Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 309

[309] Talent of the King (4)

Francis stares at Ramfil’s visit, dumbfounded for a long time. I had no idea what Ramfil was capable of.

It wasn’t just magic that I couldn’t understand.

Ramfil’s power was clearly the force of science, and he was also beyond Francis’ comprehension.

‘This is going to bother me…. ’

After the war, I wasn’t sure what to do with the group yet, but I added another peculiar problem.

‘Yes, not yet. ’

After this war is over, we’ll have time to deal with all of this. So, it was still early in the season to touch Ramfil.

After Francis’s visit, Ramfil also crossed the hallway with a firm look, thinking the same as Francis.

‘Not yet. ’

The time has not yet come for Commander Francis to pay for building a tower of corpses to create demons.

Even if Frey doesn’t, Ramfil was going to put an end to Francis’ disgusting deeds with his own hands, and he wasn’t ready yet, so he was going to kill his breath for now.

The alliance between Ramfil and the Central Asian forces has been confirmed in a fairly harsh manner. Gene didn’t tell Gatabuta when he heard what Ramfil had done later because it was the right thing to do.

Above all, it was time for them to settle this matter that they had come to the group.

Time passed while the Allied forces reconfigured the Islamabad garrison based on their standards and wondered how Francis should hide the body in chaos to be safe from Ramfil.

Four days after joining the base. By the time Asura was a little breathless.

Before I saw Frey, I met Elizabeth, whom Asura brought with her.

“You’re the kid the High Command told me about. ”

“Yes…. Your Majesty.”

Elizabeth bows slightly and politely in front of Asura’s threatening mask.

“Solarium’s high shaman. I heard that there is a shaman family with excellent weather skills there. ”

Even Asura, who is practically a long way from home, has heard the stories of the great shaman family of Solarium.

It was not uncommon for a shaman to be responsible for a metropolitan city, and maintain that shaman family’s reputation.

“It would be a humble force compared to the liquor of the King and the Party of Lords. ”

“There’s no need to be modest. Your accomplishments are as mature as you can see. ”

“It is imperative. ”

Obviously, Elizabeth has never seen a king and has no idea what to do with him. Having this meeting after four days was also because he spent time informing Elizabeth of her attitudes and attitudes and attitudes that were agitated about what Jin should do with Azura.

Thus, Elizabeth was able to imitate a rather plausible lower self who had never seen Asura before.

While not here, thanks to Gene, Elizabeth waits for Asura’s next words.

“I want to learn astronomy. ”

“I know it’s out of line, but yes, I want that, Your Grace. ”

After hearing that, Asura looks at the chorus for a moment. The ultrasound smiles quietly and bows its head to Asura, but there is nothing to say.

“Becoming my disciple also means inheriting everything in the group. Do you know that? ”

‘Even command.’

Asura did not say the latter, but she did not know if it had been heard from Elizabeth.

‘I don’t know if you’re going to eat my heart and avoid it. Or I’ll die soon, so I don’t know if I want to make an heir… Maybe not both. ’

So, why did you bring this child? I didn’t know about Asura. He was not so shallow that he did not want to do this to oppose his own mind, the king and the priest.

It’s hard to know what’s going on in the supernatural order.

Apart from the complex psychology of Azura, Elizabeth had no idea what to do with the enormous choice of accepting everything in the group.

“It’s …. ”

Elizabeth seems reluctant. Of course, Asura was not furious because she knew that the little child in front of her eyes wanted astronomy and didn’t want power and power.

“Get out of here. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

Ultrasound steps back from Asura’s room, leaving only Elizabeth and Asura in the giant room. It was roughly 15 steps away, not far, but not too close.

“Come here, come closer. ”

The leather chair on which Asura sat was quite unsightly for the king to sit, but he was not obsessed with such things. Elizabeth hesitates, but slowly approaches Azura. I didn’t know where he meant to come, so I slowly approached him.

“A little more, a little more. ”


“Yeah, a little bit more. Yeah, yeah. ”


“Yes, well done. ”

Elizabeth’s face turns red and she can’t help it. It seemed to be frightened or ashamed.


And Asura takes off her mask.

“Now… You’re looking good.”

Then I gazed at Elizabeth with blurred eyes. I was surprised that Azura took off his mask, but I forgot that it was rude for Elizabeth to look at him.

“Ah…. ”

And Elizabeth took a deep breath without my knowing it.

Yong ‘an is more beautiful than any face she has ever seen.) was in front of her eyes. Of course, Elizabeth did not think that Asura’s expression of ugly, fearful, and frightening belonged to such a beautiful woman.

It’s because Jean’s party didn’t tell her the truth either. But I forgot to mention that the face of a beautiful woman who appeared to be strong in front of Elizabeth’s eyes, but didn’t think it belonged to a fearsome butcher.

In addition,

I was amazed at the truth that I saw in my lost focus.

Asura is losing her sight, and her eyes are seething with hostility. Even though he was looking at himself, his gaze was pathetically fragile, as if he were stuttering air.

“Your Majesty…. ”

Elizabeth feels like she’s about to ride something, not knowing what to do. The Sorceress smiles. Elisabeta’s smile seemed to solidify her whole body.

“Wait, wait…. Stay still.”

And quietly, the Sorceress places her hand on Elizabeth’s stiff cheek. Elizabeth was surprised that the hand that touched her cheeks was so soft and warm that her body was full of fluffy hair.

And in the same way, I was surprised.

Now that her eyes are clouded, she can hardly see anything. That’s why you have to be this close to know things when you have to touch them.

I was relieved that I could still see it, but I learned that I was surprised.

“Is that so… So… that’s it… ”

“I… Huh? ”

Asura shakes her lips slightly, empowering her eyes to see Elizabeth properly.

“I was no king. ”

Because of something I read from Elizabeth, I learned everything there is to know about the beast. Fate is determined by the unexpected, and she must also cast her own fate in the unexpected.

Jean’s group brought in an unexpected person.


The owner of her destiny was Elizabeth. She had no choice but to be an astrologer.

I am not a king. He tried to be king, but it was not his destiny to be king.

“I became king to make you king. ”

“That’s… What…?”

Elizabeth is stuck to her nonsense and can’t say anything, and she realizes that sorcery is the reason and purpose that life is given to her.

The Sorceress trembles with her hands on Elizabeth’s shoulders, crumbling in agony.

“Aha. I have a favor to ask of you… ”

“I, Your Majesty…. I can’t fathom what you mean…. ”

The Sorceress vomited in a voice, whether she was crying or laughing.

“Be my successor…. Please…”

Elizabeth had no choice but to look at Asura, literally like she was possessed by a ghost.

Asura seemed so sad to say anything to comfort or express her doubts.

At the same time, I was terribly happy.

Elizabeth wanted to learn martial arts in Bondi, and in order to do that, she had to become the successor of Asura, not the unacceptable beginnings of her disciples. And as he became the successor of Asura, he had no choice but to inherit the group of Asura.

Elizabeth was quite reluctant to use her command, but she had to make a choice.

And Elizabeth knew, of course, that she couldn’t just drink what she needed and live.

Thus, Elizabeth knew she had no choice but to accept Asura’s offer.

But Elizabeth could not understand Azura’s words.

Asura said as if she had realized that she was destined not to be king, and that she existed in order to make Elizabeth king.

And Elizabeth had a pretty good idea where such a powerful sense of destiny came from.

‘Obviously, he saw the spirit in me. ’

Elizabeth didn’t even know what it was. But Asura realizes and trembles the entanglement of all destiny as soon as she touches Elizabeth’s body.

Elizabeth was able to see the face of a man who felt both despair and joy for the first time. It was enough to feed on a man’s heart with just the sadness that was being conveyed.

“How was it?”

After meeting Asura, you asked Elizabeth if Leona was curious. Elizabeth was somewhat lonely.

“Isn’t that punk doing something crazy to you? ”

Of course, Elizabeth was afraid. A deserter who uses commander magic carelessly and raises the dead to war. As I went to confront him, I didn’t know what kind of trajectory I was going to get, so I even asked Gin about it.

However, Elizabeth was neither a monster nor a demon she saw.

“You looked pathetic.”

“What? Poor thing? ”

Leona thought that if anyone could say “Azura” to the most distant person in the world, it would sound strange to Elisabeta.

“I don’t think anyone’s that pathetic in the world. ”

The expression on the Sorceress’s face that Elizabeth said was king was that all her life was in the face of an unjust man.

Life isn’t the only injustice. She was also wronged for her sins. He was the one who had to carry it and end up trying to accomplish something in a series of sins.

But she was denied her own decision to go away with her sins at the same time as her life.

The blind king felt his role in Elizabeth’s appearance was complete and regretted, realizing that it was the only salvation he had left.

Leona was unable to understand Elizabeth’s words, and neither was Elizabeth able to understand Asura.

What is inside of you? As soon as you feel it, the Sorceress is convinced that Elizabeth should become king.

Since Azura didn’t explain it any further, Elizabeth was unable to feel relieved, happy, or sad.

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