I am a Big Villain

Chapter 111: The Whole World Was Reborn 11

Happy New Year everyone~

"Mom's darling Jinbao14JinbaoYan Chu's nickname, refers to valuables in general; precious; darling; sweetie."

As soon as Yan Chu came back, he got hugged by the old lady before entering the courtyard door, and Sanni12SanniThird Girl also held her little uncle on one leg due to her young age.

She knew the truth of clinging to somebody influential well at a young age, so her future could not be limited.

"I'm thin and black. I heard that those Westerners eat raw meat and drink uncooked water eggs*. My obedient Jinbao must not eat well, but it's okay. Mom cooked a lot of delicious food for you. Let's try to restore the reduced meat."

The old lady could not see enough of her son. This time he left for a month and a half. The last time he participated in an Olympic Mathematics Competition, it did not take long. If she did not call him from the post office station next to her home every week, the old lady would have to worry about whether something had happened to her son.

"Mom, I'm not thin. The teachers take good care of me outside. In addition, some chefs can cook Chinese food at the Olympic venue. I'm not hungry at all. These are the reporters who came to interview me at home this time. Mom, let's welcome people first."

Yan Chu pointed to several people behind him and spoke, and the old lady saw that several people came back with Yan Chu immediately afterward.

"Reporters, ah! Blame I, this old lady, for her bad eyesight at her old age and didn't even see well. Please come in quickly." The old lady was a little flustered. She had lived most of her life, but she had not dealt with reporters.

She looked at the black square bricks nestled in the bosoms of those people. It must be the camera.

Oh, my God, could she still be in the newspaper when she was old?

The old lady was a little nervous about what she was wearing today. Because her son came back, she wore a new dress from the new fabric her younger brother bought for her. The royal blue color was especially suitable for her skin.

Jin Zhanhua was two points and one line between home and the park. She never went out when the sun was the strongest, so her skin was slightly whiter than the ordinary old lady. Wearing clothes of this color looked particularly classy.

The pearl necklace she wore was bought by her husband on a business trip when she married. The gold bracelet on her wrist was given by her son. Her hair had just been washed in the early morning and combed well. Jin Zhanhua vowed that others could not find such a beautiful old lady in this alley like her.

She would never humiliate her son. After determining this, Jin Zhanhua would not be nervous immediately and kept her most beautiful expression anytime and anywhere. When she was young, she also wanted to join the art troupe. But her parents died early. Her uncle and aunt did not have such a good intention to let her study, and she had at least a junior high school degree or above to join the art troupe. She was not qualified at all.

Thinking of her wish at that time, the old lady found that her son earned face for herself. The reporters came to her house. What a glory it must be.

"Jinbao, why did comrade reporters come to your house?"

The people in the courtyard were watching. They saw several people with IDs on their necks behind Yan Chu. They were curious and nervous.

"Student Yan Chu participated in the Olympiad and won a gold medal. This time, we want to take a few photos of the place where Yan Chu grew up. You don't have to be nervous. Just be free."

Now China was indeed a country eager to stand out internationally. Every honor and medal were very treasured. In particular, the gold medalists in the first three years of the International Olympic awards were occupied by the United States. This time, China had the up-and-coming youngster outstripped the older generation and beat the defending champion. In a way, it also meant that they had surpassed the world powers of the United States.

Therefore, they had all figured out this issue of the Jing City Newspaper's subject and focused on this top student. They were going to write about his learning methods and the parenting style so that the citizens could study hard and strive to cultivate more excellent children like him for the country's future.

"Gold medal, number one internationally?"

The people in the courtyard were shocked and could not close their mouths. It was great to get first place in the city alone. The Yan family's golden child also took first place internationally. How terrific! Why wasn't such a promising son from their family?

No wonder Jin Zhanhua loved this son so much. It was because this son was clever. She saw this early, so she loved him so much. No, the son won her honor.

"Comrade reporter, Yan Chu has been smart since he was a child. We all watched him grow up. If you have any questions, you can interview us?"

Looking at the big black camera, all the residents in the courtyard were excited. Would they be photographed in the camera and put on TV?

"That is, the night when this child was born, I dreamed of Wen Quxing*1Wen Quxing*the legendary deity of imperial examinations and literary affairs*. He threw a burst of light into the Yan family's house, and then Yan Chu came out."

In reality, it was a rainstorm that night, and there was a big thunder. The Yan family's house collapsed. Jin Zhanhua escaped and went to the hospital to give birth.

"Yes, Yan Chu has been smart since he was a child. Who in our quadrangle doesn't love him? The child is very good-hearted and filial. He was reluctant to spend the bonus from the previous competition and saved to buy a gold bracelet for his mother. He knows that his mother did not have it easy. He hasn't had a dad since he was a child. His mother pulled him up alone and suffered a lot. This child hasn't forgotten at all."

The neighbors in the quadrangle forgot how they despised Jin Zhanhua's energy to spoil her son and how much they hated Yan Chu, the bad temper, arrogant brat. At this time, all the eyes that looked at Yan Chu were more affectionate, as if they were Yan Chu's mother.

The residents in the quadrangles thought they were now the neighbors of the world-class talented person. Did this mean that their block's Feng Shui was notably good? Now the housing in the city was tight, and the house prices of their quadrangles with private property rights were rising all the way. According to estimates, they could rise again if they had the reputation of good Feng Shui.

It was not that they wanted to sell their home, but they were happy to hear that the house's price they lived in was high.

Therefore, they were more affectionate to Yan Chu one by one. They just hoped that he would be more promising in the future. If they could get a celebrity residence in their courtyard, they could open a small shop to sell souvenirs.

Reporters did not think these neighbors' words were exaggerated, especially one of them mentioned Yan Chu's birth. He was born without a father and grew up with his mother. What an inspiring story.

Several reporters accompanied Yan Chu and the other contestants to the United States. Along the way, he felt that this child was very stable and mature compared with children of the same age.

It turned out that he had this kind of background, so it was no wonder that he could have this kind of temperament.

What a staunch and independent child who had grown into such an excellent appearance in adversity. This child not just had many achievements in education but also was filial. This was the proudest virtue of China. In front of him, this boy was a role model for all Chinese students to learn.

The reporters were excited. They seemed to have expected how much response the contents of this issue of newspapers and periodicals would attract. They took out pens and notebooks, wrote down everyone's words, and the reporters with cameras kept taking photos, trying to take snapshots of the place where the Olympic Gold Medalist lived since childhood and the pictures of his praised neighbors living in harmony with him.

Jin Zhanhua was happy that so many people praised her son, but shouldn't she be the one in the limelight in this interview? Jin Zhanhua hurriedly joined the battle. As the son's mother, how good the son was, of course, only she had the most say.

Yan Chu helplessly looked at these people standing at the entrance of the quadrangle. Seeing that it was impossible to call them in, he smiled and took out the chocolate brought from the United States and assigned it to the gluttonous Sanni.

"Take these and share them with your brothers and sisters. You can only eat one piece a day. After eating, you have to brush your teeth. If your teeth decay one day, you have to go to the hospital to have your teeth extracted like your third brother."

Sanni covered her mouth and nodded quickly. The tooth extraction was painful. After Third Brother came back from the hospital, he cried for a long time. She did not want to have her tooth extracted.

Holding several boxes of chocolates, Sanni felt that she was the happiest child in the world, even if she knew that these were to be shared with her brothers and sisters.

Her deskmate had an aunt in Xiangjiang. She showed off the chocolate her aunt brought from Xiangjiang. The teacher said that the United States was a more distant place than Xiangjian, and this chocolate had been taken by plane to cross over. It must be great chocolate. She could also bring this chocolate to tell her deskmate that she had a better uncle than her aunt.

The reporters got pestered by the residents of the quadrangle for three hours. Their hands were sore, and their mouths were dry. Because they were going back to catch up on the manuscript, they hurried away after drinking a glass of water.

The people in the quadrangle still wished to continue. After inquiring about when this issue would be published, they vowed to buy several copies and distribute them to their relatives and friends.

There would likely be their photos in the newspaper this time. They had become the only person in the old X's family who appeared in the news. They were happy even if they were not the protagonist.

At dinner in the evening, the Yan family's dining table had several more pots of different colors. They were all sent by other households in the quadrangle. They celebrated that Yan Chu had won the international gold medal. Even the young daughter-in-law next door of the Yan family, who was the most difficult to deal with, blushed and sent a plate of fried fruit. She begged Yan Chu to be free and teach her son.

They were all college entrance examination candidates in the same year, and the college entrance examination was coming in three or four months. There was such a top student next door. She just held her breath and missed this opportunity. The young daughter-in-law herself had to blame herself.

For the first time in history, the atmosphere in the yard was so harmonious, especially the old lady, who looked at the dishes on this table.

Her obedient Jinbao was indeed the best child in the world.

There were four members of the Jin family. The Yan family has a large number of 13 people. Fortunately, several of them were children. The largest private room in Liuchunju was a sixteen-person private room. They could squeeze in to sit.

This was Jin Zhanhua's first time to come to such a luxurious place. But she was not shy at all. Her son was promising, and she would come to such a place in the future. She should prepare in advance. She could not embarrass her son at that time.

As for Yan Dabao and others, they were looking around the decoration of this restaurant, thinking that if they had enough capital to open such a shop, the money they made would definitely not be less.

At this thought, their mood suddenly was not very good. Even if Little Uncle invited them to dinner, their heart began to hurt early.

Then look at their mother and little brother walking in the front, smiling like the blooming sunflowers. It made them even more unpleasant.

"Today is the day to celebrate Jinbao winning the International Olympic. Jinbao, you have given your mother and your uncle a long face. This glass of wine, Uncle respects you."

Jin Zhande was proud but also a little guilty. How long had he and his elder sister delayed the child in his previous life? This time, he was more strict. The child actually gave him such a surprise. If he had paid attention to the changes of Jinbao in his previous life, things would not have developed to that extent.

It was useless to overthink much, and it was a brand new world now. Jinbao was also a brand new self. Everything was different. The elder sister was pleased now, and he achieved his most significant goal of rebirth, so this was enough.

"Jinbao, Aunty also respects you. Your uncle is happy for you these days. None of his friends don't know that you won the prize. Your uncle also plans to wait for the interview report to come out and buy hundreds of copies to the employees of the company so that everyone can know that you are his nephew."

Du Meijuan smiled and looked at Yan Chu with particularly kind and relaxed eyes: "It's you who advise your uncle for your aunt. Don't drink too much every time you're happy. Aunty has a headache from his drunken high-jinks every time."

Everyone in the room laughed, and Jin Zhande was also a little embarrassed. It seemed that he drank a bit these days. He was afraid it would be troublesome for Meijuan.

For this reason, looking at his wife, Jin Zhande looked a little apologetic, and the hand under the dining table patted her thigh. The old couple did not say anything.

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao curled their lips together disdainfully when they heard their aunt's pleasant words.

Yan Chu was also a person this aunt hated most in their previous life. When their younger brother had an accident, the home got robbed by the gangsters. They advised their mother and little uncle to borrow money and hold the house, at least.

They did not know whether their mother called or not. They only knew that their mother said the next day that their little uncle had not had it easy and to not bother Little Uncle about things at home in the future.

At that time, only their mother knew Little Uncle's contact information. They also found the number from her room when their mother was dying, so they could contact Little Uncle.

They did not expect it before but later thought Mom might have called but concealed it from others. When they thought about it clearly, the woman in front of them had changed her home number and could not be contacted anymore. Shen City was so big, and they did not know where to find someone. Most importantly, you could not rely on a verbal agreement. They might be beaten and slandered.

Thinking of being ridiculed by this woman in the previous life, Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao did not like this aunt anyway. Therefore, when everyone laughed, their indifferent expressions seemed particularly unexpected.

"Jinbao is promising. We two brothers can't compare with our little brother. We are ashamed."

When the atmosphere was just right, Yan Dabao made use of every second and every inch to open his mouth. Jin Zhande was about to talk to his little nephew. He put down his glass, and the smile on his face did not change to see what the brothers were selling.

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