I, a disciple of the God of Law, became the biggest villain at the beginning!

Chapter 95

"No matter what, I must complete the mission!"

Although the mission was difficult, Alyssa still had a firm belief and cheered herself up in her heart.

She must complete this mission!

In the reincarnation world, one must complete the highest level of tasks to escape from the reincarnation world.

She hasn't seen her relatives and parents for a long time.

When she was just chosen as a reincarnation, she was very happy and thought that she would soon transform from an ordinary person to a superpower.

For this reason, she was addicted to the reincarnation space.

In just less than two years, she completed more than a dozen tasks and received very generous rewards.

But in comparison, she has survived in the mission world for a very long time.

So long that she almost forgot what her parents looked like.

Especially in this last mission, facing such a difficult task, she wanted to see her parents and relatives. The thought was infinitely expanded.

As time went by, the power, looks, love, and strength that she had pursued would eventually become less and less important in her heart, while the power of family affection would become greater and greater.

In the end, she finally realized that these external things were not important.

Only parents and relatives are eternal.

She finally understood that what she longed for most was lying in her mother's arms. That was the scene she longed for most in her heart.

After all... put aside the hundreds of years she had spent in the reincarnation world.

In the real world.

She is still just a teenage girl after all.

The surging memories made Alyssa smile.

At the same time, it also made her determined.

Go home!

Must go home!

No matter how difficult the task is, she must complete the task and go home to reunite with her family!

She secretly strengthened her belief

""Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and work!"

At this moment, she was hit hard on the head, and then a stern reprimand sounded in her ears.

This voice brought Alyssa back to reality. She shuddered and continued to add firewood.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps outside.

Then, the supervisor ran out.

Some conversations were faintly heard.

""Hey, Lord Bolton, what are you doing?"

This was the voice of the overseer.

The voice was full of flattery.

Alyssa could swear that she had never seen this overseer smile in the royal kitchen before.

She didn't expect that this overseer with a fat face would smile like this.

Alyssa thought she would never smile in front of anyone!

"A little maid bumped into His Highness and tried to flirt with him, but he dismissed her. We dragged her away and prepared to send her to the laundry room.

A male voice sounded.

"Huh? Another one who wants to climb the ladder?"

The supervisor taunted him mercilessly,"These women, they don't think about doing serious work, they just want to take shortcuts and become phoenixes... Do they deserve it?"

"That's not right...Okay, let's stop talking, let's take this woman away first! In addition, Chief Butler Miles also ordered that the identity and background of this woman should be dug out to see who sent her to the palace!"

A male voice sounded, and then the footsteps slowly walked away.

Listening to these conversations, Alyssa couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It seems that there is another woman who has the same idea as her.

These women are so stupid!

If this Highness Lin En can really be conquered so easily, then why would it be their turn?

How ridiculous!

Alyssa sneered.

But she forgot that she had used the same method before, and ended up becoming a maid.


""Stay here!"

Two palace guards threw a woman who was unconscious like a dead dog into the laundry room, and then gave instructions to the manager of the laundry room and left.

After an unknown amount of time, Charan woke up from her coma.

Feeling the pain in her feet and arms, Charan knew that this was caused by the guards rushing up and dragging her arms and legs on the ground when she was beaten mercilessly by the prince.

As expected, her arms were probably dislocated.

And her feet were probably bloody.

Looking around, she found that this was a very old house that exuded a rotten smell.

The area under her was very humid and had a faint stench.

After figuring out her bad situation, Charan was determined to hope - this is really the most tragic ending.

It is even more painful than death!

If he had known that His Highness Lin En was so difficult to conquer, he would have given up this mission!

Originally, she just wanted to choose this mission because it was a conquest mission and she didn't have to fight desperately. But she never thought that this mission with the highest difficulty was indeed unusual.

First of all, after coming to this world, her cultivation was sealed and she couldn't use it at all.

She had no choice but to rely on her identity and background in this world to find an opportunity to sneak into the palace.

With her secret activities, she did get in touch with a certain noble girl and successfully participated in this banquet in the palace.

He knew that there were two very beautiful people in the palace. as a girl, she had no advantage at all in this.

So she waited on the way out of the palace, hoping to have a chance encounter with this Highness Lin En among the flowers under the moon in the middle of the night.

Under the moon and flowers, a beautiful woman meets by chance.

In novels, whenever a woman uses such a routine, almost no man can escape.

Charan can also capture her easily.

But who knows, when she saw Lin En appear, Li Ka jumped out of the flowers, wanting to stumble into Lin En's arms according to the original script, so that she could feel the atmosphere full of jade fragrance.

But who knows... before she ran to Lin En, she was blocked by an invisible barrier halfway.

Then, a large group of magicians came out from the dark. appeared everywhere.

Those magicians with strong auras and fierce faces made Charan feel frightened even now when she recalled them.

They arrested her arbitrarily and conducted a comprehensive inspection.

And her target, the aloof His Highness Lin En, just stood there, motionless. He watched her being inspected with indifferent eyes, as if he didn't see her tearful appearance at all. He didn't even want to stand up for her.

Then, she was knocked unconscious by several guards in front of Lin En, and then dragged all the way here.

Thinking of her current ending, Charan couldn't help but sigh.

She is now a maid of the lowest status. It will be too difficult for her to get close to His Highness Lin En again!

"It seems that this mission has failed!"

"I can only go to the punishment world to accept the punishment!"

After struggling for many years, I was back to poverty.

She sighed and thought helplessly.

Then, she withdrew her consciousness.

Soon, the body fell to the ground limply. It was not until the next day that someone found that she died silently.



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