I Am a Big Player

Chapter 644

Chapter 618 1 life love

Yang Xi originally said that he was going to buy good things in Kyoto to go back. This was the first time he came to visit for the Chinese New Year. Even Ren He went to Yang’s big yard with a large bag of walnuts.

As a result, Ren He decided to buy again in Los Angeles. Before he was ready to set off, Ren He ran to the 4S store. Since he chose to take a punch in the no-man’s land, the Raptor must not be able to drive. This thing looks domineering but it’s nothing. It was Ren He who wanted to satisfy his feeling of being a nouveau riche in the first place. If he really went off-road in no man’s land, he would have to kneel on the road without walking 100 kilometers.

This time Ren He bought an off-road vehicle recommended by Liu Erbao. This brand did not exist in his previous life. The price of a naked car was 3.19 million, and the off-road performance was extremely strong. Then it was handed over to Liu Erbao. Liu Erbao helped to find someone to modify it to increase off-road performance. National Cheng Kung University mailbox.

The cost of modification alone is conservatively estimated to be 2 million. Even in Kyoto, few people are willing to play modified cars like this.

Refitting requires a cycle. Ren He bought it a year ago, and it would be almost the same if he came back a month later.

At this time, Zhang Ming had already read the script of the Great Westward Journey. For this reason, he even went to Renhe’s courtyard to discuss it once. For Zhang Ming, this script made him feel a little surprised.

Why do you say that? This script obviously differs greatly from the styles of the two films, No Man’s Land and Crazy Stone, so big that it seems not by one person.

Of course, Kunlun, Harry Potter, and the kite chaser written by Ren He are obviously not a style, and Zhang Ming is used to it.

The problem now is that Zhang Ming is still a little bit unsure. He always feels that the script is a bit rough. Compared with the script in no man’s land, it is like a defective product and not detailed enough.

But after Zhang Ming watched it three times in detail, he didn’t know why, a line in the script seemed to be poked in his heart, as if he recalled the love he once lost.

This feeling is too weird, it’s just a bit unbelievable, it’s obviously a script that isn’t eye-catching, but it makes people feel so… unforgettable!

Therefore, Zhang Ming wanted to ask what Ren He thought. He sat in the courtyard and asked: “How do you want to make this script? To be honest, I think it might be rejected if it is released.” Male turned female. : Your body and my soul

Does Ren He not know this? Of course he knew that compared to Ning Hao’s meticulousness, Master Xing’s script would never be enough to read, but the problem is that you don’t care whether the drama of Journey to the West is exquisite or not, as long as it can be remembered.

Can Ren He not polish it up? No matter how bad it is, you can ask someone to polish it and add something profound.

But who can guarantee that at that time, that version of Journey to the West was still not Journey to the West? Therefore, Ren He’s original intention was to maintain the original flavor, at least the original lines, he will not change a game.

What Ren He wanted to make up for was only the external things like special effects, props, costumes, and field cloths. The soul could never be changed. Ren He has self-knowledge. If he can reach the level of the star, he won’t need to be successful in this life. He would have been a great director in his previous life.

It’s important for a person to have self-knowledge. If you play a game, you always feel that your tumor can be 1V5 when you develop it. Why don’t you go to heaven?

“Let’s discuss this movie,” Ren He thought for a while and said: “I will join the crew at that time. I have a lot of my own ideas. You may cooperate with me at that time, but don’t mind. I don’t. I understand the job of directing, so I might mention more abstract things at that time. I hope you can help me realize it.”

Zhang Ming was stunned. This was the first time Ren He decided to intervene in the crew so deeply. He suddenly realized that Ren He really loves this book, otherwise it would not be the case.

He laughed: “It’s really hard for you, the original author, to be able to enter the crew. Then let’s cooperate well,” he suddenly thought for a while and said: “This book gives me a really strange feeling, and I also want to know how it follows. What do you feel like in the shoot? Anyway, Qinghe Film and Television is not afraid of losing money.”

When reading the script yesterday, Zhang Ming suddenly thought of the girl he once loved.

Zhang Ming was not successful at the beginning. The school was a Chinese drama. At that time, he was a fool and wanted to shoot something different. As a result, after shooting three consecutive films, all three were banned.

Like all young people, poor and do nothing, no one wants to invest in him anymore. The girl he likes is the most beautiful in the Chinese opera. The beauty sometimes makes Zhang Ming dream of seeing her again at midnight, and her appearance is always 22 years old in his memory, and she will never grow old. Will not be dusted. The Wonderful Smoke

Zhang Ming was always reluctant to be sober at that time. As a result, the girl left. Zhang Ming would occasionally go to her troupe to see her performance, but the love could never be restored.

When I was reading the script last night, when I saw a certain line several times, those lines were deeply inserted into his heart like a knife, but the more painful he was, the more he wanted to read it. This feeling was extremely strange. Up.

So he really wanted to see how Ren He plans to make this movie.

At this time, Ren He patted his forehead: “By the way, this movie must have a song called the love of a lifetime! Yang Xi, help me get the guitar!”

Yang Xi and Zhang Mingyi’s eyes lit up when they heard that this was the rhythm of Ren He was about to sing a new song.

What Yang Xi likes most is to let Ren He’s creation always classic and always nice.

And Zhang Ming knew that Yang Xi’s current status as an international queen was not given to him by the Cavaliers? All songs are made by knights! It is also a beautiful thing to have the opportunity to hear Ren He sing a new song now.

Ren He feels that the songs in Journey to the West are all classics, and the most classic must be the love of a lifetime. If this song is missing, Journey to the West will lose its luster a lot.

The song was created by Lu Guanting’s husband and wife. When Lu Guanting created “The Love of a Lifetime”, Liu Zhenwei said that this love was fruitless for five hundred years, and Lu Guanting’s whole goose bumps got up, and the melody came out when he returned home in the evening. When Tang Shuchen created, he was also moved by the “five hundred years of love and bitter sea”, and completed the creation in only two hours.

Ren He sighed, the love that had been in fruitless for five hundred years was really appropriate. In an instant, lingering notes flowed from Ren He’s fingertips. At the moment when the prelude sounded, Zhang Ming seemed to feel that the moon in the sky was going to dim a little, and his mood was also depressed.

This is the first time Zhang Ming has heard Ren He play the guitar in person. This master-level ability… is too magical, and it’s fascinating.

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