Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 28. To Add Dry Wood to the Fire

   Kara had imagined many times in the past how her first kiss would be, but the pleasure she felt when her lips met Ophelia's was far more addictive than she had expected. It was as if from that moment on, she couldn't possibly inhale anything else but the hot air that first passed through Ophelia's chest, seemingly containing a potent drug that began to erode her reason more and more.

   Truth be told, Kara and Ophelia's first kiss wasn't objectively as perfect as Kara had assessed, because neither of them had any practical experience, and their theoretical knowledge was rather superficial. However, such details didn't matter to Kara, as they probably wouldn't matter to anyone else if they were in her place and had the chance to kiss such a seductive woman as Ophelia, who seemed to have the power to enchant even soulless things with just a smile.

   As Kara was taken by surprise and needed time to adapt to the situation, Ophelia was initially the one dictating the pace of the kiss, each movement of her succulent lips submerging Kara more and more into an ocean of honey, from which she had no intention of making any effort to escape.

   At the same time, Ophelia found herself in a similar situation, as any plans she had made in her mind became increasingly irrelevant. If initially, she was confident in her mental strength and unafraid that she wouldn't be able to control her desires, every second spent tasting Kara's enticing lips, which seemed to be a source of vitality and freshness, made her more excited and thirsty. This led her to turn a simple kiss, during which she teased Kara's lips, into one deep and wild, Ophelia's obsessively intense gaze giving the impression that she intended to devour Kara's entire mouth.

   However, the transition from a delicate kiss into a battle of lips and tongues tilted the balance in Kara's favor, as it caused her to increasingly succumb to her animal instincts, urging her to completely conquer the woman in front of her, so that she could be by her side for eternity.

   It didn't take long for Kara's tongue, which until then had been the favorite toy of Ophelia's tongue, to abandon attempts to defend its own territory and launch an attack toward the foreign territory that had opened before her, a territory she presumed to be rich, fertile, and abundant with sweetness.

   Driven by the desire to merge with Ophelia, Kara subtly began to approach her more and more, while their mouths seemed definitively inseparable, until she found herself pressed against Ophelia's body, which had become soft underneath her as if it were made of water, Ophelia's moist eyes suggesting that she was ready to surrender.

   Realizing that Ophelia needed a break to breathe fresh air, Kara made an effort to separate her lips from Ophelia's, but she didn't move away. Instead, she continued to kiss Ophelia's entire face, leaving no inch untouched by the mixture of saliva that had resulted from their prolonged kiss.

   "Haaa... Kara... you're really like a dog...", Ophelia said amidst deep breaths, amused by Kara's enthusiasm.

   Slightly stimulated by Ophelia's words, Kara began to lick Ophelia's extremely beautiful face from the chin to the level of her forehead, wanting to demonstrate through actions that the comparison was an exaggeration.

   'If you compared me to a dog a moment ago, what can you say now, hmph!'

   Kara continued in the same manner for a few minutes until Ophelia's breathing normalized, then, she attacked Ophelia's lips again, aiming to regain access to the territory previously conquered and still marked by her saliva.

   However, Ophelia had no intention of staying on the defensive any longer. Instead, she decided to attack on other fronts, placing her hands on Kara's firm buttocks and starting to knead them through her nightgown, simultaneously pressing Kara's body down, over hers, enveloping Kara in a seductive softness that drove her out of her mind.

   'No, this is not good... I feel like I can't control myself anymore... At this rate, we'll go all the way!', Kara thought, fearing that the relationship between her and Ophelia would progress too quickly, making Ophelia feel inadequately appreciated.

   If Ophelia had simply expressed to Kara her agreement to be in a relationship rather than initiating the kiss, Kara would have waited a few more days to bring the relationship between them to the stage where they could share a kiss, during which, she would have taken Ophelia out on numerous dates to allow them to become more familiar with each other and deepen their feelings.

   'No romantic dinner, no gifts... Will Ophelia think I'm not a serious girlfriend?', Kara wondered, trying hard to convince herself to restrain their interactions to just kisses for that night.

   However, executing such restraint was easier said than done, as Ophelia, equally drawn to Kara as Kara was to her, didn't have such concerns in her mind, letting go of all worries brought by life and surrendering to the desires of her body, which seemed to crave Kara's touch like water on a scorching summer day after hours of running under the intense sun.

   Every time Kara seemed to halt, Ophelia found a way to provoke her again, delicately nibbling her lips or gulping the mixture of saliva that gathered predominantly in her mouth due to gravity.

   "Ophelia... mmmmm... perhaps we should stop here with the kisses... if we continue... well, I might not be able to restrain myself...", Kara managed to say eventually, clinging to the last fragment of reason she had left.

   However, Ophelia seemed oblivious to Kara's concerns. Like a newborn antelope wandering in front of a lion, she continued to tease Kara without a trace of fear, licking her chin with small movements and savoring the mixture of saliva left on Kara's face from their last kiss.

   'No, I must get up. She's too seductive... her lips... her enchanting eyes... if we continue, I won't be able to stop at just kisses...', Kara told herself, desperately trying to find the mental strength to detach herself from Ophelia's body.

   Seeing Kara intending to rise, Ophelia wasn't pleased that Kara's mind wasn't solely occupied by the desire for her at that moment. So, she bit Kara's neck forcefully.

   "Hmmm, where are you going, Kara?... I need you...", Ophelia uttered with a voice dripping with sensuality, those words having the power to make Kara lose all rationality and drive away any trace of worry from her mind.

As you might have noticed, unfortunately, I had to take a few weeks' break from this novel because I've been a bit occupied with other things, and I've only been uploading for one of my other novels, Shinobinekoden, which is more popular. However, coinciding with the posting of this novel on RR last month, I edited the first 10 chapters, which still had some grammatical errors and slightly awkwardly constructed sentences (I hope this helps with a better reception of the novel by future readers). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter that introduces a different kind of action scene compared to what you've been accustomed to so far.

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