Hyperion Evergrowing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

Chapter 148: Sights to See

“And this is the Pellus public bathhouse. You might be able to tell from the architecture that the building predates the rest of the town by several centuries. Usually the older structures that predate the Academy are used by the Academy, but this is one of the few exceptions.” Their first year student guide explained, leading Leif and the two children along a mosaiced road that curved with the natural arch of the hill.

“You can see on the left some of Pellus’s famous cafes and restaurants, though I think the restaurants are mostly booked out, and will be for the next few weeks. It’s a busy time on the islands during the quadriad.” She continued, not deviating from her trajectory towards the bathhouse. The wide, artistically intricate street was packed with people, mostly students and their visiting family, but also a contingent of guards with the symbol of the Academy, a serpentine dragon eating its own tail emblazoned on their grey and black outfits.

“Ella, you said some of these buildings predate the Academy? What do you mean?” Leif asked their guide. The fact Lucia and Roy’s attention was firmly locked on the bathhouse was not lost on him. “And what are the fees for the bath?”

“Oh, the history of the place is quite fascinating. Most of what we’re walking through now used to be the ruins of a town. When imperial settlers found the archipelago it was abandoned, with only the largest buildings still standing, like the spires. As for the bathhouse… I think it's ten flakes for an adult, and half that for kids. Though they may have upped the prices because of all the visitors, you’ll have to double check.”

“I assume you two will be fine on your own?” Leif asked Lucia, the girl nodding rapidly. He handed her enough coins, and then some. Both siblings tore off towards the bathhouse, not eager to delay the alluring prospect of finally being clean. “Take your time! If I’m not outside when you get, out just wait, I won’t be far!” He called after them, shaking his head as they dashed up carved stairs leading up to the structure, Roy almost tripping. Lucia helped him up the last few steps, then both children disappeared into the ornate structure, vanishing out of sight with remarkable speed.

“Cute kids. Are they yours?” Ella asked, adjusting the collar on her uniform as she watched them go.

“No, they are not. Truthfully, I’ve only known them for a handful of days.” Leif said.

“Ah, I see. They’re so dirty, I’m surprised they were let onto the island at all. Their parents or guardians must be ashamed of themselves.” She said, frowning. The student hadn’t been subtle in her glances towards Roy and Lucia, the discomfort clear to Leif’s senses.

Leif made a noise of agreement, not commenting that the two had been in a much worse shape when he had found them. He was yet to pry the story of their situation from either sibling, but he doubted they had anyone left that could feel shame. “So, the quadriad? I’m here on business, and wasn’t aware of the… festival until about a week ago. But I gather it’s a big deal?”

Ella sighed dramatically. “It’s a massive tournament held once every year. Students from all four islands compete in a wide variety of events, and most of them take place right here on Pellus, since we have the most venues. But there’s food and dances and agents from capital factions who have come to scout talent, it’s a huge ordeal.”

“You’re not competing?”

“No. I wish, but I’m only a first year student. I can’t compete unless I get invited to a team, and the singles events are only available if you have a commendation.” She said, sighing again. “But by working as a guide I get extra credits which, in turn, will help my grades. Wish I could watch though.”

“My condolences.” Leif said, crossing his arms, comparing what he had just learnt to what he already knew of the Academy. “Can students earn commendations by participating in expeditions?”

She perked up at the mention of expeditions. “Yup yup, that’s the main way. But there are also academic commendations and donation commendations. I signed up for one, an expedition I mean, but the selections haven’t been decided yet.”

“I see. Best of luck with that.”

“Thanks! Hopefully everything goes well. Shall we continue the tour, or should we wait for them to be done?”

“No, let's continue. They’ll be in there for a while.”


“This is the artisan street. You have smiths and enchanters mostly, but also an assortment of other trades. The company that tailors all the uniforms for the students has an office here, but most of the work is done back in the capitol.” Ella explained, stepping aside to let another touring group pass.

“Interesting. Are the enchanters open for commissions?” Leif asked.

“Not for outsiders, no. They’re all contractually linked to the Academy, but it's usually only students and faculty on the islands anyway, so it isn’t often a big deal. Most of the artisans here are smaller branches of larger establishments down in Mekrylis. Students with certain classes can work in the shops for experience, and many do.”

“Not many students are working in the shops today.” Leif noted. “Is that because of the quadriad?”

“That’s right. The arena needs enchanters on standby to help maintain the arrays during the tournament, so most of the students will be there doing that. Others will be there for equipment repairs and the like.”

“And the arena is where?”

“Oh, it’s towards the other side of the island. Do you see the spire in the distance, the big one, not the smaller ones with the domed roofs?”

“I do.” Leif said, shielding his eyes from the sun as he looked to where she was pointing.

“It’s like, just beyond there. If you follow the main road you get to the outer halls, then the student housing and dormitories, then the inner halls. Then there are the plazas, the teleportation hub, then the lecture amphitheatres.” She took a deep breath. “Then you have the labs, the core halls and outer faculty housing. Then you get the training fields, and beyond them is the main arena.”

Leif stopped and looked at his guide. “And this is just one of four islands?”

“Oh yeah. But Pellus is the biggest and most developed. She tapped an embroidering on her grey uniform’s shoulder. If you see a student with the crown and sword stitch, they’re from Pellus.”

I don’t recall seeing island specific indicators back during the expedition. Though I could have missed them. Leif thought, studying the collection of large stone structures that dotted the horizon. “What is Lutum like?”

“Is that where you’re going? For business, did you say?” Ella asked.

“That’s right.”

“I’ve only been a few times for mixed training. But it’s nice. Unlike Pellus it’s quite heavily forested, but all the facilities are more spread out. If you like walking a lot then I guess it’s fine.” She said with a shrug.

“Do they have a symbol?”

“They do, the Lutum crest is a laurel and a fist. Dimid has a crain and a spear, and Braslim is a pair of dragon wings surrounding an eye.”

“But during expeditions Academy members use the main symbol instead?”

“Yep yep.” Ella said. “The distinction doesn’t really matter outside of the institution, even if there is a fairly intense rivalry between the four islands.”

They continued down the street, reaching the end where the rows of establishments and workshops gave way to residential buildings. Ella had family staying on the island, but apparently they were with her older siblings as they prepared for the tournament’s beginning.

A group of boys not wearing Academy uniforms ran by, laughing and yelling. They looked to be around Lucia’s age. “Dad, come on!” The oldest called over his shoulder. “We want to see the expedition matches!”

A trio of finely dressed men followed after, engaging in a quiet yet intense conversation. One of them waved at the kids, telling them to go on ahead to the main road. They ran up the street and turned at an intersection as the adults stopped to admire the suits on display in a shop’s large front window.

“Expedition matches?” Leif asked.

“They don’t start for a few hours. It’s a series of duels between some of the active Academy blades, usually one for each day the quadriad goes for. The fights are incredible, but can be pretty hard to follow, at least that’s what I’ve heard.” Ella said, a wistful expression on her face.

“Any idea who exactly will be fighting?”

“Umm, I think the match today is between the two newest blades. So it’ll be Hera and Kastro, the ninth and tenth blades respectively.”

“Fascinating.” Leif said, suddenly more interested now that he knew who was fighting. “Any bets on who will win?” He had seen Hera fight, and knew how potent her skills could be at a long distance. Though he wasn’t certain if an enclosed arena was a favourable matchup for the former noble.

“Oh wow. Hmmm, I have to go with Hera, but I don’t really know what Kastro can do. None of the students know exactly what his skills or classes are, but there are rumours he can paralyse people in fear with a glance.”

“A highly promoted Acolyte class? Or maybe an attuned class with the concept of fear or terror?” He suggested.

“I’m not sure, sorry.” Ella said, her expression a mix between genuine apology and frustration. “I wish I could see the matches, but I especially wish I could see this one. I’m an archer too, so I’ve wanted to see Blade Hera in action for a while now.”

“Are you a light mage as well?” Leif asked, drawing a surprised look from the student.

“Oh, no. I’m impressed you know that much about her.” She laughed. “My second class is [Scribe], it’s pretty boring but lots of students have it. I’m not sure if I want to invest into promoting it, or holding off and getting levels in something new.”

They approached the bathhouse, Ella greeting a pair of women she recognised. Two cats sat atop a nearby roof, their tails interlinked as they observed the endless parade of foot traffic. Leif extended his perception towards the bathhouse, noticing two familiar points of vitality nearing the entrance.

“Shall we head back?” He asked. “I think the kids are almost done.”

“Oh, sure thing.”


Roy wobbled out of the changing room feeling like a completely different person than the mud and grime soaked boy that had entered. He felt warm and floaty, the steamy hot water from the bath having almost lulled him to sleep on several occasions. He shook his head vigorously, his messy crop of short blond hair swinging around his face like a dog trying to dry itself.

“Roy, stop it.” Lucia hissed, a towel wrapped around her own head as they headed for the building's reception. “You’ll get it all tangled and knotted.”

“But it feels so fluffy and light.” He mumbled, letting out a contagious yawn.

“We need to make this last Roy. We don’t know when we’ll get another chance like this. Maybe even never.” She chided after finishing her own yawn. She pouted down at him as he giggled and stuck out his tongue.

“It’s fine sis. We’re here aren’t we? Once we find the person who knows what happened to mum and dad we’ll go meet them.”

Lucia’s expression clouded over for an instant, but then she smiled down at him. Roy blinked, but assumed he had imagined the change in his sister due to how sleepy he felt after the bath. “That’s right, we’ll find her, then we can get back to our family.” She said, though her tone was a little stiff. She reached down and ruffled his hair, then laughed at his affronted expression.

“Why do you get to mess with my hair but I can’t?” Roy complained, ducking to dodge out of reach of her continuous attack.

“Because I’ll be the one who will brush your hair the next time it gets tangled. Just like I brushed it this time. Now come on, we need to put our towels into the used basket.” She said, offering an outstretched palm. He took it, his smaller fingers wrapping around her own.

They returned their towels and traded in wooden chips for the few belongings they had left in the reception. Then both siblings stepped out into the mid-day sun. Roy raised both hands to the sky, one outstretched, the other still holding Lucia’s. The warm ocean breeze ruffled his clothes and the sun shone down onto his face. Two familiar figures approached, and he waved with both hands, awkwardly forcing Lucia to wave as well.

“Leif! Helpful lady!” He called, his grin wide and honest. “Look! I’m all clean!”

The lady in the mostly grey uniform smiled up at him, waving back. Leif, by contrast, looked him and his sister up and down, then nodded in approval. “Better. Did you have any trouble?”

“Roy almost got us yelled at for splashing too much, but otherwise it was fine. It was good. Uh… thank you.” Lucia said, scratching her cheek.

“You are most welcome. Now, I have a suggestion.” The masked man said.

“I’m hungry!” Roy said, hopping up and down. Lucia gave him a meaningful look but didn’t say anything.

“I see. Well, how about we get you some food, then head towards the arena. I’ve heard there’s a spectacle happening there, I don’t want to miss it.”

The helpful lady smiled and gestured back down the street. “Shall I show you some of the best food stalls?”

“That's fine.” Leif said. “Then Ella here can show us to where the upcoming duel between two Academy blades will take place.”

“I… I will?” Ella asked, sounding stunned.

“She will?” Lucia muttered under her breath, her expression distant.

“Yay!” Roy yelled, charging down the large stairs and onto the colourfully tiled street. This time he didn’t almost trip.

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