Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 18. The Orlin Branch of the Adventurer’s Guild

   'It seems that the building housing the Adventurer's Guild is much larger in this city than in the city where I grew up. Well, this was to be expected, considering that one of the three major dungeons of this kingdom is located nearby...', Kara thought as she stood in front of an imposing building with thick stone walls and a double oak door on which was written in metallic letters, "Adventurer's Guild - Orlin Branch."

   'It's quite amusing to remember the plans I made in my childhood, plans I still had about two years ago. Back then, I always dreamed of becoming a powerful adventurer, earning the respect of everyone, having the chance to battle legendary beasts, and exploring dungeons together with Alice... Yes, it's truly funny to think how naive I was. The world I lived in was so small. Now that I've gained such powers that allow me to do anything I want, without anyone being able to hold me accountable, I can't help but see my previous efforts as that of an ant trying to climb a mountain of thousands of meters, unaware that once it reaches the top, it will still be just an ant in front of the grandeur of the mountain. But now, everything is different. I will decide whether the mountain will continue to be a mountain...'

   Kara wasted no time, and after pushing open the massive door with just one finger, as if it was made of paper, she entered the building that housed the Adventurer's Guild and headed straight for the reception, ignoring the questioning looks of adventurers who were wasting time analyzing posted missions or looking for new members for their teams.

   "Welcome to the Orlin Branch of the Adventurer's Guild. How may I assist you?" asked the young receptionist, dressed in a blue uniform, as Kara approached the desk.

   "Well, I came for two things. The first is to send a message to the B-rank adventurer Markus Ardow, who is a Beast Hunter, and the second is to join the Adventurer's Guild, starting at rank B," replied Kara, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.

   "Huh, the first thing is quite simple. As long as Markus Ardow enters any branch of the Adventurer's Guild, one of my colleagues will pass along your message. Of course, if you want to send him a private message, you can do so with a sealed letter, but the cost will be a minimum of 5 silver coins, depending on how far his location is..."

   "The first option is fine," Kara interrupted, not knowing her father's current location.

   "Alright, tell me the message, and I'll enter it into the system immediately," the receptionist said, leaning down and retrieving a huge book from a drawer, a book whose contents could be found in similar volumes in every branch of the Adventurer's Guild.

   "The message is as follows: I've finished what I needed to do, and I will meet you at home in two months," Kara told the receptionist.

   "Huh, is that all?" asked the receptionist, who had finished writing, seeing that Kara didn't say anything else.

   "That's enough. Let's move on to the second matter..."

   "Well, in order to start with a rank B, you'll need to take a test where you'll have to fight a B-rank adventurer from the Adventurer's Guild staff and complete a rank B mission. The fee for taking the test once is ten gold coins, but the good news is that even if you fail, you can retake the test as many times as you want, as long as you pay the fee each time, so you shouldn't be too stressed during the fight. Additionally, we have a special offer where...."

   'Of course, I expected her to say something like that. Considering that most people wanting to take this test are arrogant noble sons for whom money is not a problem, it's no wonder the Adventurer's Guild came up with such a method...', Kara thought as the receptionist continued trying to convince her to purchase a subscription that would allow her to take the test every week for a year for the sum of 400 gold coins.

   "No, thank you. Once will be enough...", Kara interrupted the receptionist, placing 10 gold coins on the desk.

   "Well then, good luck. I'll immediately register your request, and then I'll lead you to the training ground behind the building where you can take the test.", the receptionist replied, a bit skeptical that the beauty in front of her was so capable in battle.

   "Thank you for the good wishes. I'm sure they'll have an effect...", Kara replied to the receptionist, a subtle smile appearing on her lips.

   'Damn, such beauty is capable of making my heart beat faster... Although her features are a bit sharp, her soft lips and black eyes.... huh, I thought they were green...' the receptionist thought, gazing at Kara as if she had been hypnotized by her eyes.

   "Hmm, if you enjoy staring at me so much, I wouldn't mind meeting up after you finish work, so we can get to know each other better, and who knows, maybe you'll have the chance to gaze at me every day..." Kara said to the receptionist in a teasing tone, her eyes taking on the cunning of a fox, and her lips, through which these words came out, seemed to become the lips of a mermaid charming the sailors, making them willingly jump into the abyss.

   "I, I have a fiancé... I'm sorry..." the receptionist replied to Kara, beginning to write the necessary documents and trying to hide her blushing face.

   "What a shame..." Kara said softly, as if during the utterance of these words, dozens of images of a future that can no longer be possible flashed before her eyes.

   "I, I forgot to ask, what is your name and your class? I need to write this down..." the receptionist asked Kara, trying to regain her professionalism.

   "Kara Ardow, Hunter," Kara replied, her face showing no indication of lying.

   After another 2-3 minutes, the receptionist left her desk and, hesitating to look Kara in the eyes, she invited her to follow her to the training ground.

   The receptionist's attitude amused Kara, but she didn't continue to tease the young woman who still blushed, as she wasn't truly interested in her, so she quietly followed her to the training ground.


   "Hey Jacob, how long are you planning to polish that shield? I'm sure your wife is already getting jealous of the affection you're showing it...", a man sitting on a bench at the edge of the training ground in the backyard of the Adventurer's Guild, dressed in simple clothes, with a mug of beer in his hand, jokingly asked the massive man in front of him, fully clad in black armor, vigorously wiping a golden shield that looked like it had just come out of the box.

   "Why do you think I'm polishing it here? Every time my wife sees this shield, all peace disappears from our house. Why did you spend 1000 gold coins on such a thing? You know, with that money, we could have bought a new house? I'm tired of hearing these questions day and night. What does she know? When I became an adventurer a hundred years ago, all I had was a low-quality wooden shield..."

   Unfortunately, Jacob couldn't finish his story about the hardships he endured in his life, as Kara entered the training ground, accompanied by the receptionist who showed her the way.

   "Jacob, I brought someone who wants to take the test to become a B-rank adventurer," the receptionist told Jacob, who was the adventurer Kara had to fight to demonstrate her skills.

   "About time, Lina! I've been sitting here all day doing nothing. I don't understand why lately, almost no one comes when it's my shift..."

   "Heh, you really don't know the reason?" the man who had just finished his beer asked Jacob.

   "Well, I can't be like you. My honor as a Shield Master prevents me from not trying to block any attack directed at me..."

   "I believe your wife would have a different opinion about this situation..."


   "Which one of you is Jacob?" Kara intervened, getting bored with the increasingly heated discussion between the two men in front of her.

   "Huh, that's me!" Jacob replied, looking carefully at Kara for the first time as she walked towards the center of the training ground.

   'Shit, why do I have to fight such a beauty? If my wife finds out about this, I don't think I'll have a moment of peace for a week...', Jacob thought as he also moved towards the center of the training ground.

   "What's the condition to pass this test?" Kara asked again.

   "Well, you see the necklace around my neck? It's an accessory that has the ability to save me from death. If you can land a blow that can create a crack in it in less than 10 minutes, then you can consider that you've passed the test," Jacob replied as he fastened his precious shield to his right arm.

   "Very well. Let's fight!" Kara said, cracking her knuckles twice.

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