Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 64

Chapter 63: :First Meet

Qihart Mountain, which is 80 kilometers to the south of the Sky Arena, is far away from the urban area, and two figures are constantly walking through the mountain at an extremely fast speed.


Pam stopped first, followed by Sessions. Pam, who stopped first, stood under a waterfall and said softly.

“here is?”

“This will be your practice place in the next half month.”

Pam is going to arrange for Sessions to practice here. There are green mountains and green waters, as well as a waterfall and lake. The most beautiful scenery in the virgin forest is this.

“This mountain, you have to hollow it out with your hands, and it can’t collapse.”

Pam pointed to the waterfall in front and said to Sessions.

“Apprentice, apprentice… unarmed?”

Sessions was stunned for a while, and he even talked.

“What? Is there a problem?”


Sessions straightened his chest and answered directly. Then I was ready to start digging the mountain with my bare hands.

“This is the design drawing.”

Pam took out a piece of paper and handed it to Sessions.

“design diagram?”

Sessions took it over and opened it, he almost didn’t frighten himself. Are we going to build a villa in the mountain?

“Master Pam! This is?”

Ignoring Sessions’ question, Pam continued.

“This blueprint is your work. This will be our secret base in the future.”

Pam pointed to the design and said to Sessions. This design was downloaded by Pam from the Internet last night, and it was only three times larger.

“You first dig the layout according to the design drawing. As for the rest, you don’t need to worry about it for the time being.”

“it is good!”

Pam approached the edge of the mountain wall and continued.

“Look, how did I dig.”

Pam concentrated his thoughts on his left and right hands, used “hard” directly, and then directly inserted his hands into the mountainside to quickly dig out a clod of soil.

“You have to use “hardness” to dig, and whenever the qi in the body is insufficient, use “judgment” to rest.”

“The dug up stones and soil must be separated well.”

When Sessions heard Pam say that he would use hard work to dig the mountain, his eyes lit up.

“no problem!”

“Then let’s start!”

Pam after Sessions started digging mountains. He activated his telepathy ability by the waterfall lake, traveled to the Wonderful Boundary Realm, and prepared to set up a gate here.

When Pam activated his telepathy, the undisguised fluctuations in his telepathy made Sessions startled. He turned his head and saw that Pam was dripping a drop of telepathy from his fingers, and then he saw Pam told him.

“I’ll pick you up at night.”

A black light flashed, and Pam disappeared in place, causing Sessions to shake his head.

Pam doesn’t have the heart to accompany Seth to practice outside. The method has already been taught. Whether it can improve or not is up to Seth.

After more than a minute, Pam reappeared in the sky arena room.

On the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, declared the battle window, and returned to Pam, who was on the 200th floor, and appeared here after a while.

“Master Pam!”

Just as Pam was about to leave, he heard a familiar and excited voice. He turned his head and saw that it was Johnson who was brought out from Meteor Street by Pam.

“Master Pam!”

Johnson quickly rushed in front of Pam, looking at Pam excitedly.

Seeing Johnson again, Pam was also a little excited, but he concealed it so deeply that no one noticed. He touched Johnson’s head, Pam said.

“Complete the registration first.”


Soon, Johnson completed the registration procedures, and the allocated room was given up by Pam. He let Johnson live in the same room with him.

Johnson followed Pam to Pam’s room, and kept chatting about his experience of fighting when he was below the 200th floor.

In the room, Pam kept listening, and Johnson kept talking, until when he reached the 190th floor, Johnson lowered his head.

“What’s wrong? It’s a wonderful experience and memory.”

Pam couldn’t understand why Johnson, who was in high spirits just now, lowered his head and became depressed when he said the last.

“Lord Pam, I’m on the 190th floor. I killed people. Use your thoughts.”

It turns out that Pam understood that Johnson was afraid that Pam would accuse him of using his mind when he was on the 190th floor.

“Is the opponent strong?”

“Yeah! It’s very strong, and it’s a kind of thinker.”

Johnson kept his head down, and tears fell as he spoke.

“It’s alright, the other party is a person who has the ability to think. If you can kill someone with thought, that’s your strength.”

Pam comforted.

“Master Pam, won’t you punish me for not completing the task?”

Johnson looked up at Pam.

Pam didn’t look at Johnson, but turned to look out the window and said.

“People only realize their own inadequacies when they are forced into a desperate situation, but at that time there is often no chance to correct them.”

“Your basic mind skills are very solid, the details of mind control are not weak, and your combat inspection skills are also very good. This is your advantage when you first arrived in the sky arena.”

“But your combat experience is too weak, and this has become your fatal flaw. I told you not to use your thoughts to advance to the 200th floor. I didn’t ask you to die, but to train and grow. As long as you If you can grow up to be on your own, you can help me in the future, you know?”

Pam told Johnson about his original purpose of letting Johnson fight without using his mind and his expectations for his future.

“I see, Lord Pam!”

“Go and rest, UU Reading will introduce you to a new companion at night, and you will partner with him in the future.”

“Well! I see.”

In the afternoon, Pam received the news of the battle that he was going to appear again, at eleven o’clock this evening.

“Johnson, let’s go! Our future secret base is right there.”

“A future secret base?”

Johnson thought to himself.

Qihart Mountain, Sessions, who was resting, suddenly saw Pam reappear from the place where he disappeared this morning, with a little boy beside him.

“Master Pam, who is this child?”

When Sessions saw Johnson for the first time, he could feel that Johnson was also a psychic, and his strength was not weak.

“Sesis, this is your future companion, his name is Johnson.”

Pam said to Sessions.

“In the future, I will organize a team, and the two of you will be our main attackers.”

With the reinforcement-type Sessions and the release-type Johnson as the main attackers, the team will definitely not lack in attack power in the future, which makes Pam very reassured.

“Hello! Johnson. I’m Sessions, Sessions Scarborough.”

After listening to Pam’s introduction, Sessions took the initiative to introduce himself.

“I’m Johnson.”

Johnson is a bit ruthless. He is always like this when facing outsiders. Only when facing Pam does Johnson become different.

Pam looked at Sessions’ progress today and said.

“Sexis, today’s progress is good, you all know each other, go back and talk about it first!”

Pam explained his telekinesis ability to Sessions again, traveling in the Wonderland, and then returned to the Sky Arena with Sessions.

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