Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 50 - Ron before, Ron later

“Dior~ Oh? That guy is still alive~”

Hearing this name, Ron paused for a while, then quickly recovered, and said with a bit of emotion.

Dior is the best group of people with whom he has grown up since childhood.

Since childhood, we have been kidnapped, robbed and looted together, doing good things together and doing bad things together.

Of course, since they couldn’t do anything good in Meteor Street before, they were just for survival, and doing good deeds in a situation like Meteor Street where they could starve to death at any time, how crazy would they be.

Originally, Ron thought they were all dead, but he didn’t expect to appear at this time.

This is really surprising~~~

It’s just this surprise, I don’t know if it will turn into a fright.

After all, at a time like this, anything is really possible~

“How are they?”

After pondering for a while, Ron returned to his previous appearance.

Knowing that they are still alive, Ron can’t ignore them, at least their situation needs to be determined.

Right now, it’s uncertain whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, and Ron wasn’t so anxious.

“Master Dior and the others are not in danger now. There are many people beside him, and some of them are slightly injured.”

Created by Ron, the slug naturally knows Ron’s previous situation, and probably also knows that Ron’s mood is complicated now.

directly explained the situation to him.

“Oh? Well, it’s okay to live, what’s the situation on their side, what are they looking for me for?”

In Meteor Street, being betrayed is actually a normal thing. Ron originally thought he was an exception. He saw people very accurately, and most of the people he interacted with were good.

However, now Ron has no such confidence.

Guys from childhood to adulthood can betray, and there are many unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. Maybe, it’s just because Ron is too poor and the meat he gives is too small, not as big as others.

After all, this is a **** price. If he was betrayed once, it wasn’t just him who was injured. As for his former friends, there should not be many who really survived now.

And these people, even if they survived, how many people still recognize him now.

Brotherhood or something, maybe only on TV, living in a world where people cannibalize, friendship? Ha ha.

At least it is difficult now, it is easy to share wealth and honor, and to share weal and woe.

Living in a place like Meteor Street really affects people. It’s not a personal matter, it’s the whole environment.

If they can form a relationship, then their direct relationship will be particularly strong, and if they have a certain kind of mind, then. .

This is also the reason why Ron especially wants to change this Meteor Street. He doesn’t want this place to be like this since he was a kid.

And betray this thing.

It is enough to experience this kind of thing once. After experiencing this betrayal, most of the partners around him died, and he, if not for his special abilities, might have died in the war early.

Dior and the others, there is not necessarily a problem now.

But before, Ron sent slugs, and after searching for so long, he couldn’t find anyone.

And now, not many days after rejecting the proposal brought by Hisoka, the other party appeared.

This is a big problem.

Eating a moat grows one’s wisdom, in the end.

Now Ron can’t trust anyone anymore.

Sometimes, he can’t even trust slugs.

If it weren’t for him, he still believed in himself, and he still had the constraints of his ability to read.

That. . .

Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of the rope for ten years.

“Master Dior didn’t find him. He just found me. After he found me, he directly asked your location.”

Hearing the question, Slug immediately relayed it.

“Oh? Ask my location?”

Hehe smiled, Ron’s smile was a bit playful, but he didn’t delve into anything, he knew that he was particularly vulnerable to being controlled by his previous emotions.

After calming down for a while, Ron said that he didn’t expect any help from these little friends.

He only hopes now that this matter will not be the same as what he said, otherwise, at that time. . .

“Tell him I’m fine, don’t worry, let them hide by themselves, I’ll find them later, you split a clone to follow them.”

“It’s the same if you find other people, let them hide for the time being, and let’s talk about it later.”

I didn’t think about contacting me directly.

There is no need for this now, and there is nothing to do for the time being, and it is a good thing to know that they are safe.

What is Dior’s current situation? Is it because he couldn’t contact him before, or because the elders of Meteor Street want to make a name for themselves.

Now he can’t tell the difference, and he can’t tell the difference at all.

Anyway, as long as he rectifies Meteor Street, all this will be over.

Now he didn’t want to hide his position, it was completely exposed, and the reason was also meant to be tempted.

I just wanted to tell the gang of Meteor Street that he is here, come as soon as you want, although the wanted is now cancelled, but like the unreasonable place of Meteor Street, assassination is possible at any time.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to bring Dior and the others by his side, at least not now.

Now, he didn’t even contact her, let alone other people.

Ron now just wants to act alone and calm down.

With the exception of some tool people who need it, there is absolutely no need to bring others.

“Yes, Lord Ron.”

For Ron’s orders, slugs can always convey the first time.

The mixing of Dior’s affairs made Ron feel a little better and a little worse, and he was in a state of anxiety.

So much so that when the prisoners in the back returned to Ron, they were all trembling and didn’t know what was going on.

How did Ron’s whole person change greatly after this back and forth? Even if he didn’t say anything, he could see that the other party was in a bad mood.

Originally, they were honestly worried about what would happen, and now they dare not say anything more.

After dealing with the affairs on Dio’s side, Ron pondered for a long time before turning his attention to the few people who had come to him and stood honestly for a long time.

He is not someone who will always be affected by one thing. Ron knows very well that this past event has already happened and has appeared, so he must face it.

The most important thing is what he will do now and what will he do in the future.

How to accomplish his goals and objectives is what he should think about now, instead of thinking about regretting and entangled in the past.

People who have been living in the past are only trash.

“You guys, come and test your ability to read.”

Looking at the people in front of Ron didn’t feel too entangled. If he is sure of a person, let them test his reading ability first.

After knowing what the ability is, he can also make arrangements.

It is impossible for them to develop their abilities completely independently.

Except for some people with better talents or traits, for others, Ron will decide their own direction in the future.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have given this ability a legion name.

These people, in his expectation, only a few elites can fight independently, while others, most of them, will be developed into team members who cooperate with each other.

Maybe a single ability pulled out alone is a waste, but the power of a real army combined can be improved.

At that time, it wasn’t that they felt that it was suitable for their abilities.

It is Ron who decides whether this ability will be useful to them in the future.

As long as it is useful, it must be developed. This is another use of undead joining the army. As the number of people increases, the limitation of this ability development will be much higher.

In addition, Ron already had an idea, about the advanced idea of ​​undead joining the army, about his ability to develop in the future.

This is just a small test, a small attempt.

“Yes, Lord Ron.”

Several people were very straightforward. When they got Ron’s order, they had already acted quickly. They had found tools such as water cups, water leaves, etc., and planned to test this ability.

The Mizusami-style mindfulness test can be said to be very common in this world. Basically, most of those who are capable use this method to test their mindfulness.

is the most accurate and widely used test capability.

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