Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 161

Chapter 55: : Flaw Attack

In the afternoon, Pam came to the audience again before the game started.

In the second game in the morning, it was already decided that there would be two winners, Laluf with the eighteenth lottery and Dongzhang with the nineteenth lottery.

In the first game this afternoon, Buffel, who was drawn with the 21st lottery, played against Gulagu with the 22nd lottery.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, both Gulagu and Buffel had already stood on the ring. As the third competitor of the last fighting Olympics, Buffel couldn’t compare to Gulagu in terms of popularity.

Gulagu had a burly stature, and looked at Buffal with a very calm expression. Looking at Buffier was like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

Buffy knew clearly from the information he had collected that Gulagu was a psychic of the release system.

Moreover, Gulagu’s ability of thinking is very strong for his restraint. After seeing the record information of Gulagu, Buffel knew that it might be difficult to win this game. .

Or, he didn’t have the confidence to win Gulagu at all.

Buffel himself is a psychic person who prefers to support. His main attack method is close, so if he wants to win, Buffel lacks confidence.

Gulagu looked at Buffier who was standing on the ring without fear, and said to Buffier in a light tone.

“Don’t you want to admit defeat? Or are you confident that you can beat me?”

Gulagu asked Buffy tentatively, Gulagu’s character is rough and fine, since he lost the last fighting Olympics, Gulagu has changed a lot.

Learned to be cautious, learned to hide, learned to wait for opportunities.

In this year’s fighting Olympics, he went for the championship. If he did not win the championship, for him, it was equal to failure.

Gulagu doesn’t know much about Buffy’s strength, but he still knows about Buffel. After all, Buffel is now the master of the underground world of Sky Sports City. As the sky The owner of the arena, he still has information channels to understand.

The outer casino of the Sky Arena, such a big piece of fat, why can Buffier eat alone? This is enough for Gulagu to take it seriously.

Gulagu knew that Buffal’s fighting style was with his fists. In most of the previous games, Buffy had used his fists to solve them. This is a formidable opponent.

Hearing Gula’s words, Buffy clenched his fists and said.

“If you have confidence, you will only know after playing. If you are not careful, you will lose.”

Buffy did not directly answer Gulagu’s question, but reminded him to be careful, show his confidence, and conceal his confidence that he was not sure.

Seeing Buffel’s reaction, Gulagu twisted his neck and smiled coldly at Buffel, without further ado, just watched Buffel quietly, waiting for the start of the game.

Buffel clenched his fist tightly, also waiting for the start of the game. He didn’t have many chances, so he could only do his best to get on the ground. As long as he seized the opportunity, he still had a chance to win.

Going back to last night, in order to deal with Gulagu, Buffel deliberately trained with Pam for one night, and then he thought of how to deal with Gulagu’s attack.

During training last night, Buffel had been enduring the shock wave formed by Pam’s shocking power.

That is much more violent than Gulagu’s attack.

He asked Pam to use different shock waves, so that he could test the success rate of his plan by simulating Gulagu’s attack method.

Among the people he knew, only Pam could fulfill this kind of request of Buffel, because in his eyes, Pam’s strength was stronger than Gulagu.

In the face of Buffel’s request, Pam also agreed. He also simulated Gulagu’s attack method for Buffel. Although the abilities were different, the basics were the same. Under Pam’s strength, the training effect Also a little better.

The reason why Pam did this was, of course, to improve Buffalo’s strength, which would be helpful for the implementation of his future plans. Buffel’s reality, the stronger the better!

In the end, although Buffel failed to achieve his attack plan in Pam, he also gained a lot.

On the ring, Buffier and Gulagu stood 100 meters apart, with the referee standing between them.

???????? “Please pay attention to both sides, prepare for the game!”

The referee raised his right hand, first glanced at Gulagu, and then at Buffier.


Immediately, the referee waved his right hand down and shouted ‘start”, announcing the start of the game, then quickly backed away and left the ring.

He still remembers the destructive power of the morning battle.

“The game has started now! The master Buffel charged straight towards Gulagu and made a preemptive strike.”

“Our Gulagu landlord, standing still, is there any plan?”

At the beginning of the game, the female commentator also spoke in a fast tone.

On the arena, Buffel made a sideways impact, ready to throw a fist, like a galloping train, rushing towards Gulagu, a hundred meters away, with his fist ready to strike at any time.

Seeing this, Gulagu raised his hand to condense Qi Yuan Slash. This was Gulagu’s ability to think, Qi Yuan Slash.

Gulagu’s hands held a ball of thought, which was oval-shaped, with a thin layer, only the thickness of a CD, and it was still spinning.

This is Gulagu’s ability of thinking, and it is also his attack method. The ability of thinking he possesses is also very powerful in terms of destructive power. Regarding this, Buffel has already collected intelligence data.

The oval-shaped Qi and Round Slashes in Gulagu’s hands were both thrown towards Bafier by him, swiftly and sharply.

Seeing this, Buffel turned out to have no plans to dodge. After judging the attack trajectory of Qi Yuan Zhan, he burst out with more thoughts, forming a thicker “hard” on his body, as if preparing to Hard against the gas round cut.

When Pam saw Buffel’s move, he was slightly taken aback and returned to normal.

“This is not the same attacking strategy as Buffel’s training last night.”

Last night, Buffel was trying his best to evade Pam’s attack, but now he is ready to resist.

There are two reasons why Buffel is making this decision now.

One is that Gulagu’s telepathy ability is different from Pam’s. Pam’s is powerful in impact, while Gulagu’s is terrifying in cutting power.

The second is that it is impossible to approach Gulagu just by dodging. He had already tried this last night on Pam.

“Do you want to resist my attack? No…”

Gulagu looked at the thoughts on Buffel’s body, and he thought to himself whether Buffel was going to take his two qi round cuts forcibly. Then, he found out that something was wrong, and his eyes were deeply condensed. , without the slightest hesitation, he raised his foot and stomped, and the surrounding four slates were lifted in response, and the smoke and dust also exploded.

At the same time, when Gulagu’s two Qi Yuan Slashes were about to fall on Bafeier’s body, he saw Bafeier twist his body in an incredible and unreasonable action, directly letting Qi Yuan Slash. Charged past him without hitting Buffel.

At the same time, Baffir’s momentum didn’t slow down a bit, but instead rushed towards Gulagu, who was surrounded by smoke and dust and stood in front of him with a stone slab, while the two Qi Yuan Slashes that were dodged fell towards Gulagu. It hit the ground and cut out two deep grooves.

“That’s right! The plan is good”

Pam, who was in the audience, understood Buffier’s plan and secretly applauded in his heart.

It turns out that Buffel uses “hard” to mobilize the energy in his body, strengthen his body’s defense ability, and at the same time increase his own body’s speed, whether he chooses to avoid or resist hard, he is sure.

In addition, Baffel’s gesture of taking Gulagu’s attack forcibly can confuse the enemy’s thoughts. When the attack is approaching, he can choose to avoid it instantly, which can achieve unexpected results.

Now, Buffel’s momentum is unaffected, and everything is going in the direction he expected.

This decision of Buffel may not be wise, but it wins by surprise. It also shows that Buffel is full of confidence, giving Gulagu a certain degree of pressure.

After Buffel dodged Gulagu’s Qi Round Slash attack, he was like a savage bull. He deceived himself in an instant and approached Gulagu.

Gulala, under Bafeier’s unexpected choice, he manipulated the slate and was able to inject his mind power to stand in front of him, and Bafeier had already invaded his attack range.


I saw Baffir roared angrily and smashed the slate with a punch, and his fist also hit Gulagu.

“The ability was activated successfully.”

Buffy’s heart secretly delighted, thinking silently.



I saw two sounds coming from the smoke, one was the sound of Buffel hitting Gulagu.

The other sound was the sound of Gulagu’s right foot slamming back into the ground.

The thought power on Gulagu’s feet was vented, producing a jet-like effect, pushing his body, accelerating the short-lived explosive force, resisting the impact force generated by Bafir’s fist, and standing still. .

He took Baffel’s attack forcibly, and at the same time, Gulagu, who stood still and did not retreat half a step, condensed two more rounds of Qi in his hands.

It cut directly to Buffel’s chest, instantly forming a counterattack.

At this time, Buffy wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. Gulagu’s attack was also planned. Just after he found out that Buffy’s attack could not be avoided, it was already too late. A planned counterattack.

At this critical moment, Buffel had the only option to explode the energy in his body once again. At the same time, he quickly mobilized thoughts from all over his body, condensed them on his chest, and forcibly took the attack from Gulagu. .

“Bang bang!”

The two voices that sounded almost simultaneously came from Buffel’s chest.

Although Baffir took the slashing damage of Qi Yuan Slash in Gulagu’s hand, he couldn’t resist it. The impact force in Gulagu’s hand exploded directly at the same time as Qi Yuan Slash hit him. At the same time was knocked back.

Buffel, who was repelled, kept sliding backwards, leaving two deep scars on the ring.


Buffel, who barely stopped at the center of the ring, vomited out a mouthful of blood. Now Buffel is already injured, and it is still an internal injury. At this time, his chest is also aching. .

Buffy, who had stopped and retreated, was rejoicing at this time. Gulagu’s attack was too strong. Fortunately, before he was attacked, the thoughts on his body condensed into his chest at that moment. A little bit, now it’s not just such a little internal injury, it may only be a more serious injury.

Gulagu’s instant explosive power is too terrifying. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with his thoughts, but the power he possesses. This is something that has not been collected in the information and information, and will only be known after personal experience.

How powerful is Gulagu’s explosive power, coupled with the impact of the Qi Circle Slash that just exploded, so Baffir was directly knocked out.

Gulagu’s combat experience is too rich, and he thought of such a method in an instant, forming a counterattack, leaving Bafir with nowhere to hide.

This deliberate counterattack can be said to be Gulagu’s attack against Buffel at the beginning, and a very powerful counterattack, which caused Buffel to suffer internal injuries.

Seeing Baffir vomiting blood and stopping in the center of the ring, Gulagu directly bent his knees and squatted, his hands condensed and slashed in a circle, a fierce straight charge, rushed towards Baffir, towards Baffir who was just standing. Phil rushed.

After Baffir’s attack is over, it will be Gulagu’s turn, and now is also a good opportunity for Gulagu to attack, taking advantage of his illness and killing him.

Get close, wave, slash!

Gulagu quickly approached Bafeier, carrying Qi Yuanzhan’s hands and waving them in the air, causing a loud smashing sound over the ring.

In the face of Gulagu’s frontal attack, although Buffel has a firm footing, but now and then, because his ability of thinking has been successfully activated, it is not what it used to be.

Buffel’s current physical fitness is also considered to be excellent, and he can see the flaws in Gulagu’s body through his eyes. The “hardness” on his body has never subsided. When he saw Gulagu pressing forward, he did not give in at all.

Faced with the moment of Gulagu’s attack, how could Baffir retreat, because he has already discovered Gulagu’s flaws, and if he retreats now, he will not only be pressed by Gulagu, so as to seize the rhythm of the attack. At this point, if the operation is going out and suppressing its own situation, it will waste a great opportunity to attack.


Buffy can’t retire, he doesn’t want to retire, and there is no need to retire.

Baffir’s legs quickly jumped back half a step, and at the same time squatted slightly, avoiding Gulagu’s right hand slash, and then raised his hand to take the hook, punched Gulagu’s straight right arm, and gave Gulagu’s right arm. right hand resistance.

Then, before Gulagu’s left-hand attack came, the thoughts on Buffel’s legs erupted, and he slammed into Gulagu’s arms. At the same time, his left fist went from back to front, from bottom to top With a swipe, it hit Gulagu in the abdomen, knocking Gulagu back.

Facing Gulagu’s attack, Bafiel calmly counterattacked through his psychic ability.

Just as the bodies of the two were directly entangled, the constant dull collision sound resounded throughout the audience, stretching out to cover the noisy voices of the audience.

“Boom bang bang…”

A step back is a step by step. Seeing that Gulagu has already been repelled by himself, Buffel is even more powerful and pushes forward, suppressing Gulagu firmly, not giving him a chance to breathe, Because Buffel understands.

If he gave Gulagu a chance to breathe, then he would be sending the sheep into the tiger’s mouth, and more than 90% of the chances would be lost.

In this way, in the offensive and defensive battle between Bafir and Gulagu, in just one minute, it was already unknown how many rendezvous they had fought.

Because Gulagu’s hand is condensed with Qi Circle Slash, Bafeier avoids intersecting with Gulagu’s fist and palm. He always wants to use his mind ability to find Gulagu’s flaws and take the opportunity to counterattack while evading. However, Gulagu’s combat experience is very experienced, and every time he is attacked, he can form a defense and minimize the damage he takes.

Buffy also sighed in his heart, Gulagu is really strong.

This is Gulagu’s impression of Buffy’s offensive against Buffel. Such a defender and ability is something Buffel has never encountered before.

Buffel has been using his mind ability and found Gulagu’s flaws to launch an attack. When attacking, he used his mind ability to create more opportunities, interlocking with each other, but after entanglement for more than ten rounds, he found himself It seems like it’s all useless.

This made Buffel very embarrassed and helpless.

In the face of Buffal’s flawed attack, Gulagu was also able to withstand it. After all, Gulagu has always been passively defending and has always been at a disadvantage.

Gulagu was able to defend against Bafir’s continuous attack that was designed long ago, like a dripping water, because he used the explosive power skill in “refinement”. It burst out, speeding up in vain in order to resist Buffal’s attack.

Buffel’s attack also caused him a lot of trouble.

Gulagu’s expression darkened at this time. After the fight, he realized that Buffel’s attack was not simple. In this short one minute, Buffel’s attack was always in his weak spot. , like a sophisticated computing machine.

In other words, Gulagu’s hard power is slightly stronger than that of Buffalo, otherwise he will be defeated.

?? “Bang bang bang!”

In a wonderful battle of offense and defense, UU Kanshu Buffel completely controlled the initiative of the offense.

Fierce and fast.

Slowly, another minute passed, and in the two-minute or so offensive and defensive battle, Gulagu realized that his approach could not defeat Buffal. In that instant, Gulagu made a decision.

At this moment, when Baffir’s attack attacked him again, Gulagu’s choice changed. He no longer tried to defend Baffir’s extremely oppressive offensive, but gradually had Let go of the momentum, ready to fight back.

Playing steadily is a good choice, but the deadlock is not applicable. Changes must be made to win. At this time, Gulagu will focus on attacking…!

All of a sudden, Gulagu directly suffered an attack from Buffel, and this attack was clearly something he could easily defend against.


Buffy also understood at this moment that Gulagu deliberately endured this in order to be able to get out of his attack range. Buffy was shocked.

He wanted to continue to bully him and restrain Gulagu.



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