I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 480

Chapter 474 Pull 1 hit 1

After stepping into the real king realm, He Mu immediately began to deal with the affairs accumulated in the War God City these days.

Regardless of how much he was not hindered by his breakthrough, in fact, more than half a month had passed.

In the past half month, War God City has undergone a lot of changes.

“Two new satellites were launched, and the monitoring range was expanded to 1,000 kilometers around the city of God of War, and the territory of the Green Demon was included in the monitoring range.”

“A new true king powerhouse has been added to the ancient creatures.

On the human side, there are two real kings who have broken through in strength.

The overall strength of the Heavenly Clan’s incarnation realm has greatly increased. ”

“In the City of God of War, there is a shortage of products from the sacred tree of the Scarlet-blooded race and the sacred tree of the Blue-eyed race.”

In general, apart from the resource problem, the development of the War God City is relatively rapid, but some changes have taken place on the earth.

“Some cults on the earth have suddenly revived… and they have developed extremely fast, with nearly 10,000 members in a short period of time.”

“Recently, there have been some disappearances of scientists… It is suspected that a cult is behind it.”

“The Wind of Destruction project is still in a state of confidentiality, and the second generation of Wind of Destruction is under development and is expected to be mass-produced in half a year.

Compared with the first generation of Wind of Destruction, the effect of the second generation of Wind of Destruction is slightly weaker, but it can save a lot of research and development time. ”

“There seems to be a real king-level powerhouse on the earth, request the moon to send a powerhouse back… to stabilize the situation.”

After reading the information, He Mu closed his eyes and pondered for a long time.

All these signs indicate that several big clans have sent people to the earth.

They themselves want to cross the void, although it is a bit difficult, but they have some Jiawu people more or less.

There are those Jiawu people, they send some people to the moon, it is easy.

And the strongest person on the earth is just the incarnation realm, the words of the true kings sent by several big clans…

You can almost do whatever you want on the earth.

No matter how well the secrecy measures of the Wind of Destruction plan are done, it is impossible to remain impervious.

And once it was discovered by several big clans that the wind of destruction could only affect the Jinyang clan, they would inevitably unite quickly to destroy the City of God of War with the momentum of thunder.

“It is necessary to send the real king and powerhouse to sit on the earth.”

He Mu whispered to himself.

After pondering for a while, he decided to let his father return to Earth.

On the one hand, he is a little selfish and hopes his parents can be reunited.

On the other hand, the father is indeed the most suitable candidate.

To sit on the earth, you must be the most trustworthy true king of mankind.

After such a screening, only five or six people were left.

Among these five or six people, Uncle Zhou had to sit in the City of God of War, and it was impossible for him to return to Earth.

Qi Yunying and Wang Lanting’s strength is slightly insufficient, and they are likely to be inadequate when they go to Earth.

As for Yue Zhengyang, strength is enough, but he is not enough to be alone in strategy.

So thinking about it is the most suitable father.

Regardless of what others thought, He Mu directly contacted his father and asked him to return to Earth.

He Qingfeng originally wanted to refuse, but He Mu directly assumed the identity of the city lord.

In the end, He Qingfeng could only compromise.

After sending his father back to Earth, He Mu completely let go.

To solve the problem, it is not enough to start with the earth.

We must take advantage of the fact that the great clans have not yet fully united, and we must act first to be strong.

Now the inner parts of several big clans have become two big alliances.

On one side is the tribal alliance composed of the Red Blood, Blue Spirit, and Zilin Clan, headed by the Red Blood.

On the other side is a two-ethnic alliance built by the Qingyan tribe and the Green Demon tribe.

As for the Baijiao tribe, they are vacillating between the two factions.

In terms of overall strength, the tri-race alliance headed by the Scarlet Blood Clan is definitely much stronger.

If it were not for the sudden rise of human beings on Earth, the Blue Eyed Race and the Green Demon Race would have been in jeopardy.

He Mu silently estimated the strength of God of War City.

The strength of the God of War City should be much weaker than the Green Eye Race and the Green Demon Race combined.

However, these two clans wanted to eat the city of God of War, and they didn’t have that strength either.

Even the tribal alliance of the Scarlet Blood Race would have to pay a huge price if they wanted to destroy the City of God of War.

If they really did that, the overall strength of the three-ethnic alliance would immediately be weakened to the point where it was not as good as the two-ethnic alliance.

Of course, this is his perspective.

In the eyes of several big clans, the humans on Earth are not strong enough, because they still don’t know that the Sky Clan secretly took refuge in humans.

It was precisely because of this that they dared to let God of War City develop for so long.

“The only thing that fears in God of War City is that these two alliances are united together…”

He Mu murmured.

This is currently the most direct hidden danger.

If you want to solve this hidden danger, you need to score points and provoke these two major leagues.

Ordinary framing of these is certainly useless.

The Scarlet Blood Race and the Blue Eyed Race are not fools, and they would not be fooled like this.

Therefore, we still have to rely on arrogance.

“Draw one side, suppress one side.”

He Mu secretly said in his heart.

Facing two enemies at the same time, it is the only way to fight one against the other.

In this situation, it is best to win over the blue-eyed tribe and suppress the scarlet-blood tribe.

Even though the two parties are not fighting now, they are both guarding against each other in their hearts.

The God of War is willing to help the Qingyan race improve their strength, and the Qingyan race will never refuse.

Because for the green eyes, the emergence of the God of War is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity.

An opportunity for them to surpass the Scarlet Blood Race.

The situation they most want to see is that the God of War City can deal with the Scarlet Blood Race, and then they will profit from it and gradually grow.

The War God City draws them in, it can be regarded as being in their arms.

Of course, the so-called wooing and suppression do not mean alliances and wars.

More have to start with resources.

Now that the God of War city has two sacred trees, many unique resources of the Jiawu and Jinyang tribes have been cultivated during this period.

However, since the last time the coalition attacked the Jinyang clan, the black market was completely closed.

The two major alliances may have trades with each other, but no one trades with the War God City.

Now the City of War God is starting to lack all kinds of resources. If nothing happens, all races should also start to lack resources on the City of War God.

To win over the blue-eyed people, you have to start with establishing a deal with them.

They don’t agree to be okay, and they just offer a price that they can’t refuse.

This can be regarded as a kind of win-win in disguise.

As for the Scarlet Blood Clan not only had to cut off contact, but also had to trouble them from time to time.

As a result, a gap will inevitably arise between their two major alliances.

The Scarlet Blood Race will be afraid that the strength of the Blue Eye Race will surpass them, and the Blue Eye Race will think of taking this opportunity to surpass the Scarlet Blood Race.

This is Yangmou.

Even if the Scarlet Blood Race knew the intentions of the War God City, it couldn’t change much.

The blue-eyed people can’t refuse such temptation.

However, the detailed plan has to be discussed with others.

Although it is the lord of the city, the main task of the city is to coordinate the overall situation, rather than dictatorship.

He also knows that he is far inferior to professionals in some aspects.

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