Hyperion Evergrowing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

Chapter 96: Scion

To gain a class you required a certain aptitude or affinity for the power it would offer. The description of his current class mentioned his deviation from what a typical blight monster would do, and Leif had assumed that simply acting against the norm had been why he had been given the offer to become one of the amber. But as he sat in the blank void reading over his newest evolution options, he wondered not just why, but how [Amber Blight Spriggan] had been offered to him during his first evolution.

According to the system’s descriptions of several of the classes, whatever the amber were, their council, and their power were long gone, dead for what may have been centuries. Millennia. He realised, re-reading the description for [Treefolk of the Amber Council]. But if they were all dead, how had he been offered the class?

Was the system capable of reviving extinct species? Or was he somehow uniquely suited to the power [Amber Blight Spriggan] would grant him? He cast back his memory to the time before his first evolution, reconsidering his actions with his greater understanding of what the amber represented. Life… blood… time… Wait, not just time, the past.

The realisation struck him like a bell, the thought reverberating through his mind. Back then he had been so fixated on the past, so desperate to catch even the tiniest hint of who he had once been. That panicked, almost instinctual clawing for not just the past, but his past… Was that it? Was that obsessive fixation enough to connect me to a bunch of long dead historian trees?

He felt ridiculous, and even if he was no longer the confused and desperate creature he had once been, there was still that simmering passion for his old life. It wasn’t that he wanted to waltz back to house Vin and pick up where he had left off over ten years ago, he couldn’t conceive of a scenario where that turned in any way other than disastrous. But he still wanted to at least know just who he was, and what the family he had left behind was like. Whether they wanted anything to do with him was a completely different story.

And it wasn’t just that, he felt a connection to the past. Exploring the Mythhold, then the dungeon it had become, witnessing how a war long past had ravaged the land and left cities and villages in ruins, humanity slinking through territory it had once owned only to be thrown back. He wanted to know, to learn and discover, and as Leif became certain of this part of himself, he also knew which class he would take.

He couldn’t say there were no bad choices, because there were. But well over half of the classes he could pick were at the very least decent. But of all of them, the last intrigued him the most. The idea of discovering ancient secrets and unearthing forgotten history sounded fascinating. [Scion of Aeons] would allow him to do just that assuming the system description of the class was accurate.

But as he thought over the class, he realised there was another aspect to the class that attracted him in perhaps even more than the thematic concepts. The possibility that the class would innately enhance his time aspected skills. What could [Amber Steps] become if the anchors lasted for hours instead of minutes? Days? What about weeks? [Amber Sympathy] too had a time aspect, just how far back could he see if the skill was enhanced? Hells, even his most recent skill for [Amber Blight Spriggan] had the time aspect, what new skill would he be offered, and what could he fuse them into?

Leif wasn’t exactly sure what ‘speaking with the voice of history’ entailed in the description for [Ambassador of the Eld], but it surely wasn’t a negative. If he looked further into the future, what would the aura skill he would eventually gain from [Scion of Aeons] be? Would he be able to slow time? Rewind it somehow? Would he gain the ability to unwind damage sustained to himself and others? His healing could go from extremely potent to beyond powerful if he could literally undo injuries.

But there was another, less promising part of looking into the future to consider. The descriptions of several of the classes hinted at a troubled past of the amber. If he committed to this path, would he encounter the same enemies? Assuming they had survived the centuries would he have to contend alone with forces that culled an entire species?

Leif couldn’t be sure, but it would likely be wise to assume the worst. He would need to build his personal power to the point he could contend with hidden and potentially extremely deadly foes. But it couldn’t just be him, would he be able to use the strength he gained to elevate others? If I want to protect others, help them and in turn receive help. He thought ruefully. I might be better off picking [Mature Amber Bloodwell Spriggan].

But blood magic was less interesting to him than time magic, which now that he thought about it was a fairly immature way to select an evolution option. Leif went back and forth for another hour, at one point he almost convinced himself that one of the Drus classes might be the strongest option. The things I could do with [Wood Manipulation] if I chose to become a treant. He mockingly thought to himself. Maybe I could compress myself down to be able to fit through doorways.

The longer he went over the different options, the more he became confident [Scion of Aeons] was the correct choice. So, with only a little hesitation, a last minute consideration of [Scion of the Darkwood], and a final reread of all the options, Leif selected his newest class.

The world around him began to fade, the perfectly blank void spinning around him as a surge of power he had never felt before rushed through his body. Leif sucked in a sharp intake of air, momentarily at a loss as what he could only assume was a massive spike in attributes took effect. He was so startled in fact, that he hadn’t realised the significance of taking that breath.

He was still sitting, but no longer in the empty world of the evolution space. Leif sat atop a hill of finger length emerald grass, the blue sky above him dazzling in its radiance. The spriggan, or whatever he technically was now looked around, he knew this place. It was the vision world he had unconsciously entered after the battle at Far-reach.

But this felt different, the details of the space he was in felt more real somehow, the warm wind blowing against him more physical. He brushed his fingers through the grass, half expecting it to suddenly begin growing. Leif knew he wasn’t actually present within the space, his real body, likely still in tree form was still atop the bluff, he briefly wondered if that part of him was undergoing a massive spurt in growth due to his evolution.

I hope the animals in my branches are alright. He thought, looking around. Leif stood, slowly spinning to take in his surroundings. There was nothing but him, and endless rolling hills of vividly green grass. Or at least, there was nothing, but as he was turning to face his initial direction he saw the towering form of the golden leafed tree. It stood regal and resplendent on the hill opposite to his own, branches reaching for the sky, trunk as thick as a building.

And standing at the base of the tree, was a humanoid figure.


There was an awkward interim where Leif wanted to leave and see what his new class was, but couldn’t until he walked down the hill and back up the next one. The closer he got the more clearly he could make out the figure standing at the base of the massive tree. The last time he had been within this vision he had been in a panicked rush to leave, so he had more time to take her in.

She had dark skin and flowing brown hair, though her physical appearance was slightly overshadowed by the fact half of her body was missing, amber light billowing from the wound where she had seemingly been divided right down the centre. It was disturbing to look at, and he had several questions. Unfortunately she started speaking as he drew near, and her words were identical to the last time he had been present, though without the constant, near painful droning noise drowning her out.

Leif could see the golden portal built into an indent in the tree’s trunk, he shifted awkwardly, half torn between listening to the one sided monologue and rushing out to read his system windows. Fully aware of the irony that he had just picked a class dedicated to uncovering the past, he walked past her, up the hill and out the portal.

“Sorry.” He called down to the still talking figure, she hadn’t turned. Then he stepped through the portal. Visual stimulus vanished as he returned to being a tree. Briefly focusing he confirmed the connection to the vision was still present, then he read the system notification.

Congratulations! You have evolved into a [Scion of Aeons]!

Please review your new classes characteristics:


[Scion of Aeons]

The past calls to the scion of aeons, the unearthing of history the highest calling. Secrets long lost to time may reveal themselves, lessons long forgotten coming to your aid.

At the height of their power, the amber relished the opportunity to delve into the past, ancient history as much sustenance as water and light. The amber are gone, but the secrets they uncovered, and the power that was stolen still remain.

Only those true of character and noble of purpose were worthy to walk this path, but now the door lies open and ready, none remain who would disagree to your appointment, while at the same time none remain to endorse your ascension.

Even if you are not purely a member of the amber, your deeds, past, and blood qualify you for this honour.

Tier: 3 (Monster)

Level: 20/40

Class Perk:

You naturally recover from wounds at an accelerated pace and damage you deal takes longer to heal.

You can perfectly track the passage of time.

+150% To the effect of enhancement (Body) skills

+150% To the effect of blood aspected skills

+150% to the effect of time aspected skills


Free Points: +5

Might: C+

Alacrity: C

Intelligence: B

Willpower: B

Spirit: C+

Charisma: B

Base Stats: Might: +20, Alacrity +20, Intelligence +40, Willpower +40, Spirit: +20, Charisma +40


Leif was mentally nodding to himself as he read over the details for his newest class, then he reached the base stats. Oh wow, no wonder I felt that when I picked the evolution. Do all monsters get such a massive amount of stats? Is this normal? He wondered. He suspected that that was the case, but he didn’t really have any way of proving it. Maybe when Ram returns.

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