Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 403 - Battle (four thousand)

The arrival of Morston et al.

It directly gave the city a lot of confidence.

Of course, the team that came was not only them.

They are only a few.

Like the existence of capable people, there are not many in this Rabbinic Republic.

After all, if there really is a suitable target, this can be produced in batches.

This time, more than 100 capable people came from all over the Rabbinic Republic.

Several of them are still at the level of Morston.

The city of Camila has now been gathered.

And in this city, Ron was naturally prepared.

People have been sent into the nearby city before, and there are many slugs left.

You can attack at any time and find out what’s going on now.

Although I don’t know how many people there are, Ron still knows that the opponent has entered the field after such a big movement.

“This is too underestimated.”

Ron didn’t pay much attention to the news of the reply.

Having won four cities, he has to continue to recruit people, but it seems that he continues to face these guys now.

He still didn’t feel any trouble.

“When they attack, you can kill them. You’re welcome.”

“Oh, if you can catch it alive, you can catch it alive. My side treats prisoners preferentially, and I still lack a lot of coolies.”

Here, Ron is talking casually.

Camilla City.

The staff are already negotiating.

In addition to local officials and generals to communicate with, there are also many capable people.

“There are many capable people in Meteor Street.”

“If you’re not careful, you’ll be in big trouble, and the guy you said is unreasonable now, but you can’t handle it so casually.”

“We have already collected his information, and he alone can probably beat our team.”

Although it is not good to beat one’s own morale, in the current situation, if people look down on the enemy, it may be even worse.

“Che, I dare to say that one person beats us as a team.”

“Do you really want to say that he is the world’s top telepathic person? Or some famous bounty criminal?”

“In this kind of place, it is possible to produce some masters. Without professional knowledge and training, how could there be such masters? I think you just think too much.”

One of the officers in the uniform of the Rabbinic Republic was very upset.

Obviously, he was not very satisfied with what the other party said.

Existences like them actually look down on those with ‘savages’ abilities.

Especially the guy who doesn’t even have ‘knowledge’, and doesn’t even know how to recognize the development of his ability to read.

In their opinion, Meteor Street is almost like this person.

He believes that so many people have produced a few geniuses. How can it be possible to play them on the first team.

How could this conceit make him care.

This world is also full of contempt chains.

Among the capable persons, some competent persons from official organizations stand at the top.

I look down on most of the capable folks, and only a large organization like the Hunter Association can be taken seriously. After all, there are many masters who have their own cultivation progress and inheritance, so they will still pay attention.

In addition, various organizations of non-governmental organizations, large organizations look down on small organizations, and small organizations look down on them without stopping.

Anyway, it’s just a set of contempt.

Like those self-development, although they may have good abilities, they were awakened by themselves and no one brought them.

It is often the most despised.

At the low end of the contempt chain.

Even if the strength is not weak and has not reached a point, that’s it.

And an existence like Meteor Street is not a savage, but it doesn’t make them feel important.

This time, in their opinion, it was the new high-ranking person who went crazy.

Now it’s better to kill them directly.


Hearing the officer’s words, the first capable person stopped talking.

It’s just that they are a little uncomfortable looking at each other.

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat wrong.

Soon someone started to warm up, but it was when the topic didn’t exist.

But not everyone doesn’t care.

“What do you think Meteor Street is like now?” Morston looked at Laura next to him.

“Didn’t I already say it, be careful, if it were an ordinary person, I don’t believe that Meteor Street would change its owner like this.”

“It seems that you have a high opinion of him.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are tall or not. I won’t look down on anyone.”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} “Really be careful, if he can beat me.”

A chat between Morston and Laura.

It ended after Laura looked at Morston without speaking at the end.

Pure intuition, they shouldn’t succeed so easily this time.

The exchange meeting lasted for a long time.

No one noticed that in some places there were small slugs watching the situation here and listening to their news.

At the end, after the battle time was announced.

Everyone just separated and rested well.

After all, they came to fight, not to play.

Don’t take it too easy.

“The day after tomorrow?”

“I have to assemble the team here.”

“It doesn’t look like you’re in a hurry.”

“I won’t come forward. You can bring people over to fight, and don’t kill too many people.”

“Yes, Lord Ron.”

Following the order, Slug has already arranged for manpower to act.

Everyone already knew the news and knew that they wanted to fight one by one.

Then it just waits.

Now you can still ambush or something, just wait for the other party to take the bait.

Knowing the opponent’s combat strength, they can also easily arrange the combat strength.

Two days passed quickly.

The city of Camila was originally very quiet and peaceful.

And with the arrival of the large army, it is no longer quiet.

Today, with the cheers of the citizens, this large team also went to another city, intending to recover the city.

“Finally, we can have a good fight.”

Among the tens of thousands of people, Morston was mixed in a big car.

As the car moved, he became even more excited.

“Calm down, don’t be in such a hurry.”

Listening to this situation, Laura reminded again.

It’s just that Morston can’t listen at all now.

Looking around, waiting for the opponent to appear.

He can’t wait now.

I even thought about whether the opponent could come out directly from the vicinity in the next second.

It’s almost noon.

changes with this time.

The convoy has slowly left the city of Camila and entered the city next to it.

And here, the person who prepared the slug has already prepared here.

Norton was chosen by slugs from the army to be considered a master.

With more than 100 undead to join the army, at this time, the use of Jue is hiding here.

These more than 100 people are not from those big teams, they are all masters similar to Norton.

According to their energy, they are basically between C and B.

And the real combat power has basically reached B.

Mainly ability, but also many combat skills of the database and ability development.

Make them all a little different.

Compared with ordinary abilities, they are much stronger.

It can even be said that it can face most of the ability of mind.

“Brother Norton, the team has already entered. When will we start?”

Now most of the citizens are hiding in their houses to see the situation.

A few people watched the convoy enter the city, and even if they knew it was from their own country, they didn’t dare to approach, so they went home quickly.

If the lack of combat power is affected, it will definitely be miserable.

“Hold on!

As soon as the fire starts, we start.

On the other side, there are some people helping us! ! “

Norton said casually.

The metal glove in his hand was still wiping.

This glove is specially made in the laboratory.

Although there is no special effect, it is hard and heavy, which is enough.

Combined with his reinforcement system ability to strengthen.

He is confident that even if he encounters an armed tank below, he can blow it up with one punch.

“The airship is here again.”

“Would you like to inform them?”

Looking at the airship in the sky.

Someone suggested it.

“Let me know, although they may have already prepared.”

A few words and no money, Norton didn’t save anything in this matter.

Except for Norton.

In other areas, there are actually quite a few capable people hidden.

This time, it’s even for training.

There are also two mech warriors.

A real war machine, Ron has no tanks or anything.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Only use these guys to target the big guys.

Of course, there shouldn’t be any problem without them, as far as those with ability are concerned, they can still be solved.

But, it’s easier to use.

Otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. It is still necessary to train the combat ability.

“what happened?”

“Anyone who didn’t see them?”

The capable people here are monitoring, and the other troops are in the inner area, waiting for the team to fully enter, and come directly to catch the turtle in the urn.

Let them not even think about leaving.

“Don’t worry, there must be some small tricks. Now that there are so many people here, why do we need to worry about them.”

“Maybe they have already felt that they are not opponents, so maybe they leave.”

It’s not just one person who doesn’t care about the situation here.

Although some people felt that something was wrong, they still chose to shut up.

He didn’t say anything to spoil the mood at this time.

Just still be very careful.

“Be careful, here we come.”


The leading team hadn’t crossed a few intersections, so it could be said that they spread out and entered the city, until the entire team completely entered the city and dispersed to each street.

The battle begins.

There are also more airships in the sky.

The sound of gunfire is very exaggerated, but the tank has not moved for a while, worried that it will directly blow up the buildings here.

This is only here as a deterrent for now.

As for the others. .

Many capable people have already intervened.

Especially when a lot of those who release abilities or those who are capable of long-range attacks have already started to attack.

They have already stood up to find their opponents.

It’s just that they soon saw that the number of capable people here is really more than they thought.

“Hahaha, there are so many people.”


Seeing so many enemies, Moston felt the aura of many able-bodied people above and on the ground.

Can’t wait to get started directly.

“Be careful.”

“Ah, I see, I will kill them all like before.”

Laura felt that something was wrong and reminded her, and Morston replied as usual.

Next, with the strength of his legs, Morston has disappeared in place, leaving only the ground that has been shattered.

“I think you really know.”

Looking at Morston who had disappeared, Laura was also a little helpless.

And soon, the surrounding enemies made her have to join the battle.

On the other side.

Morston moved quickly.

It swept away more than a dozen combat units from Meteor Street one after another.

Without the ability to, he can’t resist the opponent’s attack at all.

And this situation quickly attracted the attention of Norton and others.

“Good guy, it’s also a reinforcement type.”

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Norton was very direct.

Or to put it another way, the person who strengthens the ability is so direct.

Seeing that Morston acted alone.

“He gave it to me, don’t rob it.”

After leaving a sentence, the figure moved quickly.

The two metal fists in his hand shone with some kind of light.

“Strengthening Heavy Mountain.”

Falling from the sky, Norton’s fist exudes a special light.

And the whole person has already fallen from the sky, targeting Moston who has come to a crossroads.


Morston felt the attack.

She was also very excited, she couldn’t avoid it, she wanted to take this move with her arms.

And down below, he felt that this fist was so heavy.

This fist strength, although he caught it hard and did not hurt him, the terrifying power made him unable to stand at all, as if all kinds of things in this area encountered some terrible gravity.

In an instant, it directly shattered the street here.

The cracks spread like a centipede.

Morston’s body was also half-pressed.

“Ha ha..”

“Okay, that’s great.”

“I found my opponent.”

Finding a suitable opponent is still his best

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