I Am a Big Player

Chapter 560

Chapter 538 Specialization level investigative skill

“The host completes the task, has a good evaluation level, and rewards basic reconnaissance skills.”

This is the reward given to Ren He by the Heaven Punishment System after the completion of the current parachuting task, which surprised Ren He at that time!

He knew very well that the completion of his parachuting task was normal, so it is normal to not have a perfect reward. After all, for the first time parachuting, Ren He didn’t plan to be able to play any tricks.

But the reward of this investigative skill is a bit intriguing. Before the New York war, the natural punishment system suddenly rewarded Ren He’s marksmanship skills, and then he began his escape career.

Facts have proved that if there is no master-level firearms skills, Ren He must have died in New York.

And the problem is that for ordinary people, when danger comes, they really may not be able to remember to learn such a skill.

At that time, the firearms skill rewards were simply a warning sign.

What about the current investigative skills?

Observation, eavesdropping, spying, search, assassination, interception, capture of prisoners of war, spy reconnaissance, combat reconnaissance, photographic reconnaissance, radar reconnaissance, radio reconnaissance and direction finding, investigation and inquiry, collecting documents, this is what the reconnaissance skills teach Ren He Although the basic level is still very superficial knowledge, these classifications are already evident.

Could it be that he is facing any danger?

In fact, when Ren He got this skill, he regretted not spending the perfect reward earlier to choose this reward.

Investigation skills correspond to anti-reconnaissance. Now that you know what investigative methods are available, you can also make corresponding anti-reconnaissance responses.

If there were any master-level investigative skills earlier, first of all, when Ren He rushed to the rooftop to grab a sniper rifle for the first time, he would be more confident.

It can even be said that before he returned to the battlefield, he would never let Yang Xi follow that path with his own eyes and see himself killing.

Let’s talk about what happened later. If Ren He has the ability to counter-reconnaissance, he can casually think of letting the day penalty system reward him with a three-dimensional map of New York City, including all the monitoring facilities, and the overall urban layout, which can almost let anyone. He is like a fish in the water in the entire New York City, instead of staying in the sewers stupidly.

In the end, Ren He could even get on the boat without relying on Steve’s help, or escape in other ways.

In this way, it is also safer for Ren He.

When Ren He received this reward, he immediately chose to redeem the remaining Perfect level reward into a reward for the direction of detection skills. The Heavenly Punishment system also gave a lot of face and raised Ren He’s detection skills to a specialization level.

Now Ren He suddenly became vigilant in his heart. Could it be that the CIA is chasing after him and intends to sneak into China to arrest him? Or assassination?

In principle, it shouldn’t. China is known as a prison in the world. Ordinary mercenaries and spy agents will not choose to come to China. Of course, it’s not that China doesn’t have one. It’s just that they are engaged in peaceful rebellion. jobs.

Anyway, Ren He has to be more vigilant anyway, who knows what will happen suddenly after being at peace for so long.

If he can get the perfect reward for the next task, Ren He will give priority to upgrading his investigation skills to the master level, to see what it looks like once the investigation skills are upgraded to the master level.

The protagonists in the commercial blockbusters in the previous life are all very skillful, and they can always have extraordinary means to escape and ascend to heaven. Now the specialization level investigative skills have begun to take shape.

If I had this technique in the first place, I am afraid that my appearance would not be exposed to the U.S. government…

However, the investigative skills also gave Ren He some habits that he didn’t have before. On the way back to Kyoto by the off-road team, the first thing Ren He did was to open his phone while he was idle and remember the entire map of Kyoto in his mind. in.

Then on a whim, he searched for the underground pipeline map of Kyoto City… He escaped by relying on the pipelines of New York City at the beginning, and now he searches for this to see if there is anything that can be used.

It turns out that he was thinking too much. If he got into the underground pipeline of Kyoto City, he wouldn’t have to wait for the other party to search for it, he would have to die inside…

However, even after receiving the warning of the uncertainty of the Heavenly Punishment system, Ren He never thought about seeking protection from Tianqiu. He really does not want to deal with this kind of organization now, although he knows that Tianqiu is full of good people, but He still decided that if he could not deal with, he would not deal with it.

And in terms of ability, he is no worse than the people of Tianqiu.

Only one thing is that he has no firearms in the country.

However, Ren He is still more inclined that the other party will not come to China to do things, especially when he is in Kyoto.

The organization that attacked oneself in Beijing last time has been devastated by Tianqi. As early as 2000 years ago, many spies were active on China’s soil, and many major incidents had the shadow of the other party.

Individual incidents are particularly obvious. Some leaders who incited public sentiment were secretly sent out of the country before the incident, and most of them were even in the United States. If there is no one to help them, Ren He will not believe it.

But the situation is different now. China has been using practical actions to prove to the outside world that China has become stronger.

Ren He has always been very fortunate that he grew up in this country and is a legal citizen of this country.

Ren He couldn’t do anything about the government while enjoying protection while laying down his job.

Many social injustices still exist, but at least the general direction is good.

Ren He first set aside these things and confirmed with Zhang Ming that “Crazy Stone” will officially start shooting in one month. Now only a few actors and equipment are not in place, and everything else is ready.

Now Zhang Ming must first send the script to the acquaintances of Radio and Television to see so that there will be no problems that can’t be reviewed later.

This is the advantage of the old director. He knows when and what to do.

The two agreed that Ren He was going to follow the crew after the filming started. The selected filming location was Chongqing, which was the original filming location of “Crazy Stone” in the previous life.

In this regard, Zhang Ming did not make any changes to the script. In fact, he saw the sub-shots drawn by Ren He and felt that the place Ren He chose was really good.

Just when the two were about to hang up, Zhang Ming suddenly said: “Chen Da has something to tell you, wait a moment.”

Ren He was stunned for a moment. What can Chen Danon do?

Chen Da answered the phone and said, “The troupe in our Chinese opera is going to the Netherlands to participate in theatrical show in half a month. This is a competition and the opening of a film festival in the Netherlands. Your passport is okay, right?”

Ren He thought for a while and said, “No problem.”

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