Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 80

[80] Progeny of Attitude (1)

Dangju eventually had to bring the map of his arms as Jin had said. Eventually, he saw that there was no heavenly wind, so he knew it was better to bring the heavenly wind for his own safety.

His expression was filled with anxiety and distress, whether he was afraid of betraying past treaties.

Today was a difficult day for the Celestial Party to do everything.

On the floor of the courthouse, a series of symbols and letters were drawn between numerous circular arms. It was such a big picture.

“What’s all this? ”

“A painting that senses the magical energy around it. ”

“Is it supposed to be like radar? ”

“So that’s it. ”

Ramfil readily recognizes the use of his arm’s length, whether he understands it quickly or not. Danju placed the map in the correct direction of northeast, southwest and northwest.

“There are many uses, but in this case it will be used as a compass. ”

There are countless spells that can be performed with an arm’s length. To be precise, it is often used to detect and identify things rather than perform shaman rituals. The role of each point in the anxiety (21350;) is now used as a diagonal sign for each direction.

When the charts are in position. The dried armrests suddenly became thicker and neat.

Leona takes a breath, and Ramfil watches the phenomenon unfold before his eyes.

Astronomers are the guns of magic, and there are rare shamans who can trigger and use this level of anxiety. Above all, it has significant magical advantages, so I was able to use this arm chart skillfully.

Soon, it was a special spell that could only be performed on a celestial moon.

Dangju mutters something with his mouth, resting in the middle of his armpit. Spell-like, dazzling words echo quietly through the synagogue.


And all the letters that were drawn on the map disappeared, leaving nothing but a clue.

Little by little, the food spread out on the yellow paper, revealing itself according to each position.

“The place where Dangju sits is the satellite. ”

With an accumulated map of spells, the characters that came to mind were suggestive of numerous possibilities throughout the celestial world.

Numerous characters were drawn in arbitrary sizes, including breaststroke, , flesh 29022; and large breasts, alcohol, and numerous magical possibilities around the satellite.

It was a combination of letters to show what possibilities were sleeping there.

Typically, many breasts (20982;) were infested on the north side of the upper arm diagram.

‘It’s a group occupation. ’

With a group of unfavorable slatters breathing, Gene was able to figure out what the possibility of the characters in the crowd was saying. Although looking at the illumination was originally meant to track the heavenly winds, Gene scoured the entire illumination. It was not uncommon to see the illumination, and I was able to speculate the current situation abstractly until I reached the illumination.

The most unusual was the red letter that came to the south-west tip of the armrests. The red letter, which had a different color on its arm map filled with only black letters, was terrifying alone.

“Taektaek…. ”

It was implying something beyond the distances that could be fathomed. I was sweating cold, with my eyes closed, whether I felt something too.

What does the letter “evil,” “chest,” “great chest,” and “evil,” mean?

‘The streets are unknown, but the White Witch is in the Southwest. ’

It meant that an ominous energy was being conveyed that was quite far away, but could be felt even from the moon.

Naturally, the location of the White Witch was marked, so Leona’s location was also marked on the central ledge. However, it was not red and was written in black letters. It was a single letter called evil, not fetus. Spells do not speak the essence, they only detect existential dangers.

‘Maybe it’s because you haven’t awakened your strength yet. ’

Leona doesn’t warn you much because she doesn’t know how to handle her powers as a witch.

Though he knew that, Gene was glad Leona didn’t know how to read. Because of Leona’s potential, this little boy was marked by evil, making him feel like a rock rolling down his throat. Above all, he looked at the world like this.

Looking at the numerous characters that came to mind, Gene checked the situation around the satellite. We can also estimate the location of the witch, but the purpose now is to determine where the Great Wind is.

“The hurricane is represented on the Ocean of the Armpit by the Great Law. Let’s find out.”

Naturally, Jean’s emptiness was also being labeled as a grammar on the armbar. Of course, they didn’t list the laws in it. Strong new comers also occupied a seat on the celestial moon under the name Giant Breach, so the search using the Palm Plot was quite accurate. Seeing the words like broken eggs moving little by little, Gene shed a murmur.

“Mmmm… There is no Great Law…. You’ve gone too far. ”

Although not meticulously, there were no major phrases of magical possibilities identified in real time. That means there’s no way to find it using the Palm Diagram.

You can still explore a wide area, so it was a walk, but if you have gone to an undetectable distance, there is no way to find it.

In the midst of realizing the failure, Ramfil asked.

“What if each one of those letters is a detectable object? ”

“Of course. It’s a kind of subjective map. From a satellite standpoint, it shows what the odds are. ”

It was a map that determined whether it was roads or boobs from the satellite’s standpoint. So it wasn’t just radar, it was a comprehensive, holistic juju, which was a kind of horoscope.

Ramfil stared at the letters, wondering if the map could be subjective.

“Hmm…. Ordinary people, how does the city represent itself? ”

“Well, it doesn’t matter from the perspective of the satellite, so it will be marked as medium or angry. ”

In fact, there were many of them around. They were relatively small letters. At the same time, Ramfil was also looking at the map with his arm chart overlapped. Although we did not know the actual accumulation rate, we thought that it would be more appropriate to overlap this map with the actual map. It was possible because it was a Ramfil that received a Megaframe procedure.

“Amazing…. It’s like science, not magic… ”

Spells and science don’t go together strangely, but advanced spells can spread even radar networks similar to the forces of science.

“There’s a saying that it works somewhat when it hits the pole. ”

“Is that so… ”

Ramfil couldn’t take his eyes off this fact because it was quite different and curious. And apart from the curiosity, I found something strange.


“What’s weird? ”

“The point of view is roughly coastal to the south and old Russia’s Belogorsk to the north. It’s a pretty wide range. ”

By matching Neutral settlements with habitable areas, Ramfil was able to predict the accumulation rate of the armbar diagram, and as a clue, Ramfil was able to overlap the actual map and the arm chart with about the same size.

The map was a little wider than China’s Heilongjiang province. It was no exaggeration to say that a scientific radar had tremendous performance.

“The characters that are actually displayed around you are actually related to the terrain. All letters are displayed where there are habitable ruins, and a recent harbinger is indicated at this point. ”

“Of course.”

Harbin’s Wargrave Fortress was neutral but had a considerable number of letters written on it. And other habitable areas evoked fears, presumed neutral or slater groups.

Ramfil’s remarkable location was in a region in the north-eastern part of Yichun.

“If I’m right, this is Birovijan in Old Russia. It’s not a big city, but it’s full of ruins for people to live in. But nothing’s showing up.”

There is not even the word “walking” or “walking.” It was a point that I didn’t know because it was floating so many letters and couldn’t compare to the actual map. Gene nods as if it were just a little strange.

“I don’t know what magic is, but I think a good shaman can hide himself from this kind of detection.”

It meant he might be hiding from himself on purpose.

Rather, Ramfil’s opinions were accurate.

“Mmmm… Maybe he could artificially build an undiscovered location.”

“It’s a good place to look because it’s unseen…. You have a wise colleague.”

Dangju nods slowly. Obviously, the ruins of Birobijan may not be large-town, but they can be made with as many small points as possible. Of course, it may have been destroyed by an ambush, but there must have been a massive death and principle.

However, the area that should have a Birobi cup on the map was just a blank space that did not have any writing in it.

Seeing that, it seemed to be an unnaturally pierced hole by itself.

“It won’t take long. It’ll be worth a try.”

Jin accepted Ramfil’s opinion. I didn’t see anything on the map anyway, and now I have to go to the feeling of catching straws.

“If it’s nothing, let’s just take a walk.”

If we couldn’t find the storm, we’d have to stay on the edge of the ice, and we’d have to find something to do with it since it was going to disintegrate at that time.

“Dangju first has to raise the teeth for the neoplastics, and we go to Virovichan.”

It was scary to arrive at Saturn, and there was another event. Soon after Dangju woke up from the map, many letters found their original position again. Dangju has a parched complexion that suggests that maintaining an arm chart has consumed considerable mental strength.

Leona utters a very sudden but crucial word.

“So, how do we get down there?”

Climbing the Spiky Cliff was horrible, too, but what are you going to do about going down there? Jean replied with an uneasy look in Leona’s eyes.

“That’s what you think.”


I crawled up, I crawled down. Can’t be too bad.

They spent a day on Saturn. No Blue Chips can be found on Saturn, so as the sun goes down, darkness fades, and there are no guards here because it is not an environment to worry about invaders.

Life facing only nature certainly had a different air and atmosphere than the wilderness outside.

“It’s boring….”

Leona tries a natural diet on Saturn. She doesn’t hate it, but she tilts her head as if it’s ambiguous.

“It’s natural that this unconsciousness doesn’t suit you because you’ve been eating salty seasoning so far.”

It was also natural for me to feel dull because I ate sweet salty and salty food with little salt and sugar. Of course, Leona didn’t leave any food behind.

“A place like this would be fine.”

After dinner, Leona said, looking around at a quiet, tranquil satellite. Fortress’ versatility is good, but its lack of relaxation makes its satellite look good to Leona. The heavenly home that cherishes Transformation will be willing to accept even if Leona settles down.

Of course, Leona glanced at Gin while saying that.

“That’s what I’m saying. I don’t really want to live here.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“… annoying….”

Ramfil glanced over the numerous magical devices around the woodworking conditions that had made him curious about spells and he pondered.

Of course, there was no way of knowing what to look at.

Just one night, everyone was enjoying this relaxation in their own way. If you bring a hurricane, you can quickly gain the power of Sealing, and even if you don’t, you can also get the power of Sealing by defeating the strong-willed Reformer during the Refinement.

So, it’s just a quick stroll.

But there are slater swarms of groups everywhere. And we don’t even know if the progeny of immortal hunters are really small or dangerous.

In fact, the breathtaking words that boiled near the satellite were not a small number.

I know Gin feels comfortable thinking about everything the hard way.

It’s very rare in the world that things work out the way you think they do. That’s why whenever I think of things easily, I’m always attracted to them in a bad way.

However, Gene had a strong feeling that this idea would not end with a tilt.

“Not all demon-hunters are like you.”

Leona suddenly asked.

“I had to.”

Not everything can be the same as before. In fact, the Devil disappeared and a long time passed. So it can’t be the same anymore.

Everything changes, but isn’t it strange that someone hasn’t changed?

Gene suddenly thought of that.

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