Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 165

Chapter 159: : Play Ball

At noon the next day, after Pam asked the staff of the Sky Arena to bring all the food to the table within an hour, he greeted everyone in Pam’s room to eat together.

Buffel had already woken up at this time, but he was a little pale after losing too much blood.

“Ding dong, ding dong…”

Then someone rang the doorbell.

“Johnson, go open the door!”

When Johnson heard the words, he quickly left the dining table and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a lovely girl with purple hair, it was Maggie.

“Pam, the total cost of the treatment this time is 2 billion yen. May I ask if it is cash or transfer.”

March walked in unceremoniously and asked Pam directly for the account.

“Two billion, no problem, I’ll let Buffal transfer it to your account.”

“let’s eat together!”

Pam doesn’t care about 2 billion rennis, and he should give money for medical treatment. Even if it is the sky-high price of 2 billion rennis, Pam will give it, and there is no bargaining at all.

After Maggie heard that, her face relaxed, and then she sat down on the dining table, picked up the knife and fork, and prepared to eat.

“How is Andy’s situation?”

Seeing Madge sit down, Pam continued to ask.

Why did Pam ask Maggie about Andy’s condition? That’s because Pam asked Madge to treat Andy yesterday, to get his left arm and suture the wound on his body.

“It’s all right, it’s just that I haven’t woken up yet.”

Madge was busy all night last night, and then went to bed in the middle of the night. She had just woken up when she came to Pam to ask for a bill.

Andy’s treatment fee was also included in the two billion Rennie that March demanded from Pam.

“Well! Let’s eat then!”

Just as Pam was preparing to eat, the door in the room rang again.

“Ding dong, ding dong…”

In an instant, everyone looked at the door, and then focused on the food.

This time, Pam stopped Johnson who wanted to open the door. He got up and walked over to open the door.

At this time, outside the door, there was an old man with pigtails and clogs.

“Huh? I seem to be here at the right time.”

The old man tilted his head to one side, looked over Pam’s body, and looked at the food on the table in the room.

Looking at the old man, Pam was surprised in his heart, and then asked with a calm expression.

“President Nitro, what’s the matter with you?”

In the room, when they heard the voice and saw the old man Nitro, they all stood up immediately.


Nitro scratched his cheek and said shamelessly.

“I happened to pass by here on the way. By the way, if it’s convenient, I want to grab a bite to eat.”

Just on the way? Who would believe it!

Pam looked at the old man Nitro in front of him speechlessly. He probably guessed the reason why he came here as the president of the Hunter Association.

“Nitro, he should have come here specially to find him!”

Everyone who had already eaten had already stood up and carefully observed Nitro. They were not novices. They knew that although Nitro was an old man, as the president of the Hunter Association, his strength was definitely super strong. Yes, there is absolutely no problem in killing them like a crush.

Pam stood at the door and looked at Nitro who was standing outside the door. This was his second contact with Nitro. At this time, Nitro looked no different from the last time.

Thinking of this, Pam stepped aside and let Nitro come in, by the way.

“This is the 236th floor of the Sky Arena. It’s the floor I rule. There is zero chance of you passing by.”

“Well, that’s an excuse I made casually!”

When Nitro saw Pam dismantling his stage so rudely, he didn’t mind it. Instead, he looked like I wasn’t passing by, so he admitted it generously.

Then he walked into the room slowly, saying that there is no pressure to come here with any excuse.


For a moment, Pam and the people in the room were speechless. After Pam closed the door, he returned to the dining table.

The two took their seats, and Nila went to the kitchen to get a pair of knives and forks, came to Nitro’s side, and put the tableware and chopsticks on the table.

Nitro glanced at Nila and put his gaze on Nila’s face for more than a second, then calmly moved away.

At this moment, Nitro suddenly noticed a look and looked up.

But Pam was looking at him lightly, and then he heard Pam’s words.

“Let’s eat!”

“Cough cough.”

Nitro coughed lightly, pretended not to see Pam’s eyes, picked up a knife and fork, glanced at the good dishes on the table, and started to eat.

Nitro picked up a piece of meat and chewed it in his mouth. When his taste buds received the taste, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Pam and the others also started to eat, and the seven people on the table didn’t say a word.

After swallowing the meat, Nitro’s knife and fork danced for a while, fork and fork each dish into the bowl. The movement was so fast that Johnson and the others subconsciously stopped the knife and fork and looked at Nitro in amazement.

Pam was relatively calm, and among the few people present, he only understood Nitro’s strength. After all, Pam had read the original book.

Facing everyone’s gaze, Nitro tasted the taste of each dish leisurely, and then he came to the conclusion that the taste was indeed good.

Nitro used a terrible chewing speed to swallow all the vegetables he forked, and then put down his chopsticks in a gesture of gratitude.

He closed his eyelids and looked at Pam quietly, and then he said to Pam.

“Thanks for the hospitality!”

“When you’re full, you want to exercise and play ball with the old man for a while?”

He looked at Pam and made a request with a smile.


After Pam heard Nitro’s words, he said subconsciously.

Nitro was stunned for a while after hearing this, quite surprised. He didn’t even say what kind of ball he was playing, but Pam had already guessed it was volleyball.

“Yeah, how about a fight?”

play ball?

Pam remembered that Nitro used the game of “playing balls” to tease the protagonists Jay and Qi.

In Nitro’s words, playing a ball is actually a game of grabbing the ball.

The protagonists, Xiaojie and Qiyi, were unilaterally teased, which is not a pleasant thing.

Pam pretended to think about it seriously, and then said in refusal.

“Not interested in.”

When Nitro saw that Pam refused so bluntly, he stretched out his index finger and hooked the pale beard, as if wondering if there was any good way to get Pam to agree to play with him.

Pam didn’t know what Nitro was thinking. He only focused on eating. Nitro was full, but he wasn’t full!

Ten minutes later, Pam also put down his knife and fork, and Pam looked at Nitro who seemed to be thinking and said.

“I’ll let Johnson play with you, I’m not interested!”

When Johnson heard Pam’s words, he suddenly raised his head, glanced at Nitro, then looked at Pam and said.

“Okay, Lord Pam!”

Johnson didn’t know what purpose Pam had for him to play volleyball with Nitro. He only knew that Pam would not harm him. Johnson had 100% unconditional trust in Pam.

“Alas, today’s young people don’t know how to understand the elderly at all.”

Nitro got up from the dining table, walked aside, twisted his waist, and said with a sigh.

“I’m getting old bones, I just want to find an adult to play ball for a while after dinner, it will help digestion, but if I get rejected, forget it, and introduce a little kid to play with the old man, the world is getting worse! ”

Little kid? Johnson’s strength is that strong, how many strong young people died in the hands of Johnson, as the president of the Hunter Association, don’t you know in your heart?

After Pam heard this, he looked at Nitro who was twisting his waist and said indifferently.

“President Nitro, you came here specifically to find me, right? Just tell me if you have anything!”

Not to mention passing the 236th floor, just inviting him to play ball directly after eating, it is obvious that he is coming for him, but he doesn’t know what Nitro’s purpose is.

“That’s right, I’m here to find you.”

Nitro admits it with a bachelor’s degree.

Then he stroked his beard and continued to speak seriously.

“It’s almost for you to play with me.”

The last time Nitro came to look for Pam, there was no fight with Pam, which made him a little helpless.

Just last night, he sat on the high platform on the 219th floor and watched the battle between Pam and Andy. What he thought in his heart was that he hoped that Pam would quickly get his license and join the Hunter Association.

After all, talents like Pam are not common, so he can feel at ease when they are recruited as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that when Pam becomes a member of the Hunter Association, he will be able to transfer Luo to his side. Usually when he is bored, he will have another person to pass the time.

At the same time, he can easily complete the task entrusted by the United Nations V5, and monitor Pam’s every move.

So, after watching the game, Nitro, on a whim, left all his affairs behind and went directly to the 236th floor of the Sky Arena, and went straight to Pam.

In the middle of noon, not only can we eat, but also play football, and even chat.

Now Nitro has prepared a hunter license, and is going to find any reason to give the hunter license to Pam.

The self-willed Nitro is terrifying. He completely interprets the word “do whatever you want” to the extreme. When he can abuse his duties and private power, he will never be polite, and he doesn’t care about Pam’s background and what he has done. matter.

“I still refuse!”

Pam’s tone was still very indifferent, and he couldn’t hear any emotion in it. Although Nitro came to him on purpose, he was not interested in playing with Nitro?

“Are you still rejecting it?”

Nitro smiled, stroked his beard calmly and said:

“But I can’t guarantee your sleep quality tonight is good or bad.”

“You’re a threat, right?”

Pam’s voice became indifferent, not indifferent.

After listening to Nitro, he immediately put on a “what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand”.

“Damn old man, let me play with you!”

Johnson’s cold voice sounded, and Pam didn’t say anything, as if you wanted to play with me and let Johnson play with you.

Nitro looked at Pam, stroked his beard and said nothing.

Ten minutes later, in the fighting room on the 236th floor, Johnson and Nitro stood in the center of the field, while Pam and the other five stood on the side watching the match.

Nitro held a volleyball in his hand and kept tossing it upwards with a look of great interest.

Looking at Nitro’s appearance, Johnson asked coldly.

“What are the rules?”

“Have you never played volleyball?”

Nitro stopped tossing the ball, pretending to be surprised.


Johnson said coldly without these two words, almost made Nitro laugh?

Then Nitro was suddenly astonished, holding the ball in his right hand, raising his index finger in his left hand, and said with a smile.

“Since you haven’t played before, let’s temporarily set the rules of the game.”

Nitro didn’t think for too long, just glanced at Pam on the sidelines, and said as if he made a decision.

“The only rule of the game is to keep the opponent from receiving the ball.”

“Then let’s start!”

Johnson said coldly.

Nitro tossed the volleyball and said.

???????? “Then, I’m going to serve.”

Nitro took the ball in his right hand and opened the sperm holes in his body. Qi covered his body, and the thoughts flowed through him very quietly.

A layman watches the fun, a specialist watches the doorway.

At this time, the people on the sidelines of the field are not weak, but are good players in the mind. Just in the flow of mind, they have already realized how strong they and Nitro are.


Standing on the sidelines, Pam saw Nitro’s thoughts at close range, and Pam’s eyes changed.

“Is that the flow of thoughts?”

Pam was very puzzled, but he felt that there should be, but with his eyesight he couldn’t see the traces of flow. If it was like this in battle, wouldn’t it be impossible to draw some judgments based on the flow of thoughts .

Thinking of this, Pam was even more terrified.

“How strong is Nitro, and how did he do it?”

While Pam was thinking this way, he heard Nitro speak on the field.

“Johnson, your name is Johnson, right? You have to be careful.”

Nitro suddenly said something, pulling Pam’s attention back.

Johnson pursed his lips coldly, and also opened his sperm hole to cover his body.

At this time, Nitro injected air into the volleyball, then threw it into the air, raised his right hand and slapped it on the volleyball.


With a muffled sound, the volleyball suddenly deformed, turning into a black shadow and flying towards Johnson’s field.

“So fast!”

Seeing the volleyball quickly flying towards Johnson, all the people at the scene thought the word “fast” in their hearts at the same time.

Facing the flying volleyball, Johnson’s eyes quickly deflected to the right. At the same time, he quickly moved to the right, condensing the qi in the palm of his hand, creating a spherical field, a pair of which was about to fly. What a volleyball income box looks like.

I saw that when the volleyball flew to Johnson’s side, it was directly picked up by Johnson.

The extremely fast speed of the volleyball dropped in Johnson’s hand at a speed visible to the naked eye, but within a few seconds, it was controlled by Johnson and stopped in front of his palm.


Nitro watched this scene with interest in his eyes. He only used very little force for the first shot.

After completely neutralizing the force on the volleyball, Johnson took the ball and looked at Nitro, who was thirty meters away, without speaking.

Following Nitro’s example, he injected chi into the volleyball, and then gathered most of the chi on his right hand.

A dazzling psychic light bloomed from Johnson’s right hand, and in Nitro’s eyes it was like a big sparkling light bulb.

“It’s really not polite to be “hard” without reservation.”

Looking at Johnson’s appearance, a smile flashed across Nitro’s face. He found another good seedling. However, Nitro’s purpose today is Pam!

Qiang Chu separated a small part of the qi and injected it into the volleyball in the form of “weeks”, and then let the volleyball stop firmly on the palm of his hand with a little more qi, and finally gathered all the remaining qi on his right hand.

It can be said that this is Johnson’s strongest blow.

The victory condition is that the opponent cannot catch the ball, so when you hit the ball, there is no need to go towards the opponent. You can make it more difficult for the opponent to catch the ball if you go left or right.

Nitro’s serve just now fell to Johnson’s right, and the speed was very fast, just so that Johnson could not easily catch the ball.

However, Johnson’s ready-to-play kickoff didn’t seem to be going left or right.

“Sure enough, he’s still a little kid.”

Nitro looked at Johnson’s gathered thoughts, and he saw that Johnson planned to send the ball directly to him.


Johnson threw the volleyball high and low, and when the volleyball reached the highest point, he drank in a low voice, threw a fist with his right hand, and slammed the volleyball on the volleyball with one punch. Nitro went straight away.


When Nitro faced the ball, he gave Johnson enough respect for the ball he hammered. He decisively stretched out his hands and caught the flying volleyball head-on.


The volleyball spun at high speed in Nitro’s hands, rolling up a fine wind, but it stopped firmly on Nitro’s hands, wrapped in a quiet airflow.

One side serves and the other receives the It seems to be a normal pastime, but whether it is Johnson’s serve or Nitro’s catch, it is inseparable from the skill of mind power.

The volleyball in their hands is just an ordinary volleyball. The seven people present can easily crush it even if they don’t need to read their abilities. part of the idea.

Throwing the maximum explosive force on the volleyball not only did not destroy the volleyball, but also transmitted the power to the volleyball, which required high skills of “fa” and “week”.

On the other hand, Nitro, after catching the volleyball with both hands, split his qi into two parts in an instant. One part gathers on his feet to support his body and achieves the effect of staking, and the other part gathers in his hands to wrap the irritable volleyball.

The thoughts on his hands are canceling out the powerful force transmitted from the volleyball. At that time, Nitro’s thoughts were always very quiet, as if the sky was torn apart and did not change color at all, like a compassionate hand, easily smoothed. Grumpy volleyball.

“The strength is very good.”

After Nitro calmly caught the volleyball, he picked up the volleyball and tossed it, and said to Johnson with admiration.

Johnson didn’t speak, just glanced at Nitro’s position.

Then he stood still with a cold expression on his face.


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