I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 441

Chapter 435 Battlefield shift

“I brought them here this time. I am afraid I will not lose money from the Zilin clan.”

The two true kings of the Zilin clan secretly said in their hearts.

In order to show their determination, everyone handed in a batch of resources before the war.

After the war, take it back according to the merits.

But now looking at the entire battlefield, in terms of merit, the Zilin Clan is definitely the first.

Not to mention below the other incarnation levels, only in the incarnation level, the real dragon below has killed nearly twenty.

On the other hand, that Qingshen was still entangled with Jin Yao.

Of course, if he can kill a special person like Jin Yao, he will be able to surpass the real dragon in an instant.

But if Jin Yao was so good at beheading, he couldn’t become the young patriarch of the Jinyang clan.

The battle continued and became more intense.

In several other battlefields, the incarnation state gradually fell, and there was a true king who died in battle in the sky.

Under this kind of battle, everyone no longer has the mind to pay attention to other battlefields, and concentrates on the enemies in front of them wholeheartedly.

On the battlefield between the God of War and the ancient creatures, the red mist warriors on the side of the God of War were still unable to break the circle of the ancient creatures.

Although the paleontological clan is classified as one clan, there are actually many small clans in it.

These small races are good at different things, basically covering sea, land and air, offensive and defensive control and other aspects.

Now that the formation is formed, it is equivalent to turning into a huge and perfect war machine, which cannot be cracked at all.

Just want to get into the ground, but you can’t attack from the ground.

This is anxious for a group of strong people in the God of War.

After so many years on the moon, they have not participated in such an aggrieved battle.

There were also some people who went back and indicated that they wanted to change to another opponent, but the Jinyang clan simply ignored them.

Gradually, everyone in God of War City was forced to the foot of Jinyang City.

He Mu did not continue to persecute.

Because he saw that many people in God of War had red eyes.

For them, the wall is no different from a dead end, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not do anything extreme if they continue to force it.

“I’m fighting with you!”

At this moment, there was a roar from the crowd, and then one person held a long knife and spun towards He Mu.

Before He Mu was in front of him, his whole person had turned into a whirlwind of red mist, which seemed to be a bit powerful.

“Gu Yao is very tigerish.”

He Mu vomited a word in his heart, and at the same time the huge dragon claw directly touched the red mist whirlwind of the man’s knife.

The powerful force suddenly erupted, directly shaking Gu Yao’s long knife into powder, and then the five claws were brought together, shaking the red mist around him, and holding his whole person in the palm of his hand.

Gu Yao struggled violently, cursing while struggling, not forgetting to spit.

“You beast who kills a thousand knives! I pooh!”

He Mubai glanced at him, then threw him to Mo Lin with a flick of his hand.

The two sides are deadlocked at the city wall.

He Mu knew that this would not work.

There are thousands of people in the War God City. When should they be delivered one by one?

We must find an opportunity to “dispose” the people in War God City on a large scale.

It is a better way to break into the city.

There are many buildings in Jinyang City and there are many shelters.

Once the street fighting started in the city, the scene was more chaotic than it is now.

He can also take this opportunity to find a larger building and deal with the people in the War God City in batches.

However, he did not dare to lead the ancient creatures into the city.

The Jinyang clan has a profound background, and God knows how many powerhouses there are in the city.

The ancient creatures quickly advanced into the city, and instantly fell into a situation where they were fighting alone.

Therefore, he has to wait.

Wait for other coalition forces to enter the city, first check the reality inside.

Since the Scarlet Blood Clan has formed a coalition army, it stands to reason that it should be able to attack the city.

If you can’t even enter Jinyang City, what is the significance of this coalition?

He Mu waited silently while dealing with God of War City.

This behavior of him is actually considered normal, and it doesn’t make people think of letting water go.

Because when he changed to another race, he had all the advantages at this time, and he would not enter the city rashly.

Everyone will choose to wait for the Scarlet Blood Race.

Just as expected.

After a while, several incarnations within the Scarlet Blood Clan suddenly broke out, defeating the Jinyang Clan’s first team.

In a blink of an eye, the Jinyang Clan was forced to the gate of the city.

Then several powerful magic spells attacked, directly blasting the city gates to pieces.

The Jinyang Clan of the first team retreated to the gate of the city, but was still attacked slowly.

Obviously, the people of the Scarlet Blood Race also understood that if they didn’t take the lead, no one would dare to advance into the city.

The moment the Scarlet Blood Race entered the city, the voice of King Jinyang rang from the heavens and the earth.

“Everyone retreats to the city!”

Hearing this order, a group of people in God of War City quickly flew into the city like an amnesty.

They have been in Jinyang City for three days and are relatively familiar with Jinyang City.

After entering the city, you might be able to use the advantages of the environment to withstand the attacks of the ancient creatures.

King Jinyang gave this order, no matter what was blocked or unstoppable, all flew into Jinyang City.

The battlefield instantly moved from outside the city to inside the city.

Large tracts of buildings were destroyed, and dust covered the entire battlefield.

He Mu was looking for a target as soon as he entered the city.

It didn’t take long before he discovered a huge hall.

That hall covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters, enough to accommodate thousands of people!

“right here!”

He Mu’s heart moved, and he began to find a suitable candidate from the group of people in the War God City.

At this moment, he must show his identity.

Otherwise, the people of War God City would not cooperate with him.

Of course, it is impossible for him to identify himself in front of everyone, only to tell one or two steady people.

Then let that person gather everyone together and let him “destroy” them.

After searching the crowd for a while, He Mu quickly saw Liu Lingxin.

Liu Lingxin is his old assistant.

When I was on Earth, I stayed in the army, experienced many wars, and survived several times.

All in all, this man is determined and courageous, steady and experienced, and is an excellent soldier.

More importantly, he is his assistant, the top of Xinwei.

He didn’t participate in this battle, and Gu Yao “fallen” again. At this time, he should be able to command Xinwei.

Thinking of this, He Mu went straight to Liu Lingxin.

Seeing this scene, Liu Lingxin turned around and ran without any muddle.

It is not bravery, but stupidity to go up and die when he knows that he is invincible.

Gu Yao has demonstrated before He doesn’t want to go the old way of Gu Yao.

However, how can he run past He Mu.

After just a few breaths, He Mu chased him up and held him in his claws.

Liu Lingxin looked at the huge dragon head in front of him, his face paled, but there was no fear in his eyes, instead there was a resolute determination.

At the same time, a large amount of red mist in his body began to condense, and his whole body swelled slightly.

This is mobilizing the red mist that exceeds the limit of his body’s endurance, in an attempt to launch a desperate blow.

Seeing this frown, He Mu hurriedly spread the spirit: “Old Liu, it’s me!”

Liu Lingxin suddenly trembled when he heard this, and his whole body was instantly stunned in the dragon’s claws.

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