Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 37. Sweet Wine

   Since Kara managed to get rid of the uninvited guests without causing any disturbance, she believed she had acted in a very civilized manner.

   'It seems that the other customers in the restaurant share the same opinion. I don't hear anyone saying anything bad about my manners...'

   Well, it's not like no one had anything to say, but what had happened convinced them to keep their opinions to themselves. What if they end up like those two?

   "So Kara, doesn't it bother you to use this skill continuously? I think you won't be able to relax as long as you're paying attention to those two...", asked Ophelia, who had no idea if using Advanced Telekinesis was demanding for Kara.

   "Hmmm, it's a bit annoying. It's like watching a fly on the ceiling. Plus, with you in front of me, it's quite hard not to forget about them..."

   It wasn't long after Kara uttered these words that a loud thud was heard in front of the restaurant.

   "...Did you drop them from over 100 meters?"

   Ophelia didn't dare to look out the window to confirm her suspicion. Would she still have an appetite if she saw the porridge those two had turned into?

   "Well, they seemed wealthy, so I assumed they had some sort of artifact to protect them... Yes, it looks like I was right. They're unharmed, just fainted...", Kara reassured Ophelia, but her tone didn't suggest she would have been sad if she had been wrong.

   When Ophelia looked out the window, all she saw were two unconscious people in the middle of the street, with no trace of blood around them. Before she withdrew her gaze, four well-equipped, sturdy men, most likely their guards, came running and retrieved them.

   'Given how their guards are equipped, it's almost certain that the two belong to some important noble families from the capital. Since such individuals, who have been raised with a silver spoon in their mouths, are not known for their patience and cannot stand being humiliated, I wouldn't be surprised if they cross our path in the near future...'

   "Stop giving them so much attention. You're making me lose confidence in my own charm...", Kara whispered in Ophelia's ear, interrupting her thoughts.

   "Huh, why..."

   But before Ophelia could ask Kara why she had come so close, Kara moved her chair half a meter away from the table, causing Ophelia to let out a short gasp and lift her feet off the ground. Ophelia didn't have time to scold her for scaring her because Kara immediately settled into her lap with the agility of a feline, adopting an extremely seductive posture.

   "I'm sorry, Ophelia, I can't resist without your touch any longer... Mmmm, you smell so good...", Kara said in a voice full of passion as she buried her nose in Ophelia's neck.

   With Kara resting her head on her shoulder, Ophelia's face was just inches away from her generous cleavage, which rose and fell sensually with each breath, tempting Ophelia to give in to the urge and taste her silky skin.


   'This must be what a king feels like when his new concubine tries to win his favor...'

   But why did this opportunity have to arise in such an inappropriate place? Ophelia, who had been instilled with manners since she learned to walk, couldn't indulge her desires knowing she was in a public location.

   "What's wrong, Ophelia? Are you thirsty? Do you want me to give you the wine glass?", Kara asked Ophelia after hearing her swallow hard several times.

   How could a glass of wine help Ophelia? She didn't think even 7 liters would be enough to quench her so-called thirst. But since she didn't think she could control herself if Kara continued to sit in the same position, she nodded.

   "Right away, my dear...", Kara said, straightening her torso and grabbing the glass from the table with her left hand, using very lascivious movements. However, she didn't hand it to Ophelia but brought it directly to her mouth, teasing her lips with the cold surface.

   'It seems Kara wants to play the role of a courtesan to the end. As if she weren't attractive enough already...', Ophelia thought to herself, mechanically taking a sip of wine. If there had been any chance that Kara was innocent, it was now clear to Ophelia that she was deliberately seducing her.

   "It seems truly delicious. Do you mind if I try some too?", Kara asked after removing the glass from Ophelia's moist lips.

   '...It's okay...', Ophelia consented, thinking that Kara wanted to drink from the same glass as her.

   But how could Kara settle for tasting the wine from a cold glass when she could taste it from Ophelia's hot lips, which were less than 30 centimeters away from hers? Moreover, wouldn't she waste all her previous effort to make Ophelia lower her guard?

   So Kara, without hesitation, put the glass back on the table, then leaned down to capture Ophelia's lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue trying to plunder every trace of wine.

   Since Ophelia had been well "cooked" by Kara, she accepted the kiss with great enthusiasm, but the moment their lips parted and she remembered where she was, she was overcome with panic and started looking around to see if what they had done had been noticed by the other people in the restaurant.

   Fortunately, the chair had a fairly high back and the tables in front of them were unoccupied, so if anyone was paying attention to them, they could only see their legs.

   However, Ophelia didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief because Kara brought the glass back to her mouth, the expression on her face suggesting she was very eager to taste the wine again.

   'Damn it, one more time can't hurt...', Ophelia thought, taking another sip of wine and waiting for Kara with parted lips.

   Since one more time couldn't hurt, neither could another five times make much difference, so Kara didn't stop until there was only a sip of wine left in the glass.

   "It was very sweet! Try it too, Ophelia..."

   Before Ophelia could understand what Kara wanted to do, as her brain slowed down due to lack of oxygen, she saw Kara pour the remaining wine into her own mouth without swallowing it, then leaned down to kiss her again.

   'Ahh, she's so hot...', Ophelia sighed in her mind, opening her mouth before Kara's lips made contact with hers to ensure no drop of wine would be wasted.

   Kara didn't rush and spent 3-4 seconds admiring Ophelia's erotic expression, and although she wanted to tease her a bit by making her wait, Ophelia's longing gaze was too attractive for her, so she finally sealed her mouth, letting gravity do its job. Feeling Ophelia swallow the cocktail made of wine and her saliva, Kara had to make a great effort not to devour her mouth, fearing the wine would slip between their lips and stain their clothes.

   However, the more Kara restrained herself during the "liquid transfer", the wilder she began to kiss Ophelia after seeing her mouth empty, as if she wanted to steal all the air from her chest, at the end biting her lower lip gently to help her regain her senses.

   Admiring Ophelia's red lips and moist eyes as she tried to discreetly catch her breath, Kara felt very proud of her idea.

   "Tell me, was it delicious?”

   “…It was…”, Ophelia managed to answer between gasps, her only complaint being that her lungs were not as strong as Kara’s.

   “My glass is still full…”, Kara began to tempt Ophelia, burying her face in her neck again. “Tell me, do you want to take another sip of wine?”

   But at that moment, Ophelia had other plans. Why should only Kara get to do what she wanted? With her nose once again close to Kara’s cleavage, Ophelia no longer intended to hold back, so she leaned down and started biting the top of her chest.

   “Mmmm, Ophelia… what are you planning to do?” Kara asked, surprised that Ophelia had suddenly become so bold.

   But Ophelia’s mouth was too busy to respond. As if fearing Kara might try to escape, Ophelia secured her back with her left hand while her right hand began pushing Kara’s breasts toward her face through the shirt, leaving dozens of bites and kisses on the visible skin.

   “Umm, Ophelia…” Kara tried to interrupt, sensing someone approaching them. Letting her entire body succumb to Ophelia and partially covering her mouth with a fist to muffle her moans, she was more attractive than ever.

   But Ophelia was far too excited at that moment to realize from Kara’s tone that something was wrong, her face almost completely buried between Kara’s breasts. Fortunately, the shirt Kara was wearing was of high quality, its buttons at chest level heroically withstanding Ophelia’s repeated assaults, seeking as much softness as possible.

   “...Excuse me, young ladies. I’ve come to serve your food…”


   Hearing the voice of the young waitress who had taken their order half an hour ago, Ophelia froze completely for two seconds, unable to decide whether it would be better to continue hiding her head in Kara’s cleavage or to act as if she hadn’t done anything indecent.

   ‘Damn it, whatever I do, it’s impossible not to get labeled as a hooligan…’

   For those who are impatient (or just want to support me), I’d like to remind you that my Patreon page features 9 advanced chapters, along with the option to vote for an extra chapter each week (in a poll where, mysteriously, ‘Hunter’s Vengeance’ has dominated).

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