I am a Big Villain

Chapter 129: The Stallion Male Who Had Seized The Opportunity 1

Okay, here I'm feeling stupid for can't translating this chapter after some sudden emergency IRL matters, and didn't realize 3 weeks had passed ORZ

So, if I'm dissapearing again without any sign/news, it's either from fallen sick or IRL emergency ORZ

There was a style of writing that had been popular for some time. When Yan Chu was a child, and in the second phase of his life, which was very rare and very short, he once read several novels regarded as classics in this writing under the instigation of friends. But without exception, after the protagonist's youthful period at first, Yan Chu was pushed back by the protagonist's king hegemony, who could be in love at any time, anywhere, and never lost his golden spear.

That's right. There was a general term for that kind of writing, and that was a stallion story.

Two were too little, three were not too much, four or five were the normal standard, and six and above were masculine.

From the cute childhood friend to the hot and attractive young female cop, from the frosty wealthy young lady to the savage and unruly underworld daughter, there were only things you were hard to imagine, and no one the protagonist could not get.

In these stories, without exception, those outstanding women were dormant by the spirit of the male protagonist. It was clear that every one of them was a woman who did not lack suitors, but they were willing to give up their self-esteem and serve a husband together, behaving like sisters to let their man work hard outside without worries.

These women had a unified advantage, which was not jealous and generous in choosing other excellent women for the male protagonist. These women, including their sisters and good friends, somewhat made one think of "wtf!" and mother-daughter served one husband together.

Yan Chu would be stunned whenever he saw this kind of plot. And then silently closed the novel in his hand, vowing never to touch this type of story again.

From the standpoint of being a fellow man, Yan Chu thought this was just the self-indulgence of men since they could not get any of the unique and perfect women in the book in real life.

The story's ending was often that the male protagonist stood at the top of the world he was in, broke through the void a little bit, took many beauties directly to other higher planes, and then left behind his legend in the world where he lived.

Yan Chu thought that these stories should only exist in his ignorant adolescence. Unexpectedly, this time the mission world was facing such a stallion man.

The other party was not only the body he lived in this time but also the wisher of this mission.

"I don't understand, do you understand?

The original self had thick eyebrows and big eyes and looked like a remarkably spirited boy who was very popular with the elders. At this time, he stood in front of Yan Chu with a frown and looked at him with doubt.

When Yan Chu was about to respond to his question, the original self had already answered the question to himself.

"How can you understand? After all, you have never reached my level."

The original self looked up at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees. Why did Yan "Gary Stu" Chu end up like that? Everything was so perfect. Everyone admired him, he enjoyed the wealth that everyone in the world could not reach, so many women cried out to get into his bed, saying they would like to be a cat, a dog, or a piece of grass beside him regardless of their status.

Obviously, those feelings were so sincere at the beginning. Why did they become so vulgar and unreasonable after having children?

This thought was because he thought he gave more money to other women. It was because he helped another woman to clear up the relationship with the upper class. Even the most thoughtful person, his childhood sweetheart, who grew up with him since childhood, moved out of his luxurious villa covering thousands of square meters and proposed to divorce him.

Everyone was chattering in his ears as if the former sisterhood was an illusion.

"Executor, how many women do you have when you carry out your missions in each world? It should be convenient for executors like you."

The original self asked Yan Chu curiously with a disheartened face.

"No, I am a firm monogamist. If I marry a wife in that world, I must guarantee my loyalty to the marriage."

Yan Chu said stiffly.

"Tsk tsk, you don't know how to have pleasure. Every woman in this world has her characteristics. Gentle, cunning, unruly, and naively adorable, there's only one woman for each. Don't you feel that you have lived down to the miraculous ability given by God?"

The original self did not understand Yan Chu's behavior. In his opinion, every man with some ability had three wives and four concubines. The law did not allow him to marry a wife and raise a group of lovers outside. This act was the behavior of normal men.

Those serious-looking men on the surface, who knew whether they were playing more than most men in private? It was uncertain who was better than who.

The original self curled his lips and decided that Yan Chu was a hypocrite who looked good on the surface.

Thinking that such a man would take over his future business empire, wealth, and women, the original self was a little unhappy.

You said it would be great if he could change the course of events and return to start over again. He had not had enough happy days in his previous life. If someone were to replace him, it would not be him who would enjoy it.

【The contract has been signed and cannot be rescinded, and the defaulter will immediately lose his soul】

When the original self was shrinking back, such a message suddenly came out of his mind. Except for himself, Yan Chu did not hear it. In Yan Chu's sight, the client of this mission began to lose his mind again.

It was a delusion to let women who received modern education do what women who received three wives and four concubines and female education from childhood in ancient times could not do. Such men were mentally ill.

If you believe those women were trying to use your money, forget about it, but this one still thought it was true love. He divided his true love into dozens of parts but tried futilely to be loved completely by women. This thinking was more moronic than cerebral palsy.

The original body was taken aback by the warning that suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt a little regretful that he had signed those contracts on the spur of the moment. Now that he thought about it, he still could have been reincarnated. It's alright to ask this hypocrite to help him fulfill his unfulfilled desire and to contribute his soul. If he did not ask the other party to help him achieve his wish, he would be scared out of his wits. Anyway, he would die if he became a ghost.

In truth, when he thought about it carefully, the reincarnated him had no memory of this life. Strictly speaking, he was not him anymore. The original self struggled for a while, thinking that since it was all the same ending, it would be better to ask this hypocrite to help him. Otherwise, he was always a bit unwilling.

"I'm asking, the first one, after you become me, take good care of my parents for me, and this time, you can't let Bai Ling divorce me again. She was supposed to be my wife for the rest of my life. What if she ran away halfway?"

The original self put forward his first request, and he was also brooding about it.

He and Bai Ling had been married since their little fingertips. In his opinion, Bai Ling was his property. Even though he had many women around him, Bai Ling was what he valued the most. At least he never let other women put her face off. In the original self's view, this was a great effort.

Therefore, after giving Bai Ling the status of his legally recognized wife, the other party unexpectedly filed for divorce. It was not only a blow to his face but also a severe blow to his soul, which made the insufferably arrogant original self unable to accept this matter.

"Second, I want all those women to get along peacefully and not be jealous."

He was angry because those women were jealous. In addition, Bai Ling suddenly proposed to divorce him. He drank wine and was upset. He killed himself in a car accident.

The original self thought was if Bai Ling did not mention divorce this time, those women would not be jealous, and he would not die.

He was a little annoyed. The aristocratic families behind his women were not easy to deal with. Although Bai Ling was the wife he officially wed and the most prominent successor to his property jurally, he and those women had many children. With the power behind them, he did not know how much money Bai Ling and his parents could have.

Although he was emotionally a scum or a piece of s***, he had to admit that the other party was still very filial to his parents. Even now, he was most worried about his parents.

If it were not for this, he would preferably be driven to death by his paranoia and selfishness than let Yan Chu enjoy his supposedly glorious life.

"Are you sure it's these two requests?"

Yan Chu asked with a frown.

"Why? Not happy?"

The original self sniffed, "Everyone is a man. Who doesn't know who he is? I haven't been wronged yet. Don't be a cheapskate, be good."

He bared his teeth. What he hated the most were these hypocritical men. Just looking at them made people sick to their stomachs.

"No change?"

Yan Chu asked again with emphasis.

"No change. You don't want me to change it?"

The original self looked at Yan Chu warily. He had already used his soul as a price, but he would not help him to realize such a wish. Was this a daylight robbery?

After emphasizing it again, the original self could not wait to disappear, and he was afraid Yan Chu would bother him again.

Yan Chu was sure this time that the success of stallions was usually 100% related to their adventures because they could not do anything with their brains.

The second mission put forward by the other side was to let the women he once lived with to get along peacefully and not be jealous.

Without any prefixes, this was a satisfactory treaty in any contract.

Without the same man, why would they be jealous? If there was no conflict of interests and no intersection, how could there be no peace?

When Yan Chu saw the virtue of the mission wisher, he was genuinely afraid that he would make him help to complete the great cause of the harem. If so, he would rather have the system directly judge that his mission failed and imprison him for decades.

Now it seemed that while the wisher was stupid, he was actually quite good.

"This is the mission world I especially found for you. It is the compensation for my accident in the previous world. You should take a vacation and relax."

007 appeared in Yan Chu's mind to express his achievements. It was actually a very reliable system, which was different from other unreliable garbage hosts.

"Ha ha."

Yan Chu kept smiling. He did not make any comments until he found out about that world.

"Yan Chu, get up quickly and go to set up the stall with Dad later."

Yan Chu, who was immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge to accept the memory, opened his eyes and pretended to be sleepy. If he remembered correctly, the original self's fortuitous meeting was today.

The original self's home was in a somewhat old building. It was a collective dormitory that used to be the employees of the machinery factory. During the housing reform, it got sold to senior employees.

The original self's parents worked in the machinery factory for over 20 years. They pooled money to buy the small house where they lived. Its cost exceeded 20,000 yuan for more than 60 square meters. In the 1990s, it was also a large amount. Therefore, they borrowed a lot of money from their relatives and only paid it off a few years ago.

After the closure of the machinery factory, the original self's parents were also laid off. Without any skill in a specialized area, they set up stalls to sell breakfast, barely able to cope with the family expenses.

This old public housing was awfully shabby, and the family conditions were pretty good. Almost all of them had moved away from here. The Yan family had no money and had lived here ever since.

There was gossip that this area would get demolished soon, but the demolition rumor had been rumored for several years, and there was no time for implementation.

The original self was now a high school student. Each time he was on vacation, he would help his parents set up a stall to sell breakfast. At this point, he was not delicate, nor did he feel ashamed of it.

One had to grab the booth early if one wanted to sell breakfast. Usually, Father and Mother Yan had everything ready by four o'clock and must have arrived at Yan's family's fixed stall before five o'clock.

According to the experience of the original self in Yan Chu's memory, the breakfast sold by Yan's family was good enough. After the pedestrian rush hour, he began to stroll around the old alley.

He remembered the stall that sold the original self's treasure… seemed to be outside an antique shop… The seller was an old man.

Yan Chu walked over according to his memory. Then he looked at a man in a suit and leather shoes, with an extraordinary temperament passing him. It seemed that he had just come from the stall he had found.

At first, Yan Chu did not pay too much attention to that person, but when he did not find the cheap jade pendant in the original self's memory, he asked the old man curiously, only to find out that the man who had just passed by him had bought the jade pendant.

Vacation, haha

Relax, haha

Garbage system.

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