I Am a Big Player

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 You who win the stars

Chapter 21 owes chapters. The speed of Ren He’s codeword is a bit overwhelming. It took 4 days to pay all the debts. When the debts were paid, there were still people booing: “Roe deer, when will I play the game next time?! ”

Playing with your sister, I’m going to die for myself…

However, when there are many updates, there are naturally more rewards, and the number of subscriptions is growing at an abnormal rate.

After a big push, the average order of the book of Gods has soared to 15,000, and because of this battle, the influence of the book of Gods is also increasing. This is a virtuous circle.

Now I can finally relax, and the battle of God has also come to an end.

The promise sitting next to him looked at his face: “Why are you so haggard…”

“You don’t understand even after I said it,” Ren He rolled his eyes, and he wrote a small note to Yang Xi: Sing you the brightest star in the night sky at night?

Yang Xi was a little surprised to return to the small note: Okay, let’s go together after school tonight!

He promised to watch the two people pass notes to each other suspiciously. When did the two interact so frequently? Since Yang Xi transferred to school, she quickly became famous in school because of her outstanding looks and temperament. However, the junior high school students in 2005 were not so high-profile chasing girls. There were only a few, and most of them watched from a distance.

Of course, when I received a love letter, sometimes Ren He would just stand at the door of the shift when he was fine. As long as someone gave him a wrapped letter paper and said: please give me Yang Xi, please.

Ren Hedu directly agreed in person and threw it into the trash can, promising a little hesitantly: “It’s a bit bad, isn’t it?”

Ren He glanced at him and ignored him.

When school was over, he promised to call him to go home together, and the two of them were on the way.

“You go first,” Ren He waved his hand and walked towards the school gate, promising a little curious, and then he looked at the direction of Yang Xi’s house after Ren He and Yang Xi met…

I promised that I felt a critical blow in my heart, these two people…

Yang Xi took Ren He home. At this time, Yang Xi’s father had not yet returned home, so Yang Xi took Ren He to the rooftop with his guitar.

The family building where Yang Xi and the others live is old-fashioned. If you want to go to the rooftop, you have to climb up the ladder on the top floor. Yang Xi blushed when he planned to go up first and said, “You go up first.”

“Okay,” Ren He happily agreed. Today Yang Xi is wearing a skirt. He thought Yang Xi hadn’t noticed…

It’s now in autumn. Although Yang Xi is wearing leggings, it is still a bit awkward to let a boy watch her climbing the ladder under her. Yang Xi closed her skirt on the rooftop and did it quietly. Her hair fluttered gently with the wind. This was probably the girl Ren He wanted in her dream.

Youth and blood have come back again, of course, there is a girl who makes people dream of!

Yang Xi smiled and said: “I play the guitar to accompany you, and I will listen to how the creator understands this song.”

When it came time to sing, Ren He was still a little nervous. Although the rewards of the punishment system were magical enough, and he tried to sing and it really became better, but in front of the girl he liked, he was still a little awkward.

However, when Yang Xi’s guitar prelude came out quietly, Ren He seemed to be quiet. He recalled the first time he heard this song, when he was young and had just suffered a setback. He listened to this song countless times, and it seemed that someone really gave him a hug in the dark.

Yes, this song is by no means sad, it is that the passionate tears of loneliness become crystal clear in the moonlight, and the man is waiting in the moonlight with his guitar!

“Can you hear the brightest star in the night sky?”

“The person who looks up, the loneliness and sighs in my heart.”

I don’t know why, Ren He is especially suitable for this deep singing voice. The feeling of emotion in that voice instantly penetrated Yang Xi’s heart.

Ren He, it seems a bit lonely.

Loneliness is gentle, loneliness is strong. Yang Xi could feel the strong and **** in Ren He’s heart, and it seemed that she rarely opened it to anyone.

When Ren He just heard this song, he was in intrigue with people in the company. He quickly entered the role after he just walked out of campus. In the process of self-protection, he showed the scheming, means and endurance beyond his peers. In the end, he won. Up.

However, sometimes winning is not really winning. Once Ren He and Fa drank too much, he smiled palely: “From now on, I will never say that I am a good person anymore.”

What is the definition of a good person? Ren He didn’t know it himself.

“I pray for a transparent heart and tearful eyes.”

“Give me the courage to believe again and embrace you beyond the lie.”

When Ren He sang here, Yang Xi suddenly felt that the other party seemed to really want to hug herself, and she seemed to have been embraced by the other party’s singing.

At the end of a song, Yang Xi was speechless for a long time. She suddenly wanted to give Ren He a hug but couldn’t hold back. She smiled and said: “I didn’t expect you to sing so well, and after listening to you, I feel right. The understanding of this song is indeed lacking a lot.”

Ren He was stunned for a moment. This is considered a success… He took out a piece of letter paper from his pocket and handed it to Yang Xi.

Yang Xi is a little surprised, what is this, another song, or… a love letter? If it’s another song, it’s hard for her to believe that the other party can be so productive, and if it’s a love letter, she hesitates whether she should accept it…

Father is a diplomat. After her parents divorced, she was with her father, so she has traveled many places since she was a child, including when her father went abroad with her. So her vision is very broad, and she knows something about boys and girls, and she is more mature than she imagined She has seen many unique boys, talented football teenagers or just 14 years old. The teenagers who got the job offer from the software company, or the cynical big boys in Kyoto, but she always felt that the Ren He in front of her seemed more special. There is no evidence for this feeling, it is purely a feeling. And she didn’t have any special thoughts after seeing those teenagers, just amazing friends.

Undoubtedly, she has a fondness for Ren He, just like that song. After Ren He sang that song, it seemed to have turned into the brightest star in the night sky. But… she thought it was too fast.

She finally took the letter paper and opened it to see another chapter shop: Nan Shan Nan.

“Is this your new writing?!” When Yang Xi saw that it was not a love letter, the stone in her heart was put down. However, when she tried to hum the song, she found that the song was once again very successful in attracting Up her!

“Just take it,” Ren He smiled: “You should familiarize yourself with the score first, and I will sing it to you when I have time.”

“Do you plan to be a singer?” Yang Xi asked, “I can’t ask for your score. It’s too precious. Why don’t you sing it by yourself? Your talent can definitely succeed.”

“I still have more important things to do,” Ren He said calmly, his ambition is not here.

Yang Xi’s eyes were shining brightly, and she suddenly smiled and said: “Okay, then do you want to write me ten songs directly and I will release an album?”

“Haha, no problem,” this little thing can definitely be satisfied, isn’t it just a special ten tasks… when chasing a girl, absolutely can’t be counseled!

“What’s the name of the album?” Yang Xi thought: “Since you wrote the song, you should name it, right?”

“You who got the stars.”

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