Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 71

[71] Surviving, and Living (2)

“So, have you thought about it, Enforcer? ”


Either the White Witch or the Undercover. Ramfil says it takes time, and Warlord asks if it’s done with the theorem of ideas.

Ramfil feels lucky to have sought advice from the Demon Hunter in a confused car. Ramfil looks calm, staring at the Warlord and answering.

“I’m going after the White Witch. ”

“Is that right…. ”

Then there is no stopping war. Like Gene’s ruthless assessment, Ramfil considers it best to get up a little earlier and collapse on both sides of the war anyway.

Even if Ramfil’s direct superior unit, the Central Asian army, destroys him, it doesn’t matter to him. Warlord was neither willing nor willing to give any orders to Ramfil.

“On a personal note, I also wanted the enforcer to go after the Undercover. ”

When war breaks out, the Warlord must fight the war as the head of Fortress. It is evident that his family, as well as Fortress’ entire family, will be in violent warfare that could collapse.

They just know where the adults went for a while. Warlord’s heart aches as they see their parents laughing and chattering children without even knowing their siblings are dead. When the children realized their deaths, Warlord thought about what they would look like.

And how much sorrow will form if there is a war that can no longer be falsely wrapped up in such deaths. That’s why Warlord made that offer to Ramfil.

However, a temp named Ramfil was a man who was in front of his eyes, but out of his reach. The wind can speak, but it cannot command.

In the end, the White Witch also agreed that Warlord was a terrible threat to the world.

Gene is en route to the factory control room immediately.

Gene was in factory control room 52. The facility was the smallest facility in Fortress. The facility was not a main production facility for shaving small parts of bolts or nuts.

The super-sized facilities were carving out parts for the chariot maintenance. Made by applying 3D printer technology in the past, the machine shapes raw materials according to the specified value.

Soon, I knew how to handle the facilities, and I could make anything with the materials.

That’s why Wargrave was able to repair and maintain these massive facilities with these production facilities.

“How do you know how to handle this? ”

As Gene watched the machine being controlled, the technician who was stationed at the observation area looked at him in a strange way. Gene could handle the Wargrave production facility as much as a restoration port.

“You’ll see when you live. ”

Of course, the technician did not provoke the unidentified hunter, although it sounded old enough to convince the technician.

There were only gin and engineers in the control room.

According to Gin’s input, shells and warheads are sheared and filled with gunpowder, including chipperst. The raw materials are well stocked, and Gene is watching the ammo being made pile up.

Gene just sat there silently.

Leona enjoys playing with her children, but Wargrave is very satisfied once she has a lot of fun.

“Leona, seriously, have you ever done this before? ”

“I don’t know, maybe he’s talented. Right?”

Leona stares straight at the screen, smiling asymptomatically.

“Oh, it’s so… ”

Tadak, tadak.

Sarah, looking behind Leona, opens her mouth as she sees her hands move quickly.

Leona was now manipulating computer keyboards and mice. Wargrave uses computers, of course, and they have computers for entertainment.

In fact, a computer is the most efficient device in a comfort facility in the sense that it can put in a lot of entertainment systems.

Building this complex machine to play with, since I’m full, Leona was about to get used to the computer for a while.

It was such an extraordinary result that it was only for a few days.

Now Leona and the kids were sitting on their computers playing games, except for Sarah, who was watching from behind. What Leona and the kids are doing right now is the War of Wasteland, an arcade RTS game.

It’s not just entertainment, it’s a form of war games, so it’s a post-apocalyptic masterpiece and stay-seller that’s been around since it was developed.

In fact, this was an entertainment modification to the Wargaming system used to assess the tactical abilities of officers in Wargrave itself.

Games in the form of solo play tend to be dominated by Wargrave executives, or rather appreciative of Wargrave’s abilities.

However, the war in the Wasteland based on the Wargaming was quite objective in each faction’s abilities.

The faction consists of three guns, a Wargrave, a Wasteland and a Monster.

Faction-specific traits are not simple, and there’s a lot to think about.

Wargrave cannot expand a Node instead of having a very strong Node. If the Node is destroyed, it will be completely defeated. Individual units consume a large amount of power instead. You can gain overwhelming advantage in seconds and halfway, but since there is only one Node, it becomes relatively weak when each Faction reaches the latter end of its energy reserve.

Monsters can withstand the early stages in overwhelming quantities and summon a powerful, supermassive monster in the middle. Immune to all environmental elements. Above all, you can free up resources by killing enemy units with the ability to eat. Defeat condition must be destroyed for all nests.

The wilderness is quite poor in terms. That’s why few users play. Wargraves with the most users play loyally and are really strong, and monsters have fun controlling their unique spreading power and powerful monsters, but the wilderness is literally playing homeless people, so few of them have ever seen anything other than AI. Literally, because it’s so objective, the wilderness camp is actually trash.

Units are weak and unarmed and cannot defend themselves against neutral slatters. However, monsters and Wargraves can use unavailable resources. Nevertheless, Unit Techtree advancements will not be possible until the Desert finds ruins and upgrades their technology. Soon, if the ruins are not excavated, there will be no technological advancement.

Reliable units are only “hunters” that can be used in the early days. They must be used well to survive.

The only advantage of the wilderness was that the defeat condition was “All Units Killed,” which was significantly better than Wargrave and Monster Factions. However, it was difficult to endure the weak early part.

Of course, if the beginning is weak, the latter is good. With continued excavation, the wilderness was able to use nuclear missiles, the strongest strategic weapon, with a certain level of skill. Since then, we have begun to expand, and by the end of the year, the wilderness was most powerful at harvesting more resources than anyone else.

A group of desperately powerful units can only be wiped out by nuclear missiles with ample resources. In the latter half, the Wargrave can disable the node’s anti-air defense system and disable it with missile systems, including nuclear missiles and bunkers.

This is theoretically the strongest camp in the latter half, but Wargrave didn’t want to hit the counter before it got there, so he didn’t have to go there.

However, as soon as Leona saw the game, she had only chosen the wilderness after she had played three factions once. Other children advised that the wasteland was literally bad, but Leona was overwhelmed by a triumph over the wasteland.

It was genius to be good at what Leona had first encountered, but not objectively terrific. To put it calmly, the children couldn’t.

As soon as I started hitting and falling, I couldn’t be hit by Leona, who was only able to gather supplies and hit them. In other words, with a hunting party, Leona wiped out the Wargrave infantry chosen by the children.

Leona was already playing at a master level on a topic that she had never been on a computer before. I may not be able to turn the computer off and on myself, but the Wilderness War was the perfect game for Leona.

Some have not fought in the Wasteland, but some do not know. It was mostly entertainment, so that even the leagues were occasionally held within the rowdy Fortress.

Leona and her children, as well as young and off-duty workers, were playing the wilderness war in front of the computer.

Seeing Leona’s hands move quickly, Sarah is purely amazed.

“Then why the wilderness? Try Wargrave and the monsters. ”

Sarah told me to try the Monster Faction because the main faction was a monster, but Leona insisted only on the Wasteland.

“Just, I like them. ”

Leona has been playing hard to get game for a long time. It has the characteristics of a brief faction, but in the end the game has as much detail as it can last.

The wilderness even boasts of long-term exposure to contaminated environments. Soon after a unit is killed, it becomes a neutral monster that brutally attacks allies. It is a suspicious system that has been designed to literally forbid you to play in the Wilderness Faction.

But Leona used it backwards.

If a unit shows any signs of being a vagabond, you can burn it to the junk wagon and run it into an enemy unit. Then the Wanderer who turned into a neutral monster destroys the enemy unit.

Leona has deliberately increased her toxicity level and then engaged the enemy troops. Enemy troops were eager to swallow this bread, and the small troops boasted about destroying the enemy troops in reverse, surviving a bizarre operation to destroy the enemy troops.

But that was the end of it, and it was already playing into the latter.

If you continue to win overwhelmingly, Leona decides to lose moderately. In a three-way encounter, Leona decides to wipe out both the Wargrave and the Monster factions, but she wields her troops and surrenders on purpose.

“Hehehe! Sis! This time I win! ”

“You thought you were going to keep winning, didn’t you? ”

But losing is also about looking at each other.

The two children sitting on either side began to weaken Leona as they were overwhelmingly defeated and won. I know it’s not malicious.

But even a man who wants to lose gets angry if he scratches like this. At first, it was handed over, but eventually, Leona was not a saint.

“Ha, you guys can’t. ”

“Eeh? You don’t have an army of sisters. ”

“Shut up, kids. ”

Leona laughs in horror and shouts, and the kids are on the island with that little swearing? I cringed.

“Bullshit? Dead meat, you guys. ”

After a boastful talk, Leona starts pounding her mouse and keyboard on fire. Muster the squashed troops and wield the stacked resources. However, Leona’s forces have been weakened considerably due to the exhaustion of her troops.

‘Tsk… ’

And some of the enemy units were particularly annoying.

The final unit.

There is an end unit in both the Monster and Wargrave factions. Each faction is unique. Wargrave is the “Enforcer” unit. Can be built slightly faster than the end units of other factions. Multiple units can be built. When the Inquisitor arrives, the middle man is literally a Wargrave faction.

The ultimate unit of a Monster Faction is the Devil. It can only be built once. They produced nests without resource consumption, gave each monster a favorable buff, were very good at individual abilities, and even had the ability to summon a very large monster, and even resurrected after death after a certain period of time.

Of course, the deserted wasteland from the system had no end units. Instead, there was a nuclear weapon.

“Even the Wasteland is not a nuclear missile. Give me the final unit!” ’

Leona bursts into tears as she sees the enemy’s demons and the desolate units being slaughtered by the Enemy Executioners. However, they soon gave orders to attack and did not control anything else. And most of the time, the entire unit was run at once.

Ultimately, the situation is not difficult, even if it is difficult.

Leona draws time by deliberately losing to the military forces of the Enemy commander.

“Huh, huh? What the hell?”


With a flashing screen full of light, a nuclear weapon fired from the wilderness sweeps Wargrave troops apart. They deliberately lured the enemies to the nuclear missile launch point, then dragged time away and destroyed them.

“This is a scam!”

The child who played the game together cried, but the surviving troops were eventually defeated by a ranged assault by an additional unit of hunters.

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