I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 196

Chapter 196:

However, the Fool quickly recovered and shouted in the hearts of the reincarnators with his spiritual power.

“Spread out and break out, if you can, don’t kill too many people.”

Scattering out is to get rid of these soldiers, it is simpler not to kill.

Most of the time, it’s not just that you have a reason.

Killing people and getting blood on them, then some things are really unclear.

The Fool can be sure that at least ninety-nine percent of the soldiers in these federal troops are completely unaware of the fact that Winston is a traitor, and they are all normal federal soldiers.

But precisely because of this, if the massacre really kills and defeats this federal army, then the Fool’s reputation will be completely wiped out.

It is almost impossible to use the power of the Federation in the future. Even Susanna may not continue to protect them after they do such a thing.

Therefore, reincarnations must not kill too many people.

After all, the Fool, and the reincarnators who follow him, do not have the strength to lift the table directly.

Someone can act recklessly and make the whole world at her mercy, but the fools will never do that.

Willfulness has always been the surplus of the strong.


The artillery roared, the terrifying torrent of firepower slanted down, and the reincarnations who were present had their eyes fixed, and they broke through in all directions with the squad as a unit.

The Fool’s combat effectiveness on the battlefield is extremely strong. He directly turned into a black flame. Relying on the invincible frame and damage reduction of the black flame, he avoided this round of shelling, and then took a few team members and rushed in one direction.

The light is twisted and refracted under his control, which greatly reduces the soldiers’ hit rate, and some subtle ricochet is not unbearable for the reincarnator.

The built-in armor they are equipped with is enough to resist the damage of these bullets.

The madman and the mountain man also showed their magical powers, the earth cracked, and the flames lingered, repelling a large number of soldiers and tearing their firepower net.

And the hermit, needless to say, has long since disappeared without a trace, and even the rest of the reincarnation did not notice when he disappeared. .

The rest of the reincarnators followed several team leaders to break through, and at the same time kept using various spells.

Four or five rock giants ten meters tall, dead wood tree demons like ghouls, huge earth-burrowing worms, etc., summoned creatures one after another, restraining a large number of soldiers.

For reincarnators, it is not difficult to break free from this encirclement.


Compared with individuals, the biggest advantage of the state machine is in resources.

It can use hundreds or even thousands of times more resources than individuals to achieve the effect of concentrating efforts on major events.

Simply put, it’s…

There are always means waiting for you.

Although the reincarnations broke out of the army, they consumed a lot of physical strength and energy, and the energy of using extraordinary power also dropped a lot.

More importantly, they are scattered.

On a high hill far away from here, a figure with six eyes and a black cloak stood with his hands behind his back.

Among his six eyes, the pupil of one of his eyes kept resizing, as if the camera was focusing and zooming. With this adjustment, even a scene tens of kilometers away, in his eyes, was like observing palm prints. clear.

Needless to say, this person is Galian.

Soon, he locked the figure of Fool in the chaos, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

“The Blasphemer… found you…”

In the palm of his right hand, an eye suddenly opened.

And with the opening of this eye, Galian’s figure quickly melted and merged with the earth.

When hiding in the ground, Galian’s speed was extremely fast, shooting like a sharp arrow.

The extremely thick crust not only did not hinder his speed, but made him faster than in the air.

【Insight into the magic eye】

[Some things seem to be self-contained, unshakable and incomparable]

[But in fact… as long as you can see it, it’s not that difficult to join it and use it]

【Gaze at everything, see everything】

In the world of Shenmu, when mortals fight each other because of the will of the gods, and drain their blood for this.

The gods themselves did not care too much about it.

Only mortals who have reached a certain level can make them face it.


Even if it has not reached a certain level, there is actually a way to make the gods face it.

In the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm, the water of the blue lake is sparkling, and the little stars twinkle on it. It is quiet and peaceful, as if it is isolated from all the disputes in the world.

Gu Qingan was wearing a loose white bathrobe, lying on the reclining chair by the blue lake. At this time, it was night in the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm, and the cool wind blew on Gu Qingan’s bare skin, calming her mind.

It seemed that it was another day of God’s leisure vacation.

However, at this time, there was one more person on this beach than usual.

Yang Yuan, who was dressed in cool clothes and exposed a large area of her back with fair skin, stayed aside in fear, watching Gu Qingan’s figure from a distance.

Gu Qingan turned his head to the side, looked at the timid little beast, and smiled in his heart.

She waved at Yang Yuan, “Come here.”

Yang Yuan trembled instinctively, but still crawled over obediently on all fours.

Chapter 298 makes people want to bully

The beach is very soft and there are no rocks mixed in, even if you are on all fours, you don’t have to worry about injury.

What’s more, Yang Yuan, who has been transformed into a dependent, is extremely resistant to damage, and her skin is smooth and tough.

At this time, the beach had been illuminated by the sun during the day, and even though it was night, there was still temperature on the sand.

Warm and cozy, I want people to bury themselves in the sand and have a sweet dream.

The clothes on Yang Yuan’s body have been changed by Gu Qing’an on purpose.

Thin as a cicada’s wing, the veil of white snowflakes intertwined and converged on his body, covering his chest while revealing his back.

Under the white veil, Yang Yuan’s arms and other parts showed healthy wheat-colored skin, while the back, legs and other parts, because they were usually tucked into the clothes, appeared white and translucent.

The difference in skin tone made her even more adorable.

Like a peeled orange.

“Come here.” There was a slight smile on Gu Qing’an’s face.

She is really lonely.

After being away from home for a long time, Gu Qingan’s mind became more and more impatient. She began to miss Wan Bai and her senior sister, but at this time it was the critical moment of Qianmuhou’s plan, which was related to Gu Qingan’s advancement and should not be careless.

Therefore, returning to the Sky Cloud Realm is not so easy to do in a short period of time.

Moreover, Gu Qingan discovered only after she came to the side of the heavens that when she swallowed the inspiration of the universe and the origin of the world, the universe was also releasing repulsive force on her continuously.

If it weren’t for the opening of the door to the world of Shenmu, so that these true demons could penetrate their breath and strength into it and fix themselves, they would not be able to stay in the heavens for long.

This stage of the real demons is actually a bit embarrassing. They are not strong enough to not be afraid of the cosmic repulsion like immortals, but they are not weak enough to not be repulsed by the cosmic repulsion like other demon creatures.

Just like the Uncanny Valley curve, in the process of life in Moyuan becoming stronger, their resistance to cosmic repulsion is constantly getting stronger, and the time they can last in the heavens is also getting longer.

But after they reached the true demon level, although their ability to resist cosmic repulsion was hundreds of times stronger, the true demon level had already begun to be noticed by the universe.

And because of their terrifying resource-devouring ability, the expulsion power cast on the True Demons is more than a thousand times stronger than the Divine Will.

It’s like seeing a cockroach entering a bedroom full of figures, and seeing a bear child enter, the reaction is completely different.

True Demons are indeed much stronger than ordinary Demon Abyss life forms, but the repulsive force they endure has risen even more.

Gu Qingan estimated that even with his current accumulation, he would stay here for a few months at most.

This is also a response of the universe to protect itself, and the universe will instinctively expel those that do harm to it.

And the expelled existence, it is very difficult to return to the heavens for a long period of time.

Therefore, if Gu Qingan went back to Tianyun Realm, she would not be able to come out again in a short period of time, which made her reluctant.

However, if you want to stay and enjoy the luscious world source and life essence, you have to endure some loneliness.

The two lovely demons, the Egg of Chaos and the Spirit of Twilight, were left by her in the Sky Cloud Realm to protect the safety of her relatives and Dusky Star collar.

Therefore, in this Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm, there is no creature that can communicate except her.

Just when she was thinking of discovering some interesting and playful guys in the consciousness space, the little cutie Yang Yuan suddenly came to her side.

This little guy with her blood can be a great dessert…

In Gu Qing’an’s **** eyes, it seemed like water waves were rippling, staring at Yang Yuan quietly, feeling the sweetness and sweetness coming from her body.

As an elite reincarnator who has fought and galloped in many mission worlds, Yang Yuan’s temperament has a unique flavor, as sweet as poppies poured out with blood.

On Yang Yuan’s body, it belonged to Gu Qing’an’s blood, and added delicious nuts to this dessert.

“It makes me want to be bullied…” Gu Qingan smiled, and through the veil between his hands, he slowly felt the touch and temperature on Yang Yuan’s thighs.

“Well…” Yang Yuan, who was being stroked, lowered her head shyly and made a small animal-like cry.

“Are you acting like a spoiled child?” Gu Qingan smiled slightly and motioned for Yang Yuan to sit on his lap.

“Sit up…”

For Gu Qingan’s will, Yang Yuan had absolutely no room to resist.

Before she accepted the blessing not long ago, Gu Qingan could hook her fingers and make Yang Yuan obedient.

After giving blood again, Yang Yuan was completely unable to resist Gu Qingan’s order, and she couldn’t even think of resistance in her brain.

“It’s so comfortable…please continue…”

Yang Yuan’s face was slightly hot, with a large flush of flushing. Although it was night, her body temperature was even warmer than the daytime when the cold wind was blowing.

Suddenly, Gu Qing’an’s eyes narrowed, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and there was an unnoticeable wickedness flashing in her eyes.

“Ah!” Yang Yuan was suddenly startled, and the whole person almost jumped up.

Just now, Gu Qingan pinched the soft flesh around her waist.

This kind of itchy and numb feeling suddenly irritated to the sensitive parts spread all over Yang Yuan’s body in an instant.

“This kind of cute performance is a bit like Wan Bai…” Gu Qingan maintained the smile on his face, pursing his lips and thinking.

Thinking of Wan Bai, she looked at Yang Yuan with a warm and warm expression.

Gu Qingan closed her pupils, which were shining with magnificent dark red light, and gently felt the breath of Yang Yuan.

The power of her own bloodline almost completely obscures Yang Yuan’s own aura of life. If Gu Qing’an actively weakened her perception by a thousand times, then Yang Yuan’s feeling to her is really similar to Li Wan Bai’s.

‘This child…is a good substitute…’As soon as he thought of this, a strange smile appeared on Gu Qing’an’s face.

It was as if the player saw the treasure chest and the hunter saw the fiery eyes of the prey. Seeing Yang Yuan’s cuteness, she couldn’t help shaking her body and looked at Gu Qingan with a frightened expression.

‘Although I saved my life…but…looking at this big guy’s expression…I still seem to be in a bad way…’ Yang Yuan trembled in her heart.

Mo Yuan’s notoriety is too outstanding, she has even imagined what kind of violent performance this black-haired, red-eyed, unbelievable woman with a beautiful face will have in front of her.

“Okay, it’s not too late, it’s time to go to bed.” After a while, Gu Qingan gently hugged Yang Yuan in a princess hug.

“Bad kids who don’t like to sleep will be eaten by demons.”

“The evening begins…”

Chapter 299 is cold and lonely, it is better to embrace each other for warmth

It’s a long night.

It’s not any sensually long time, but a literal long time.

In the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm, Gu Qingan really said, ‘My heart is Heaven’s heart, and my will is God’s will. ’

As long as she wants, she can let this demon world fall into darkness forever, or let a certain area enter the eternal night.

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