Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 205

Chapter 194: : 10 Years And 5 Days

Not far away, the purple fluorescent bug corpse reminded him that Pam and Kildo should not touch these venoms rashly.

They also expected that the after-effects of such easy-to-handle bugs would not be difficult for Pam and Kildo.

Pam didn’t speak, but stood in front of the tunnel covered with venom, his body was surging, his thoughts moved slightly, and the aura field formed by the vibration force directly shook the venom on the ground and pushed it to the ground. both sides.


Seeing this scene, Kildo was speechless, but she breathed a sigh of relief, so that she could pass more easily.

Using part of the ability effect of the vibrating aura, it is easy to shake away the venom that is applied everywhere, and sweep out a clean path.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Pam looked back at Kildo and said lightly.

The venom was swept away, and the road ahead was illuminated by the remaining purple light, and walked towards the depths of the tunnel.

The two walked to the corner of the tunnel, and the terrain changed greatly, but it was a stone staircase that curved downward, and there were still pale bones on the stairs, but there were not many.


At this moment, an unknown cry that was almost inaudible came from the darkness in the depths of the stairs.

The roar was too low to be heard clearly unless one listened carefully, but both Pam and Kildo, who had come to the top of the stairs, heard it.

The unknown roar came from nowhere, so faint, it should still be far away.

The Ebola site has a history of more than 500 years, so how did this roaring monster survive here.

There are also the skeletons in the corridor, and the skeletons that are now lying on the stairs.

There are still many unknown things in this world, which are beyond the known information of human beings and the existing knowledge of human beings.

Take the flashlight out of the backpack. The light beam that illuminates the front, the depths of darkness that cannot be illuminated at all, hide unknown things. If you go further, or keep moving forward, you can uncover the veil of darkness.

Pam and Kildo had no intention of discussing the inexplicably soft roar. In any case, they had to go down the stairs and go to the depths of the ruins to find the legendary dark sonata.


The two walked down the stairs, and the sound of footsteps spread in this quiet environment.

The thick sole stepped on the step stone, shaking a lot of dust, and the vibrating aura on Pam’s body also produced invisible weak sound waves that went around.

The skeletons that fell nearby were shaken to bits by the sound waves that were so weak that they were almost insignificant.

The stone stairs arc downward, and the two of them walked in an almost big circle-like turn before reaching the bottom. In front of them, there was a doorless exit with a faint light.

The light of the flashlight shone towards the exit, but I felt a wispy breeze blowing from the exit.

Just as they approached the exit, what appeared in front of Pam and Kildo was a dark purple fog.

Looking up through the thick fog, it is the light of the sky. Unfortunately, because this is the bottom of the Grand Canyon, even the sunlight cannot directly shine in, so such a thick fog accumulates.

“With such a thick fog, it is impossible to walk here safely with the protective clothing we are carrying now. What can you do?”

Pam looked at Kildo and asked.

I saw Kildo shook his head and said.

“I didn’t expect it to be so serious here, it was completely beyond my expectations.”

“Now, we can only force our way in.”

When Pam heard this, he was also speechless.

Not to mention the dense fog in front of you, if you encounter a surviving beast in the thick fog, or a dangerous creature similar to the firefly just now, their safety will definitely be greatly threatened.

That roar just now is the best evidence to prove that there are living creatures in it.

Kildo, who was about to walk into the Purple Mist District when he grabbed it, asked Pam.

“Do you have a reason to do this?”

“That’s right.”

Kildo turned his head to look at Pam, and said decisively, with a look of death.

“Let’s come again next time, okay?”

Pam, who didn’t want to put himself in danger, asked.

“We don’t have time. The open stone gate can only last for five days at most, and then it will be closed again.”

“If you want to come in again, you have to wait ten years, are you willing to wait?”

Kildo spoke quietly to Pam.

Ten years, ten years is too long, and Pam doesn’t want to have a ten-year dangerous constraint on himself.

If there are only five days to open, they really don’t have time, because even at Pam’s speed, if they want to get out of the forest in the Ebola area, it will take two days at the earliest, and four days back and forth, plus To prepare materials, five days, it is impossible to complete the exploration.

Find the dark sonata that may not exist.

“If we can cross this area in an instant, how long will it take you to prepare all the expedition materials?”

Pam decided to use the travel portal here, instantly travel outside the Ebola area, and repack everything before exploring the place.

“One day is enough.”

Kildo looked at Pam in surprise, wondering why Pam asked that.

“Okay, we’ll come back tomorrow.”

Kildo just wanted to say “how is it possible”, but before she could say it, she saw Pam’s body surging with thoughts.

A drop of thought like a drop of water fell on the ground, and it was Pam who used the door of travel.

“This is my ability to read, the wonderful winding path travel, he can let us go back and forth here in a minute, so…”

Pam’s next words don’t need to be said, and Kildo also understands that Pam’s ability is very suitable for the current situation.

Kildo was surprised and puzzled at the same time. Pam’s mind power is what he said. What is the power of change, the power of vibration, that Pam uses?

These two abilities are not on the same system at all. Could it be that Pam has two types of psychic abilities?

But Kildo thought about it and felt that it was impossible. This completely broke her cognition of Nian.

“It’s as you Then we don’t have to take the risk.”

Kildo said in a surprised tone.

“Then let’s go, get up quickly.”

A dark light flashed away, and after a wonderful journey, Pam and Kildo left the depths of Ebola at the same time and returned to the setting outside the Ebola area. on the door of travel.


Just after walking through the door of travel, Pam said to Kildo.

“here is?”

Kildo turned to look around, she didn’t recognize it, here and there.

“This is in front of the Ebola forest, and the Ebola forest, right behind us.”

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