Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 74

[74] Demon Hunter and Wargrave (1)

The next day,

The armored car was already ready overnight, and all I had to do was leave. Leona looks neither happy nor sad.

“Why don’t you say hello to your friend? ”

“Don’t be silly. ”

As long as I decided to leave, I just wanted to leave. And I didn’t know how to do goodbye. However, Jean said quite seriously while tidying up her listing.

“Say hello properly. ”

“…… why? ”

“You’ll regret this later. ”

At that time, you might regret saying goodbye. If so, we should say our last goodbye, absurdly. That way, you may regret it less.

It was the advice of a man who had parted from many things, and Leona nodded her head, looking at Jean like that.

If it were true, it would be true.

“Then…. Bye.”

“Come to the orbital vehicle station, and I’ll tell you where it is. ”


Leona nods and leaves the house. It wasn’t hard to find Sarah’s whereabouts. Everything was moving according to the standard daily timetable, and now it was a short break after breakfast. Sarah was sitting around the house, waiting for Leona to come out.


Sarah wakes up, and the other children around her come to Ur Leona. The children loved Leona’s wilderness stories. Even the stories that were not great, the children asked curiously about their eyes.

“Come with us today to be educated. It’s going to be fun.”

Today, Sarah was going to pick up Leona where she received her formal education. Fortress’ children are distributed expertise based on their qualifications through formal education. Sarah had an unsuspecting look on her face, believing that Leona would stay here.

But Leona has already made up her mind. But I didn’t really know what to say to Sarah and the kids.

“I’m leaving. ”

“ ……. ”

The surrounding atmosphere is quiet with cold water.

“You’re lying, right?”

Sarah said that with an anxious expression.

“No, I can’t stay here. ”

Leona did not explain the details and could not explain. Leona’s choice right now is just crazy.

Sarah looks at Leona with a trembling voice, as if she couldn’t believe it.

“Isn’t it fun to play with us? Is it more fun out there? ”

“No, it was fun playing with you guys. I’m serious.”

“Then why do you want to leave? ”

Obviously, Sarah doesn’t understand Leona. Why are you willing to leave something more pleasant and go out to a hard place? And seeing Sarah who didn’t understand herself, Leona realized that these children were so different from her.

Children and themselves who are just having fun with their worries in life can never be the same.

In fact, Leona shouldn’t think that way, but even though the children are a little…

It looked pathetic.

Sarah grabs Leona’s hand as her new tears subside.

“Don’t go, okay? You could have anything you wanted here, and you loved the food and the fun. ”

But Leona shakes her head.

“I have more important things to say. ”

“What’s that? ”

“I also exactly…. I can’t explain it. ”

Leona wasn’t sure how she felt and what she wanted to be with Gin.

Leona smiles sadly, frowning.

“But it’s not here. ”

There are more important things out there than a quiet life for yourself. So I couldn’t stay here. Leona said, holding Sarah’s hand.

“Thank you.”

That was serious. Leona laughs around the children. It wasn’t as innocent as it looked, but rather like an adult smile.

“I mean it.”

Stranger strangers, children, were also attracted to Leona who was a little different from herself at the same time. And the kids, they can’t express it clearly, but they feel it clearly.

Thank you. I mean it.

That’s not what children say.

Just because you have the same height doesn’t mean you have the same height in mind. The children looked taller than they did.

Children feel more like adults than real adults. Sarah and the other kids couldn’t say anything more about staying in front of Leona like that, about sleeping with us.

A stranger from the wilderness is just a stranger.

Suddenly I feel like I live in a different world than they do. Leona greeted each of the children, making eye contact. Leona was just following Jean’s words, making eye contact and greeting with all the children.

“Bye, sis…. ”

The youngest child waved his hands, sniffing his tears, and Leona smiled and shook her hands in her hair.

“Why are you crying? ”

Leonardo smiles forcefully, his nostrils darkening. When one cried, the other children sniffed. Sarah looks gloomy, but she doesn’t cry and make a fuss over Leona.

Sarah is a good child in nature. I wanted to be with Leona, but I thought if Leona had to leave, it would be right to smile and let her go.

“Goodbye…. ”

When I try to make her smile forcefully and see her burst into tears, in the end, she is just a child. Soothe them all or we’ll be late.

“Thank you, you’ll never forget. ”

It wasn’t my first date, but it was the warmth I had never felt. Obviously, Leona will remember all the joyful things she’s been through in her life, even though she’s trying to get out there.

“You guys made me think the world wasn’t so bad. ”

Whether it was because of the relatively young children, Leona was talking like an adult. Leona thought that she really, really appreciated it.

Some people are harmless. Even if it is because of the flexibility of the environment, it is enough to know that there can be such a person.

“Hi, I’m coming. ”

Leona leaves that note and turns away. Sarah and the other children around her did not follow Leona to the other compartment.

I just had to look at it. The children’s lives are here, and Leona’s lives are outside.

And after a brief touch, the children engraved in their hearts that they could not be with strangers.

Just as Leona faced the children and realized something, the children face her and realized something.

The children, too, gradually realize what fate is in the parting.

Upon arriving at the trajectory station, Leona sticks her tongue out to see the armored cars and chariots surrounding her. Thousands of people were repairing and repairing the armored cars.

Gene was the first one to find Leona on the way.

Ramfil, Jean, and Warlord stand a little distance from the armored car and watch the final maintenance.

“How was your greeting? ”

Jean replied with a cheerful expression.


The Warlord looks at Leona as she prepares to leave, nodding bitterly and saying nothing. I respect Leona’s choice, just as I respect her choice. Load the armored car prepared for the station into the elevator and when you exit, it is now goodbye.

The armored car they had set up was not only a cargo compartment, but also a turret that was not in the original vehicle. Of course, it wasn’t a streetcar cannon. It was a turret for a man to climb up and fire.

“Our engineers have been plastering all night. If you run out of energy, just replenish the chips and you’ll be able to use them, and hopefully they’ll help you along the way. ”

Plasmagan on the armored car head should be able to turn the raggedy monsters into ashes. I also detected a vehicle, but now I have a big weapon for a vehicle. It was gold medallion.

“Thank you, Warlord. ”

The technicians came down after the last check.

Ramfil thanked me on behalf. Leona climbs into the armored car and climbs into the camp. Their goods have already been loaded into the armored car.

“Enforcer, please do as you wish. ”

“I hope so.”

In order to hunt the White Witch, the enforcer turns away from the Undercover pursuit. Therefore, the existing objective must be achieved. Ramfil bows, and Warlord bows to Ramfil, as well as the mechanics around him.

At the sight of the stranger, Leona was briefly fascinated.

“Let’s get going.”

The autorail has started moving the armored car to the vehicle elevator. The time I spent in Fortress was short. But Leona felt like a few months ago.

Probably never come back to Fortress.

“Is it safe here? ”

Leona asks nervously, and Jean answers with her arms folded.

“I will.”

Fortress is safer than ever in the wilderness. That is the fact that even if there is a war coming, it will not change.

The first time Leona had a good relationship with something, she kept staring at the station, looking at whether it was awkward or open.

Outside Fortress, they’re heading north again. Leona frowns as if she doesn’t know what’s different in the transport car.

“It’s still bumpy. ”

“…… what did you expect? ”

Although the suspension was intact, it was natural for him to eventually stumble on the road.

“Well, that’s tolerable. ”

Contrary to the trembling barrels and backaches, Leona seems to be able to endure as much as she wants. Now that the supplies are complete, they are headed to their original destination, Saturn. While Leona wriggles to feel the change in the ride, Gene pulls something out of the vacuum.

“Take it.”

“…… what is this? ”

Gene gave me an aluminum box. Inside, there were heavy lumps wrapped in white cotton wool, and when I looked at it, I couldn’t figure out what it was. Gene removes the cotton wool and slowly assembles it, one by one.

Leona sees the pieces coming together and seems to know what they are.

“Is that a gun?”


The finished firearm looked like an AKM with a detachable headboard. Gene handed Leona an assembled firearm.

“Now get rid of that iron gun. ”

“… Now, wait…. Is this for me?”


Full-customized AKMs were shorter in total heat and shorter in detachable cranial boards. And above all, it was quite light. It must have been difficult for an adult to resist or aim.

And that’s why, of course, when it’s not an adult rifle? 1.

“It will be much lighter because it is made of reinforced carbon plastic. But there’s no speaking function because of the drop in intensity. It can only be used single-handedly, but with this weight, you should be able to use it. ”

“Really…. It’s light.”

After hearing the rifle, Leona looks at the rifle with her eyes wide open as if surprised.

“But you made it? ”

“Yes, in the Wargrave manufacturing facility. ”

Gene wasn’t just restoring ammunition. After briefly hypnotizing the technician who was stationed there, Gene carves out an AKM from the gap. After it was built, it was hidden in an empty wasteland, so no one could find it.

First of all, this was a gun that Leona made available to use.

“I feel just right for my body. ”

The rifle is heavy, but what Leona has in her hand is now lightweight in the first place, and not because of the stability of a firearm, to be precise, not because she can’t speak, but because of it.

Leona looks back at the gun and the gin in her hand.

What do you mean, “Stay here”? You made this.

“You’re really… I can’t be honest with you. ”

“… Shut up. ”

I avoided Leona’s gaze, knowing that the progress itself was unfamiliar. Ramfil did not think much about using the production equipment, he was working hard on the armored car and did not say anything about Katabuta.

Leona’s AKM, which was designed to use 5.56 mm ammunition, was about the right size for a submachine with a slightly longer total heat than a rifle. Gene taught Leona first firearm disassembly. Even in a rattling armored car, Gene skillfully disassembled and combined firearms.

“A firearm may not function properly without just one part. Be careful not to lose any parts. ”


Gene taught me how to disassemble and combine firearms, how to deal with bullets when they’re caught, and how to trim them. What she saw beyond her shoulders made it easy for Leona to embrace the familiar knowledge. Gene’s first order of business was a firearm disassembly.

“Why do I have to do this? ”

Leona bites as if she doesn’t understand why she has to disassemble and assemble a healthy gun.

“If a kid like you carries a rifle around, he’ll want to take my country, too. Especially in a free city. Disassemble and carry in your bag normally, assemble and use if necessary. ”

“Sounds reasonable.”

I don’t know about Gene, but a kid like Leona is like carrying a rifle, begging me to take it. So it was usually the first thing they taught me to do in order to hide it.

“That’s a bunch of trinkets. It’s a ball, it’s a gun… ”


“Ouch! I’m rolling! ”

Time was a gold rush, and I had no choice but to lose parts in the training barrel of the armored car.

Eventually, I had to try to settle the general mood twice and put it in. Leona seems to be losing parts in a bumpy barrel.


Leona was touching the gun to get used to pulling the lever and holding her eyes to the mechanical sight. A gun is a weapon that directly connects to life, so there’s nothing wrong with liking a gun.

Gene was going to show me how to adjust the zero-point once we got to a safe location. Leona rubs her hands on it for a while and suddenly says,

“Thank you.”

“… don’t fit in.”

Jean avoided her gaze and suddenly remembered Leona scratching her cheeks because she was unfamiliar.

“Yes, sir! Do you know the game ‘The Wilderness War’?”

“…… what is that?”

Gene stares at Leona with a fat look. When Jean couldn’t understand, Leona shouted at Ramfil in the driver’s seat this time.

“Does Ramfil know?”

“The entertainment of Fortress. I’ve never done it.”

“… I heard everyone who’s messed up has tried it.”

“I guess I’m not dizzy.”

With a simple answer, Leona loses her words.

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