Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 174

Chapter 168: : Champion And Friends

September 25th, nine o’clock in the evening.

After three days of absence, in the Sky Arena, there was not a single fighting match, and everything made way for tonight’s finals.

Pam and Dazi, once again on the ring, as long as the winner of this game tonight, then he is the champion of this fighting Olympics, and will dominate the sky arena in the next two years. The highest floor is the two hundred and fifty first floor.

“Champion, champion, champion…”

In the Sky Arena, which has not held a fighting match in the past few days, the audience at the venue, after Pam and Dazi stood on the ring, frantically called out the word “champion”.

Pam stepped onto the ring with the blade of Yuheng in his hand, Da Zi was standing on the other side, and the small whips were held by his hands on both sides of his body. At this moment, Da Zi’s eyes were full of Only Pam remained.

As long as he beats Pam, then he is the champion.

When the referee saw that Pam and Dazi were ready to fight, he wanted to announce the start of the fight.

At this moment, Da Zi looked at Pam and said suddenly.

“Tonight’s winner will definitely be me.”

Pam, who looked calm, just looked at Da Zi quietly and did not respond immediately.

“Before the battle started, Da Zi actually swore that he would win the championship. Does he have absolute confidence?”

“So, what kind of response will our Pam player make?”

The female commentator said slightly surprised.

After Da Zi finished speaking, the referee did not hear Pam’s answer, and then he restrained his emotions, walked forward a few steps, and when he saw that both of them were ready, he announced the start of the game.

“Prepare for the game, start!”

When Pam heard the referee announce the start of the game, he directly swung his knife, and a slashing wave flew tentatively towards Da Zi.

Although Pam’s knife is a tentative attack, its power is not weak at all.

Because, Pam’s knife is a slashing wave formed by vibrating the air.


???????? The slashing wave swiftly attacked Da Zilong.

???????? Da Zi swung both hands holding the whip band at the same time, and the whip band flexibly swung towards the attacking slashing wave.


The slashing wave was directly dispersed in the air, and then Da Zi kept the whip whip and charged straight towards Pam.

???????? “The power of the shock wave still needs to be improved, and the enemy cannot easily face it.”

???????? Pam was thinking in his heart the moment he saw the chopper wave being scattered.

Pam waited for Da Zi to get closer and closer, and then the hand holding the hilt tightened, facing Da Zi, and suddenly waved seven shock waves in an instant, giving Da Zi the pressure to move forward. Don’t let him get close to you easily.

Pam’s strength in ranged attacks has been tested, and the next step is melee combat.

When Da Zi saw this, he moved the whip band he was waving faster.

“Clap clap clap…”

The slashing wave that Pam swung was scattered once again.

Pam immediately stepped forward and rushed forward. This time, Pam didn’t want to kill Dazi with one hit, but just wanted to try his strength in melee combat.

However, Dazi did not give Pam a chance to get close to him. When Pam approached seven or eight meters in front of him, Dazi was waving the two whip straps in his hand and swung it towards Pam. With a twisted mind on his belt, he slapped Pam quickly.

Pam stopped his charge and swung his knife to face Da Zi’s whiplash, which at the same time achieved Pam’s original purpose.

???????? “Clap clap clap…”

Da Zi quickly swung the whip, completely taking the initiative in the battle, but Pam, who stopped to stop the momentum, passively counterattacked like a beast who wanted to attack the cage.

Pam, who was wielding a knife to defend, glanced at Da Zi who was waving the double whip straps quickly with both hands.

Feeling the power of the whip band in his hand, it became bigger and bigger, and in vain, Da Zi took the initiative to approach Pam, and the distance between the two was already very close.

Pam’s thoughts flowed slowly, through the soles of his feet, and quietly penetrated into the floor.

It can be manipulated and can also create traps, which is a good little trick.

Continuing to approach Pam’s Da Zi, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a faint smile appeared. He came only after doing his homework!

When Da Zi was already within five meters of Pam, the slate above the ring suddenly lifted and exploded directly under Da Zi’s feet, which shocked Da Zi’s heart.

However, at that moment, Da Zi jumped straight up, and then the whip on his right hand slapped back and hit the raised slate, causing the slate to shatter.

The torn slate, under Dazi’s slap, all flew upside down towards Pam.

Demonstrates Da Zi’s ingenious control over the whip.

However, Pam’s speed was faster than Dazi imagined. When the shattered slate flew towards Pam’s position, Dazi, who was in mid-air, ushered in Pam’s attack. Just waved towards Da Zi.

Da Zi, who was in the air with nowhere to help, had already become a living target.

At the critical moment, Da Zi held both hands together, so that the whips in his hands were crossed in front of him.

After Yuheng’s blade came into contact with the whipband, the whipband in Dazi’s hand quickly wrapped around the knife in Pam’s hand.

The whipband completely wrapped the sharp edge of Yuheng’s blade, but it couldn’t block the power of Pam’s swipe. Yuheng’s blade slashed heavily on Dazi’s chest.


Although the blade is wrapped, Pam’s powerful power still exists.

Accompanied by the dull sound, Da Zi’s body flew backwards at a low altitude, crossed the position of the stone slab that had just been lifted, and then landed and slid for a distance of seven or eight meters before stopping.

But the whip in his hand was tightly entangled with Yuheng’s blade.

Pam and Dazi stood on the ring, pulling hard, stalemate.

However, Da Zi suddenly felt a vibrating sensation in her hands.

Pam pulled it hard, and then released it again, and he was approaching Da Zi in an instant under Da Zi’s horrified eyes.


In Da Zi’s panicked heart, he was punched in the chest by Pam.

Da Zi, who was punched by Pam, fainted instantly and fell on the ring.

The referee hurried to Da Zi, confirmed that Hisoka was unconscious, raised his hand, pointed at Pam and shouted.

“KO, Pam player wins.”

After the referee announced Pam’s victory, the scene instantly boiled over and shouted.

“Pam, Pam…”

“Champion! Champion…”

All eyes in the venue fell on Pam. This is the treatment of the winner, and the loser can only quietly withdraw from the stage.

“Audience, cheers! The champion of this fighting Olympics has been born, and he is Pam. Let’s cheer for him!”

The excitement and loud voice of the female commentator rang through the entire venue through the wireless microphone.

“It’s down! Lord Pam is down.”

The grim-faced Johnson shouted excitedly in the audience. Although he had always believed and believed from the bottom of his heart that Pam was definitely the champion, at this moment, he couldn’t help but get excited.

Pam finally accomplished his goal, winning the 1997 Fighting Olympics at Sky Arena.

Nitro looked at the familiar figure on the TV who had become the focus of the world, he took a sip of tea, and then turned off the TV.

“Next, where will you go?”

Nitro turned around and thought to himself at the same time.

Da Zi, who fell on top of the ring, regained consciousness with the help of the medical staff at the scene. He looked at Pam who was enjoying the cheers in the center of the ring, and he clenched his fists tightly.

he lost…

Once again, he missed the champion of the fighting Olympics.

However, after Da Zi loosened his fist, he lowered his head. At this moment, no one could understand Da Zi’s pain.

At the beginning of this year’s Fighting Olympics, Da Zi has always aimed for the championship. He has already reached the finals, but he still fell in the end.

became the biggest loser.

At this time, on the big screen above the ring in the Sky Arena, a video clip of Pam since the beginning of the fighting Olympics began to be played.

The wonderful battle collection videos are constantly playing.

It started with Pam’s first match against Andy, then to his opponent’s forfeit victory in the second match, to the third match against the previous Olympic fighting Olympic champion Bogardi, and the fourth match against Gulagu.

The wonderful battle collection is constantly playing.

As soon as the screen turned, it was a review of Pam’s battle in the fifth game.

The audience watching the video kept exclaiming every time they saw the climax.

Pam defeated Dazi and won this year’s Olympic fighting championship.

For this result, Pam’s heart is very calm. He originally thought that his dream had finally come true, and he would be excited, but now, he is still facing all this with calm water.

On the contrary, as Pam, Johnson, who had been by Pam’s side before he came out of Meteor Street, and the members of Pam’s Time and Space Brigade were all happy and excited for Pam from the bottom of their hearts.

This is a good result.

After Pam defeated Da Zi in the ring, many people in this world looked different.

Ten old men…

Beat the enemy family…

Fighting fans…

Some are surprised, some are calm, some are happy, some are unhappy, each one is expressing his emotions now.

Some people are celebrating wildly.

Some people are frantically smashing.

Others were crying bitterly.

Many other people are laughing happily…

Many people in the whole world seem to be caught in this game in silence, and this result changes everything about them.

And at the scene of the Sky Arena.

At this time, whether it’s the fighting fans who support Pam or Dazi, they are all applauding for Pam on the ring.

“Whether it is a winner or a loser in this game, it can be called a warrior!”

When the female commentator was cheering for Pam, he did not forget to mention Da Zi, who had woken up under the ring and was bowing his head in pain.

The biggest loser in this Olympics is Da Zi. Was taken out by the female commentator and whipped the corpse.

?? “A great game requires two great opponents, Pam and Dazzi, both great warriors.”

Many audience members accepted the female commentator’s point of view, applauded and nodded in unison.

This year’s fighting Olympic finals, the organizers of the Sky Arena in the past few days have made it the most concerned news during this period.

The organizer of the Sky Arena, the award ceremony prepared for this final is of course extremely grand.

Handed over the fighting Olympic championship trophy to Pam. The person who presented the award to the organizer of Sky Arena, the manager of Sky Arena, Skalov’s face seemed to be blooming with joy.

“The champion of the 1997 Olympics was Pam Xian.”

When Skalov shouted this sentence, the whole world felt the joy contained in the voice of the manager of the Sky Arena!

?? “Pam, congratulations, this is the crown you deserve!”

Scaloff took Pam’s hand and whispered in his ear.

“The crown I deserve?”

Pam looked at Skalov who was smiling in front of him, and finally showed a smile that shocked the whole world.

“Pam, you actually laughed?!”

The whole world was stunned to pay attention to the Pam people, and even Skalov was stunned.

They all know that Pam has always looked indifferent, as if he is indifferent to everything.

Now, Pam actually laughed.

At this moment, Pam made another move that shocked them. He was already raising the championship trophy in his hand.

“I’m the champion!”

From Skalov’s last sentence just now, “This is the crown you deserve”, Pam felt like something was dissipating from the bottom of his heart, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

I’m the champion.

For a moment, it seemed as if the whole world was echoing this sentence shouted from Pam’s mouth!

“I’m the champion!”

The audience all over the world shouted at the same time at this moment.

The voice is excited…

The sound is happy…

The voice is also choked…

They were directly followed by Pam.

The next day, the 1997 fighting Olympics were still hot.

Pam and his party gathered on the 250th floor of the Sky Arena. Here, Pam looked down at the entire Sky Arena with a smile.

“Captain, this thing is so beautiful!”

Nila looked at the mysterious prize given to Pam by the Sky Arena, she kept observing it in her hand, the kind of thinking that she wanted to take for herself, everyone could see from her eyes, expressions, and even her tone of voice. can feel it.

“Daphne’s Blessing”

An exquisite ornate box on the table is engraved with a 50 cm high cane made of gold. The most distinctive feature is the liquid gold wrapped in ruby at the tip of the cane.

“If you like it, I will give it to you.”

Pam doesn’t pay too much attention to these external things, and he knows that Nila is full of interest in these gold jewelry.

“Really? Captain.”

Nila turned her head to look at Pam and asked in disbelief.

Then she yelled when she saw Pam nodding.

“You are so kind, Captain!”

Nila excitedly picked up Daphne’s cane of blessing and shouted.

After a while, Pam saw that Nila calmed down a little, and he said to the five people sitting in the room.

“Johnson and I still have Xiaodi, and we will leave the city tonight, and then it will be left to the three of you.”

“Captain, don’t worry!”

Buffel responded calmly.

The next morning, Pam came to Kabab town again with Xiaodi and Johnson.

As long as you pass through the Epol Forest outside the town, you will be able to return to Meteor Street again.

“Master Pam, I…”

Pam stopped, turned to look at Johnson, who was about to stop talking, and he said.

“Go if you want! We’ll return to Star Street tomorrow.”

After Johnson heard it, he looked up at Pam’s face and said a little embarrassedly.

“I… Lord Pam, I…”

“Go! We’ll meet there tomorrow.”

After Pam finished speaking, he took Xiaodi and left, leaving Johnson standing alone.

After Johnson watched Pam disappear from his sight, he turned around and ran in the other direction of the town.

Although Johnson was born in Meteor Street, he has no flaws in his character. At most, he is more attached to Pam.

Johnson, who was running in the town, quickly stopped in front of an older residential building.

He looked at the little boy who was taking out the garbage at the door, and he shouted with excitement.

“Rao, I’m back!”

The little boy who was taking out the trash heard a familiar voice calling his name. He instantly raised his head and looked in Johnson’s direction.

“Johnson? Johnson, where did you go? You’re finally back.”

After Rao saw Johnson standing not far from him, he quickly ran to Johnson’s side, grabbed Johnson’s hand and shouted.

“Grandma, Johnson is back, come out and see!”

At the same time, UU reading Rao shouted into the residential building.

Johnson looked at Rao who was pulling him, and the panic in his heart suddenly calmed down. A feeling of reunion after an old goodbye came naturally.

Nothing has ever changed.

Rao is still the old Rao, the first friend he met after leaving Meteor Street, and his only friend so far.

After Rao finished shouting in the residential building, he heard an old voice from inside.

“Johnson, Rao, are you saying that Johnson is back?”

“It’s over there, come in and let grandma take a look!”

When Johnson and Rao heard the sound coming from the residential building, Rao dragged Johnson towards the residential building and said to Johnson, who was cold but with an obvious smile on his face.

“Johnson, where did you go? You left suddenly. Grandma and I are very worried about you.”

Johnson didn’t answer Rao’s question, just kept and smiled.

“Grandma, I’m back!”

Walking into the residential room, Johnson looked at the anxious old man who was walking towards the door. He smiled and said softly.


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