Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 33. Holding Hands

   Seeing that Kara didn't intend to keep anything secret from her, Ophelia thought it would be a good idea to learn a few details about her plans, being convinced that Kara must have a grand goal since she couldn't imagine that someone as powerful as Kara wouldn't have an impact on the world at least as much as someone with the Hero or Demon King class.

   "Huh, what are my plans? Hmm, in two months, I want to return to the city where I grew up to meet my father. Until then, the only thing on my schedule is to help you solve all your problems...."

   Upon hearing Kara's response, Ophelia interpreted that Kara understood that the question she had asked referred strictly to her immediate plans. Thus, she decided to rephrase her question to express more clearly what she wanted to find out.

   "No, I meant what is your goal? What is the reason you wanted to become so powerful?"

   "Well, I've never reconciled with the idea that there are people capable of controlling my destiny, that fulfilling my desires is something beyond my control, which made me want to be powerful enough to be able to do anything I wanted without anyone to stand in my way. So now, after achieving this goal, all I have left to do is enjoy the freedom I've gained...", Kara replied, not intending to hide the fact that pride and selfishness fueled her desire to be the strongest, rather than any noble purpose or desire to accomplish something.

   "To do whatever you want... Hmm, maybe it doesn't sound as impressive as conquering the entire world or becoming known as the most powerful in the world, but I think it's a much harder thing to accomplish because such a goal would bring you into conflict not only with the whole world but also with yourself...", Ophelia said after pondering Kara's response for a few moments, considering Kara's goal unrealistic.

   "I didn't mean I intend to do whatever I want, but that I want to enjoy the freedom offered by being able to do whatever I want...", Kara corrected her, as she didn't want Ophelia to consider her a slave to her own desires. "But I think you're right to some extent. Most likely, my dream will bring me into conflict with the whole world because being truly free means taking away the freedom of others. Anyway, at least the future won't be boring...", Kara continued to say, with no trace of worry on her face at the thought that she could become the number one enemy of all.

   Kara and Ophelia continued to discuss the notions of freedom and purpose in life until they finished breakfast, but since neither of them had Philosopher class (as well as no one in that world did), there were slim chances of reaching absolute truth.

   After they rose from the table, the two began to gather their things and store them in their storage spaces, and after ensuring they hadn't forgotten anything, they set off for the city of Orlin to report what they had discovered about those attacking caravans to complete their mission.

   To avoid wasting half a day on the road, Kara suggested carrying Ophelia in her arms until they were near the city of Orlin. Ophelia, feeling much closer to Kara after the night they spent together, had no objections, so in about half an hour, Kara found herself with Ophelia in her arms 200 meters from the entrance to the city of Orlin.

   Because her possessiveness for Ophelia had reached new heights now that she was her lover, it was quite difficult for Kara to let her out of her arms before entering the city, her instincts urging her to show everyone that Ophelia was hers. However, because she didn't want to put Ophelia in an embarrassing situation, Kara eventually set her feet on the ground before approaching other people, but she didn't let go of her until she kissed her for almost 10 minutes, ensuring that her saliva painted not only the inside of Ophelia's mouth but also her stomach.

   "Um, Kara... you left me breathless. Please, let me hold your hand until I recover...", Ophelia said between gasps after Kara released her lips, leaning her body against Kara's.

   "I will gladly help you with that...", Kara said, intertwining the fingers of her right hand with the fingers of Ophelia's left hand, barely able to hide her delight at this unexpected outcome of their kiss.

   After Ophelia regained some semblance of balance, the two slowly headed towards the entrance of the city of Orlin, holding hands. But even after they reached the gate and Ophelia's breathing stabilized, neither of them seemed inclined to part from each other.


   Although they attracted a lot of attention on the way, Kara and Ophelia reached the building where the Adventurers Guild was located without any incident, Kara's aura of danger being enough to awaken anyone enchanted by their beauty.

   Once inside the building where the Adventurers Guild was located, the two headed straight to the reception, Kara noticing that behind the counter was still Lina, the receptionist who had helped her two days ago.

   "Tell me, Kara, why is the receptionist looking at you like that? Did you have any conflict with her?", Ophelia asked Kara, curious why the receptionist was giving Kara such an accusing look from the moment they walked in.

   Kara, unaware that in the receptionist's mind, she was a scum who enjoyed playing with young women's feelings, thought she was upset because she saw that she quickly moved on from her rejection and changed her target.

   "Hmm, she's probably jealous..."

   Ophelia didn't expect to hear such a response.

   "Huh, why? Do you have something to do with her?", she asked again, both her tone and the fact that she squeezed Kara's hand indicating she wasn't too pleased with such a scenario.

   "No, not at all! We just talked for a few minutes two days ago. Since I teased her a bit when I saw she seemed mesmerized by my face, she probably started having thoughts about me...", Kara quickly replied, not wanting Ophelia to think there was something between her and the receptionist.

   Satisfied with both Kara's answer and her attitude, Ophelia didn't press on this subject any further.

   "It would be good if it's as you said..."

   Since there were 2 teams of adventurers ahead of them, the two had to wait for about 5 minutes to talk to the receptionist, during which time they were the center of attention for everyone in the room.

   "Where did these two beauties come from?"

   "I remember that young woman in the white dress was in Mason's team..."

   "Shhh, you'd better stay as far away from them as possible, especially from the one with black hair. I heard Jacob almost lost his life when he fought her."

   "I heard she can make you wet your pants with just a glance..."

   That's what the discussions inside the reception hall sounded like, Kara being able to hear everything clearly even though everyone whispered to avoid drawing attention.

   Kara was satisfied with the reputation she had earned because it made most people give up any thoughts about her and Ophelia, which meant there would be fewer distractions in the future from the enjoyable moments spent with Ophelia.

   After it was Kara and Ophelia's turn, Kara pretended not to notice the receptionist's hostile attitude and began to tell her in the most professional tone about what she had discovered regarding the disappearance of the caravans.

   Bombarded with a lot of information, the receptionist had to put aside personal issues and focus on writing down what Kara said, but seeing that more and more unbelievable things were adding up, she realized that evaluating this mission was far beyond her competence.

   "Um, the situation is much more complicated than we expected. Not only did three adventurers die, but you also encountered an unknown species of Mole People..."

   "Human Moles..." Kara corrected her, causing Ophelia to burst into laughter.

   Seeing that Ophelia didn't seem affected at all by the fact that she had just lost all her team members during the mission, the receptionist realized that the impression she had formed about her was not correct.

   'And I thought Kara had managed to deceive an innocent young woman... Well, the more beautiful a rose is, the more thorns it has... Plus, it seems she knows how to handle Kara...'

   "...Anyway, what I wanted to say is that it would be advisable to meet with the Guild Master to tell him in more detail what happened during the mission. Wait a few minutes, I'll go see if he's available...", the receptionist continued after hesitating for a moment, looking at the connected hands of the two young women in front of her, then she headed towards the stairs leading to the floor where the Guild Master's office was located.

   "I expected things not to be so simple...," Kara sighed. "Considering that this mission was given by the city's leader..."

   But before Kara could finish her thought, she was abruptly interrupted by the words of a young man who had just entered the room from the door leading to the training ground.

   "You! Are you the one who tried to seduce my girlfriend?"

   Seeing Ophelia's displeasure, Kara couldn't help but curse in her mind.

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