Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 322

[322] Bury in Water (3)

“Everyone into the chariots and armored cars! ”

“Move quickly! ”

The tornado was overwhelmingly large. Moreover, it was closing in on the dam, not to mention sucking out the retreating enemy enforcers.

There was no point in getting caught up with the enforcer or anything. All deployed personnel board the armored car and the streetcar and begin maneuvering.


The trajectory rolls and the withdrawal begins in an instant. No one had anticipated that a local war would only be a situation where the natural phenomenon would require retreat. However, the size of the tornado was enormous, and I wasn’t sure that it wouldn’t get sucked into the armored cars and chariots.

All that was left of the dam was Ramfil, Jean and Frey. Because there was also no guarantee that the giant giant dragon would not get dried up in the tornado, Leona left the dragon far behind.

“Is this place gonna be okay? ”

“You have to be safe. ”

We may be able to survive a tornado strike, but if the enemy retakes the breach, there could be trouble. That’s why there were only three of us left.


The fierce wind is getting stronger as the tornado gets closer. For decades, Tornadoes have been carrying out the devastating destruction of trees that have been rooted on the ground, uprooted and lifted into the sky.

Above all, it was hard to predict what would happen if such a wind were to be struck directly.

Frey’s choice was simple.

Glug glug!

They were all wrapped around the tentacle’s wall and firmly secured over the dam. Three people had to wait for the tornado to pass in a wall of tentacles that had been built up dozens of layers to withstand the tornado as strong as the physical shock.


Even though only one tornado hit the dam, earthquake and tremor were occurring.

That wasn’t the only problem.

The tornado is the wind, and it rises toward the sky. In the tentacle wall, everyone who stood up to the tornado came up with the same idea.

If that red water goes up into the sky on a tornado, what will happen?

Blood flow will drop.

It will rain blood that turns everyone in the rain into undead.

But now, no matter how overwhelming the three forces, no one has the power to destroy a giant tornado.

At that time, there were fifteen simultaneous tornadoes sweeping through the battlefield, with the exception of the tornadoes that beat the dam. Nature is all about pia, and it has been impartially destroying everyone.

Nature has emerged as the biggest obstacle to the war between man and man. The armored cars and chariots were not sucked into the tornado, but most of the surveillance equipment was broken, the tent of the encampment was blown away, and the soldiers in Yagi, not the heavy equipment, dried up on the tornado and shattered into pieces.

That’s not the end of the climate. Tornadoes are disappearing, and several tornadoes are approaching with massive lightning strikes. Trajectory vehicles swallowed by tornadoes filled with lightning fried them with lightning even though they could not send the soldiers hiding in them to the sky, and they were forced to be burned inside.

Nature can’t attack, so it can’t be an enemy.

That’s why the coalition forces and command forces were forced to fall behind in the naturally-occurring tornado.

“This nonsense…. ”

The ultrasonic rate forgot to tell you that in the bunker’s basement, we used to sense an aggressive ideal climate on the ground.

The same thing was true of the beast. Unlike the infancy rate, she was reporting the damage in real time to the undead in control.

Above all, the tornado was happening everywhere, but the tornado, which was directly against the lake above the dam, was the largest in size. Jinn’s group can’t help but notice what’s about to happen.

The tremendous amount of water that had been sucked up into the sky was about to rain. And the rain is likely to fall towards the Allied forces, not the command that has retreated so far back.

Those who have been undead by the water are not controlled by Asura.

At present, the damage caused by the tornado is minor, but it is clear that if the hemophilia starts to fall, it will be devastating.

“We need to stop the booze right now and stabilize the climate. ”

Dominating the climate not only summoned storms and storms, but also stabilized them. We had to stop this tornado for a while.

But it is clear what will happen.

“Hostiles will send a gunship. ”

“Of course. But if it stays like this and the rain of blood starts pouring, we won’t be able to fight and we’ll destroy it.” He quickly dispatches all troops and calls back the wind. ”

After sending the entire army across the river, it was a sudden mission to get out of the bloodstream. Asura bites her lip.

‘Cause…. ’

Nature was more of an enemy than a command. The biggest enemy was the Red River, followed by the sudden tornado.

But they were both born by the cause of Asura.

The simpler the frequency of Azura controlling the sky, the more powerful the ideal climate was.

However, controlling the sky again to stabilize the chaotic sky was no more than increasing and growing the overwhelming disaster over and over again.

In fact, even though the war depended on everything for the two archangels, it was no exaggeration that Azura knew the situation and had to use weather again.

‘Quick… We need to end this war as soon as possible. ’

Asura is anxious, but starts to move to practice weathering. You need to organize numerous reports through your age formula, use spells, and control the undead.

Asura was already doing something that one human being couldn’t handle.

And her eyes were already filled with most of the darkness that could not be erased.

The will of Asura has been made clear to the Allied forces, and all troops have set up flanks to avoid tornadoes and put all their people on armored vehicles. The garrison was large, and even if the tornadoes continued to do damage, they hadn’t done much damage yet.

Everyone has to cross the river before the water that goes up into the sky becomes rain.

The ultrasonic rate went into action to stabilize the climate, and the dam was fortunately safe. Frey, instructed by Asura, expanded the dam and blocked the water stream from flowing even a drop.

“Sir! The wind has stopped, and all tornadoes have stopped!” ”

“I see. ”

Charlotte nods slowly. When Charlotte heard about the tornado, she felt her blood freeze. With such overwhelming levels of aggressive nature, there were no outcomes other than defeat for the commanders.

Strangely, however, the tornado appeared in a random place, which allowed Charlotte to think of a possibility.

This tornado is not within enemy’s expected range.

However, many of these anomalous climates were excessively conducive, and in some cases Charlotte guessed that the shaman’s power was raging or that some third unexpected disaster was coming.

The Red River was also the source of information obtained through reconnaissance and espionage.

The enemy does not fully control this situation. And from the fact that the wind and rain could be called separately, Charlotte was able to extract one more piece of information.

‘Enemies may stop the weather. ’

It was Charlotte’s prediction that she might be able to remain in a compulsive state of calm. Enemies also stopped calling out the wind to stop the tornado.

This made me know one more thing. Choosing only tornadoes is impossible for them to eliminate. All meteorological procedures are comprehensive. The tornado didn’t just disappear and the whole wind disappeared.

And I could see what the enemy was worried about. A tremendous amount of water that tornadoes suck up, worrying about it coming down to the ground.

That’s why I knew the gunship was coming, but I took the path to controlling all the weather.

So far, that was the prediction when the tornado also caught up with the enemy.

Charlotte was expecting two cases. Either they silence the tornado separately, or they silence everything at the same time.

As Charlotte hoped, the enemy was not universal, and the latter acted.

“Enemies will attempt Doha. The whole army won’t wind up again until Doha is finished. ”

They will charge at the expense of gunship damage. No matter how useful the gunship may be, it’s not enough to annihilate an entire enemy unit. The enemy must have prepared enough anti-aircraft weapons.

If the enemy crosses, it will call back the wind and charge forward, regardless of the tornado or not.

The Allied forces wanted a swift descent, and after a significant blow to the command forces, they rebuilt the dam to exterminate it at once. Knowing that most of the Commander’s Autosaturation has been destroyed, the enemy resumes such daring operations.

He originally tried to attack the dam by operating the remaining munitions, but the dam he built became a bridge enough by itself. Enemy Self-Defense Forces have not allowed the Commander’s Self-Defense Force to put the dam in jeopardy, and the Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enforcer forces have been focused on exploring and destroying their Self-Defense locations.

The commander’s rifle cannot put an enemy dam in attack range. That’s why the last of the burrows were dispatched to the Enforcer Special Forces, but they were disabled to the enemy.

That should be enough to tell the enemy.

We are incapable of destroying your bizarre dams unless we send in a special enforcement unit. I have to look you in the eye.

But just as the enemy is hiding something, so is the number of spleens hidden from the commander’s army.

If the dam was built for Doha, the Allied forces would have been on high alert. I think there must be a reason for the enemy to leave the dam alone. I would have given up the emergency route using the dam and approached slowly.

However, Charlotte pretended to be able to take the bleeding and beat the enforcer and the remaining munitions there, desperately stopping the waterway through the dam.

Having fun with the laser diffusion coating, the command knew how well hiding information and taking out weapons from the spleen could give the enemy a clear shot.

“Put in the gunship. But do not stop the enemy from doing so. Put your enemies on the level they’re about to cross. ”

The enemy is expecting it, so we need to move it as expected. They will fight fiercely to pursue gunships.

But there’s one more thing.

“Send an MRL when more than half of the enemy troops have completed the Doha. ”

Multiple Rocket Launcher (MRL) and Multi-Rocket Launcher are standing by with gunships at the rear of the front.

The rifle range is about 50 kilometers.

However, a multi-tool rocket with a high-efficiency energy propulsion called a chip is close to 120 kilometers in range.

Enemy dams have been in range for a long time.

After cutting off the enemy’s waist and dispensing the troops, they will begin their advance again. An enormous number of allies will be swept away by the water.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I’ll repay you by hand for your handiwork.

How many lawyers are dying for this moment?

The gunships to be deployed are also bait.

Charlotte opens her eyes with her fist.

‘You don’t have to forgive me. ’

The dispatched officers died unaware that they were being lured. Charlotte had no intention of asking for forgiveness and forgiveness in front of their graves. It was unforgivable.

‘But our victory in this land will surely resound. ’

I became a monster to deal with monsters.

No matter what.

Even if that victory is meaningless.

Charlotte was going to be a victorious monster.

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