Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 170

Chapter 164: : Admit Defeat And Fight To The Death

“Buffel, when the fighting Olympics are over, I will take Johnson and Xiaodi to temporarily leave for a while.”

“When the time comes, you will be fully responsible for the affairs of the Sky Arena, and I will let Andy and Nila stay to assist you.”

On the two hundred and thirty-sixth floor, all six members of the Space-Time Brigade gathered in Pam’s room.

Andy, who newly joined the brigade, also appeared here, and they got to know each other.

“Okay, Captain! I see.”

When Buffel heard the words, he answered quickly.

“After I leave, you let go and do it. My principle is that the sky arena must be firmly grasped in your hand, and there will be absolutely no mistakes.”

Pam continued to exhort Buffy.

Pam is still very relieved about Buffel’s ability to handle affairs.

“Head, don’t worry, as long as I’m here for one day, I’ll never let it mess up.”

Buffy patted his chest and assured.

Time turned, and it was night again. Tonight’s first semi-final match was between the eighteenth lottery LaRuff and the twenty-second lottery Gulagu.

A battle between dragons and tigers is about to unfold.

“Audience friends, the competition is about to start now, please cheer for the two contestants who are about to fight in the arena!”

Under the adjustment of the female commentator, the atmosphere at the scene became noisy again, bursting with cheers.

Pam, who has now arrived in the contestant area, is also watching the scene on the ring through the big screen.

The battle has begun!

In silence, Raluf and Gulagu moved almost at the same time, rushing towards each other quickly.

Raluf’s hand is holding a realized long knife, and a thin layer of thought is wrapped around the long knife. .

The effect of the ability is also quite powerful. When the long knife is wrapped around Raluf’s thoughts, after causing damage to the enemy, each time a wound is caused, when Raluf attacks the same target again, the speed of swinging the knife will be faster. previous point.

In the face of Raluf, who rushed over with a knife, Gulagu also used his mind power on his hands, slashing with energy.

Qi Yuan Zhan was firmly on Gulagu’s palm, and with Gulagu’s charge, it spun even faster.

Raluf and Gulagu were like hungry tigers rushing to each other’s side in an instant. Because of their desire to win, their facial features were distorted.

In the first direct confrontation at the beginning, Raluf and Gulagu did their best.

As Raluf and Gulagu exerted all their strength, two strong winds entangled them.


Raluf was the first to shoot. The knife in his hand cut through the air, and the knife flashed towards Gulagu.

In the face of Raluf’s knife, Gulagu was clearly prepared. He directly raised his right hand and blocked Raluf’s long knife with a high-speed rotating Qi-round slash.


The long knife collided with the spinning Qi Yuan Slash, making a screeching sound.

Facing Raluf, whose attack was blocked by him, he immediately lost the desire to continue entanglement with Gulagu, and was backing frantically, preparing to turn around to distance himself.

I want to plan the next attack.

But it was impossible for Gulagu to let Raluf escape, and he chased after him without even thinking about it.

Both Raluf and Gulagu turned into black shadows on the ring.

The reason why Gulagu couldn’t let Raluf escape is very simple. He is very confident that he can defeat Raluf. At the same time, this is also the way he has prepared to deal with Raluf. He has never used it. The air in his right hand turned round, which was his ultimate move.

Even if Raluf and Gulagu turned into two shadows in the ring, Pam could clearly see their every move through the live broadcast on the big screen.

“A very exciting battle layout!”

Pam praised Gulagu across the big screen and said that he had already seen through Gulagu’s battle plan.

Pam looked at Gulagu’s fighting style. He stuck his chin with one hand and squinted with a slight smile, but in his heart he put himself into Raluf, thinking that if Raluf, who is on the ring now, was a Myself, how should I deal with Gulagu?

After all, now I am also learning how to use a knife.

Facing Gulagu who was clinging to him, Raluf’s sense of battle, almost when Pam saw through Gulagu’s plan, judged that Gulagu’s attack was definitely a conspiracy.

Because Gulagu, a psychic power user of the release type, also has an excellent long-range attack such as the Qi Circle Slash, Gulagu has to fight in close quarters.

“Is it the Qi Yuanjian on his right hand?”

Raluf glanced out of the corner of his eyes and noticed that Gulagu had never attacked him with his right hand, so he thought silently in his heart.

This year’s Fighting Olympics has entered the third round, and everyone has basically experienced two games, and they have collected information on their opponents.

Raluf remembered that Gulagu’s Qi Circle Slash could attack from a distance, and its lethality was amazing. At the same time, it could be manipulated by him in the palm of his hand.

In the first round, Gulagu had already shown it.

Raluf’s guess was right at all, the Qi Round Slash on Gulagu’s right hand was indeed his ultimate move, but the same thing was that the ultimate move Gulagu prepared had not yet been completed.

Gulagu knew that Raluf’s strength was not weak, and he absolutely couldn’t distance him from him. Otherwise, he would definitely suffer a big loss if he prepared his attack method with Raluf’s attack method.

Now, no matter what, there is absolutely no room for Raluf to re-attack, directly oppressing him, forcing him to appear flawed.

“Bang bang bang…”

On the ring, there is no room to reorganize the attack, so La Ruf also thought of a way, that is to use the stones on the ring.

Raluf thought so, and he did the same.

Raluf’s feet stomped heavily on the slate above the arena. The slate was lifted directly by him, and small pieces of shattered stones were stirred up beside the two of them, obviously being ignored by the two of them.

With “hard” entwined around them, the power of small gravel is not worth mentioning at all.

However, after the slate was lifted, there was not only small gravel, but also a thick plume of smoke.

In the smoke, Gulagu, who had been following Raluf all along, was obviously restricted in his field of vision.

Raluf also grasped the fact that Gulagu’s vision was limited, and instantly swung the long knife in his hand, slashing towards Gulagu who was following him.

Although Gulagu’s field of vision was limited, his combat touch did not decrease because of it.

In the face of Raluf’s knife, Gulagu directly blocked Raluf’s knife with the Qi Circle Slash on his left hand.

At the same time, the ultimate move prepared by Gulagu was also ready. While Raluf took advantage of his strength to retreat, Gulagu was also retreating frantically.

The two distanced themselves.

At the same time, a round slash slashed between the two of them, spinning at an ultra-high speed and flying towards Raluf.


As soon as he raised the knife and slashed, with a bang, the ultra-high-speed rotating Qi Yuan Slash was repelled, but the Qi Yuan Slash did not land, and still returned to Gulagu’s palm at an ultra-high speed of rotation. Spinning, floating.

“Fuck, Qi Round Slash!”

This is how Gulagu fights against Raluf. He knows that Raluf is definitely stronger than him in melee combat with a knife, and he has all the skills in his hands.

So Gulagu will stick to Raluf at the beginning, which is called surprise.

Raluf’s skills in swordsmanship, Gulagu believed that he was not sure that he could compare, so he prepared it from the very beginning, the long-planned attack of the sentence “Fuck”.

“Your strength is very strong, but I’ve made up my mind about this match.”

Gulagu said indifferently to Raluf on the other side, and with the expression on Gulagu’s face, Raluf felt that Gulagu was very humble.

“In my game, I’ll definitely beat you, not you.”

Before Raluf’s voice could be heard, Gulagu had already used his slashing slash to attack Raluf.

At the same time, Gulagu’s left hand has already begun to inject thought power into the Qi Yuan Slash in his hand, and he is going to give Raluf a package, the double package of Fuck and Qi Yuan Slash.

This is Gulagu’s battle plan.

At the same time as Gulagu shot, a long knife slashed towards Qi Yuan Slash.

“Boom blah blah…”

The Qi Yuan Slash, which was slashed by Raluf’s long sword, was controlled by Gulagu and kept turning around and attacking Raluf.

Raluf had completely seen through Gulagu’s plan, but it was a bit late because Raluf Gulagu’s plan was halfway through.

Raluf has already realized that if he continues like this, he will only have a defeat, and he must rush to Gulagu’s side, but Gulagu’s right hand has been waving, operating Qi Circle Slash. Yuan Zhan stopped between the two of them.

It is very difficult to rush to Raluf who is beside Gulagu. With the distance between the two of them now, even if Raluf sends a thought, it will only be in vain.

Facing Raluf, who was blocked by his own attack, Gulagu’s mouth suddenly raised and a smile appeared, he thought to himself.

“As long as he completes his second slash, it will be the moment of Raluf’s defeat.

Gulagu is now very clear, if the current self is. Being approached by La Ruf, he has a 60% chance of being defeated, and if he distances himself from La Ruf, his winning rate will be 100%.

He was able to suppress Raluf in close combat just now, but his unexpected plan was successful.

“You mustn’t let him get close.”

Time passed little by little, and the attack of Cao Qi Yuan Zhan was so fierce and airtight.

Laluf, who has successfully entered the quarter-finals, is very unwilling to fail like this.

Now he, wielding a long sword, can’t break through Gulagu’s attack method at all.

“I’m determined…”

Gulagu suddenly shouted, and at the same time, he swung out the Qi Yuan Slash on his left hand, the second **** Qi Yuan Slash, done!

The double maneuver and Qi round cut have been completed.

“I surrender!”

The three words “I admit defeat” suddenly uttered in La Ruf’s mouth directly frightened many people.

Even his current opponent, Gulagu, did not expect that Raluf would simply admit defeat.

In fact, La Ruf is also very helpless to say the three words “I admit defeat”.

Now that he is on the ring, facing Gula Gudu, who only manipulates a Qi Round Slash, he can only be too tired to deal with it and has no strength to fight back.

If he faced Gulagu who operated two Qi Round Slashes, he would definitely lose the battle.

And if he is not careful, he will either be injured or risk losing his life.

I can’t see any chance of winning, so I can only admit defeat.

“It’s too surprising that La Ruf actually chose to admit defeat. Let’s congratulate Gulagu for successfully advancing to the semi-finals.”

The female narrator was also shocked by La Ruf’s words, but he responded quickly and continued to speak.

The ordinary audience at the scene could not accept this anticlimactic battle at all. They only saw Gulagu waving his right hand in the distance, and then Raluf kept waving his long knife.

He looked like he wanted to get close to Gulagu but couldn’t.

Afterwards, Raluf just conceded defeat when Gulagu raised his left hand.

How they accept this is simply a fake match.

As ordinary people, they couldn’t see Qi Yuanzhan. They didn’t even know how dangerous Raluf’s situation was at that time.

Amid the wild boos from the audience, La Ruf lowered his head and turned around, walked slowly off the ring, and left the venue.

At this time, Raluf felt a little regretful in his heart.

However, it was then replaced by firmness.

Originally, Pam, who was sitting in the rest area and watching the game on the big screen, was looking forward to LaRuff’s performance in the back. He wanted to see how Raluf responded to Gulagu’s attacking style.

Gulagu’s attack method has a lot of flaws. In Pam’s eyes, Raluf’s win rate is definitely above 80%.

Pam also planned to invite Raluf after he won, but Pam extinguished his plan after Raluf shouted the words “I admit defeat”.

Raluf couldn’t even see a flaw as big as Gulagu, which proved how bad Raluf’s eyesight was.

I don’t know how he achieved such a strong strength.

Time passed slowly, and Pam stayed in the rest area, waiting for his turn to start the game.

At 9:30 in the evening, with half an hour left, Pam’s competition for the semi-finals is about to begin.

At this time, I don’t know what the organizer of the Sky Arena is thinking. On the big screen above the arena, an interview news was broadcast.

After Pam watched it, he just sighed in his heart, maybe the organizer of Sky Arena was trying to appease the ordinary audience who had just lost control of their emotions.

Because the content of the interview was broadcast, it instantly evoked a unified cry from the audience.

“Death fight, death fight, death fight…”

Crazy and loud.

Just after the battle between Raluf and Gulagu ended, the reporters stationed in the Sky Arena actually interviewed the current ruler of the 250th floor of the Sky Arena, who was the leader of the last Fighting Olympics. Championship winner, Bogardi.

At 8:28, Bogardi, who was at the entrance of the players’ rest area, was interviewed by reporters, and he started an air-to-air conversation with Pam.

A reporter held a microphone, stood in front of Bogardi, and asked him.

“First question: Mr. Bogardi, do you have anything to say about the game just now?”

“No, everyone has the right to make their own choices.”

Bogardi replied directly and officially.

However, this reporter obviously did not intend to drink alcohol, but to Pam.

“Then the second question: Mr. Bogardi, what do you think of your fight against Mr. Pam for a while? Will there be a situation like the one just now in the ring?”

“I don’t know if my opponent will admit defeat, but in order to allow the audience to see a more exciting game, I can issue a special battle mode to my opponent, Pam, here.”

“Death fight!”

In the interview, Bogardi directly mentioned the “Deathmatch” mode.

Bogardi’s tone and expression showed his confidence, arrogance, and tyranny.

The “Death Fight” mode mentioned by Bogardi is actually a special combat mode in the sky arena.

The sky arena is always a regular fighting arena, not a black fist in the underground world. Although it is normal for dead people in the arena, there are not many competitions that rely on the opponent as the winning condition.

Of course, in every fighting Olympics held, many landlords died. Take the current fighting Olympics for example.

So far, five landlords have died.

???????? In regular matches, the death rate is very low, because the referee in charge of the referee will strictly control the occurrence of death.

However, after the UU reading battle mode is changed to deathmatch mode, the mortality rate must be 100%. It is a brutal fighting game in which one person must die. Many people want to watch it.

The reporters almost suffocated with happiness after getting such explosive news from Bogardi, and then, in the hour before the game, they frantically squandered their characters.

All kinds of bottomless reports came out first, how much water and nonsense were mixed in, no one wanted to know, these reports were just to force Pam to accept Bogardi’s invitation to deathmatch mode.

There was less than half an hour left before the game, but the potential interest of all the audience had been picked up by the reporters’ unscrupulous reports.

They were noisily waiting for the game to start.

Before the game was about to start, the crowded audience in the venue was divided into two factions. One group thought that Bogardi, the previous Olympic fighting champion, would be defeated, and the other group was chasing after the club, who had never tried a defeat so far. Mu will be stunned.

In the game venue, before the game started, it was full of gunpowder.

???????? “I made you wait for a long time!”

The female narrator injected unprecedented excitement into her tone.

She is also looking forward to this match.


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