Shimach Windil will ask me to do, but Leona hopes that this will be the end of her role.

Once you’re back in the tower, you’re an enemy of Shudha, and you can’t just wander around the city like that.

Leona reaches the tower across the city. Armed guards patrolled the city in groups, and guards searched the area, except for nests.

“Get them all out! ”

“Aigoo! There’s nothing here, sirs! ”

“That’s for us to decide. Shut up!”

The dragged people huddle on the floor, and the guards tug at the shops and houses. Leona saw the frown in her eyes.

The city was in chaos because of the disappearance of only one nobleman.

“Hey, what are you doing walking around with a gun in the middle of the night? ”

And I didn’t miss the inspection because it was Leona.

“You look like a hunter. ”

“A kid like that is a hunter? Hey, come here. ”

A group of guards point a gun at you, and Leona pulls the Windil crest out of her arms.

“I am under the protection of the Windell family. Out of my way.”

The sentence makes the guards look dull.

“Now, may I check the sentence for a moment? ”


Leona tossed a sentence at them, and the guards slowly examined the sentence as if it were gold or silver and confirmed it was genuine.

“Sorry, excuse me! ”


“The road at night is dangerous. If you need an escort…. ”

“It’s okay. Go. ”

Leona speaks annoyingly, and the guards retreat as if burned.

Obviously, the Maester family crest was very useful. There were a few more unannounced checks, but Leona was able to pass them all by pushing through the sentence.

The city was filled with the screams of search guards and the groaning of people.

‘A shitty neighborhood…. ’

Even the nobles were shy, but they didn’t like it either.

However, it was awkward for Leona to take the side of the nobles.

Of course, that didn’t make me want to take Shudha’s side anymore.

It’s a long way to the tower, and Leona can see a lot of people being forcibly evicted and guards being mudfooted everywhere.

And then…

When I entered the square with the outer walls of the tower.

Leona could see.

In the dark alleyways between the buildings, those wearing black robes toss something into the square and disappear into the dark.


“What the hell is that? ”

You look at the wall as well as at something the guards threw at you. Leona was able to identify it as almost as a rag.

“People…? ”

Twitch! Twitch!

And his body was raging. It was a human, but it was twitching at the extremity as if it was being stimulated by electricity, not by a human.

Leona, of course, noticed something unusual about the other guards.

“Hey, 2nd platoon, 3rd platoon! Chase those bastards into the alley! Third platoon! Lock down this whole block! Squad 2, squad 4, check that thing out! ”


The guards begin to move erratically, and a squad of guards begins to run to chase something out of the alley. According to the commander’s orders, the armed wagons start racing right past Leona.

A squad carefully points a gun at something flinching.

“Ugh, ugh. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu! Hic! Hic! Hiic!”

Everyone could hear.

Abandoned, it trembles with its head down. It was definitely a human figure, but the sound from its neck was unbelievably human, and it seemed to be engulfed in some madness.

“Sa, help me! Help me! Hiic! Hic!”

It started scratching my body with my arms.

Leona’s eyes widen as if she had seen it.

The man was twitching his whole body and scratching my body.

“Uuuhhh! Hic! Hiic! Hiic! ”

The guards, as well as the troops that are already approaching, sensed that the situation was unusual.

Then the squad saw the man convulsing like a madman, shaking his head and shouting in horror.


“What…? ”

The commander seems distraught, as if he can’t trust the report.

Leonardo heard it from far away.

Leona had no choice but to recall the punishment she had heard the other day.

“Amidyr…. ”

The search for mudave medici has become meaningless.

He’s back.

The ultimate punishment in the tower.

Amidyr was planted on him.

“Hiic! Hic! Hiic!”

Leona stares blankly at mudave medici as she scratches at me, becoming increasingly bloody.

Leona steps back from the commotion and inside the outer wall. Given the sentence, the guards passed Leona inward in the middle of this chaos.

Raven Raccoon had already come down from the tower to take charge of the situation and was leading the situation in the investigation headquarters inside the outer wall.

I was able to get inside, but I couldn’t wait until Rachaeng accompanied me to the tower.

Muddabe, who is having seizures, is almost dragged back, and his expression distorted horribly.

“… What’s going on? ”

“Well, we don’t know. I told them to find and track two suspicious ones… ”

Mudave looks troublesome with a rag on his naked body, and at least he’s seizing with his eyes turned upside down.

“Amidyr…. How did you get it?”

As Raven, he was well aware that those who were put in Amidyr’s position had this effect.

“Tie him up with a muzzle. ”

“Ha, but…. ”

The guards are appalled by the order to subdue the nobles, but Raven glances at them.

“If you bite your tongue to kill yourself, will you be responsible? ”

Of course, the guards immediately untied the rope and tied the mudaves and gagged them to prevent them from biting their tongues. Leona is tied up and staring at Muddabe, staggering.

Mudhabe is stunned by the itchiness, and he can’t get a word out of it.

You won’t be able to sleep, you won’t be able to drink or eat.

The Amidyr effect seemed to be more painful to people than any poison in the world. How hard he scratched his body, his fingernails were already in his fingernails and his body was bloody.

“You’ve come at a bad time. ”

Lajon approaches Leona, who is watching from afar.

“I don’t have time to talk long. Are you trying to enter the tower?”

Leona knew that Raqen wasn’t normally busy, so she didn’t bother.

“Er… I’m going to.”

After all, returning to the tower means that you have chosen the option to hold the hands of the nobles. But Raqen gestures as if he didn’t have any affection for Leona’s choice.

“Follow me.”

“What’s going on with him? ”

“Amidyl is a rapidly spreading parasite. I don’t know if it’s what you just ate, but if it’s all over your body, there’s no way. ”

It meant there was no way to remove the antidote or parasite. Rachen mutters dry.

“You’ll give the Medicis a choice. It’ll end the pain, maybe a little longer. ”

Leona didn’t know the Medicis, but she seemed to know what they would choose. It’s terrible to even see that kind of pain in front of your eyes.

It was obvious he was trying to ease the pain. And relieving pain is like killing.

“Wasn’t Amidyr strictly managed? Using it in shredding… ”

“You mean you’re stretching your feet wider than you think. ”

It is said that Schhuddah planted allies not only outside the Silk Tower, but also inside the tower.

“Feeding amidyr to mudave must show off like that. ”

It’s like saying you’re not safe. I’ve already planted a man inside the tower called Schuhada. An agitated spy wouldn’t be able to get away with a thoroughly managed amidyr.

So, feeding mudave amidyr and throwing it away like this will make the nobles of the tower feel fearful, but it will also create chaos.

Leona was rather curious.

Then why did you try to recruit me? ’

If anyone is already working with you inside the tower, you don’t need to approach to capture Leona. But they approached Leona today and resulted in the death of three executives to Saladin.

‘I don’t know why… ’

Leona follows Rachen to the entrance of the tower, despite being a ginghetto. Amidyr, what is this parasite called Amidyr?

Maybe a monster.

Leona wakes up.

If Amidyr is a monster, even a parasitic infection that can’t be cured by any cure in the world can be cured by Leona.

Order Amidyr to get out of the human body, or stop moving and die.

Stimulating psychowaves alone could stop Leona from acting and spreading amidyr. Muddabe Medici could have saved it that way. Leona pauses and gazes at mudave, tied up.

It’s very easy for Leona.

“What is it?”

Lajonne comes back when Leona stops walking, and Leona shakes her head, looking at him.


Leona walks behind him.

In many ways, Leona was in a position to decide the life of Mudarbe Medici.

In any case, Leona had no intention of killing him, but she had no intention of rescuing him from death.

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