Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 299

[299] War, and Battle (2)

Enforcer to executive combat does not end quickly. Disable the reaction gloves to destroy the enforcer’s guarding power, so there is generally no shooting with laser sabers or guns.

So, if the running side and the chasing side are fighting, the running side is a little easier. That became the basis for guerrillas to wage a full-scale war.

However, the situation has been reversed since the invasion of Galahad.

The sharp trunk shatters the reactive gloves and pierces the enforcer, sucking the life centre and disabling the enforcers one by one without even resisting.

The most terrible monsters in the world are pear bonds, and some of them are comparable to demons.

Galahad and Lancelot, by far the most powerful vessels in the world, were clearly demon-worthy or even more powerful.

[Confirm target A appears. Stop all missions and engage evasive maneuvers when Black Wings are spotted overhead.]

However, the enemy command was also quick to judge the situation. Can’t face an enemy you can’t defeat. At the drop-off point, where Galahad feared to appear, enforcers had already taken cover and fled like lightning.

[In addition, you confirmed the absence of an enemy shaman.]

[Implement Operation with Plan C. More than.]

Executives were killed by Galahad, eight by a pursuit of law enforcement officers, but there were still ninety left.

The more guerrillas you continue, the more damage your allies do.

Ramfil stares down at the view from above the wall. The attack on Castle itself has not yet been launched.

Enforcer’s strongest advantage, excellent maneuverability. The advantage, however, is that the Central Asian military clearly has one. However, the command is clearly gaining an overwhelming advantage over the overall maneuver.

That’s because their manpower isn’t just neglected by the enforcers. Ramfil glances down at the battle and winks at the strange reaction he feels on the horizon.

Heat source?

The clock is barely picking up, but there was definitely a thermal reaction. It was captured by Ramfil’s Terraframe, and Gene was looking at the battlefield, so he didn’t see it properly.

The sky around the horizon, to be exact.

Ramfil knew what that meant.


“What’s going on? ”


The heat reaction was approaching at an enormous rate. In combat, gunships have rarely been properly operated. The enemy pushed in through the wave, and there was always a meteorologist.

But now, this is the first time I’ve ever fought and constructed a Node like this.

Gene had only just realized the nature of this guerrilla operation.

It’s not just a destroyer.

“Guerrilla was here to see if there was a shaman. ”

If they had, they would have retreated after carrying out the proper destruction, otherwise they would have deployed a gunship in the rear and bombed the entire base.

Acrobatics, including autofocus, are clearly identified in advance if approached in advance. However, the enemy’s gunship can be approached at a speed of 330 km/h while waiting beyond the observation range.

In maneuver, the Allied forces are far behind the command post.

The Wall Defense Commander who was listening to the conversation called out.

“Enemy airforce! Activate the artillery now to form a net…! ”

But already, something is approaching, faster than the enemy’s gunship is approaching.


Missiles have been launched from a number of gunships that have already been fairly close, and there have been no manpower deployed in a number of anti-aircraft guns prepared to hunt undead and enforcers on the ground.

The guerrilla wars have already created an optimal environment for gunships to raid.

Many of the missiles fired from the gunship were approaching at an immense rate, sprinkling blue light.

There are many missiles pouring from the gunship, as if they were going to end everything with a single shot.

It is too late to construct the network because of the rampaging undead and the enforcers.

Gene sees hundreds of incoming Hellfire missiles and activates Dark Bone Energy. Leona’s underground bunker is safe. You are not in a hurry to know that a missile of this magnitude can withstand it.

‘But…. ’

In the scent of a missile rainstorm, will this garrison be safe?

Gene was hard to be sure.


In turn, the flying missiles ignite destruction on the base.

The enemy’s primary bombardment immediately neutralized the artillery in the open field within the garrison. Prior reconnaissance has pinpointed the position of the anti-aircraft cannons in the encampment, and as a result, the rapidly neutralized anti-aircraft cannons have lost functionality even before they were used properly.

The Cannon is certainly not fit to intercept enemies on the ground. The undead have been invading, not intimidating, but clearly intimidating, so it is not a situation to sit on a cannon.

There was a terrible disaster, and there was no way to fight the gunship now. Armored vehicles and chariots with anti-aircraft guns have begun to operate urgently, but the enemy gunships have already destroyed most of the republic.

Less than a minute after the enemy fire started, the scenery and the scene had changed dramatically. The garrison quickly turned into a lake of fire, and the gunship approached at the right time and once again started bombing missiles while shooting 30mm machine guns into the beehive.

Gene fires 30mm rounds that are more penetrating than the 20mm rounds of the NTW20 sniper rifle that he uses. He lightly smashes the shells and fires the hidden soldiers with bullets, not through them.

“An extinction disguised as guerrillas. ’

Through guerrilla operations, we go on a quest to draw out the enemy’s main force. Galahad clearly put in high-firepower equipment to make sure that even the enforcers couldn’t oppose him in the field wars, but that there were no archaeologists.

Enemies will destroy the base with gunships, even if they win local wars. The garrison was almost destroyed after the second missile bombing.

Flash, flash, flash!

The laser attack fired from the ground has begun to hit the gunship. You hear the screams and screams of many battles.

Laser Rifle is not listening!

I’m sorry!

The gas appears to be coated with a laser defusing coating!

Do you think that makes sense?

Launcher! Use Launcher!

Combined Heavy Weapon Magazine Destroyed!

God damn it!

Enforcers have completely disabled the means to attack the gunship. The enforcer guerrillas lay out the plates and the supported gunships destroy the garrison. The artillery was disabled, and the laser rifle, a portable and basic firearm, was not through gunships, most of the ammunition magazines with rocket launchers exploded, and the gunship was at too high an altitude to reach the range of a standard rifle or machine gun.

The enemy is well prepared. He tried to inflict heavy damage on his enemies by loading his fury and fury into this single counter punch as he repeatedly retreated.

Gunships were primarily neutralizing enemy heavy armored vehicles and chariots. Hellfire missiles fire several times, disappearing chariots and armored vehicles one blast at a time.

‘Not only gunship, but also a special coating to disable laser rifles…’ ’

Did Carltz give you any new skills? Disperse it as soon as the laser hits it. Even if the laser is hit, the gunship is still intact.

There is no time to hunt down the Enforcer.

If you miss the Enforcer, the magazine will be destroyed, but if you miss the gunship, the base will be blown away. Ultimately, there is something only heavy artillery can do.

The Allied forces take up heavy artillery in Yaji and begin their assault on the gunship. With continued bombardment, the command system was almost paralyzed in an instant, and everyone was just indiscriminately pushing for gunship to survive.

The total number of gunships is a hundred.

A guerrilla could take heavy damage if the base is destroyed. In the middle of the night, an operation that began after the Undead raid suddenly evolved into a battle with the destiny of the entire garrison.

“I can’t help but notice. ”

Ramfil says so, reaching his fingertips to the sky. Jean wore gloved exoskeletal suits on her left arm.

“Work before the advance. ”

Gene shakes his head, saying that this is something you shouldn’t do as a hunter.

It was an amulet and weapon Ashfiled once used. Nestled halfway between the amulet and the scientific equipment, this weapon was the one Ashfile used most often with bloodshed.

Even in the last battle, Ashfile faced the camp in these gloves.

An amulet that uses Dark Bone Energy to materialize into physical energy and is a product of science at the same time.

I didn’t take it to use it originally. Looking at the remnants of the ash file, I had no choice but to bring it back.

A gauntlet glove made of Dragon Bones, based on the blood of a demon and the hide of an immortal. It’s an amulet possessed by Ashfile.

Handcuffs, Avalanche.

Gene was originally an unfavorable type of amulet, named after the release of a turbulence of energy such as landslide.

Avalanche consumed just as much Darkbone energy as its usefulness, so gin was not considered a very good amulet in terms of efficiency. Gene wasn’t hunting a demon, so he wasn’t too happy about spending a lot of Dark Bone energy in one fight.

However, given the adequate Dark Bone energy, this boasts the best efficiency in multiple wars. In fact, in the battle between BH and Wargrave, Ashfile slaughtered the hunter worshippers with Avalanche.

And now.

There is no reason to conserve energy for Gene, who has completed the Darkbone.

Therefore, all past assessments were completely withdrawn, and Avalanche, along with the Phantom Bain, deserved to be called Gene’s most needed amulet.

War is upon us.

How important is the weapon that can unleash Darkborn energy into a landslide disaster?

Ramfil reaches for a gunship with his right index finger.

Likewise, Gene also picked up a dark avalanche and aimed at the heavenly gunship.

[Teraframe protocol activity.]

[Darkborn activity.]

Prepare the [Lv.4 Therapy Flare.]


Flames begin to spread in Ramfil’s right hand, and a surge of white and black energy rushes towards the sky.


“What, what! ”

No one else will be embarrassed.

Kugu Palace!

Dark Bone energy was injected from Gene’s left hand.

Command’s operation was complete.

Obviously, they could have done a level of assault to finish the garrison, even if it wasn’t destruction.


There were no two demon-hunters in your calculations.

[A0, this is G44. Reports that two of your gunships were lost due to an unidentified laser blast.]

“This is A0, your gunship is equipped with a laser diffusion system. Is there a large plasma blaster in the garrison? ”

The operator at the control center bit his lip as he listened to the report. The first reason for disabling firearms is because a new technology has been applied to gunships that can disable enemy laser weapons. Large plasma blasters are super-heavy equipment that is highly flammable but not easy to use in this large battlefield.

It can only be used as a cradle to kill the MCP monster in Fortress, but not as a dragging device in the battlefield. The gunship activity was guaranteed because the enemy artillery power was down 97%.

The heavy reaction gloves of the gunship not even a tram gun can sufficiently prevent ballistic fire of 20 mm or less. Enemy heavy artillery, as well as weapons that may interfere with gunship activities, are being dealt with first.

No reports of large plasma blasters were received.

But clearly, two gunships were lost by laser firing.

[Large plasma blaster does not exist at enemy encampment.]

“If not plasma blasters? ”

[I don’t know. But one was a white laser cannon and the other a black one.]

White is a black laser that can be understood, but there is also a degree of language. Isn’t darkness as powerful as the word “radiant darkness” supposed to be?

[Two Energy Blasters have just been injected again! We lost three gunships, including the G25!]

[Shockwave at laser passage! It’s hard to operate the gas!]

Numerous operators have been unable to catch their breath in strange reports flying from place to place.

Not laser level.

Lightning inflates the air around it, creating a sound called thunder. But that’s it.

However, the laser blaster fired by the enemy is not to mention shockwaves that make it difficult to maneuver nearby gunships. No one could believe that such a thing was possible with the power of the equipment.

However, the gunship was lost to four people in an instant, and shocking waves also impaired the operation of nearby gunships.

“Notify all gunships. Identify the enemy’s anomalous energy injection points and quickly report what equipment they have! ”

An urgent general operator’s order has been issued.

The technical advantage is clearly in command and no one doubts it. But no one could predict what was going on.

[This is G49! Enemy overhead has been spotted.]

[That’s… Not equipment…. What? Ugh! Ugh!]

What he saw was absurd enough to forget the rules of reporting. Another storm passes, and the report begins with a trembling voice.

[A0, this is G49…. Not equipment.]

An unbelievable word slowly flows through the radio.

[Two injection points, both…. A person.]

“Excuse me?”

A ridiculous report of laser blasters being injected out of human hands followed.

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