I am a Big Villain

Chapter 119: Im Surviving On A Deserted Island 4

"This is the primitive species of apple tree on Aqua-Blue Star."

Yan Chu looked at the embarrassed little girl, put away his bad intention of watching the fun, and explained to the other party.

"Apple, what kind of fruit is that? Can you eat it? I haven't seen it in the 8,888 common plants in the Federation, nor have I seen it in the Book of Rare Species or heard the teacher talk about it."

As a top student in the Department of Botany, Sheng Xiaoxing's primary education was to study the Federation's plants. She was a little confused when Yan Chu said the name of this plant.

【Come on. Are there any scholar experts to popularize to us what this species we have never seen is a plant called Apple in Yan Chu's mouth?】

【I don't know if I can eat it. If I can, I hope the Federation will take out the species here and multiply them to various galaxies after finding this planet. It looks delicious.】

The bullet screen was full of curious questions about the apple. No one had seen this fruit, so they did not know whether Yan Chu really recognized it or merely made up a name.

At this time, many experts from the Federation were already on the live broadcast platform of Douxiong. And everyone was shocked by the unexpected discovery of the new planet.

Too many unknown species appeared in the video. Those who participated in field exploration did not know the treasure of these creatures. In the eyes of every scientist, this was an invaluable wealth. No one knew what magical effects these animals and plants would have.

Because the content in the video was so surprising, the Federation had increased search and rescue personnel, this time not only to rescue the lost citizens on the deserted island but also to explore that mysterious island.

Yan Chu looked at the close-fitting clothes on his body. They were made of constant temperature material and were particularly strong. Ordinary weapons could not cut wounds on the clothes, which was also the most significant security guarantee for all live broadcasters in the wild.

He put his fragile antidote, only one per person, behind him. He looked at the genetically mutated apple tree compared with the world he lived in. It was too tall. He took three steps backward, then ran and jumped with the help of his strength. With his flexible skills, he climbed up the tree with only one hand and two legs wrapped around the trunk.

【It's rare to see Yanyan so mischievous. I thought he was going to kill himself by crashing into a tree. This nervous big sister almost strained her waist】

【Does he want to pick the fruit called apple? Can it be eaten? I've never seen this kind of fruit circulated in the Federation. Isn't it poisonous? A little worried.】

"Catch it."

The Plant Encyclopedia that Yan Chu had absorbed also introduced the apple tree in front of him. It was indeed the apple he knew, but it seemed to be a variant. The apple tree became taller, and the apples seemed to be taller. However, the remarks in the Plant Encyclopedia still showed that it was non-toxic and edible, which was also why Yan Chu could pick these fruits with confidence.

His action was unexpected to Sheng Xiaoxing. At this time, she was only responsible for receiving apples under the tree.

When they left the camp, they each carried a backpack. Yan Chu estimated their physical strength and other food found later. He picked only ten apples and stopped, then neatly hugged the trunk and slid down from the tree.

Along the way, he made marks. Even if they could not find other food at that time, they could come here again to pick again. The way ahead was unknown. It was not the right thing to carry too much weight.

"There is a record of this fruit tree in 《The Aqua-Blue Star's Demise》. It's said that this fruit was a kind of fruit that every household often ate tens of thousands of years ago. It has high water content, rich nutrition, crisp, fresh, and tasty. It's really a surprise to find it when there is a freshwater shortage."

Thanks to the Plant Encyclopedia, he found a reasonable way to know these plants. Except for a small number of unrecorded plants in books, most of them could be found in the books and historical materials kept by the Federation. Yan Chu's knowledge of these plants would only make others praise him for his profound wisdom at most.

【I'm the librarian of the main star of the Milky Way's first library. The library happens to put together a copy of 《The History of Aqua-Blue Star's Demise》. This book doesn't survive much in the Federation era. I really admire that Yan Chu can name this book】

Librarians were the people who knew the library collection best. This book mentioned by Yan Chu was very unpopular. The Federation had developed for so many years. The Aqua-Blue Star at that time was livable, and other planets did not know that the people there had multiplied for thousands of generations. No one was interested in 《The History of Aqua-Blue Star's Demise》. That book was gathering dust.

"I remember it, there seems to be a special chapter in that book that talks about the fruits that were once the most productive on Aqua-Blue Star, and there are some illustrations on it, but those fruits have disappeared with the demise of Aqua-Blue Star. The apple that the contestant said was exactly the one on the record."

In the federation research laboratory, a respected botanist mused that he had almost forgotten the information he had read. Unexpectedly, that young man remembered it.

【I found out that the apple is indeed one of the species on Aqua-Blue Star. Judging from the shape, it's very similar to the kind of fruit that Yan Chu just found】

【Aaaah, my Yan is so handsome. He actually knows the plants that Sheng Xiaoxing didn't even remember. Where are the people who laughed at our family's Yanyan】

Yan Chu's fans cheered and felt that their idols really gave them a face.

"I just checked the apples on the tree. Many of them have teeth marks of sawtooth animals."

Yan Chu could not see what happened in the live broadcast, but to accumulate the audience's favor and meet the original self's request to win, he still did his best not to make any mistakes in his behavior.

He took a half-bitten apple that he brought down from the tree and handed it to Sheng Xiaoxing's hand.

Anyone who had been in the wild knew that when you were lost in the forest and had no food in your hand, look for the fruits eaten by the forest's natives, which were usually non-toxic.

However, if you encounter poisonous fruits that toxicants like to eat, it only could be said that you were unlucky. Generally speaking, this situation was significantly low.

"Looking at the size and number of tooth marks, it should be an animal like a squirrel, so these fruits should be non-toxic."

Sheng Xiaoxing listened to Yan Chu's entire explanation with starry eyes. Her handsome and cultural idol suddenly became more charming.

"If you encounter such a task that requires climbing a tree later, leave it to me. Your hand is still injured. It will be bad if there is any accidental injury."

She said to Yan Chu with a solemn face. She just said that she protected him, and now she was not even helpful to identify plants. She was really useless if she could not even help Yan Chu with things like picking fruits.


Yan Chu looked at this cute little girl, rubbed her head, and agreed.

Just after climbing the tree and not wiping his hands, Yan Chu realized this, his body was a little stiff, and he took his hands back as if nothing was wrong.

Sheng Xiaoxing did not notice this at all. She was killed by her idol again, so happy.

The subsequent exploration was relatively smooth. Along the way, they did not encounter any dangerous animals or dangerous creatures such as poisonous insects. Instead, they found a lot of edible things one after another.

Sheng Xiaoxing knew some. Some were recorded in the books by the Federation that Yan Chu had confirmed the existence. Even if he said it was a species he knew, Sheng Xiaoxing did not know.

After two or three hours, everyone's bags were half-filled with food or seasonings, some of which Yan Chu had never seen before, but the non-toxic foods introduced in the Plant Encyclopedia.

A kind of fruit called sour thorn, the taste described in the book was similar to the lemon that Yan Chu knew, and now Yan Chu could not help picking two more when the seasoning was scarce.

Compared to the other teams who were helpless and devastated by these plants along the way, Yan Chu and Sheng Xiaoxing were too relaxed.

Especially during the time that other teams picked the fruits that they thought were edible and then planned to bring them back to Sheng Xiaoxing for identification while Yan Chu and Sheng Xiaoxing picked this fruit in the forest and picked more. When that said fruit was not delicious and thrown away, the contrast was too tragic. People could not help but feel sorry for the player next door, faintly wanting to laugh.

【Gu Xihe and the others seem to have picked a lot of fruits that Yan Chu identified as Firethorn】

It was said that after eating that kind of fruit, there would be a lot of blisters on the face, but it was not toxic. Those blisters would subside on their own after four or five days. Thinking about Gu Xixi, who had always been steady and calm, if she ate this kind of fruit, perhaps it would be the first time to see her breaking her persona in the eyes of the public. No girl did not love beauty.

【Stop it. Linda and the others are even worse. Look at the fruits they picked, all identified as poisonous fruits】

The audience on StarNet was very fond of such a situation and could not wait to see what those people looked like after eating poisonous fruit by mistake. Anyway, it seemed that there was no deadly poison yet.

【Yan Chu has never shown such a powerful plant study ability before. Is the difficulty too low previously? I don't want to fight at all】

The fans were complacent, but they did not go to other players' live broadcast rooms to show off for fear of blackening their favorite person.

The species that Yan Chu said but had never heard before were confirmed to be recorded in some remote books one by one, but most of those plants had disappeared in the long history.

He was able to pronounce the names of those plants as soon as he saw them. One could imagine how strong his memory was. At this time, his fans were even more convinced that what he showed before was his actual level. The explosive allegation of the person who claimed to be Yan Chu's team member was not credible.

【As for the live broadcasters who will eat s*** and keyboard, send the room number for everyone to enjoy】

【It's terrific to know a few plants. Do you think it's so easy to survive in the wild? It's only a few days since the competition started, and everything is uncertain】

Some people were stubbornly resisting, firmly believing that Yan Chu could tell off those plants simply by luck. Besides, those plants had been extinct for so long, and there were only some illustrations and descriptions. What if they were just similar.

Those stubborn people were quickly overwhelmed by Yan Chu's fans.

They were busy licking the screen. Even in the wild, Yan Chu was beautiful in prosperous times, and now he had a scholar halo attached to him, which was extraordinary.

【The live broadcast channels of Xu Santong and Ou Yang suddenly went black. I'm worried about whether they are in danger】

While Yan Chu and Sheng Xiaoxing's live broadcast channels were dancing happily, in high spirits, many fans of Xu Santong and Ou Yang's room suddenly appeared. It was rare for the screen to suddenly go black during the live broadcast unless the person himself turned the broadcast off or the machine got damaged.

The situation of the poor signal was almost impossible in today's advanced science and technology, and the first two possibilities meant that Xu Santong and Ou Yang were doing*16doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) things they did not want to be discovered. The other possibility implied that they were under attack. Even the fans of Yan Chu and Sheng Xiaoxing, who were happy, could not help but feel a little worried.

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