HxH: The legendary prop master who beats the enemy Hakka

Chapter 137 Emergency Meeting

The confused bean-faced man walked out of the door with one foot deep and one shallow. He immediately notified the second-in-command of the Hunter Association——

The current vice-president - the contemporary "mouse" - Pariston Hill!

"Knock~knock~knock~Vice President, are you there?" There was a knock on the Vice President's door.

A sexy, low and clear voice sounded from inside the house, "Please come in."

"Hi~" The bean-faced man swallowed, opened the door, walked in, and saw--

A young man with beautiful blond hair, wearing an exquisite suit and a burgundy tie around his neck, folded his hands, held his chin, looked at the bean-faced man with a smile, and said: "Yo~ Good morning."

"Good morning." The bean-faced man lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the handsome young man in front of him. He didn't know why. Every time he saw the other person, he always smiled, and the bean-faced man felt inexplicably. He was frightened, and always felt that the other party had bad intentions, especially when he felt that the other party did not treat him as a human being, but as a - devil!

Although he is not a normal human being, it would be too rude to look at him in this way.

"Ahem. Vice president, the president has announced that an emergency meeting will be held immediately. You must be in the conference room on time at five o'clock in the evening to attend the meeting."

Sigh~ This place seems to be even more depressing than the president’s office~ After the bean-faced man put down the notice, he put oil on the soles of his feet and started to go for a walk. Clinker——

"Wait a minute." Pariston stopped him with a smile, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did the president say what the meeting was about?"

An impromptu emergency meeting was a typical example of a small amount of words but a big deal. Pariston suddenly became interested, and he had a hunch that the next answer of the bean-faced man would be very interesting.


"The president said that this meeting is to discuss the feasibility of issuing a hunter's license in advance so that Sean can fight against his enemies."

? ? ? ! ! !

Pariston: "."

Sean Beat the Enemy Guest? Early issuance of hunter license? .

Pariston's eyes flashed, and he nodded to the bean-faced man with a smile: "Tell the president, I understand."

"Hey~ Okay." The bean-faced man hurriedly fled out of the office and closed the door before leaving.

"Squeak~" The door closed. Behind the desk, Pariston's lips raised and he murmured in a low voice: "Interesting."

Chewing the words "beat the enemy" in his mouth, he thought that there was someone in the world's number one killer family who could make Nitro go against his own principles and issue a hunter's license as an exception, and he was still in the hunter test stage. My heart couldn't help but beat with "Plop~" and "Plop~". I began to have a great interest in this Sean.

Some people are born evil. If they are not hated by others, they will lose interest in living.

As the vice-president of the Hunters Association, it is obvious that Pariston Hill is this kind of person. "Another new "toy" has appeared."

The corners of Pariston's mouth formed a deep V shape. In a place where no one could see, he narrowed his eyes and murmured in excitement, even faintly trembling: "The vice president is very boring~"

"It's not as fun as destroying toys."

The smile had a tendency to develop in a perverted direction. "Beep~" A series of ringtones interrupted Pariston's thoughts. He took out his mobile phone and took a look. There was a trace of displeasure on his smiling face. He answered the phone and said directly: "Didn't I remind you not to call me in the association?"

"This is different, Pariston!" A sharp "monkey cry" sounded on the other end of the phone. "I just received a notice from the president."

"Is it true that we want to discuss issuing hunter licenses in advance?"

"That guy named Sean Phaidike must be a member of the Phaidike family!"

"I remember that he is just an otaku cartoonist. How can a person like this allow the president to set this precedent for him?"

"This is too outrageous. I'm not telling you, you must know something inside, right?"

"Would you like to report to Lord Biyande?"

"I always think this is so weird."


You are chirping so much nonsense. Pariston took the phone away in disgust and waited quietly until a certain monkey said he was tired. Then he said calmly: "There are some things that we should wait until after the meeting to make a decision."

"Besides." Pariston's face pulled, and his smile changed into a weird shape, which looked very dangerous: "Don't let me remind you a second time!"

"I don't want to hear that person's name in the association again!"

の."I know." A certain Shen monkey scratched his head angrily.

It was obvious that the left ear went in more than the right ear. Pariston was used to this and was too lazy to say anything more to him. He snorted coldly: "That's it."

He hung up the phone directly. Then the handsome and wealthy young man walked to the window, poured himself a glass of red wine, and took a sip. His star-like face was reflected in the goblet, filled with an intoxicating atmosphere. smile.

At five o'clock in the evening, the flying ship with "Hunter Association" printed on it made a buzzing sound and hovered on the platform on the roof of the association building.

Nitro, who was wearing a brand new martial arts uniform, touched the bright forehead of the bean-faced man who was waiting on the tarmac, and said with a smile: "Let's go." After a while, he arrived at the conference room and saw everyone. The backbone of the Hunter Association - the world-famous Twelve Earthly Branches!

Five of them: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai——

Zi Shu concurrently serves as the vice president - Samsung Hunter Pariston.

Shen Hou - bounty hunter. Shen·Journey to the West.

Mao Rabbit - Mao Pyorn, an ancient document hunter

Wu Ma——Two-star trouble hunter. Wu·Saqiu·Kobayakawa

And the last one, who was Nitro's secretary and doctor at the time - the three-star incurable disease hunter. Xu Gouxu Chidor Yorkshire...also known as Chido

"Hello, President!" Seeing Nitro come in, several of the Earthly Branches stood up and greeted him. Even Pariston, who had always been at odds with Nitro on the surface, was no exception and bowed slightly. .

"Hey, sit down." Nitro raised his hand and pressed down, slowly walked to the main seat at the end of the conference table and sat down, casually glancing at the panda doll on the empty seat next to him. Chiduo, who was a secretary, gathered her hair that was hanging around her ears and reported: "Jin still hasn't come as usual. Porterby, Crook, Yinda, Milton, and Kang Zai are out on a mission. Gone. There is also Gai Lu.”

"She is in the middle of arranging the potion and really can't spare the time."

"It doesn't matter." Nitro waved his hand, glanced at Kobayakawa, Pyoen, and Xiyou, and finally stayed on Pariston for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's enough as long as you are here."

"It's not a big deal, so everyone doesn't need to be present."

"President, isn't it a big deal to issue a hunter's license in advance?" He didn't stand or sit properly at the Westward Journey Station. He scratched his head and looked at Nitro, and couldn't help but said: "This kind of thing This has never happened since the Hunters Association was established."

"It's hard to say too much."

"I agree with Mr. Xiyou's statement." Pyoern raised his two long rabbit ears and looked at Nitro with his two big eyes flickering: "After learning the news from Mr. Bean-faced Man, I I was shocked~"

Pyoern patted his chest exaggeratedly and said curiously: "Hey, President, who is that Sean Beater guest that would make you willing to break your own principles for him?"

"His last name is that he's from the killer family." Wu Ma Saki Kobayakawa is a man with a horse face but a pair of rabbit teeth. He is the "conversation master" who specializes in criminal investigation among the twelve earthly branches. ". He took a deep look at Nitro and said solemnly: "Besides, the person named Sean can only remind me of one person——"

"The eldest son of the enemy family who beat up the famous cartoonist Ben case teacher"

"Cartoonist?" A hint of astonishment clearly appeared on Chido Pjorn's handsome face. Both of them looked at Nitro.

The conference president knew that they were waiting for an explanation from him, and said expressionlessly: "Everything he said is correct, except for one thing."

Nitro stroked his beard, looked around at the crowd meaningfully and said: "People should not be judged by their appearance. Rumors only stop with the wise."

"Sean Beater is definitely more than a cartoonist. You will know after you take a look."


"I'm here." The bean-faced man hummed and walked around from behind Nitro, raising the video tape in his hand to meet the eyes of Pariston, Journey to the West, Pyoern, Satsuki Kobayakawa and Kido. Under the gaze, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered: "This is the video of Sean Da Di Ke participating in this hunter test. It has just been copied. Please take a look."

As he spoke, the bean-faced man kicked up his short legs and hurriedly played the video in front of his face.

Paris Stone, Journey to the West, Pyoern, Satsuki Kobayakawa, Kido. Look at it with concentration——

From Sean's first appearance, in the underground corridor, he summoned the Yata Bird, flew over Sa Ci's head, and as soon as he set foot in the Shimeile Wetland, he used a move of domineering domineering to stun all the apes. Taught that perverted magician Hisoka a lesson

Pariston, Journey to the West, Pyoen, Satsuki Kobayakawa, and Kido were surprised to find that this guy named Sean Beatiker was not only ridiculously tall, but also his strength was not simple. At least he could easily Judging from Hisoka's lesson, he has no problem being qualified for the position of hunter.

"But if that's the level, I don't think it's necessary to grant him a hunter's license in advance." Xiyou said nonchalantly and said how powerful this guy is. It seems that he has broken the limit twice. It is indeed a bit of a level. But if you want the president to make concessions, it’s still far away~

"It's more than that." Pariston stared with interest at the scene in the picture where Sean released his domineering aura, and chuckled: "His aura seems to be different from ours, it has an extra flavor. "

Um. Xiyou scratched his head and saw Wu Ma Saqiu Kobayakawa. He added with a solemn expression: "It has the taste of a majestic "Wangba""

The "Master of Conversation" is worthy of being a trouble hunter, and he is quite keen on controlling emotions.

"I don't know if you have noticed that there is a scornful aura hidden in the blind eyes of Sean Beat the enemy!"

"It's like you don't care about anything, you don't care about anything, you are arrogant but weirdly right. I have only seen this feeling when facing the princes of Cajun."

The prince of Cajin. The hearts of several people sank suddenly. He was not a simple person.

But even so. "Assuming that he is as talented as the former Jin, we cannot skip the test and directly grant him a hunter's license!" Xiyou said unconvinced.

Everyone climbed up step by step. Even Jin was no exception. Why should we let him go?

Besides, I have admitted him now. Maybe I will make an exception to admit him into the Twelve Earthly Branches in the future. Then I will take a step forward. If I don’t do well, I will ride on their heads and shit. Who can bear this?

"President." At this time, Chiduo, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. As Nitro's secretary, she was undoubtedly a staunch supporter of Nitro, but when it came to admitting Sean under special circumstances, Chiduo looked directly at her. Looking into Nitro's eyes, he said solemnly: "I think that although the opponent's talent is good, he has not yet reached the conditions to make an exception for him."

"Hohoho~ Is that so?" Nitro smiled noncommittally: "Put it on, beans."

"Yes." The screen on the TV changed -

The blind man stands in the sky, wiping his hair with his backhand, holding a Kusanagi sword, and the scene of fighting the "Hundred Styles of Guanyin" comes into view.

Paris Stone, Journey to the West, Satsuki Kobayakawa, Pyoern, Kido: "."

As if they had been rehearsed in advance, everyone stared blankly, and everyone was stunned on the spot.

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