Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 409 - guard, fight

“Control them like putting on a piece of clothing.”

Nephipetto explained patiently, in fact, it was almost the same as not saying it.

But for him, it was the same.

This is the same as putting on a piece of clothing, the difference is not much.

“It’s like putting on clothes.”

“Suit up.”


Kroot began to think.

He is also not very clear about how he dresses on the boat.

I can only use some of the remaining human memories to think about how I should handle this.

Later. . . .

I don’t know how long it took.

Anyway, in the eyes of Kroot and Nifebedo, it didn’t take long.

The life energy in Kroot has gradually been controlled.

The first step, wrapping.


“I can control it.”

Kroot was also a little surprised by his own situation.

Now he is very clear about his own situation.

He is several times stronger than before.

Even after that, he can continue to improve.

As long as you find the right way, it is not impossible to turn it several times over.

“It looks like it’s really done.” “It just doesn’t look enough. ‘ Nephipeto has been studying.

Although it looks like it’s done.

But, this doesn’t seem to be enough.

Not as much as he thought.

Added additionally. .

“Let’s continue our research, and then find someone to get the news.”

“I read it from memory, we have rare species right now.”

“They should know how this energy works and how to act.”

Nifebedo’s thoughts are very clear.

Now he wants to take advantage of humanity’s future.

All of this, he has already thought about what to do.


Kroot was a little puzzled at first.

Then he soon knew what Nephipidus meant.

After that, the action began to send people.

With their actions, the situation here soon became known to everyone.

Other chimeric ants began to check the situation here.

Everyone knows that there is now a guard team directly under the king.

Even legion commanders need to be honest.

Even Kroot was following around.


It’s what they study.

After understanding the ability of mind.

Many legion commanders have come directly here, and they can improve their strength these days.

Nature is the best.

They have no notion of shamelessness.

As long as you can improve your strength, you can follow.

Even if it is a robbery, it must be taken back.

This is their concept.

Although there are some human things in it.

But it is more of a racial survival ecology.

The law of the jungle.

Moral matters have nothing to do with them.

They only use strength.

The people here still don’t know what’s going on.

The matter of the ability to read has already progressed very quickly.

Looking at the situation now, Kroot didn’t know what to say.

Before, they caught rare species and gave them to the queen to eat.

Now, I didn’t expect to be able to read the other party’s information or something.

What a hunter.

What is the ability to read, what is entanglement, and so on.

They are all clear.

There are even extended references to various abilities, such as systems.

The other chimeric ants know what’s going on.

they do not know.

Anyway, Nephipidus and Kroot have already figured it out.

Even Nephipidus could feel it proficiently, and began to try to use it.

This is the difference.

Although Kroot is not that fast, he can still feel how to use those abilities later, which also determines his current level and situation.

During this period, the other two directly affiliated escorts were also born.

Let these chimeric ants that were already getting stronger.

Another level.

As for the situation on the chimeric ant’s side, now only the chimeric ant knows the situation clearly.

As for the others.

Norton and others who were far away did not know what was going on.

They took people along the way and pushed them directly. They killed chimeric ants when they encountered them on the way, and killed everything else they encountered.

There is no intention of stopping at all.

And this chimeric ant didn’t even appear in the back.

“Have those guys run away?”

“It’s gone now.”

Norton asked the other teams about the current situation through the slug.

Right now, they only roughly know what the situation is, and they can’t find any chance to continue to do anything.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} These chimeric ants don’t dare to fight with them in the back, and even run away when they meet some guys.

They hunted and killed ordinary villagers, but they ran away in the face of Norton.

These guys are intelligent, and not low.

I had already received some news before I came here. Although I have already prepared, but now that the situation is confirmed, I am still a little unsure of what to say.

“The route has been found.”

And when Norton started to struggle, Slug had already explained it.

Help them find their way.

Since the place is so big, it is not so easy for them to find separation.

And it’s easy to get into trouble.

Although the chimeric ants here are caught by their thighs, they are not stupid fools.

If they were attacked when they were separated, they would definitely suffer a lot on their side.

This wasn’t what Ron wanted.

And the help of slugs is very important.

Bringing slugs with them when they’re on the move is more than just safety.

Some investigation and pathfinding can be handed over to the slug’s split body.

It’s just to consume a little energy.

It’s nothing at all.

Norton and the others acted while dealing with chimeric ants along the way.

Someone behind them also touched here.

after sunset.

Look at the corpses along the way.

Little Jackie Kate, who wanted to show off her skills, didn’t know what to say.

“Is it all done?”

“Have we missed something?”

Xiaojie and Qi Yan were direct, looking at the strange chimeric ants around them, they also knew what was going on.

“Almost, someone has already done it in front, and the strength is not weak, and there are a lot of them.” Kate observed the surrounding situation and quickly determined.

The people here are definitely not as simple as one or two.

is a group of people.

Group War.

“A lot?”

“It’s also possible to let people in in large quantities here.”

“Or they have already prepared in advance.”

Qiyi immediately thought of review.

They had to come in before, but it wasn’t that simple.

It was also because Kate and the others found something temporarily. For this, we can only say that it was just a coincidence.

With so many people, only three of them came in in the end, and two of them had already returned.

The battle situation on this side of the scene, the number of these people will not be small.

“Let’s catch up and have a look.”

“Those chimeric ants will become stronger the more they devour. If this group of people is devoured, maybe a monster will appear.”

“In addition to the previous request for help, we haven’t met anyone yet, and we don’t know…” Kate said, and then she had an idea to continue to speed up.

They had completely staggered from Peng Si and the others before.

Never encountered it at all.

And now.

You can only catch up with the team in front to determine what’s going on.

If the combat power is not enough, let the opponent not go to death.

The main reason is that this kind of death is meaningless, and it will make the enemy stronger.

Kate knows the habits of chimeric ants very well.

“Then let’s speed up.”

“Find them first.”

“The traces here should be during the day. It shouldn’t take long for us to chase after them.”

“It was just before the real sun went down not long ago.”

Norton and others wasted a little time before, but now Little Jackie and others will not waste any time to catch up.

Speed ​​up to catch up.

And Norton and the others didn’t even know that someone behind them was worried that they would be sent away for thousands of miles.

They have now found the former chimeric ant cave.

It’s just a pity that nothing was found.

Fortunately, with the slug’s guidance, they didn’t get lost.

Another new focal point for the chimeric ant colony has been found.

And as they got closer.

One of the three guards directly under the king.

Nifebedo is also showing a bit of excitement now.

“This is the power of human beings?”

“And that big toy, it seems to be very interesting.”

Nifebido, who can already grasp the number of circles, has now served as a prober, and began to investigate the situation around him, and Norton and others are like his area.

He knew the current situation right away.

Nifebedo quickly decided that there were still quite a few of them, but in terms of numbers, they had the upper hand.

They have queen ants, soldiers, whatever, as many as they want.

As long as the queen ants are not in trouble, they can basically hatch soldiers while fighting.

This is the true effect of the ant queen.

As for the current guy, it’s actually just a small army.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} All for the king’s nourishment.

Otherwise, in terms of quantity, they could still be much, much more.

It is even possible to double, double, and several times.

Sitting on a cliff.

Now that the sun has completely set, there is only moonlight and starlight at night.

There is no such thing as lights in this forest.

And even so.

From a distance, Nifei Pito could see the movement of trees more than ten kilometers away.

The actions of the personnel below.

From high to low, he could see it from a distance.

Also watching them.

“Is there an enemy coming?”

And behind Nifebedo, another guard, a handsome, tall, and very temperamental man spoke up.

He had been on the side all the time before, but now he saw that Nephipito’s thoughts had changed a bit, as if he was investigating something, so he spoke.

He is Yapf the owl among the three guards.

The three guards have their own personalities.

His character is more serious and serious, of course, this seriousness is only in the aspect of the king.

As long as it is about the king.

He will make a judgment at the first time, and make the judgment that is most beneficial to the king.

This feeling is a bit like Kroot, but a little different.

Kroot would rather die than execution.

Xiao Yapfu wanted the king to be the beneficiary.

There is still a little gap in the middle.

He will make judgments for his superiors, and make a judgment that he thinks is the most suitable, so that they can benefit from it.

Anything to sacrifice in the middle, as long as it’s not their king, that’s fine.

This kind of character is very extreme, and people don’t know what to say.

But as some loyal dogs, this guy is still very famous.

“Would you like me to kill them?”

“I couldn’t help it for a long time.” As the two spoke, the last guard came out of the other hole. They had been observing the situation outside.

Because he knew that there was an enemy, Nifei Pito was the first to discover it, and now, Meng Tutu Yubi also felt the figure of the guy who was still ten kilometers away.

Mainly because they are well positioned and have good eyesight, they can be seen from a distance.

There are so many mechas, it’s hard for them not to see if there is a big commotion.

The last guard, Meng Tu Tu Yubi, is the only one among the three guards that does not contain human genes, and is purely generated by mixing the genes of monsters.

Now it looks like it’s just red all over, it looks like a red-skinned human, but some parts look like beasts.

In fact, all this is just his disguise.

Or to put it another way, I just thought it was more convenient to look like this, so here is the situation.

Gesture or something, as if it doesn’t matter.

Meng Tu Tu Yubi spoke up.

All of a sudden, both of them looked at him.

In fact, this Meng Tu Tu Yubi has always shown a desire to fight.

Of course, only when something happens.

Usually, he is very honest and doesn’t say much.

“I still want to test my strength.”

“Those legion commanders are not interesting at all, they are too weak…” Nephipidus said.

He was the first to discover it.

Now that you have found your target, you can go out and have fun.

But his idea is a bit bad if he lets it out like this.

When Meng Tutu Yubi heard this, he didn’t open his mouth, but it seemed that he was obviously unwilling to back down.

Now, he is very interested in this situation.

If it is an ordinary opponent, let it go, and now, the group of guys who are looking at far away are the first group of enemies after they come out.

Just waiting to get started.

The two guards at the back looked at Puff, obviously wanting to see what options the other party had.

“Well, otherwise, you can act together, be careful, and retreat at any time.” Puff looked at the two guards, and in the end, he was still with the mud.

But he also has his own reasons.

In their current situation, let this person leave the fighting force, not to go out to play.

is out to fight.

“I already knew it before. Their fighting power is not low. Now that we have come out, we may not necessarily win. The two of you cooperate and should be able to disperse them.”

When Puff was talking.

Has begun to use the ability, Eye of the Fly.

Start to observe the distance.

In fact, in his opinion, let the two of them act together to be more stable.

“Also, let those legion commanders take people to test it out. I’ll stay here. If there is any accident, I’ll take the Queen away as soon as possible, and you, come back as soon as possible.”

Xiao Yapf spoke.

Soon he had his own plans. During this time, he also read a lot of books and digested a lot of memories, but it was not for nothing.

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