Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 301

[301] War, and Battle (4)

With Ramfil thrown up, Changwall was perfectly guarding against the laser sabel.

I couldn’t avoid it, so I stopped it. But that may be appropriate for a gladiator, but it’s nonsense in the face of Laser Sabel.

Laser Sabel has no physical strength. So if you hold up your sword, you will only cut it down with it. But clearly, the laser sabel, which was swinging by the enforcer, was blocked in the stockade.

An earring blue sword held by an unknown opponent. Ramfil pushes the executioner back with his sword, and even the Gigaframe-grade force is so easy that the executioner bounces off and rolls the floor.

The window is surprisingly a material but at the same time maintains the state of the anti-material other than the material. Ramfil was quite interested in such development, and was able to discover some strange abilities.

Changwol can physically block a non-material sword called laser sabel. In the same sense, photoablative swords can also be prevented. The principle is unknown, but it is possible.

That’s why the other enforcers were frightened that the impossible was blocked.

A Lamfil that was relaxed to deal with the enforcement officer even in the state of Megaframe, a degraded product of GigaFrame.

Then he grabbed the darkbone to the Terraframe protocol. Ramfil is not a genius who only exerts his talents under inferior conditions.

Given excellent conditions, he is a genius who exerts the hidden talents within himself even better.

It is Ramphil who has surpassed human predictions and is reluctant to face even the Devil Hunter.

Power, speed, cognition. That’s where I got the power I couldn’t compare to before.

Despite its overwhelming firepower, melee combat is still Ramfil’s specialty.

Ramfil has unlimited Dark Bone Energy, just like Gin. Therefore, even if there is a monstrous amulet like Avalanche, it cannot be used. The terraframe is also run on a chip basis. When firing at gunships, he uses a ranged attack vehicle called Terraflare, but it also consumes enormous energy.

So, Ramfil should be in a position to fight efficiently. Even with a bare fist, it is a lambill with power against the enforcer, but it is impossible unless it hits the perfect timing weakness.

After all, Giga frames are hard, and Ramfil’s laser sabers don’t work at all. Enemies are too numerous to engage in hand-to-hand combat. It takes time to defeat one.

But only the flesh is hard.

If it’s in the past, there’s one more thing for Ramfil.

Ramfil rushes to the pushed executioner and slits his throat with a wall of windows.



Changwol doesn’t actually cut down enemies. However, Changwol, which possesses Dark Bone Energy, tears the soul of the enemy apart. If the soul is not actually dead, but the soul is dead, it is no different than death.

The Practitioner had a solid body.

However, no one can even harden a soul.

Looking at the strangely convulsed enforcer slashed by the unknown sword, the three seemingly co-conspirators rush towards Ramfil.

[cognitive acceleration activity.]

Ramfil slashes toward the three rushing enforcers one after the other, across, bell and across. Ramfil passes by without them noticing.


“Huff, huff! ”


Three enforcement officers collapse in an instant and begin seizures.

Slash the soul.

A sword is enough to kill a human, but the sword has no use for killing an executioner. Progress does not use phantom vanes in this fight.

However, Changwool, ironically, was not a ghost, but an optimal weapon for killing cyborg fighters.

It’s used for catching chickens, but eventually you can’t kill chickens with a cattle knife.

The overwhelming physical ability has an ear blade that can tear anyone’s soul apart.

Ramfil is conscious of the three fallen enforcers.

Now no one in the world can beat themselves in melee combat.


Then, Ramfil quickly moved to his position, looking at the flashing light from the sky.


The Plasmagan Sosa has just destroyed Ramfil’s position.

After all, the enemy is not the only enforcer. An enemy has detected an inability to fight with an allied enforcer and is targeting Ramfil with Plasmagan. Gene, if you get that thing over the limit, you’re dead.

Boom, boom, boom!

The enemy starts shooting Ramfil again with the Plasmagan.

The enemy’s judgment was correct.

If you can’t fight Ramfil, make sure he can’t attack his allies.


Ramfil starts running to avoid the relentless pursuit of the enemy’s Plasmagan Sosa.

However, no matter how fast Ramfil is, the gunshot movement of the enemy that is aiming from above is faster. Therefore, there is a limit to evasion if the enemy persists and makes predictive actions.

But it’s visible to Ramfil.

[Displays enemy muzzle sight.]

The radar system of the terraframe detects the gunship overhead and shows where it is aimed. The location that the enemy’s plasma gun is aiming at is virtually displayed in front of Ramfil’s eyes, and Ramfil avoids that point.

You chase down a few Ramfils, and Ramfil knows where the enemy is targeting him. Ramfil tries to target the terraflame, avoiding enemy lines of fire.


Ramfil sees three more Plasma guns aiming at him. Ramfil grips his teeth. This is the most urgent way to avoid it, and there’s no time to target the terraflats.


I’m in a hurry just to avoid the Plasma Gun Extinguisher. Intercepting an enemy while greeting them in this situation is insane. Plasma guns that drop twenty feet per second charge and aim for the terraflator. The enemy aims for Ramfil’s rear and front in a dazzling fashion.

Stop or die.

This is a battlefield. If the opponent decides it’s a dangerous enemy, there are more enemies. And four gunships started marking Ramfil Bay. It ties up one of the fewest dangerous forces and creates an environment in which our enforcers can fly inside.

This is insane!

It is qualitatively different from fighting. Fights collide with the flesh, but war collides with the body and heads collide together.

I didn’t think it was an easy enemy, but I didn’t think it would be such a troublesome situation.

The words of the man who must face the enemy now pass through Ramfil’s mind.

‘I give you the power to overcome your’ enemies in front of you ’, and that’s all you can use. ’

Given the Terraframe protocol, Charlotte clearly said so.

The enemy in front of him, the enforcer, was too easily neutralized. But in this war situation, Ramfil was unable to defeat the four gunships. There is no reason for enemies to approach melee warfare to deal with Ramfil, the strongest of melee warfare. This is war, and killing your enemies efficiently is important, but tying them up is also important.

Ramfil runs with his teeth crossed. We need to move now. So fast that they can’t shoot themselves.

No laser saber, no shooting. That’s something we all know now. However, our Enemy Enforcer is not in a position to procure weaponry that will work for the Enemy Executive.

The Allied forces have an overwhelming advantage over the power of command and weather magic. The command does not choose an option to replenish the power of the spell that is lacking on him.

Make the most of the advantages of better science.

Friendly enforcers can only be slaughtered by enemy enforcers, as long as they know that their laser weapons cannot harm the enemy enforcers. No equipment is available to strike properly.

In the battle between cyborgs, supernatural warfare is taking place inside Castle because the general troops were either interrupted or slaughtered.

There is a significant difference between an assailant and an enemy force using a laser sable. I started using machine guns in general weapons urgently, but I was wearing body bunker-level body armor as well as laser diffusion. It’s an ultra-high weight body armor that no ordinary person can wear, but it doesn’t mean anything to an executive.

Gene’s avalanche or Ramfil’s record-breaking performance was perfect.

Even with the laser disabled, coalition enforcers were unable to overcome the classics. Fortunately, the undead commanders of the group were better off. Minigans or ammunition using buckshot ammunition were armed by the group, so even if they couldn’t crush the enforcers at once, they were showing enough resistance.

As an undead, the undead do not die of dizziness. Even with their arms blown off, ignoring the extent of the wounds, and even with their heads blown off, the undead pursue the battle and harass the enemy enforcer.

Undead who are already dead are qualitatively different from the undead who are created by the strongest.

The undead, with an obsession called Asura, fight proactively with will.


The undead, who harnessed their undead so badly, were not the same as the undead. Allows critical hits of any level to be inflicted, and chokes the executioner in melee combat. Your torso tightens your enemies even when you blow your body with a laser saber. Friends pour out saturation towards small gaps.

Allied forces enforcers wage shotgun battles without hesitation, but the undead in the group stand against them.

I couldn’t help but call it an abhorrent and terrible battlefield.

It was only then that the command side appeared to be an apostle of justice who repelled the evils of the century.

Kugu Palace!

Beneath the bunker are the undead, non-specialized executives. Reports were flying at the command post, and they were busy issuing additional instructions. A battle is taking place inside the Castle, but the location of this underground bunker is still unknown.

All available troops were on the ground in the event of this incision, including the top enforcers. Chang, the commander, was also in the middle of combat on the ground after delegating power to the subordinates.

The laser weaponry isn’t working!

Tell them to get the ammunition!

This is no time to supply ammunition against the enforcers!

Shit! What’s the status on the outside?

We’re doing everything we can to deal with gunships! You have activated 8 Cannons, but they are all being fired upon by the opponent’s gunship’s missile intercept!

All units, tell the enforcers to deliver machine guns with 20mm rounds inside the Castle! I don’t know about gunships, but if the enforcers get in here, it’s over!

Leona senses intense anxiety and fear as she hears it from afar.

I wanted to take a break for a couple of days, but everyone realized that such words were the language cluster. This is a battlefield, and it’s not uncommon for a battle to take place anytime, anywhere. More people were already dying, and more were about to die.

Elizabeth holds Frey’s hand with an anxious expression, and Frey also holds her hand as if she would not let go. Although Frey was not active for very long, he did not stand in the shoes of the victim, even if he was the perpetrator of death.

But she has changed. There was nothing important in the past, but now there is something important. I don’t want to imagine his death.

That is why I now realize that death is a fear of death, even though I have given many deaths by my hands.

Feeling at war is, of course, not when you’re the perpetrator, but when you’re the victim. I’m afraid.

I decided to join this war, but the countless rumbling sounds of the earth create dust inside the bunker, and in the cloudy dust, Frey is forced to stand still.

Leona was experiencing tension, fear, and despair throughout the space. War is a place where all the negative emotions of the world come to pass.


Four hours to go, at least!

The distance between Islamabad and Srinagar is 140 kilometers, not that far, but over the mountains. Therefore, very fast support was not possible. If they had a gunship like the enemy, they would arrive within the hour, but they had no such means of transport.

But in the end, that means this battle will end at least four hours later. The enemy doesn’t want to face the reinforcements.

Leona looks nervous and stares at the entrance of the bunker. The only way down was to hope that the bulkhead gates of the giant stairwell wouldn’t open until four hours had passed.

Leona squeezes the javelin in her chest.

We don’t know what kind of fight Jin and Ramfil are fighting.

But there may be a fight coming to them. You can’t kill an executioner no matter how many buckshots you use with your AKM.

It is also difficult to crush a fast-moving enforcer with your mind.

In the end, if the enforcer came, there was nothing to believe but a direct battle with psychoblades.

Can you do it? Exactly. Melee combat is not a skill, and until recently, Leona was unable to handle a single adult slater with melee combat.

Many things have changed now, but I don’t know until I try it myself.

Leona suppresses a number of boiling questions, and holds the javelin in her right hand with trembling edges.

And then…


“! ”

Kung! Kung!

The medium-sized guard door begins to wiggle, little by little, in the shock on the outside.

Leona has a cold sweat on her forehead, and the bunker insiders are also looking at the vibration with a frightened look.

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