I Am a Big Player

Chapter 718

Chapter 689 The name of the knight

In this 11G document with pictures and texts, the origin is a “Falcon Project.” The US government tried to use fishing to induce Yang En, the Chinese ambassador to Washington.

The reason is that the other party sent to ten European countries in the name of medical exchange in 2006 and possessed a lot of classified information.

However, it is impossible for the United States to act against a Chinese ambassador to the United States under any circumstances, unless the ambassador himself is suspected of infringing on the national security of the United States and he still leaves the embassy privately.

Even so, the entire operation must be kept secret carefully. Afterwards, only Yang En disappeared, not the National Security Agency who took the other party away.

It was a very successful operation. Everything was successful, including the credibility of their carefully designed bait and the location of the ambush. They even got the information of the security personnel around Yang En after the trip.

This was supposed to be a foolproof action, and the result was a huge turnaround.

Yang En’s daughter, now the international queen Yang Xi, is the girlfriend of the Cavaliers.

On the way Yang En and the bait were connected, Yang Xi suddenly appeared, and Yang En and the other party had a meal.

The National Security Agency had originally planned to arrest Yang Xi together, but Yang Xi’s boyfriend, a knight, turned out, and killed the National Security Agency’s secret service empty-handed that night. Then he walked through the battlefield with his bare hands and climbed up to the ten-story building. After instantly solving a sniper and an observation post on the commanding heights, he began to use sniper rifles to suppress the National Security Agency’s powerful firepower.

This fire suppression is actually very implicit, but there is a clearer note in the information remarks about the knight: Ren He, male, 17 years old, Chinese nationality, ancestral home in Los Angeles, China Qinghe Group’s largest shareholder.

A-level early warning, it is very likely to have an effective range of more than 1,000 meters, and can effectively fire at a range of 800 meters at night. Very good at close combat and very physical.

Then everyone will be able to see that the knight with tens of millions of believers in the world not only suppressed the two National Security Agency combat teams with his own force that night, but also caused the shocking New York shooting in the back. .

At that time, the knight who turned into a young professor at the Juilliard School of Music, attracted firepower on his own in order to cover other people, and carried out a murder in New York.

Among them, intelligence analysts from the US National Security Agency speculated that Yang Xi and the rest of the security personnel who entered the country illegally should have left the United States from the Southern Intercontinental Highway on the night of the New York shooting. Ren He should have done this to cover Yang Xi’s departure, but there are still some doubts. Almighty Ghostbusters: An Shao’s Fierce Wife

The intelligence analyst continued to boldly analyze all the surveillance data. Ren He, the knight, and Yang Xi, most likely lost contact with Yang En after the first night, so the other party took the risk of giving a piano solo concert.

The shooting in New York finally ended with the complete disappearance of Ren He. At the same time, the CIA issued a global arrest warrant against the Cavaliers.

At this time, everyone saw this and didn’t know what to say. In their opinion, apart from shock in their hearts, the fans of the Cavaliers didn’t know why there was a feeling of excitement!

The Cavaliers have not released any videos for nearly a year. They have been speculating about why this is. Now they finally know that the strength of the Cavaliers is far more than extreme sports. What the other party really is doing!

If extreme sports are hard to come by in ordinary life, then how about becoming a sniper who is wanted by the National Security Agency and the CIA?

Most of the young people who like knights are young people, and young people who are a little tired of the ordinary life, now suddenly know that the knights actually played such a big vote, their current feeling turned out to be a surprise.

It’s like discovering the uniqueness of the Cavaliers again!

So many professional combat teams can’t help it with such a single person. This kind of strength is comparable to those superheroes in the hearts of Americans.

It seems that only those superheroes have this ability!

However, this is not over yet. The first is only about the secrets of the American incident, and there is an attachment at the back, which talks about an even more shocking thing: the knight ambushed the CIA combat team in the Netherlands.

Confronted the entire Dutch CIA branch with one’s own strength, and dived from a high altitude on the cable bridge…

The last is a document with a red seal, signed by the National Security Council, cancelling the global arrest warrant…

This is what shocked everyone. After confronting the powerful state apparatus, the global wanted order was cancelled inexplicably, as if this matter had never happened before.

Lie the ex-wife to the door

Is this possible in the imagination of ordinary people?

At this time, everyone was shocked.

Before, the little professor and the knight’s fans had a situation where they fought each other, but now everyone realizes that it turns out that everyone admires the same person! The little professor turned out to be the incarnation of the knight in the United States!

Wait, isn’t Yang Xi from the Juilliard School of Music?

A long time ago, everyone knew that the Cavaliers were chasing Yang Xi in China, and then came to the United States, but they did not expect to be so calm by Yang Xi’s side!

No one thinks this is a teacher-student relationship, and it is not ethical. When knowing the result, it seems that everyone thinks it should be like this.

And what the knight did for Yang Xi was far more than just being with him. How many people were willing to protect their lover with their lives? This is an imaginary thing, and every girl probably imagined that it would be great if their lover could give up their lives for themselves, but they all knew in their hearts that this was not realistic.

Then this kind of thing was proved personally by the Cavaliers, and someone would really do it.

After this Since the leaked document said that the rider jumped from the cable bridge, many people took a group photo with the cable bridge and sent a message to the Internet: “This is me and the rider diving A group photo of the land.”

On that day, the cable bridge suddenly became a tourist destination.

Someone also specially measured the height of the cable bridge, and then they were surprised to find that the height of the cable bridge has exceeded the world record!

If this document is true, then the world’s first person in extreme diving has also changed hands.

It is true, of course it is true! Everyone thinks so!

But these shocks couldn’t resist everyone’s curiosity about why the National Security Council canceled the global arrest warrant. Then someone noticed the status of the largest shareholder of China Qinghe Group mentioned in the document, and looked at the time when the National Security Council signed the document. , The time difference between Qinghe Group’s acquisition of American Airlines shares is only 3 days, which is too obvious.

At this point, everyone suddenly understood that the Cavaliers are not only famous, but also rich…

Very rich!

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