Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 93

[93] Kings, and Groups (3)

The initial rate was small because it was clear that customers who drank immediately would try to beat their owner to death if they talked about urine loudly.

“Well, well… First of all, come on in. Let’s talk inside, sir. Sweetheart, why don’t you take a look at the store for a second? ”

The waiter, who was sitting at a distance, approached and stood at the counter.

Slater’s surveillance doesn’t make him violent, either. The ultrasonic rate gently entered the room inside the counter as the owner said. The internal structure was unusual. I just opened a door and walked in, and it was like I was in a motel hallway.

This building was also a simple building made of frozen materials, not abandoned buildings. As soon as he entered, he started crouching in front of the supersonic.

“Well, just take a look. I’ll return the money. I haven’t had a water market in years, so I must have offended my customers… ”

I apologized for my lack of brewing skills because of my recent experience as a alcoholic.

He took the Juju Island chip out of his arms and gave it to the ultrasonic, and the ultrasonic took the chip. However, the expression of the supersonic rate did not resolve at all.

“It’s not that you’re incompetent with alcohol. ”

I don’t know where else, but it’s been a long time to cheat on liquor. He opened his axe’s eyes and stared at the owner.

“Where did you get freshwater ginseng? ”

“Well, how about that! ”

The owner reflected, and the ultrasonic rate did not stop.

“Do you think I’ve ever had a fake drink or two? ”

Fake liquor is made by design. The planning means that no one can try it easily.

There are only three materials. Water, and urine are essentially necessary, but the next is important.

There should be a body structure for a fairly rare monster called Freshwater Cedar. Sea cucumber living in freshwater, it was a linguistic cult, but it was an underwater monster I had to call.

The risk was very low, but it was just one of those monsters that contaminated the water quality.

However, because the water contaminated by freshwater ginseng smells and smells similar to alcohol, some fraudsters were interested in experimenting with it and eventually succeeded in making fake beer.

Freshwater ginseng was surprisingly alive, no matter how much I cut into the body tissue. No matter how closely I dried it, it was a strange creature that resurrected when I put it in water, and it even regenerated. After taking a piss in the water of the cut freshwater ginseng, the ginseng will filter the urine and release a liquid that smells similar to beer and tastes like it.

In other words, the water that was mixed with cheap excrement after eating the urine of the freshwater ginseng was the reality of fake beer.

Alcohol that is not drunk is not alcohol after all, even though it tastes like alcohol. Even selling it for money is a sin.

Then, when the fresh sea cucumber grew again, he cut it and sold it to another deceitful dream tree for a high price, so it was an unconditional business.

So, the fact that you took the trouble of saving the freshwater ginseng body tissue does not mean that you made the wrong liquor, but that you deliberately made and sold fake liquor.

The owner’s face was rotting as he lied to me.

“Oh, I had no choice but to eat! Let’s just save a life and move on! ”

The owner eventually knelt before the supernatural. When the ultrasound went out and recited fake booze, the customers would react, not only because they didn’t know how the surveillance slatters would come out. When he watched, he recited as much as he could.

“Well, I had no choice but to take all my belongings! There was no way to live! ”

“ ……. ”

The expression of the cornerstone became stiffer. What do you mean, they took her?

“The group confiscated your property? ”


“Tell me more about it. ”

It was originally trying to get information from drunkards, but it was caught elsewhere. And the owner sighed and pointed to the visits behind him, as if it were a bit awkward but unavoidable.

“Well, I was originally… I sold drugs.”

“ ……. ”

The ultrasound was even more stunned by the words.

A junkie drew up a drink, and I wondered what kind of stories there would be. However, it became even more clear that this host is the same and such rubbish.



“Wouldn’t that be bad? ”

A woman handing out a batch of herbs that are good for CP addiction told Ramfil. Ramfil asked quite directly and concisely.

How are you these days? I asked as if I had known for a long time. Of course, they were both beginners, and Lamfil was just too direct.

Ramfil walks through the city, picking up all kinds of shops and throwing out all sorts of useless things. The most unsettling thing you can say without buying the slatters’ boundaries was, “How are you these days?”

At a certain size, he thought that the answer would be less reliable, saying that the slatters were roughly comfortable in the barrels next to each other.

But what’s in front of me now is a young woman hanging out at the mouth of the town square with no spatula. It’s a small stall that doesn’t need to be monitored, so it doesn’t have slatters attached to it.

“I know exactly who to pay, but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable, right? ”

“Pay what? ”

“Tax. Tax. ”

“Ahh… Taxes.”

The free cities were also aimed at free economies, but some dues or taxes were paid to organizations such as the Guards or the League of Merchants. Without such an organization, even the slightest security of the free city could not be maintained.

Of course, Ramfil, who didn’t know that period, only pretended to understand it, but he could only guess what it meant.

“Shane used to have three gangs dividing the same place. ”

“Three? ”

“Yeah, one was the sheriff in charge, the other two were gangsters. This is our district. The territory changed at their own expense. Yesterday I paid taxes to the sheriff. Tomorrow I paid taxes to the Skull family. The next day I had to pay taxes to the Shandu family. It was very troubling. Well, at least it’s not like that anymore. ”

“Mmmm… It’s hard.”

As Ramfil tilted his head, the woman gave out a pack of herbs, understanding the meaning of the gesture and giving him another chip and buying another herb that he didn’t need.

“It shouldn’t be difficult. Now we just have to pay taxes to the group. That’s it. It’s better for people like me. ”

The woman kept saying.

“Punching it? How ridiculous and feisty they are, running around all by themselves imitating gangsters. He said he’d take something else from this small land, scorned, humiliated, and killed us all. ”

As much as I feel like giving you another chip, Ramsay thinks she’s just a person who likes to be dazzled.

As Leona met, she was not impersonating a child because the group’s occupation had not yet been long, but rather an impersonation of the three organizations that were in Shane in the past.

“In here, in the alleyway. Do you know what works on the outside?” When the group came, all three of them fell to their knees and begged me for help, but I never had a moment in my life where I was so twisted. ”

The woman laughed as she thought it was okay.

“So what happened to those three organizations? ”

“What happens? It’s settled.”

“Cleaned up? Dead? ”

“No, by the way, Asura came here herself. But it’s not a very small town. Obviously, it was scary. ”

The expression on the woman’s face reminds me of Asura. It was awe and fear at the same time. The woman mutters with a blank expression as if she still remembers it clearly.

“You are now a people of the overlord, and the overlord decides among you what is best for you. So existing customs, norms and organizations are meaningless. Keep in mind that you will certainly be angry, and that this is not an offer, but the first rule that comes down as your king: 21189. ”

After speaking, the woman smiles softly. But Ramfil felt a strange vibe in the woman reciting it.

‘I remember too much detail. ’

I even changed my tone when I recited it.

‘Spells…. Something like that?’

The peculiar color that passes by for a moment is not explained unless it is magic. Anyway, the woman said excitedly.

“I brought all the Shanes together, got them on their knees, and then I smashed their heads on the ground and said this. No matter how cool I felt. All three were sick for days. ”

The woman chatted excitedly ever since. Ramfil was able to meet a talkative woman and achieve his desired goal thanks to him.

The group garrisons and leaves large-scale slatters in the dominated area. Their leader leads the city. Slatters are armed to the teeth because they have firepower levels that are different from the existing organizational forces.

The group sometimes collects food and chips from the city, but they also know it’s better than the vandalism that existing organizations have done.

“Thank you.”

“Then why do you keep asking me this? ”

When the woman finally got tired of speaking, Ramfil was speechless. This woman would be in trouble if she stabbed a slater with a large ramfil that looked like a spy.

If you kill him, it’s a simple matter, so Ramfil immediately passed his thoughts through his mind. If there was only one way not to get caught up in annoying work, it seemed like it would not be a problem to do so because it was the margin.

However, after a moment of deliberation, Ramfil pointed to the pile of herbs in the haystack without a word.

“I buy them all. ”


Ramfil says nothing but that. It meant not to ask, not to go anywhere.

The woman quickly realized what it meant and smiled at him.

“I didn’t mean it like that, but thank you. ”

They exchange bribes without much direct communication. A woman will not accuse slatters of thanks for selling all the herbs.

For those of you who met for the first time, Ramfil’s communication with the woman ended fairly well. Before Ramfil left, the woman said as if passing by.

“I don’t know if this is just a rumor, but there are things like that. ”

“What is it?”

“Azura rules over life and death. ”

“What does that mean? ”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s just a rumor… Well, it’s scary, so everyone’s talking nonsense. ”

“Hmm…. ”

The last thing Ramfil said was that he left.

I hung a sack of herbs and cleared my mind as Ramfil returned to his quarters. Ramfil could understand a lot of things in a barrel where the woman even said useless things.

‘Shane was originally a place where gangs of three factions repeated small conflicts. It must be historic enough to replicate gangs even for children. ’

‘The group disbanded the gang and became Shane’s new owner, and the ordinary residents were quite pleased with the unity of the group that had to leave the tax cycle. ’

‘Slatters being deployed like this may mean security, but there seems to be an intent of surveillance to prevent the reorganization of the gang. ’

‘The group leaves a certain size of troops at the occupied area. Slater’s leader serves as the mayor or administrative officer of the occupied area… ’

‘It must be difficult for slatters to adapt…. It’s weird that there’s not a lot of camouflage. Does this mean that Asura has a charisma that even slatters can suppress? What does it mean to rule life and death? There’s something else… Shit.’

‘What I don’t understand is what I keep doing. ’

Ramfil did not like himself, who was forced to turn everything he could not understand with reason into shamanism. That doesn’t mean it’s not at all.

Ever since he got involved with magic, Ramfil has been constantly reassuring himself that he’s an imperfect human being, which is very uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Of course, there was something good about it.

‘The other party must have found something else. ’

If it is progress to be able to trust others because you know you are not perfect.

Now, of course, it may seem like a strange kind of drift.

Ramfil was straightforward, but Jean was more straightforward. Gene reaches out to Slater, who is guarding the place terribly.

“I am a hunter. ”

“… So what do you want me to do? ”

Slater, on patrol with a gun, looks shaken as the leader approaches and says he’s a hunter.

“I don’t know what to call you… Boss? Commander?”.

Slatters call their heads as they please, but my older brother used them the most. However, it was not known whether it was even applicable to a particular group of slatters called the group.

“I’d like to meet your leader and have a constructive conversation. ”

Unlike other people’s cautious approach, Gene chose the way out onto the stage using his position as a hunter.

Of course, the answer was cold rice. A Hunter asked you to meet him suddenly, so you might meet him, but this request is usually cut off at the guards’ level.

“We are enough. ”

If a giant group is trying to solve something with the hands of a hunter, it must be quite a gloomy group. They felt confident that their work could be done on their own, and that was probably natural.

But a veteran who makes quests without gin. He’s a veteran in a strange way, but it wasn’t even a job to boil a slater like this.

“I know your weapons levels are extraordinary. But isn’t there something you can’t handle? ”

I opened my eyes as if even Slater wouldn’t listen to Jean.

“… If you keep talking nonsense… ”

“Haven’t ghosts appeared recently? ”

Slater’s expression hardened after Gin’s spit. They were able to shoot the rabid creature, and that’s actually how they’ve been cleaning up the hordes that are attacking Shane.

After deactivating the skull stones on Saturn not long ago, the nearby demons were attracted. And Gene was sure that a lot of the grasses in Shane’s skies had passed.

The mobs didn’t actually do any damage to the city, but the guards’ slatters would have actually imagined what would have happened if it had raided Shane.

If there are that many monsters with no knife, what are they going to do? What if the slatters had cooled their livers?

“I can teach you how to deal with demons, even if there’s no practical problem. It can’t be that bad, you know? ”

Even if you don’t have a problem with ghosts right now, you’ll want to know how to get rid of them.

It’s not that hard to create a quest without it.

Stimulate the anxiety that anyone can have.

“…… let me ask you a question. Follow me.”

Slater in front of Jean also began to head somewhere to recall the horror he felt at that time.

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