I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 191

Chapter 191:

The bishop named Ze Ruo shouted, and the suddenly stronger power fueled his confidence and arrogance.

However, at this moment.

“Winston? Who is this?”

Chapter 289 looks like an elves

An erratic voice suddenly sounded from the underground hall that should be closed.

“What! Who are you… Who!” Ze Ruo said in surprise at first, but as soon as he said the word ‘who’, his figure disappeared instantly.


Ze Ruo’s right hand suddenly swelled and alienated, forming a sturdy arm covered with scales, and slammed towards a place with a thunderous force.

At this time, although he lost the priest’s robe, he was covered with a thick layer of cuticle and some scales, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Obviously, Ze Ruo is not like some cerebral hemorrhage villains. After being touched in his lair, he will perform a wave of textbook-like obscenities… Oh, no, he is shocked.

His choice was very straightforward, and although he didn’t know what infiltrated this place, he had already found the guy’s location when he spoke.

So, what else is there to say, it is natural to punch first and then think about it.

now it’s right.

Why do you think so much? If this infiltrator is just a piece of garbage that will die with one punch, wouldn’t he be wasting his precious time?

After obtaining the blessing this time, Ze Ruo’s originally inhuman physical quality has increased, and if we say Ze Ruo before, he was just an “elf infected by mysterious power”.

Then, the current him is [a monster that looks a bit like an elf]

Ze Ruo has already achieved the transition of life level in several blessings.

“Die!” The corners of Ze Ruo’s mouth cracked, revealing the white teeth in it.

This earth-shattering punch quickly hit… a tape recorder?


The simple structure of the radio was instantly shattered, and the electronic components fell to the ground, but its mission had been completed.


A dagger with a faint glow at the end pierced into Ze Ruo’s waist.

The figure of the hermit appeared.

Ze Ruo is not cerebral palsy, is it a hermit?

How can an assassin actively make a sound to remind the assassinated person…

The sentence at the beginning was just a simple sound with a tape recorder.

The purpose of the hermit has always been to distract Ze Ruo and take the opportunity to assassinate the cult priest who was marked by him.

Although the title of the top ten he owns is [Hermit], when it comes to assassination, he is no worse than [Assassin].

Regarding this point, the previous assassin should have a voice. He was just in a certain mission world and was pinched once by the hermit, which left a psychological shadow.

Seeing that his dagger sank into Ze Ruo’s waist, the hermit immediately retreated.

He clearly saw the scene of Ze Ruo’s explosive speed just now, and he knew in his heart that this boss is definitely not something that one person can easily take down. This shot is just to weaken Ze Ruo’s negative state and weaken his strength.

The hermit calculated very well, and did not have the slightest idea of greeting for swords.

According to common sense, his action has been successful.


The Hermit miscalculated a little.

The enemy he faced just looked like a ‘elf’.

Ze Ruo looks like a humanoid creature, but… he is already a monster…

Immediately afterwards, the hermit paid the price for his negligence.

After the dim light dagger sank into Ze Ruo’s waist, Ze Ruo didn’t have the slightest idea of slowing down or turning around, he just turned his arm around like a puppet, and punched the hermit with a punch.

This kind of action is completely impossible for normal humans or elves, and completely violates their body structure.

Only monsters that have been enslaved by true demons and high-level demons who can freely change their bodies can violate the original body structure and achieve this.

These monsters, usually pretending to be adults, also look normal humanoid creatures, but ah…

If they really want to fight, even if they lie on the ground and use their limbs to support their bodies, they will not lose their combat power…

Sure enough, the hermit was shocked when he saw this scene.

“What…” His heart was beating wildly, and he activated his title skill without thinking.

【Escape from the world】

【The world is complicated, it is better to avoid the world】

[Effect: Hide yourself into a silent world independent of the real world]

[Description: I want to activate my skills, sneak! ! 】

Aside from the unclear meaning and the fact that it feels very grassy, the effect of this skill is still very satisfactory.

After the skill was activated, a wave-like ripple appeared from the hermit, and his body suddenly became transparent.


Ze Ruo’s terrifying punch smashed into the air, penetrated the transparent figure of the hermit, and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, when they built this place on the spot, they used sound insulation materials and added mute inscriptions in the later stage. Otherwise, this layer of Shelter No. 1 would be disturbed.

Looking at the transparent figure of the hermit, Ze Ruo frowned.


Is there any virtual spell that can achieve this level? You must know that on your fist, there is the power of Demon Abyss? Transforming into a magical form through virtualization will only die faster, right?

However, before Ze Ruo had time to think for a long time, a loud noise came from the door of this place.

A figure as tall as a mountain, holding a heavy sword like a door panel, took the lead and walked in.

mountain person.

A person who can give his teammates a sense of reliability just by standing there without moving like a mountain.

Moreover, after seeing the situation inside the door, Shan Zhe quickly judged the current situation and kept an eye on Ze Ruo.

Skill – [Incite Hate and Taunt], activate!

The powerful skills derived from the main **** space showed their power, even if Ze Ruo understood that the big scalp was rough and fleshy, he should kill those who followed him first.



“I feel that every look and every movement of this **** is looking down on me! I want to tear him apart!”

Such thoughts quickly took over Ze Ruo’s mind, and the blood-red eyes stared at the mountain man, just rushed up, and the hatred level was full.

Ze Ruo has become more and more inhuman at this time. Massive muscles and sarcomas are stirring up on his body. His height has swelled to a full five meters, with bony horns bulging on both sides of his forehead.

At this time, when the team aiming at the mountain man strode forward, the ground kept making an overwhelmed ‘dong dong’ sound, and the pressure seemed to be really like facing an avalanche.

However, even so, the members of the Mountain Man did not show a trace of fear. With their wands or electromagnetic guns in their hands, they swept towards his body ‘chichichi’.

At the same time, a series of debuff spells were released, and at the same time, a large number of auras shrouded Shanzhe and his teammates.



Ze Ruo’s heavy fist wrapped in scales slammed on Shan Zhe’s heavy sword, and the air waves spread out.

Chapter two hundred and ninety, but it’s not very elf

Like a battering hammer, the powerful blow landed heavily on Shan Zhe’s epee.

With that amazing power, there is no doubt that even a giant elephant will be turned into flesh under this blow.

However, Shan Zhe took the blow steadily, but his face suddenly sank.

[The enemy’s attack has the negative effects of ‘knock down’ and ‘heavy wounds’]

【Currently under judgment】

【Power determination is in progress…】

【Ding! 】

【The strength of the enemy is slightly better than you】

[Your passive ability ‘Power of the Mountain King’ takes effect, exempting this negative effect]

Feeling the terrifying power from his giant sword and the hint of the main **** space, the mountain man groaned.

‘Reverse shock. ’


A sudden force erupted from Shanzhe’s giant sword, forcing Ze Ruo back more than ten meters.

This power seems to come from Ze Ruo’s own strength, even if he had spikes on the soles of his feet in time and pierced into the ground to fix it, he was still knocked back.

“Ant!” After being repelled, Ze Ruo scolded angrily, but his eyes became calmer.

After all, it is a true demon family, and it has a high resistance to spirituality. At this time, he has got rid of the limitation of ridicule.

His vertical pupils, which turned dark yellow after the bloodline was activated, stared coldly at the team of mountain people who entered later, like some kind of snake.

‘These people, did the Federation find us? ’

That’s not very good. After all, there is still a brave man in this shelter. If it takes a long time…

As soon as he thought of this, Ze Ruo had the idea of running away, but on the bright side, he seemed more and more fierce.

The terrifying power of the Demon Abyss danced on his body, the arcs and arrogance danced ceaselessly, and the whole person gave people a stronger sense of danger.

The murderous intent in Ze Ruo’s eyes was also evident. He shouted, and at the same time, the figure quickly rushed towards the person behind the mountain.

“You all have to die!”

Shanzhe is on guard, and several active skills are ready to go. He is waiting for an opportunity to completely control Ze Ruo and let him bear a whole set of damage from his team.


Ze Ruo’s terrifying monster body made a sonic boom in the air, approaching a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

However, the attack that Shanzhe expected did not come.

call out!

There was a muffled sound under Ze Ruo’s feet, leaving two deep depressions on the ground. At the same time, the figure moved away from the mountain person in the opposite direction, heading towards the statue of the God of Twilight.

Those few cronies can ignore them. Anyway, the church has planted methods on them, and it is impossible to leak information, and they have also been infested by Mo Yuan, and they will be able to contain these federal eagle dogs later.

But this statue is very important and cannot be lost.

With the rapid movement of Ze Ruo’s figure, he suddenly rushed in front of the statue, and when he stretched out his hand, the power of Mo Yuan surged, and he was ready to take the statue away.

It looked as if he was about to succeed.

It’s just that even though Ze Ruo was blessed with a very fast speed, there is exactly one person here who can match him in speed.

Right now.


A dagger that seemed to emerge from the void subtly pierced into Ze Ruo’s waist.

‘Shadow thorn! ’

This time, the hermit learned the lesson of the last time, and after the successful attack, his figure suddenly collapsed.

Skill: ‘Shadow clone. ’

Create a shadow clone with 60% attributes of the main body. The skills used by the shadow clone are the same as the main body, and do not share the cooling time.

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