Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 288

[288] Punishment

War includes many battles.

Tsk… tsk…

Winning a battle doesn’t mean you can win a war, but it’s only a battle a soldier encounters. While battles are sometimes unrelated to war, some battles play a decisive role in winning.

But is this a battle?

Can we really call this war?

There were traces of saturation on the burnt ground, and burning trees, chariots, and black smoke were rising into the sky, creating spectacular death.

There was nothing alive in the battlefield that was full of death.

However, nothing was alive, but something was moving.

Wh… uh… Uh…

The dead walk. The dead wander around with their weapons, blurry eyes.

He loses his arm, his leg, his heart is pierced, but he can’t die, so the living cry low and roam the earth, unable to speak a language.

All I had was my body crying like an animal.

Mom… Mom… It hurts…

Let me go… home…

(* Sobbing *) Ugh…

I want to go back…

However, the earring mixed with the wind sprinkles words of sadness into the world like a crying voice.

Despite the wind, it resonates in the world like a human voice.

Those who have the flesh weep of the beast, and those who have lost the flesh do not leave the world, but weep in the wind with the voice of man. The two crying battlefields were filled with broken armored cars, chariots, gunships, crushed flesh and black smoke.

This is it.

Can we call it war?

Those who do not know what war is lose their minds in a more terrible sight than any war in history, and their egos collapse and go mad.

Who will accept the reality that the colleague who put him in charge of the shoulder will shoot himself in half with his face torn off?

Who will be able to handle the reality that a patient who just boarded a convoy will pull a chipmunk pin out of my chest and make a choice for everyone to fire?

Who is he?

Can you accept the fact that you will do the same to them after you die?

Existence does not precede nature.

The upper directive is to cut off the limbs and burn them with a laser to keep the injured ally from undead.

There is no brotherhood or humanity at war. Dead soldiers become enemies. That is why we must inflict certain extinction on our fallen comrades.

Soldiers are just tools.

That’s why essence precedes existence.

Soldiers are forced to play only the role of the tool itself, and when they die, they must be killed by their comrades without any time to feel the grief of their death.

Just in this situation, where every human has been given the name of a tool. No battle victory brings joy to anyone.

A winner despairs in the way of a winner, and a loser despairs as a loser always does.

It’s just a war of despair. While everyone was swimming in the sea of despair, no positive emotions were allowed for everyone.

Only fear.

Only hatred.

Only determination,

Only despair.

Only deception, only hope.

It was the only emotion allowed for everyone.

There is only one thing all of those feelings are directed toward, regardless of your enemy.


The king of the group, the absolute ruler of life and death.

The Evil Lord who feared everyone, hated everyone, and wished everyone dead was the ruler of this battlefield.

“Asura…. ”

Charlotte de Calz chewed on the cursed name and looked down at the battlefield after battle from a high place. I looked down at the drifting ears and the undead walking on the ground.

Charlotte, a practical Wargrave foe, stares down at the scene.

This war was fought by Kalz. Charlotte knew that. I didn’t want to fight, but I had to.

But, in the end, a fight calls for a fight, and that fight calls for hatred and anger that wasn’t there when the gun was going back and forth.

“As much as you… As much as you…”

Charlotte shakes her lips slightly and mutters in anger.

“Somehow…. I will tear you to pieces… ”

You know best that you don’t have a legitimate and upright cause. I don’t even think of myself as justice.

I’m not saying I was just thrown away, I’m not wrong.

But this isn’t it.

This can’t be happening.

Leave the issue of ethics and morality, and just don’t treat humans like this. Not everyone is a great hero, but those who tried their best in their place.

We must not let our souls and bodies leave the world like this.

A lot of people who were thrown into war and had to put bayonets on each other just because they were from Wargrave, they just got dragged out here.

Charlotte doesn’t deceive herself, but she pities all the soldiers. Because they didn’t pity themselves, they had to pity themselves enough.

Not all of them deserve this.

Asura turned the word “brotherly love” into a miserable and disgusting joke.

How many lives will you insult?

How much grief do you intend to trample on?

Even sadness does not feel like sadness, and many soldiers who have to burn at the hands of their colleagues have already been defeated in the battle. With the face of the defeated, they confessed that more allies had been killed than the enemies they killed, and watched the soldiers mutter miserably.

Charlotte didn’t hate Khaltz, but she ended up hating Azura.

What do you mean the Devil’s gone?

With her knowing.

There’s a demon named Calz.

There is a demon named Asura.

I knew there were already two demons.

Charlotte realizes the eagerness of the battlefield is approaching and is about to attack her, crushing the weeds that are pouring out of the dividing field.


Charlotte did not know whether the souls of the perishing were indeed spirits. We don’t know whether the perished soul will receive rest in the afterlife or in the heavenly realm of death.

But Charlotte could only find out one thing.

You can’t do this. These fights that force humans to just play instrumental roles should not be prolonged. We mustn’t create a battlefield like this and let the creature prepare for such a cursed battlefield live.

I tried not to be swallowed up by the hatred and anger that the fight called for. However, Charlotte did not settle down in this view. Ultimately, anger had to turn that direction.

No one in the world could be rational in this view as long as it was not a fight that started with hatred for each other.

Charlotte sweeps through the battlefield with frightening eyes, turning away shortly.

There are still demons in the world.

Among them.

Carls is a long way.

Asura is close.

Charlotte carved only the Grand Prophecy into her soul.

Now, the Union’s headquarters was built in Srinagar, in the former Indian region. The distance between here and Kabul, where the enemy originated, was 500 kilometers, but not that far.

The battle in Tibet was inevitably dominated by command forces using air power. Now, however, the command had to withdraw all troops from the mountain and then retreat the entire line.

It wasn’t just the power of the commander.

Despite Azura’s use of commanding magic to plague the human fears, the dominance of the absolute equipment is in command. The rapid maneuvers and strikes of air force have to be pushed in front of him.

There are two archangels in the group. One was the head of the group, Asura, and the other was the second seat of the group and the first rate of the commission.

The ultrasonic rate uses meteorological techniques to render enemy equipment useless. Through the booze of the whirlwind, the enemy’s trajectory is plunged into the muck, creating a fierce and irregular gust that renders the enemy’s air power inoperable. In a massive gust, the gunship stumbles and falls like a paper airplane.

With an incomprehensible climate and command, the command had no choice but to continue their retreat.

Commandments aren’t the only force in the group. The battlefield wields the same power as the plagues of the two archangels.

Spells have never been used in wars, even if they were used in people and towns. But now that they’re both at war, magic is doing something so overwhelming that science can be crushed.

Eventually, the command had to retreat to the Afghan border, and the alliance of the group and Central Asian forces was able to cross the mountain range of Tibet, which was an absolute disadvantage.

It was because the war had evolved as a unilateral feature that allowed us to travel that long distance during the war that was not so long ago.

That’s why war has been consuming since the front line was built. There have been numerous battles between Kabul and Srinagar, and enormous numbers of people have died and come back to life.

Numerous concepts and hatred that occurred in the process flooded the river in blood. Enemies and allies alike, the scene had to be accepted as a name of fear for all.

Asuka may not be human, literally.

A demon who was born to rule the world.

Rumors like that have already been accepted as facts. Wargrave soldiers in the world of science have seen too much of Asura’s supernatural power. Faced with numerous phenomena and unscientific forces that no common sense could explain, I had to accept.

When we face a force that is contrary to common sense, we must be overwhelmed by its reality.

Rather than the slatters of the group, Wargrave’s soldiers are even more terrified of Asura. And it was deteriorating with a belief close to obedience and faith.

“The wire is stuck. I admit that the Commander’s strength has been reduced, and that the group’s strength has contributed immensely. ”

“Isn’t the shape ridiculous? I am the king. The king is not worthy, so there is no need to say so. ”

“I see. Pardon me. ”

“What? You don’t have to do that anymore. ”

Francis said quietly. There was only two of them in the conference room.

At first, Francis was very frustrated when he received an alliance request from the group. I could have done as much as I could if I could have left them behind and used them as bullet traps instead of making noise.

Fear and obedience to the name Azura were merely false rumors for Francis to judge. Rumors spread about uncertainty in this world. The next day, a hen becomes a rooster, or a fox skips human liver and becomes a human.

Francis knew that in a world full of such nonsense, it was too easy to deliberately create false rumors to spread fear.

Francis was frankly offended when the madman told him that he was pretending to be the king of cannibals.

Now, do you want to go up against Wargrave for all this? But unlike what he had in mind, he was as intrigued as the handwriting on the letter.

“Since you and we are in agreement, shouldn’t we build a temporary alliance to respond to common enemies? ’

The letter written with such intent, it looked like it had been eaten, but it had been conveying the enticing and heavy message itself. And when Francis saw the letter, he felt a strange feeling.

It was unpleasant at first.

However, when Francis saw the letter itself disappearing terribly, he had no choice but to think it was some kind of magic. As a result of my referral to the technicians, the paper is just paper, and there is no device or technology in it.

Apart from him, he accepted the offer because he had no bad choice but to join the group rather than leave anxiety behind.

At the Allied Forces’ first meeting, Francis realizes that his expectations were somewhat off.

Asura thought he was a madman who called himself king by uniting Slater.

But she wasn’t crazy. She was crazy.

I could not see beyond the mask I was wearing, but the mask was giving off just as much horrific energy as it looked, and even Francis felt the psychological pressure.

That was all I could tell.

There is a magic spell on the mask of Azura. Some kind of spell that won’t allow you to face it properly. Francis didn’t just think that magic was foolish, but he didn’t think it was enough to exert such substantial pressure.

At that time, Francis thought some of the many false rumors about Azura might be true.

And he also told Asura the unbelievable truth.

The fact that Ivan de Calz, Wargrave’s enemy, was murdered.

It took a long time for that to turn out to be true, but when Francis confirmed the fact, he couldn’t help but hold the alliance’s hand.

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