Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 259

[259] Hunter Leona (2)

Leona has no idea what’s happening on the ground and in the tower. We just have to get through here and get to where we need to go. Rudrey grips his teeth and searches the corpse for more, and Leona says urgently.

“Let’s get out of here. I heard the explosion. They’re coming this way. ”

Leona starts walking ahead, and the flashlight turns off. In the dark, I grope the wall and move forward, while turning on the flashlight only for a short while when the surroundings are unsettled. Rudrey advances anxiously slowly, grasping the edge of Leona’s clothing.

In this extreme darkness, it is more disadvantageous to find out than to hide. They should always be exposed to the light, and the only way to hide is to attack the enemy in the dark.

‘Damn, I should have saved the night vision. Although this item is not easily available…. ’

The night-vision guard was the most advanced piece of equipment that even the pursuers of this tower couldn’t get, so it wasn’t hard for Leona to find it.

Ta-ta-ta-ta! Boom!

You hear loud noises and gunfire from a distance. The pursuers can’t be safe from the monsters, so they must be fighting the monsters.



Monsters are just as stumbling upon Leona right now. In the darkness, Leona’s body hardens to see two blue eyes beyond the tunnel.

“Get behind me. ”

I don’t know what it is. However, at the height of the two eyes, it was never a small monster.

It’s not Leona they’re after, it’s Rudy. No matter how fragile you become, witches and monsters will never attack Leona. Defend Rudred and fight.

Leona turns on the flashlight on the AKM and reveals the monster.

“Lycanslope…. ”

A beast that is both agile and heavy. Even a bear tears its claws apart with a single swing.

“Get lost.”

“Get out!”

I shouted in my mouth and head at the same time, but there was no answer.


Rather, I started to rush towards him, raising my spirits. The Lycanslope’s attack line can only be so twisted to attack Rudri in the rear.

You have to believe that.

We mustn’t think that he might attack us together because of his inertia.

Leona grips her teeth and pulls the trigger.

Bang, bang! Bang!

Three bullets hit Lycanslope’s fuselage in no time.

But his body reaches three meters. Full metal jackets focused on penetration fall below the halo point round on the low resistance side. That’s why Lycanslope has been charging through the bullet without a fatal wound.

It is also difficult to bash Lycanslope’s head in with a fierce charge.

Bang, bang!

I shot two more shots, but missed without being hit in the head.

Leona realizes that.

Humans have killed many.

But I’ve never fought a monster before. Humans are sufficiently disabled with just a few shells. But not a monster.

Shit! I should have switched it to a buckshot! ’

It’s a good thing I couldn’t replace the magazine. We’re running out of time to sharpen the magazine. Leona is a Human, so Leona’s deputy commander specializes in manned combat. Guns, chipmunks, scopes.

You don’t own a giant monster weapon. I didn’t have to deal with anything that didn’t pose a threat in the first place.

We must wager a battle. As soon as Leona turns the adjuster into smoke and empties the magazine,


The sound echoes behind Leona.


“Ugh, ugh! ”

Once again,


With two blasts, Lycanslope bounces back and crashes. Leona looks back in a hurry.

“Heh, heh… ”

Rudrey is trembling with a Sawedoff Shotgun. For a moment, Leona quickly ran to Lycanslope, who shot 5.56 mm rounds at his head.


With that, Lycanslope is saved, and Rudrey reaches out with a sneer. It looks like you found the new body. He had a shotgun to make sure he wasn’t satisfied with the pistol.

It was because Leonardo didn’t get a good look at what Rudrey had taken because he was in the dark.

As a result, that choice saved Rudrey’s life.

“Tsk, it looks useful… ”


Leona showed Leona the shotgun bullet belt. Ten rounds of ammunition. Rudrey frowns, wondering if she was surprised by the recoil and the noise of the shotgun.

“I think I cut my wrist. ”

“Well, I think so. ”

He shot a shotgun with that skinny arm and didn’t even know how to shoot properly, so it wasn’t a problem to get hurt, it was a good shot.

“I’ll take this. ”


Leona takes off her coat, puts on a ballistic band, feeds the shotgun with two feet of gauge, and then fastens it to a belt inside the coat. We can take it out at any time.

The shotgun was a useless weapon for Leona, who prefers mid-range warfare. But now Rudrey’s got the shotgun. That’s a valid number.

“I’ll cancel saying I’m not looking forward to it. ”

How long has it been since she said that? Leona corrected what she said.

“Well done. ”

Rudrey nods quietly. Leona walks ahead. No mistakes this time. After turning the magazine into a buckshot, Leona is ready to deal with both humans and monsters.

No time to extract the chips, no time to spare the chips.

Tata, Tata, Tata!

There’s still the sound of battle coming from everywhere.

We don’t know where we can go outside.

In the depths of the earth that no one knows about, Leona faces war, not battle.

Hunters think.

‘They have a good chance of keeping this map underground. ’

‘I don’t know what kind of structure it is…. Maybe that’s where the subway used to go. ’

Gene told me that the subway runs between the platform and the platform. Then there’s a good chance that there’s an exit where it looks like a platform. ’

‘But they said they buried a bomb here. Well, then we’ve blocked most of the road to the ground. ’

If we find a way to the ground, we’ll have to blow it up and get out. ’

‘This place I am, it used to be a railroad. ’

‘But there is definitely a passageway that has been expanded later. The tracks aren’t the only ones. The big road is the line, and the small road is the morning. ’

‘All major roads lead to platforms. And they have a map… ’

Hunters judge.

‘Their target point must be the platform. ’

‘I am more likely to occupy all platforms with a different route and wait for me. ’

‘We don’t know when the platform will appear, but let’s assume there will be a battle. ’

‘Instead of avoiding a fight, I need to secure the map through a small fight before my position is completely fixed. ’

‘If there are no exits marked there, we will have to break through the platform. ’

‘Let’s assume we can’t use the psychic wave until we get out of here. ’

The only option to avoid a fight is to isolate Leona and Rudrey underground. I had to get a map while the enemies were still scattered. Leona walks through a tunnel in the dark, and Rudrey carefully follows behind.

You hear the noise of battle several times, and the sound of monsters and people dying is heard from afar.

Soon, Leona could see flashing lights from afar. Leona makes Rudredo do the same with her grip on the wall of the tunnel.

Leona whispers small.

“I’ll kill them and take the map. ”

“Shouldn’t we go the other way? ”

“We’ll be closing in on the perimeter. There’s a path we can take, and once one area is cleared, we’re surrounded everywhere. We need to disable one of their siege stations when there’s no siege yet, rather than breaking through. ”

It’s not a bold choice, it’s the only one. Rudy nods nervously. I could guess that the flashlight flashing from a distance was more than ten, and the enemies occupied a large area.

‘At least twice what you see. I have to deal with about 20 people… ’

I don’t know if there’s a range available, but even in the dark, there’s no way they didn’t bring a flare gun down here. It was a situation where you couldn’t turn on the lights and see where the cover was nearby.

Guns blazing as soon as they fire reveals their location. This place is a one-way street. It’s natural for them to become mops once they’ve captured each other and started to saturate.

Therefore, the relatively large features had to go too far into many platforms in order to go to war.

First, I had to ride the darkness and enter the platform. Leona climbs up the wall to avoid being detected by the light, but approaches with agility. You hid Rudred underneath the ruined wall you found along the way. This place should be enough to hide.

“Wait until we’re done here. ”

“Don’t get hurt, Leona. ”

Leona strokes Rudrey’s head in the dark.

Just like Gene did to himself one day.

This is what it feels like.

When you leave yourself, when you have to fight. When I told him to wait, Jean felt like this.

Leona felt a strange sense of catching, a strange joy, and a strange sadness.

He once looked at Gin and told her not to get hurt. I knew I shouldn’t be sad, but I thought I was sad.

But now, as I go to fight over Rudrey, Leona seems to know what Jean feels like.

I feel anxious, even if I leave it behind. It can never be comfortable.

“I’m not dying. No, you can’t die. ”

In order to meet Gene again, we must fight. Leona walks towards the light on the platform, melting into the darkness.

Leona has already taken out a Glock automatic pistol and mounted it there.

There is enough equipment.

There are enough bullets.

Full of courage.

Only numbers are missing.

That’s it.

Leona knows the shadows to reach the platform and hides herself in the shadows. After the collapsed rocks, Leona had to make a choice.

You have a position to initiate an ambush. The enemies have yet to notice their presence. It was common sense to kill a large number when firing a beginner.

Since the beginning of using a gun is like telling you where you are and starting it, Leona was going to pull it out once the whole battle started.

‘It would be nice to grind a chipmunk… Not so good. ’

Enemies are swarming all over the platform, making it difficult to shoot many with chipmusters. The use of firearms reveals its location and makes it difficult to kill many with chipmusters.

Circle and Medium Ranged Raid is my favorite, but I know enough about how to deal with a large number of Humans at close range. It’s not just near preaching there, it’s in the dark.

There is sufficient advantages to dark humidity.

Still, Leona is not the same as she was embarrassed when she just confronted Lycanslope. Humans have been dealing with this kind of thing for the last two years, and it’s not that they haven’t experienced the evil conditions of melee extermination.

Leona lived through trial and error.

Apparently, I have the know-how and the skill.

If the opponent is a human, Leona the hunter can demonstrate enough power.

I’m done thinking.

Hunters judge.

Let’s start with a sledgehammer. You have four. You’ll be in trouble if you miss anything. ’

‘Throw down your javelin and use flares and flares. ’

‘From then on, you can use the automatic pistol to battle. ’

Of course, handguns take time to aim and shoot and lack accuracy. Of course, such an armor does not help you when you fight alone.

Leona can’t carry a lot of weapons, because she doesn’t have a blank slate like Gin.

That’s why Leona had to choose how to use her limited weapon. Just like AKM’s used as assault rifles and heavy range sniper rifles. The same goes for automatic weapons.

Leona already had 33 rounds loaded with silencers in a Glock 17 automatic pistol, plus an expansion knob and a subsection.

With this, Glock17 can be used as a supply SMG. 33 rounds is not too short. Leona is careful not to let enemies in the vicinity hear the sound of weapons assembly.

Silencer firing using sub-sonic rounds will suppress the noise extremely. The Flashbang will take away Leona’s sight of the enemies who are lighting their eyes to search for her, and it will blend in with the blazing noise to prevent them from pinpointing its exact location.

It’s clear that even a silencer shot will produce light, but you can fight it by moving the position in a terrifying way. Leona hangs the assembled glock on her coat, then pulls out four javelins.

Leona knows her weaknesses better than anyone.

As for adults, their strength is weak compared to that of their peers. That’s why melee combat is not extreme. That’s why Leona has a weapon whose strength is not so important in all fights, both near, medium and far.

I’ve considered bows, but bows are weapons that require considerable strength for children like Leona, and the sound of waves coming from bows cannot be ignored.

To strengthen her absolute weakness, Leona chose to maximize her organs.

Focus and delicate hand skills.

The gladiator was perfect for Leona.

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