Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 349

[349] Paradisus (2)

Therefore, there would not be a Blue Chip on the moon where there was no life, nor on Mars.

It was the moment the entire plan to extract nuclear energy from other planets and sail permanently was abandoned.

‘That’s how it is. ’

Eichmann said so.

2063. The research deadline was 2069 and now only six years remain.

Plan B could no longer proceed because the premises on which it was based were disproved.

Unless the technology of the dream of a permanent institution was completed, the plan remained with the ship in an impossible state. In the spirit of the fact that the chip energy is not infinitely efficient, Plan B has fallen underground.

The project members were deeply confused when they faced a permanent abolition of plans that they believed would be possible.

With the completion of the spacecraft, they were selecting passengers from among the volunteers, making it even more chaotic.

People get more confused when a plan that was completed collapses than when there was nothing. When you’re betrayed by what you believe, you’re even more afraid.

Consequently, judgment is clouded.

Eichmann once again claimed Plan A.

This time, the same ridicule and contempt did not return. He was a person who worked harder for Plan B than anyone else, even though his insane scheme was corrupted.

That gives him the opportunity to fully explain Plan A.

He developed a technology that could touch the fundamentals of nuclear energy and continuously ‘plant’ the nucleus of a living organism. It was not a by-product of nuclear energy, Blue Chips, but a kind of bioactivation of all nuclear energy.

It creates holes in overpopulated areas of the world, namely large cities, through which living things created by the nucleus spill out simultaneously.

And with it, the main goal was to reduce the number of humans and destroy civilizations. Naturally, humans were forming a highly advanced civilization at the time, and it was questioned whether the collapse of the nucleus would accelerate if monster and human consumption continued.

Eichmann simply replied.

Monsters are just the beginning for Humankind, and consequently are destroyed by nuclear war.

It also showed the results of numerous experiments conducted by social simulation systems created by numerous sociologists and engineers in collaboration.

Eichmann designed the creature to be temporarily dormant if it detects a nuclear reaction.

Humans will eventually be informed that only a nuclear bomb can stop a monster’s exit, and that it will be destroyed not by a monster, but by a nuclear war.

If the majority of civilizations collapse, you can dormant all the monsters and continue your research on the Parasource project.

Of course, there were some questions here.

Do we really need to create a monster?

It was used as a way to induce a nuclear war, but the details were too detailed.

But for the remaining six years, they had to choose.

Should we work to create the intelligent to complete the terraforming technology, destroying humanity and leaving only a handful of people alive on the ground?

Of course, if it worked, you wouldn’t have to go to space beyond observation.

Eichmann’s opinions were not silenced at this time.

However, long and long arguments, legends, criticism and criticism bore me.

The majority still rejected Plan A. After all, it didn’t change that the goal was a crazy plan to destroy humanity in order to save humanity.

Several backers have also demonstrated a move to advance the Parasource Project Deadline. I was hesitant about the reasons for supporting projects that cost me a lot of money without paying for them.

They had to make a choice, and the rush was the best way to make the wrong choice.

Eichmann offered one condition to the researchers who were still concerned.

When Plan A progresses, the vast majority of humanity is extinct. Researchers must maintain a civilization with a minimum number of people. We don’t know how many generations will pass before we get the right results.

Therefore, even if you are not a researcher, you still need to be in the Safe Zone with the minimum number of survivors.

He knew how to use humans.

Selfishness and hypocrisy.

It was like I told you that you could survive as much as the people that matter to you.

Family, relatives, friends, lovers.

They may live in the Safe Zone after their demise. This stimulated their selfishness.

And hypocrisy.

It’s not because you’re selfish that they survive, it’s an indispensable choice for humanity to survive. And survivors need to be people who are favorable enough to accept the project, so people like researchers’ families, relatives, friends, and lovers are suitable for the chosen survivors.

Eichmann scratched exactly where they itched.

If Plan A is implemented, then, of course, their important people will die. Because I’m tired of saying that I want to live as much as the people that matter to me after doing such a horrible thing.

Eichmann said what no one else could.

Everyone could see that the logic was absurd, but no one opposed Eichmann’s opinion.

That’s what the researchers wanted to hear.

After all, human survival requires reproduction.

Although I could not convince everyone logically, it was a very reasonable word for self-hypnosis.

For a few days, people spent a moderate and unfaithful meeting on the matter. Everyone already knew Plan A was a confirmation, but biting Eichmann’s words was immodest, so it only took a few more days.

A funny thing happened to those who tried to save the world, but no one pointed out the fact.

Not many people want to spit in my face.

The Parasource project wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair.

Eventually, they refused to let go of their own power.

It didn’t even make sense.


They were granted until 2069 on condition of handing over to them the source technology for the use of blue chips completely.

And then Plan A.

The Parasource project has dug deeper and deeper into the ground for the next nuclear war.

The Parasource Project brought together relevant technologists and scientists to create a biometric supercomputer that could cover all the plans. It was in the judgment that the human hand contained this plan itself might cause errors through inaccurate judgments.

Eichmann opposed the plan.

Leaving everything in Plan A in the hands of the machine was a concern that it could create unexpected variables.

But people didn’t want to leave everything in Eichmann’s hands. Rather, Eichmann was a madman, and people did not believe him apart from his abilities.

Therefore, the new biocomputer was the minimum safety measure for what Eichmann might do.

Computers that are not neointelligent, but have a low level of overwhelming computational processing power but are even less mindful.

The Alpha and Omega of Plan A, which will begin recording all the plans and will be handed over to future generations in the event of an emergency in which all of the early members die.


The project asked Eichmann to input all of his research data into the biocomputer, and Eichmann was forced to do so.

With this, Eichmann was unable to wield everything by himself.

The Godfather was designed to ensure that only the project itself is thought of, without ever betraying the members of the Parasource project. Though accidental, the passageway itself was blocked by an absolute barrier.

Absolute proposition.

‘Firstly, do not harm any members of the Parasource project. ’

‘Secondly, only to maintain the project. ’

The computer that oversees the plan to kill humans could not have put an order in place to not kill humans.

The Godfather was tasked with controlling the planetary nuclei that would evolve into energy creatures themselves.

And one of the project’s chief researchers, Javier Beckem, who had been opposed to Eichmann’s opinions to the end, secretly added an absolute proposition to the Godfather.

‘Third, in the event of a conflict between the two proponents, the second priority shall be first. ’

He was an important person overseeing the very important work of Godfather production.

The Parasource Project was the key to stopping the project itself and at the same time to prevent Eichmann’s hasty behavior.

He didn’t believe in Eichmann.

He firmly believes there must be some other plot in his Plan A. Otherwise, the plan was too crowded for the human civilization’s decline to be an objective.

Eichmann, however, was unable to stop the Parasource project. If so, Beckem intended to induce this Plan A to proceed without any change in the middle.

The Godfather was completed, and Eichmann began his work to evolve the nucleus into a controlled organism.

It was no exaggeration to make the Godfather have complete nuclear control, and plant a whole nuclear monster was all part of Plan A.

It was the relationship between the rider and the horse.

Eichmann proceeded with a spectacular plan to evolve the entire nucleus into life. In the meantime, he approached Xavier Beckem, the Godfather Controller, to check on his biometrics, but he was always unavailable.

In the end, Eichmann had no choice but to proceed with Plan A.

Of course, no one knew what he was really going to do.

Eichmann was denied access to the Godfather as a project, and he could always access the Godfather through Xavier Beckem.

Soon after receiving the new life data from Eichmann, Beckem was stunned by an internal simulation.

It was not a bad thing, it was purely a wonder about Eichmann’s genius.

Eichmann created an ecosystem of monsters.

There were creatures that were to be created, things that mimicked the form of monsters in numerous traditions that had existed in human history, and things that were easy to function as living things that mimicked the appearance of monsters in modern games.

Maintenance of the project. The less nuclear energy it uses, the more economical it is. The more nuclear energy we use, the faster the planetary collapse will be, and the less monsters we produce, the longer the project will last.

That is why Eichmann created completely different creatures that could function as life and reproduce and form the food chain. And it’s configured to place humans at the bottom of the food chain.

Complete an ecosystem of monsters, so that they can reproduce, eat, and no more monsters can appear without losing nuclear energy. Eichmann did it alone.

In his data, there were already tens of thousands of new species of life to be called monsters, and tens of thousands of them were able to construct and live in the ecosystem without any interference in the simulator inside the Godfather.

Even the astonishing thing was, it could even evolve as a life. at even faster speeds than any other life.

Beckem was impressed with Eichmann’s genius and was frightened.

Why do we have to do this?

It was the result of all the research that Eichmann had done since discovering the blue chip, just to the extent that genius allowed it.

And what was even more surprising was the fact that there was a completely different kind of neoplasm in there.

The spirit.

There was life that did not exist. Beckem wondered if such life could actually exist.

Eichmann had already formed a completely different organism that surpassed even the basic conditions of life. Of course, it was only data, and we didn’t know whether such an existence would actually be created.

Beckem was afraid of the problems that would arise if they were actually made, but he had no knowledge of the fields that would interfere with Eichmann’s performance. Eventually, they had a dilemma about wanting to interfere with each other’s fields because they were in different fields.

Of course, this has come to some degree of advantage.

Just as Beckem couldn’t touch Eichmann’s tumor data, Eichmann couldn’t touch the Godfather either.

Deadline is already at your doorstep.

Everyone was curious.

Does it end in a highly developed human society?

Are humans so barbaric?

I got the simulation results, but will it be real?

Are you really stupid enough to put an end to my history with nuclear war?

The end of 2069.

The Parasource project has secretly isolated all survivors in a highly classified shelter that has been pre-built. The researchers summoned people there who didn’t want to lose in their own way.

Eikinr Eichmann did not call anyone.

Soon, Plan A was launched. Black holes were opened in major cities around the world chosen by project members.

And the world moved on to simulations.

“That’s as far as I’m concerned. ”

After the story, Charlotte had a complicated face. She didn’t want to believe Carls when she heard the truth about the mass confusion.

Everyone is frozen except for Jean.

Parasource project researchers, who destroyed humanity for humanity’s sake, eventually designed a world where only they could survive. Leona asked with a expressionless expression.

“So this star itself is a living animal? ”

Charlotte nods at Leona’s question.

“Well…. That’s what I’d say. ”

The reason for not being able to overpower the MCP was, of course, because its origin was touching the nucleus of the planet. Monsters keep happening unless you kill the planet itself.

But there were a lot of things I didn’t understand.

“How did he get that information? ”

“… I heard you found the destroyed Godfather. ”

The living supercomputer Godfather, Carltz, discovered the body and learned all the truths of the world. We don’t know exactly where it is, but Kaltz is based on the knowledge he gained there.

If the Godfather had been destroyed in the end, the Parasource project would have been completely destroyed.

“Then shouldn’t the monster have appeared after civilization disappeared? ”

“It’s a problem from here…. Carls didn’t tell me everything. I know the true purpose of a scientist named Eichmann, and…. The reason the world has not stood up to destruction. There are only two.”

Charlotte did not know about the appearance of the true nature and the truth of the devil.

Khaltz did not explain that part. Gin asked.

“What is Eichmann’s true purpose? ”

“He had no interest in terraforming and humanity’s survival. He said the real purpose was to pursue complete evolution. ”

“Complete evolution? ”

“Yes, the creation of life with perfect viability in all respects. ”

Ramfil tilts his head.

Gene nods slowly, as if he could sense something.

“Terraforming is necessary because the conditions under which life can live are limited. That’s what you’re trying to overcome. ”

Then, it was reasonable to create life in the form of ghosts and to make life evolve.

He created an ecosystem in a completely different way that could evolve on his own. His Plan A was not the goal of the theft of the human civilization, but the ecosystem of the monster created by it itself.

If terraforming is not possible, in any case create a viable life. a creature that is not bound by oxygen, is not bound by temperature, is not bound by constant food, and has a completely different mode of being.

It didn’t matter to Eichmann, even if he wasn’t human.

to go beyond observable space, and to develop the technology of terraforming.

If two things were impossible, it was the transition of the idea of increasing the viability of life itself to the extreme.

“He sought life itself to spread into space. Though not human, evolution is intelligent, and if it is intelligent, it is no different from humans themselves. ”

As a kind of test ground, life evolving rapidly as it competes to survive finds the best way to survive. In fact, Gene knew that monsters evolved. and the fact that it’s often evolved and eliminated in the wrong way.

MCP vomits monsters until evolutionary individuals are found.

Ultimately, the Parasource project, as well as Eichmann’s goal, failed, as well as the design of all of this.

Gene nods slowly.

“Is that why Fortress existed…. ”


Charlotte replied.

“To keep monsters from going out into the world, to keep monsters from evolving into competition. ”

Charlotte once did not know why Wargrave built Fortress. That’s why you failed to answer questions about the existence of Leona’s Wargrave.

Unlike a long time ago, Charlotte was now able to unravel Leona’s curiosity.

Charlotte, who felt the déjà vu, laughed at this situation.

Khaltz built Fortress to prevent Eichmann’s plan from proceeding, where the majority died.

Plan B of the Parasource project was Carls’ objective.

To do that, it would be a stumbling block for monsters to evolve into something they couldn’t handle by competing for their own survival.

“At some point, the planet’s core becomes uncontrollable, and as long as the monsters continue to spill out, the planet will soon collapse…” This is it. ”

The planet nucleus, which originally had to control the population and produce monsters, became unstoppable for a variety of reasons. The world would be destroyed a second time, and after that nothing would survive.

“What do you mean, the world was doomed all the time? ”

Frey’s question.

And that was the last piece of information Charlotte knew. Charlotte hesitates for a moment.

“… It doesn’t matter. ”

There was no relationship between loyalty and friendship, but Charlotte had to say something that would crack Jean’s trust here.

“That’s Jean… The first demon-hunter. ”

Ramfil, Elizabeth, Leona, Frey.

I looked at Charlotte and the camp alternately with the expression that everyone here couldn’t believe.

“I haven’t heard of the Devil’s Truth, but Karltz says Gene is the seventh Devil. ”

“The Seventh… Demon? ”

“Yes, of the seven known devils…. I heard that witches aren’t demons. ”

And Charlotte looked at Leona.

“And the gin that hunts such a witch first…. It’s like a pillar to the end of the world. ”

Why did Jean hunt witches?

You gave each of your missions to hunt other demons and created six other demon-hunters.

Why did you hunt as much as a witch?

The seventh demon, Jean.

Without Gene, there wouldn’t be a demon-hunter in the world. Witches were oppressed and killed by people, but there were so many witches hiding in humans. With that power, there was a witch who protected people from monsters.

Most of them went crazy as a result.

What if the witch was the key to bringing civilization back to life and defeating the monster threat?

Gene was the one who destroyed all the keys.

Gene exterminated the devil, but by erasing even the non-demon witch from the world, he did not allow the world to rise again.

Naturally, I made a witch. I wanted the world to be free of the monster threat because of the witch.

Ramfil quietly asked.

“Why have you been hunting demons? ”

“I forgot.”

That’s what Gene said.

“I forgot. I’ve been thinking about it. ”

In the life of slaughter, I have been told that I am tired of such things and that such reasons have long been forgotten.

I forgot.

I haven’t thought about it.

Those words always came out as reflections. However, it was only after hearing from Khaltz that Jean was able to see past herself as the dark fog had lifted.

“There was never any reason. ”

[You must save the demon’s blood.]

The cursed message had been in front of Jin’s eyes since the moment he opened his eyes in the world.

Gene says quietly.

“I have knowledge before the end. ”

Jin knew the landscapes before the end of the world. I know how people lived and how society was organized and functioning.

“That’s why I’ve been living in the wrong place. ”

And through those memories, Gene is mistaken.

I am human.

He faced the moment of destruction while living before the destruction.

But the essence had nothing to do with it.

What he had was not memory, but information.

“I’m not human. ”

“Mister, stop… Enough!”

Leona’s trying to cut the horse.

“I am the machine. ”

Designed to prevent the act itself from questioning its existence.

A machine labeled “Sin.”

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