I am a Big Villain

Chapter 125: I’m Surviving On A Deserted Island 10

Neither Yan Chu nor Gu Xixi said anything.

Guess was a guess, after all. Even if there were no obstacles, Linda did have the possibility of falling, although it was pretty small.

If the guess was correct, there were other living people on this island. Neither of them knew what they were facing, a gangster who held malice towards them or a group of black-hearted gangsters. They did not know the other party's capabilities and whether their every move at present got closely monitored.

It could not be said, also unmentionable, that was the biggest problem they face now.

According to the current situation, they were uninvited "guests" who insulted others' territory and got despised by the host.

If the guess was correct, the island's owner had no intention of negotiating with them. Otherwise, he would not be secretive and control Ou Yang's previous behavior.

Maybe, it was when Ou Yang and Xu Santong separated for the first time in a while. Perhaps at that time, Ou Yang was already under control, but he did not know it himself. As for Xu Santong, he seemed normal now, but they could not help but be guarded against him.

Yan Chu thought carefully about how the memory given to him by the original self had always been intermittent. In the previous world, the other party was the one who got controlled? So he had no impression of a series of behaviors when being manipulated. However, on the live broadcast screen, the audience saw a series of behaviors he made against other players.

After each player's death, his behavior gradually came to light. It was why he got reviled by everyone.

But Yan Chu still could not figure it out. If it was indeed what he guessed and Gu Xixi could see something wrong with Ou Yang, why couldn't she see something fishy with Yan Chu?

In her previous life, if she got saved in the end, she should have told the Federation about her suspicions and speculations. And if there were really living people on the island, why did he not see it in the original self's memory?

Was it because the original self died before those mysterious people appeared?

How did Gu Xixi survive in the end? If those mysterious people want to keep the secrets of this planet forever, they shouldn't leave Gu Xixi alive even more?

Yan Chu felt that he had almost guessed it, but a layer of fog made him unable to see clearly.

"This island is more dangerous than we thought. We'd better go together later."

Gu Xihe put forward this proposal during dinner in the evening.

"I agree."

Linda and Xu Santong were the first to agree to Gu Xihe's proposal.

Without the prize of one million star coins, they still had the same excellent and nourishing life. There was no need to really fight for their lives.

Especially Linda, who almost died before she realized how precious life was.

David and Sai Daman were a little hesitant. At the beginning of the game, David's popularity was only under Yan Chu and Gu Xihe. David, a proud man with a strong desire to control, had always been dissatisfied with his performance behind others. This time, he came here with high determination. In his opinion, every live broadcast of his was a real shot, and he was no worse than anyone else.

Therefore, Gu Xihe proposed that everyone should act together, which made David feel a little unhappy. In this way, it would be difficult for him to stand out.

But he did not respond. He and Saidaman alone would not be so lucky to meet a companion to save him the next time they encountered a giant python-like beast.

"I agree."

Ou Yang spoke when David and Saidaman hesitated. His teammate was Xu Santong. Now Xu Santong had agreed to act with the large group. If he refused, he would be alone.

With David and Sai Daman, he was not at ease. Those two could not be concerned about Linda, who was also from the Western Federation, let alone Ou Yang. Maybe he might be the best shield for those two people when they were in danger.

David and Sai Daman were the only ones who did not reply now. If they did not speak up at this time, they might really be alone.

Although they were not happy, David and Sai Daman finally agreed, thinking about how to act together as a group and how to highlight themselves, they could not let Yan Chu steal the limelight.

"There is news from Douxiong."

Gu Xixi just returned from the inside of the spacecraft. She wanted to see if the live broadcast platform would send them some news this time.

"News again?"

Gu Xihe was a little strange. Didn't they say that he would not contact them during the competition?

The last time, it was because of Xu Santong and the others who lost contact in the live broadcast room. This time, it could not be because of the lost connection in the live broadcast room. Xu Santong and the others would not be stupid enough to go to the same place that might block the signal.

"This time, not only Xu Santong, but also Ou Yang. For some time, Linda, your live studio is also closed."

Gu Xixi glanced at Yan Chu and spoke.

"It's just that Xu Santong's live broadcast room recovered the fastest, but it's strange that after all of us converged, the signals we received in the same area were the same, but the live broadcast room of the four of us was normal. And Linda, you and the other's live room didn't return to normal until half an hour after leaving the place where we fought the pythons."

"How could this happen?"

David stood up angrily: "Is something wrong with our live broadcast balls? Otherwise, this shouldn't happen?"

Yesterday, when Xu Santong and the others encountered this situation, he gloated for a while, but when it was his turn, it made him a little unbearable.

"So let's follow our plan just now. If your live broadcast balls have problems and so many of us gather together, others' live broadcast balls can still capture your pictures."

Gu Xihe's not as excited about winning the championship as he was at the beginning.

Before, he thought that he would not be able to be compared with that pretty boy Yan Chu. But he found that the other party was not that kind of person at all after these two days of getting along. Especially his action of rushing over to kill the python today made him rise several levels in front of Gu Xihe, and he jumped into the ranks of men he admired.

Gu Xihe thought that if Yan Chu really won the championship, he would also accept wholeheartedly.

"We can only do this."

Knowing that the live broadcast was still on, David said in a muffled voice, holding back his inner dissatisfaction.

"Sister Xixi is really smart and has good medical skills, isn't it, Brother Yan?"

The live broadcast balls turned off when they went to bed at night. Sheng Xiaoxing lay in the sleeping bag, looked at the top of the tent, and spoke to Yan Chu.

Because of the python attack, they stepped up their vigilance. Each group of the original team kept vigil for two and a half hours to prevent the beast's incursion.

Sheng Xiaoxing and Yan Chu got assigned to the third group. She knew that she should close her eyes and go to bed now, but it would be bad for them to doze off when it was their turn to watch the night, and the shortened sleep time would not be adequate for tomorrow's game. But she just tossed and turned and could not fall asleep.

Before, she cleaned her weapon at the seaside. This weapon had just come into close contact with the python's chrysanthemum. No matter how big her heart was, she would not just leave it alone and use it next time.

Halfway through the cleaning, Sheng Xiaoxing was about to ask Yan Chu whether his utility knife needed cleaning when he saw Gu Xixi sitting beside him and bandaging Yan Chu's wound.

The man was handsome, and the woman was beautiful. When sitting together, they look like a painting.

Sheng Xiaoxing felt that she was rather noisy. If she were a man, she would also like a beautiful and generous woman like Sister Xixi.

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became, which was the most truthful portrayal of current Sheng Xiaoxing.

"M-hm, Gu Xixi is a smart girl, and her medical skills are really not bad."

The tent was quiet for a long time until Sheng Xiaoxing wondered if Yan Chu had fallen asleep.

But it was not long since he got into the sleeping bag. How sleepy should Brother Yan be if he could sleep like this?

Did she disturb him? Sheng Xiaoxing felt a little guilty, thinking she should be quieter and stop quarreling with Yan Chu.

Just as she imagined climbing out of her sleeping bag to get some air, Yan Chu, who she thought was asleep, suddenly spoke. The content of the words made Sheng Xiaoxing think she might as well have just fallen asleep.

Sister Xixi was reliable and really good. So she could not be envious, could not be jealous. Those who envy people are bad girls.

Sheng Xiaoxing said this to herself in her heart. The sleeping bag covered her head, but her mouth could not help pouting, and her eyes were wet.

"Anyway, Gu Xixi can't be more good, and a little girl is even better as far as I'm concerned."

Yan Chu's words were not over yet. Sheng Xiaoxing felt she would be about to burst into tears now if she had not been strong.

It was not enough to have one Sister Xixi. In Big Brother Yan's heart, there was a better girl. A better girl than Sister Xixi, which she could not compare with when shooting a spaceship, right?

The little girl felt that her maiden's heart was broken to pieces, and she could not piece it together anymore.

Sure enough, what the senior said was right. Wholehearted star chasing was going to meet shock by chance, particularly when the said idol adoration transformed into another type of feeling. If the idol had a girl he liked, this feeling really did not need to be spoken of.

"That little girl is very adorable. She said she wanted to protect me. Today she did it. There is no more lovely and likable girl than her in my heart."

Yan Chu felt that he really liked Sheng Xiaoxing. She was a pretty simple girl. When you were with her, you did not have to think about too many complex problems, and it was often enough to be happy.

"Is that girl really that good?"

Sheng Xiaoxing said sullenly in the sleeping bag. After all the words were out of her mouth, she realized that the girl Yan Chu was talking about was herself, and she was immediately blushing hard that she could cook herself.

"M-hm, very good."

The night was too quiet, and Yan Chu's answer echoed faintly in the tent.

Sheng Xiaoxing felt that her heartbeat was about to explode.

What did Big Brother Yan mean just now? Was that what she thought?

Aahhh, what a shame!

Sheng Xiaoxing encountered this situation for the first time. She was so happy and confused that she did not dare to ask Yan Chu another question.

"Don't get stuck in your sleeping bag."

Yan Chu watched the little girl drill into the sleeping bag like a little turtle and lightly pushed her head out of the sleeping bag.

"Go to sleep and get up early tomorrow."

Naturally, a kiss fell gently on Sheng Xiaoxing's forehead, then he stroked the little girl's hair, and Yan Chu returned to his position again.

Kiss, Big Brother Yan kissed her!

Sheng Xiaoxing repeated the picture just now in her head, with a hot touch on her forehead. Sheng Xiaoxing thought she was over and now really could not sleep.

But in the end, Sheng Xiaoxing still fell asleep and slept very soundly. Yan Chu didn't even wake her when it was their turn to watch the night.

The pressure of facing the python was still very high, although Sheng Xiaoxing had been strong from beginning to end. But no matter what, she was just a little girl who had not graduated from college. Yan Chu thought she should have a good sleep to relieve her fatigue.

Therefore, Yan Chu came out of the tent alone when handing over the shift with Gu Xixi and Gu Xihe from the second group.

"Xiaoxing is also tired today?"

Gu Xixi had always been expressionless, but her expression was a lot softer unconsciously when she mentioned Sheng Xiaoxing, a cute and innocent little girl.

"M-hm, don't wake her up."

Yan Chu lowered his voice and replied.

When he sat by the fire and was about to take the place of the brother and sister pair to watch the night, the two did not intend to go back to sleep. It seemed that they wanted to say something to Yan Chu.

"Have you thought about where we will go tomorrow?" Gu Xixi asked.


Yan Chu directly picked up the branch on the side. He drew an X on the sand, then wiped the mark off with the sole of his shoe, and put the said branch on the fire.

Gu Xihe did not understand anything. He looked at his sister beside him, and when he saw her clear eyes, he felt calm.

Sure enough, it was better to teach Little Xi the things that use the brain. He merely needed to be responsible for doing*17doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) it himself.

"X" was the mark of Xu Santong and his team. When there was a problem in the two's live broadcast room on the first day, Xu Santong told them not to take the road marked with X on the first day. There was a possibility of hitting a signal-blocking area.

If Xu Santong did not lie, then the two indeed separated in that place for more than an hour, and during this time, Ou Yang had some accidents.

If Xu Santong also lied, it only meant they both had an accident when the live broadcast was disconnected.

What exactly was in that place? Was it because it was a restricted area, and Xu Santong and Ou Yang just met by accident? This question was what Yan Chu considered.

This line was precisely what Gu Xixi thought of. She wanted to visit that place today, but at that time, after weighing the pros and cons, Gu Xixi still chose Xu Santong and others who took the first step before the team fully united.

Now they faced three situations.

First, in the best case, everything was just that they were overthinking, but they were clever but mistaken by cleverness. Linda's trip and fall was just the most common flat trip and fall without those conspiracies.

Second, there were living people on the island, but not many of them, one or several. Because they came to the island by accident like them, they might bear the felony of the Federation, so they were regarded as enemies or invaders.

It was also possible that they were the natives of this planet or descendants of their ancestors who came here very early. They regarded this area as their private domain and wanted to expel or destroy them.

Third, and Gu Xixi's biggest headache, was that there were still a large group of people who were hostile to outsiders like them in their unknown places on this planet. In this way, they could not deal with such a massive group by only relying on the strength of nine of them.

But this possibility was not high. If the other party had such immense power, they did not need to control Ou Yang but should directly kill them after realizing they had come to this planet.

According to Gu Xixi's inference, the second possibility was the highest. But the other two also could not be ignored.

So why did that or that group of unknown enemies choose Ou Yang's group? Was it because they have the lowest strength?


Yan Chu's hand was injured, and his other teammate was a delicate-looking girl. If that person wanted to choose the best team to start with, it should not be Ou Yang and Xu Santong, two strong men.

It was very likely that because they were approaching an area that should not be close, that person or group of people had no way to deal with them first.

This conjecture was Gu Xixi's guess. It was not far from what Yan Chu thought.

The original self's memory had a big problem, but it was ordinary at first.

In the original self's memory, Sheng Xiaoxing was not so close to him. Without the carefully packaged human design in the live broadcast, it was easy to see what kind of person the original self was.

So when the first live broadcast, the current four groups were actually three groups at that time.

In the Western Federation group of three, Sheng Xiaoxing joined Gu Xihe and his sister. They needed someone proficient in plants.

The original self was uninjured, so Xu Santong and Ou Yang accepted him happily that time.

At that time, they also went in that direction, and the memory after that began to be incomplete.

Before realizing that Ou Yang had a problem, Yan Chu never thought about it in this direction. Now with the two combined, the same accident happened. Was there any secret in that location?

Because it was not clear whether they were being monitored or not, the communication between Yan Chu and Gu Xixi was like guessing charades. Gu Xihe listened to his sister's incomprehensible words. He could not understand what Yan Chu said, and his head was about to explode. After exchanging their experiences, the two people let him, a man whose brain was not very good, go.

"Sister, don't look for a brother-in-law so smart in the future."

When he returned to the tent, Gu Xihe pleaded with his sister. If his brother-in-law was too intelligent and the two of them were at home talking incomprehensible words together, he, the older brother, would not be alive.

"Don't worry. I like stupid men."

Gu Xixi glanced at her older brother, it was enough to have her as a smart woman at home, and it was too tiring to fall in love with an equally intelligent man.

Gu Xihe breathed a sigh of relief. His younger sister was indeed good.

The next morning, everyone was ready, turned on the live broadcast ball, and started the live broadcast again.

【Do you think Xiaoxing is weird today? Why didn't she follow Yan Chu but run to Gu Xixi instead?】

【Nonsense, can you get along with a man who makes you burst chrysanthemum without problems?】

The audience dumped a burst_chrysanthemum_girl.jpg that became popular on the Internet yesterday and responded well to the netizen's questions.

【Not to mention, the aloof imperial big sister with the fresh and pure lolita is true love. Xiaoxing finally gets back on the right path. She obediently followed Gu Xixi. Yan Chu is everyone's, muahahaha】

The audience laughed and joked. No one took Sheng Xiaoxing's abnormal behavior to heart. Women were fickle, so it was not allowed for Xiaoxing not to want to follow Yan Chu today. Just like this, no one was blocking Yan Chu's 360-degree beauty.

Licked the screen, licked the screen.

The topic suddenly went awry, and no one discussed the issue anymore.

Part of the audience prayed silently, hoping that today's live broadcast would be smooth sailing and that the same thing as yesterday would not happen again. There are also many elderly watching the live broadcast. They were too excited, and their hearts could not stand it.

"This way?"

Xu Santong looked in the direction Yan Chu had pointed and hesitated.

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